Conference Blog

GOP Blog Archives for March 2009

March 11, 2009
Spends Too Much: Conaway Scolds the Stimulus

"How can you, with a straight that a fiscally respsonible budget?" says Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11) of President Obama's irresponsible budgeting plan over the next ten years.

March 11, 2009
Congress and Senate Unite

In an infrequent partnership, Republican Congressmen and Senators have joined forces to promote conservative budgeting principles. For the next several weeks, both chambers will come out against President Obama's outrageous overspending campaign.

March 12, 2009
Holding Them Accountable

It's easy to hear the hypocrisy in the Democratic agenda for the economy. We are making it easy to see as well, by providing revealing charts that document the destruction. The graphs displayed on a new Policy Watch website -- part of -- clearly display the major budget imbalance, massive job loss and incredible fiscal irresponsibility that has taken place in the past three months. Check out the site to view these charts and read articles that back up their information. 

March 12, 2009
Pence: "Sacrifices are being made everywhere but Washington, D.C."

On the House floor today, Rep. Mike Pence continued the Republican message that the federal goverment "spends too much, borrows too much and taxes too much." His statement lends to the growing support for this message, including conservative Democrats concerned with their Party's massive spending. Pence's statement today:

March 13, 2009
Extending E-Verify

Illegal immigration has been off the radar as of late. But Rep. Steve King (Iowa-05) recently encouraged a long-term extension of E-Verify, a program which makes it easier for employers to know that their workers are legally authorized. King is the highest ranking Republican on the House Immigrations Subcommitee and holds a vested interest in the program. A six-month extension of E-Verify was included in the omnibus bill passed this week but a late Senate vote blocked E-Verify from continuing for five more years.

March 16, 2009
Cantor Appears on "Meet the Press"

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor appeared on "Meet the Press" yesterday to discuss the budget. He reiterated the Republican message that the current budget spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much. Cantor noted that Democrats have failed to hear Republcan alternatives.

March 16, 2009
Let the Sunshine In

In the middle of a tumultuous budget battle and a recently passed omnibus with nearly 9,000 earmarks, Sunshine Week comes an at appropriate time. The week is an effort by government transparency supporters to encourage openness and enhance discussion. Several organizations are hosting events this week and the site boasts an impressive list of participants from around the country. Though media outlets are doing their part, regular citizens are simply encouraged to talk. Says the website:

March 13, 2009
Nunes Takes on the Spending

Rep. Devin Nunes (CA-21) recently launched a video reminding Americans that Republican cries against budget decisions have been ignored.

March 13, 2009
Your Story, Your Life

It's easy to forget what brings politicians to Washington, DC. Most will tell you that the constituents in their districts motivate them politically. In "Stories from the Heartland," a new section on, we let the people tell their own stories. In a simple feedback form, users can tell us their story. Select stories are published online. 

March 17, 2009
Rep. Bishop and Rep. King Speak Out

Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-01) recently penned an op/ed on his "No Cost Stiumulus Act of 2009." While Democrats continually claim Republicans offer no alternatives, Bishop and Sen. David Vitter (LA) have announced a plan:

March 17, 2009
A False Sense of Confidence

If we are to base anything on what White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says, the Administration doesn't know where the tens of billions of federal dollars that went to AIG last year went. When ABC's Jake Tapper asked Gibbs if the Administration knew, Gibbs needed him to repeat the question and then paused several seconds before answering "yes." The delivery, however, was unconvincing.

March 18, 2009
President Obama Promises Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necesarily skyrocket...because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, natural gas -- you name it, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money they will pass that money on to consumers. If you can't persuade the American people that yes, there is going to be some increase in electricity rates in the front end..and that over the long term -- because of combinations of more efficient energy usage and changing lightbulbs and more efficient appliances but also technology improving how we can produce clean energy, that the economy will benefit ....if we can't make that argument persuasively can be Lyndon Johnson, the master of Washington -- your not going to get that done."

March 18, 2009
AIG: An Outrage

House Republicans are outraged. They are outraged about bailouts. They are outraged about massive overspending. They are outraged about AIG. Leader John Boehner says the American people are "rightly outraged" that their tax money is paying the bonuses of those who lead the economy to this mess.

March 18, 2009
Biggert: "We Want the Money Back"

"Let me be clear: We want the money back," says Congresswoman Judy Biggert. "AIG should return the money with or without the bonuses."

March 18, 2009
Rep. Foxx Demands Answer From AIG Apologist

During a floor debate on the GIFT Act (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act), Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) took it to Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (OH) for Kilroy’s vote to block consideration of a bill to require Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to recoup the AIG bonuses.

In an inflammatory exchange, Foxx grilled Kilroy about why she did not “stand up and serve her constituents” and stop the bonus payments “on behalf of the American taxpayer.” When Kilroy continued avoiding the question and making excuses, Foxx interrupted in attempt to force an answer. She was never able to do so. Watch the exchange here.

Foxx Exit Quote: “It is my belief, that this is the time and place for this debate. It is the time and place for there to be accountability and responsibility. We’ve heard those words over and over and over from the other side and the President…its time that the other side decide to live up to their responsibility and their accountability.“

March 19, 2009
Quotes Reveal Prior AIG Knowledge

While the Obama Administration continues to insist that they did not know of the AIG bonuses until just recently, Democrats from all over the board are making it clear that this is untrue. After Sen. Chris Dodd admitted he added the loophole to permit the bonuses, Republicans have dominated the scene on this issue. Since then, others have come forth with revealing information. Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence shared the following quotes this morning on the House floor:

March 19, 2009
Helping the Self Employed

Rep. Dave Reichert (WA) and Wally Herger (CA) know that the self-employed make up a large chunk of American workers. That's why the men have come together on a bipartisan bill to promote tax fairness for these individuals. An unfair tax on health insurance premiums exists and the new legislation would help close to 21 million Americans nationwide.

March 19, 2009
American People Deserve Their Money Back

House Republican Cbairman Mike Pence is fired up about the Democrats' corruption regarding the AIG bonuses. Today on the House floor, Pence had this to say:

March 19, 2009
Pence: "Americans Have a Right to Know Who Changed the Language"

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC today to comment on AIG bonuses and question the provision that allowed them in the recently signed stimulus bill. The 1,100 page document was criticized by Republicans for its length and the little time allotted for politicians to read it thoroughly. Since it was reported that AIG big wigs received $165 million in bonuses, after the company was given massive amounts of federal government bailout money, outrage has ensued in Washington and around the country.

March 19, 2009
AIG Taxes Passed Today

The House today passed legislation that will impose a 90% income tax on the massive bonuses given to workers at AIG. The $165 million bonuses have been the source of major disturbance in Washington this week, as legislators wondered how a provision to permit the bonuses was allowed to pass in the stimulus bill. AIG was given a huge chunk of bailout money last year, which is the reason so many are in uproar. The bailouts were taxpayer funded and therefore, so were the bonuses.

March 16, 2009
New Bill Aims to Keep Guantanamo Prisoners Off U.S. Soil

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03) today released a statement criticizing President Obama's executive order to close Guatanamo Bay without a clear plan for the future of current prisoners.

March 19, 2009
King Calls for Obama to Withdraw Nomination of OLC Head

Continuing a pattern of questionable appointees, President Obama's nomination of Dawn Johnson to the head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel is now being criticized by Rep. Steve King (Iowa.)

March 20, 2009
Dreamy Eyed Democrats: Greatest Hits

Video is powerful. Most people don't sit around watching C-SPAN2 all day but guess what? Everything that happens on the House floor is on camera and we've done the work for you. Earlier this year, Democrats spoke of their trust and faith in President Obama and the Democrat Administration. They indulged in the promises of fiscal responsibility and transparency like you've never seen. Days later, their words immortalized on film, those promises bit the dust. In a priceless compilation, brought to you by, here is "Democrats' False Hope for Change."

March 20, 2009
Your Members on the Move

Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) has been stirring the pot lately, with her explosive House floor ventures and determined messages on fiscal responsibility. She made her first appearance today on Right Wing News, ready as usual, to tell it like it is:

March 23, 2009
Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind of Republicans' leading anti-earmark crusader.

March 23, 2009
Republicans' Budget Alternative

House Republicans want you to know there is a better way and we've got an alternative plan that is almost complete. Here is House Leader John Boehner discussing an alternative with core priniciples for longterm success:

March 23, 2009
Rep. Ryan Teams Up With Cato

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), the ranking Member on the Budget Committee, has been hard at work drafting Republican budget alternatives but he's not too busy to collaborate with the Cato Institute for an economic message. On Tuesday, March 31, Ryan will join Senior Cato Fellows Chris Edwards and Michael Tanner on Capitol Hill for a briefing entitled "Obama's Blueprint for Growing the Welfare State." 

March 23, 2009
Get Rid of Ineffective Education Programs With Howard "Buck" McKeon

After a Democrat Administration passed an omnibus bill with language to eliminate a vital school choice program, swiping vouchers from families who needed them, Republicans are more concerned than ever about education.They are especially concerned because of the massive spending in all areas of government since Barack Obama took office.

March 24, 2009
Republicans: This Budget Doesn't Cut It

At the weekly Republican Leadership Press Conference today, Leader John Boehner (OH), Whip Eric Cantor (VA), Conference Chairman Mike Pence (IN), Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Budget Ranking Member Paul Ryan (WI) and Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) spoke to the continuing battle against the bloated budget. Here are a few key lines from that address:

March 24, 2009
What to Expect From President Obama Tonight

Democrats like to say Republicans don't have solutions, but that is false. The House Republican Conference is asking, "Who will be the President's straw man tonight?" during his address to the nation. While President Obama has said many people  "just believe that we should do nothing," he ignored Republican alternatives that "created twice the jobs at half the cost," according to House Leader John Boehner. In our latest "Conference Call," we document the President's habit of using the Republican Party as a straw man for his economic arguments to spend more taxpayer money. As we have said before on, "Republicans call for a budget that protects jobs, lowers taxes, provides universal access to affordable healthcare and ends taxpayer bailouts"

March 24, 2009
Budget Myths: $2.3 Trillion Off

House Whip Eric Cantor's office has done a great job compiling facts for Republicans to lean on as America's economic turmoil continues. This week, they've called out the Democrats for a dishonest asessment that the Democrats' plan will "half" the deficit in four years. Most notably, they report that the Democrats' projections are $2.3 trillion lower than what the budget will be in reality. They also point out that the current budget adds $9.3 trillion to the national debt, which begins a pattern of "unprecedented borrowing."

March 25, 2009
Distortions From Last Night

House Leader John Boehner's office was quick to break down President Obama's address to the nation last night. After the speech, they expressed several points of contention. During the speech, Obama perpetuated the myth that Republicans have offered no alternatives for the budget and asserted that increased taxes on charitable giving will have no significant impact. In fact, Boehner has released a video expressing alternative ideas and philanthropic leaders have noted the harm such a tax policy could have on charitable giving.

March 25, 2009
Lummis Will Live Twitter Today's Budget Debate

More and more House Republicans are using Twitter to their advantage. Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) will do just that today when she live tweets the budget debate on the House floor starting at 2 p.m.

March 25, 2009
Taking on the Budget

Earlier today, Republican leaders met to discuss the budget and present real economic alternatives to the massive government spending of the Democrats.

March 25, 2009
McCotter, King and McMorris Rodgers Engage Bloggers

We had a great conference call today with Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI), Rep. Steve King (IO) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA). No matter how busy our members get, they are always delighted and impassioned to speak with bloggers who are attempting to the get the message out in their communities.

March 26, 2009
Real Alternatives for Real Change

republican road to recoveryToday marks the unveiling of the "Republican Road to Recovery" for America's hurting economy. House Republicans will hold a press conference today to announce alternatives to President Barack Obama's overspending policies.

Democrats have recently painted Republicans as "the Party of no" but House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence begs to differ: “Welcome to the next installment of the party of yes: yes to better solutions. Yes to alternatives that will resonate with millions of Americans because they are grounded in the timeless values of personal responsibility."

Politico reports there are several chapters to the "Recovery" plan, each divided into labeled sections to reflect specific steps toward economic relief. Like Pence, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor repeated that Republicans "are here to say yes."

Ranking member on the Budget Committee Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) yesterday urged Blue Dog Democrats to join Republicans in their new plan to recovery.

"Do you really want all this governemnt? Do you want your fingerprints on this massive, unprecedented growth in our national debt?" he asked Democrats yesterday during the budget hearing. "You hold the cards. You hold the votes that can make the diifference in this. You can stop this. I'm asking you, join us to stop this fiscal train wreck."

"The Republican Road to Recovery" promises to limit the federal budget from growing too fast, provide univesal access to health care, lower taxes, create jobs, and end bailouts, among other lofty promises. Join House Republicans in supporting real change in economic reform.

We will have reports and updates from the press conference this afternoon.

March 27, 2009
Manzullo Confronts Geithner

Rep. Donald Manzullo (IL) told Treasury Secretary TImothy Geithner that his financial plan was "radical," forcing Geithner to defend himself. The Geithner plan would massively expand federal government power and increase regulation on financial markets, causing much concern to free market conservatives.

March 26, 2009
The Road to Recovery Begins Here

House Republicans today released the "Republican Road to Recovery," an 18-page booklet specificying the steps they will take to find economic prosperity again. The press conference unveiled a long awaited plan from Budget Committee leadership.

March 26, 2009
Automatic Pay Raises Must End

Guest blog post by Rep. Gresham Barrett (SC)

This past year, I gave my bonus to Anderson Interfaith Ministries, a local faith-based organization that provides assistance to those in need. I did this because I don’t think we earned the additional money, and I will continue to give any additional pay increases to local charities until the automatic pay raise provision is stopped.

Ending automatic pay raises is something I’ve being working hard to do. Last year I introduced legislation to stop automatic congressional pay raises, but House Democrats blocked my proposal. So, I reintroduced an updated version of the bill again this year, but the House Democrats have refused to bring my bill to the floor for a vote. This is unfortunate, especially since the Senate unanimously passed a similar piece of legislation on March 17th.

Taking that a step further, I think it only makes sense that in a year when there is no projection for a balanced budget and when Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all projected to go broke, that members of Congress should automatically be paid one dollar. These massive government programs are unsustainable yet Congress has failed to act and failed to offer a real solution, leaving behind what everyone agrees is a disaster for others to clean up.

March 18, 2009
The White House Website of "No"

House Republican Leader John Boehner, in a Twitter post today, wonders why the White House YouTube channel does not allow comments or responses.

March 25, 2009
The Budget Battle Begins

This morning, Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) presented an opening statement at the House Budget Committee Markup of the fiscal year 2010 budget.

March 25, 2009
Broun Unveils A New Look

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) unveiled and new and improved website today. The well organized, user-friendlly site is colorful and easy to navigate, offering constituents a reliable way to interact with their representative. Broun's YouTube videos are prominently displayed on the front page with links to his personal blog and contact information. You can also access personal photographs and biographical information

March 31, 2009
Employee Free Choice Act Opinions

Politico today featured pleasantly balanced coverage of the Employee Free Choice Act debate, which has dominated political arguments in recent days. House Republican Leader John Boehner made it clear that the "GOP won't compromise" on this measure and said "this will be a long fight, but House Republicans will continue to stand up for American workers and fight attempts by powerful special interests to eliminate the secret ballot."

March 27, 2009
The True Cost of Our Rising Deficit

Guest blog post by Rep. Frank Lucas (OK)
According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the President’s budget proposal for 2010 will produce a $9.3 trillion addition to our current deficit over the next ten years. To pay for this, the federal government sells U.S. Treasury bonds and bills to people, companies, even foreign countries.  As the United States deficit grows, however, our need for additional borrowed money grows.  Unfortunately, our two largest customers- Asian markets and Middle Eastern countries- have also been experiencing a market decline and falling oil prices, decreasing their ability to purchase these bonds and bills.  Even more importantly, as our national debt continues to grow, investors will be less enticed to purchase bonds and bills backed by a government that seems intent on wracking up debt without paying it off.
All of this leads to one clear fact: sometime soon, the federal government will be forced to increase the interest rate on Treasury bonds and bills.  In turn, our borrowing cost will increase significantly, raising our overall national debt.  Even more important, raising the interest rate of Treasury bonds will force other lenders to raise their interest rates on variable loans and new loans, increasing the cost to do business across the board.  And- as we all saw with the negative affects of the increased business cost on energy companies last summer- any increase in the cost to do business is passed on to American consumers in the form of increased prices.
As we continue to discuss the President’s budget proposal for 2010, we must remind ourselves of the true cost of our mounting deficit.  In addition to burdening our children and grandchildren with the debts of our poor choices, we could potentially be worsening our already fragile economy. Instead of continuing to borrow our way out of our current financial problems, we must now- more than ever- focus on fiscal discipline.

March 20, 2009
President Obama's Gaffe

Amid criticism for straying off task, President Barack Obama appeared last night on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. In a slip of speech, he joked that his bowling was so bad it was "like the Special Olympics." Since the gaffe, the White House has issued an apology and Obama has received criticism across the board.

March 20, 2009
Congressional Republicans Soar in YouTube Popularity

House Republicans are dominating the YouTube scene, according to a Washington Times article today. Inflammatory videos, like the highly viewed clip of House MInority Leader John Boehner slamming down the the 1,100 page stimulus bill, contribute the GOP's popularity.

March 11, 2009
The Veto That Should Have Been

After numerous Republican calls for a veto of the $410 billion dollar omnibus spending bill, President Obama will sign the bill into legislation today. Reports of a possible second stimulus are already in the works to the dismay of most Republicans and many conservative Democrats.

March 13, 2009
The Facts Are On Our Side

Republicans have a few big things on their side when it comes to the economy: the facts. These include statistics proving record breaking job loss, a historic budget imbalance and a deficit forecasted at $10.99 trillion by 2012. The recently passed stimulus and omnibus packages have contributed to these disasterous circumstances.

March 30, 2009
House and Senate Republicans Unite This Week

In a continuing pattern of bi-cameral cooperation, House and Senate Republicans will join Wednesday for a conference meeting to speak on President Obama's budget. The agenda, which will be voted on later this week, faces decreasing support from the American public due to massive spending that is estimated to double the national debt within 10 years.

March 18, 2009
Grassroots Action: Obama v. Tea Parties

Senate Republicans today highlighted the differences in President Obama's grassroots effort to rally support for his massive spending and the real grassroots action demonstrated by citizens in the tea party movement. The major difference is this: the tea party movement was started and powerd by ordinary people who were angry about spending. Tea party participants didn't need a politician to lead them and in fact, most political leaders have said little about it.

March 23, 2009
Republicans Request Obama Take Back Nomination of Dawn Johnson

At least 45 House Republicans have co-signed a letter to President Barack Obama in opposition to his nomination of Dawn Johnson for the head of the Office of Legal Counsel.

March 25, 2009
What Your Members Are Up To

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) plans to introduce a resolution that will designate a nuclear-powered airfcraft carrier of the Navy to former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Goldwater's service to the country as a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II could be honored in this way.

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