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Research Project: Preparation, Properties, and Commercial Applications of Starch-Lipid Compositions Prepared by Steam Jet Cooking

Location: Cereal Products and Food Science Research

Title: Particle Size Characterization of Starch-Lipid Composites


Submitted to: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: November 27, 2007
Publication Date: June 9, 2008
Citation: Singh, M. 2008. Particle size characterization of starch-lipid composites. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 32(3):404-415.

Interpretive Summary: FanteskTM is a patented technology of our research unit. FanteskTM can be prepared using different combinations of starches and lipids. There are many food and non-food uses of FanteskTM. The literature has shown that particle size of ingredients can affect the quality characteristics of the end product. In this study we prepared twenty one FanteskTM samples using three different starches (Waxy, Dent and High-amylose), two types of lipid (Butter and Canola oil), and three levels of each lipid (0, 10, 20, 30 g/100g). The particle size of the FanteskTM samples was characterized using standard procedures. It was found that starch types and the amount of lipid added had a significant affect on the particle size of the resulting FanteskTM. These basic studies will enable us to tailor FanteskTM products for end-use applications in foods.

Technical Abstract: Starch-lipid composites (SLCs) have been used as fat replacers and stabilizers in beef patties, dairy products, and baked goods and the technology has been patented under the trademark FanteskTM. The SLCs are produced by mixing aqueous starch slurry with a lipid source, and steam jet-cooking. The SLCs may be dried using a drum drier and then milled in a Retch mill. Particle-size distribution of SLCs may affect the functional characteristics and textural properties of the end products. In this work, particle size distribution of three starches and eighteen SLCs after they were processed through steam jet cooker, drum dried, and milled was studied. Particle size distributions of the dried and milled SLCs differed significantly from that of the cooked starches. The starch type had a significant influence on the particle size characteristics of SLC, with distinct differences between waxy and high amylose starches. Waxy SLCs tended to have smaller mean particles size but with a broad distribution, while high amylose SLCs had bigger geometric mean diameter and smaller particle size coefficient.


Project Team
Felker, Frederick
Singh, Mukti
Liu, Sean
Kenar, James - Jim
Byars, Jeffrey
Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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