FlagCoolidgeSm2 Governor's Proclamation on April 8, 1998



WHEREAS, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as President of the United States by his father, Colonel John Coolidge, at 2:47 a.m. on August 3, 1923, at the Coolidge Homestead in Plymouth Notch, Vermont; and

WHEREAS, the 75th anniversary of that event, long known as the Homestead Inaugural, will be observed at Plymouth Notch, and in Boston, Massachusetts, in the summer of 1998; and

WHEREAS, Calvin Coolidge was born and raised, and lies to rest, in Plymouth Notch; and

WHEREAS, Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, became Vice President under President Warren G. Harding; and

WHEREAS, Calvin Coolidge was vacationing at the Homestead in Plymouth Notch the night that Harding died and Coolidge was given the presidential oath by his father, a notary public, in the parlor of the Coolidge Homestead; and

WHEREAS, Calvin Coolidge thus became the nation's thirtieth president; and

WHEREAS, the Kennedy Library will hold a conference on Calvin Coolidge in Boston on July 30-31, 1998, and the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation and the State of Vermont will hold a gala reenactment of the Homestead Inaugural at Plymouth Notch on August 1-3, 1998; and

WHEREAS, the Coolidge Homestead Inaugural has come to personify the still bright promise of the American Dream;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Howard Dean, Governor, do hereby proclaim 1998 as THE YEAR OF CALVIN COOLIDGE in Vermont, Calvin Coolidge's native state and a state which he deeply loved.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont this 8th day of April, A.D. 1998.
Howard Dean, M.D.


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