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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Michael Bowman
Michael Cotta
Bruce Dien
Ronald Hector
Loren Iten
Douglas Jordan
Jeffrey Mertens
Nancy Nichols
Nasib Qureshi
Nasib Qureshi
Badal Saha
Cheryl Spence
Terence Whitehead

Jeffrey A Mertens
Fermentation Biotechnology Research
Research Molecular Biologist

Phone: (309) 681-6086
Fax: (309) 681-6427
Room 2127A
PEORIA, IL, 61604

Industrially Robust Enzymes and Microorganisms for Production of Sugars and Ethanol from Agricultural Biomass
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 408893
Characterization and Analysis of Lygus Polygalacturonase Interactions
Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 410961

Inhibition of Rhizopus lactate dehydrogenase by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (17-Oct-08)
Identification, biochemical characterization, and evolution of the Rhizopus oryzae 99-880 polygalacturonase gene family - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mertens, J.A., Burdick, R.C., Rooney, A.P. 2008. Identification, biochemical characterization, and evolution of the Rhizopus oryzae 99-880 polygalacturonase gene family. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 45(12):1616-1624.
Aminoalcohols as probes of the two-subsite active site of Beta-D-xylosidase from Selenomonas ruminantium - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jordan, D.B., Mertens, J.A., Braker, J.D. 2009. Aminoalcohols as probes of the two-subsite active site of Beta-D-xylosidase from Selenomonas ruminantium. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1794(1):144-158.
Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain for improved xylose utilization with a three-plasmid SUMO yeast expression system - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hughes, S.R., Sterner, D.E., Bischoff, K.M., Hector, R.E., Dowd, P.F., Qureshi, N., Bang, S.S., Grynavyski, N., Chakrabarty, T., Johnson, E.T., Dien, B.S., Mertens, J.A., Caughey, R.J., Liu, S., Butt, T.R., Labaer, J., Cotta, M.A., Rich, J.O. 2008. Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain for improved xylose utilization with a three-plasmid SUMO yeast expression system. Plasmid Journal. 61:22-38.
Isolation and characterization of 17 different genes encoding putative endopolygalacturonase genes from Rhizopus oryzae - (Abstract)
Mertens, J.A., Burdick, R.C. 2008. Isolation and characterization of 17 different genes encoding putative endopolygalacturonase genes from Rhizopus oryzae [abstract]. Society of Industrial Microbiology. p. 116.
Identification and transcriptional profiling of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in furoic acid metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, N.N., Mertens, J.A. 2008. Identification and transcriptional profiling of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in furoic acid metabolism. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 284:52-57.
Lycotoxin-1 insecticidal peptide optimized by amino acid scanning mutagenesis and expressed as a co-product in an ethanologenix Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hughes, S.R., Dowd, P.F., Hector, R.E., Panavas, T., Sterner, D.E., Qureshi, N., Bischoff, K.M., Bang, S.B., Mertens, J.A., Johnson, E.T., Li, X., Jackson Jr, J.S., Caughey, R.J., Riedmuller, S.B., Bartolett, S., Liu, S., Rich, J.O., Farrelly, P.J., Butt, T.R., Labaer, J., Cotta, M.A. 2008. Lycotoxin-1 insecticidal peptide optimized by amino acid scanning mutagenesis and expressed as a co-product in an ethanologenix Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Journal of Peptide Science. 14(9):1039-1050. Available: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119030240/PDFSTART.
Molecular cloning and expression of three polygalacturonase cDNAs from the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Allen, M.L., Mertens, J.A. 2008. Molecular cloning and expression of three polygalacturonase cDNAs from the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris. Journal of Insect Science 8:27, available online: insectscience.org/8.27.
High-Throughput Fully Automated Construction of a Multiplex Library of Mutagenized Open Reading Frames for an Insecticidal Peptide Using a Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Robotic Workcell with Improved Vacuum System - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hughes, S.R., Dowd, P.F., Hector, R.E., Riedmuller, S.B., Bartolett, S., Mertens, J.A., Qureshi, N., Liu, S., Bischoff, K.M., Li, X., Jackson Jr, J.S., Sterner, D., Panavas, T., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P.J., Butt, T. 2007. High-throughput fully automated construction of a multiplex library of mutagenized open reading frames for an insecticidal peptide using a plasmid-based functional proteomic robotic workcell with improved vacuum system. Journal of Laboratory Automation. 12(4):202-212.
Fully automated molecular biology routines on a plasmid-based functional proteomic workcell: Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains Optimized for Growth on Xylose Expressing "Stealth" Insecticidal Peptides. - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Li, X., Hector, R.E., Bischoff, K.M., Cotta, M.A., Mertens, J.A., Dowd, P.F., Johnson, E.T. 2007. Fully automated molecular biology routines on a plasmid-based functional proteomic workcell: Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains Optimized for Growth on Xylose Expressing "Stealth" Insecticidal Peptides [abstract]. ACS National Meeting. p. 108.
Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains with Improved Growth on Xylose Expressing Xylanase A(Xyn A) and Celulase F(Cel F) from Anaerobic Fungi Orpinomyces - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Mertens, J.A., Qureshi, N., Cotta, M.A., Bischoff, K.M., Liu, S., Li, X. 2007. Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains with Improved Growth on Xylose Expressing Xylanase A(Xyn A) and Celulase F(Cel F) from Anaerobic Fungi Orpinomyces [abstract]. 2007 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing. Seminar 2. p. 19.
Isolation and Characterization of Two Genes That Encode Active Glucoamylase Without a Starch Binding Domain from a Type II Rhizopus Oryzae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mertens, J.A., Skory, C.D. 2007. Isolation and characterization of two genes that encode active glucoamylase without a starch binding domain from Rhizopus oryzae. Current Microbiology. 54:462-466.
Fully automated molecular biology: Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains with Optimized "Trojan Horse" Amino Acid Scanning Mutational Inserts. - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Qureshi, N., Mertens, J.A., Cotta, M.A., Hector, R.E., Bischoff, K.M., Liu, S., Li, X-L., 2007. Fully automated molecular biology: Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains with Optimized "Trojan Horse" Amino Acid Scanning Mutational Inserts [abstract]. PEPTALK 2007. Cambridge Healthtech Institute. Poster 509, p. 4.
Fully Automated Molecular Biology Routines on a Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell: Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains Optimized for Growth on Xylose and Engineered to Express an Insecticidal Peptide - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Li, X., Liu, S., Bischoff, K.M., Mertens, J.A., Qureshi, N., Riedmuller, S., Bartolett, S., Farrelly, P., Panavas, T., Butt, T., Cotta, M.A. 2007. Fully Automated Molecular Biology Routines on a Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell: Evaluation and Characterization of Yeast Strains Optimized for Growth on Xylose and Engineered to Express an Insecticidal Peptide [abstract]. PEPTALK 2007, Cambridge Healthtech Institute. Talk 83, p. 7.
Isolation and Characterization of a Second Glucoamylase Without a Starch Binding Domain from Rhizopus Oryzae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mertens, J.A., Skory, C.D. 2007. Isolation and characterization of a second glucoamylase gene without a starch binding domain from Rhizopus oryzae. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 40:874-880.
Identification and Transcriptional Profiling of Furoic Acid Metabolism Genes in Pseudomonas Putida - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Mertens, J.A., Dien, B.S. 2006. Identification and transcriptional profiling of furoic acid metabolism genes in Pseudomonas putida [abstract]. American Society for Microbiology. Paper No. Q-449.
Plasmids for Expression of Heterologous Proteins in Rhizopus Oryzae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mertens, J.A., Skory, C.D., Ibrahim, A.S. 2006. Plasmids for expression of heterologous proteins in Rhizopus oryzae. Archives of Microbiology. 186:41-50.
Functional Proteomic Plasmid-Based Integrated Workcell for High-Throughput Transformation of Bl21 De3 E. Coli for Expression in Vivo with Piromyces Strain Xylose Isomerase - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S.B., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Bischoff, K.M., Liu, S., Qureshi, N., Cotta, M.A., Skory, C.D., Gorsich, S.W., Farrelly, P.J. 2006. Functional proteomic plasmid-based integrated workcell for high-throughput transformation of BL21 DE3 E. coli for expression in vivo with piromyces strain xylose isomerase [abstract]. Midwest Laboratory Robotics Information Group. p. 2.
High-Throughput Screening of Cellulase F Mutants from Multiplexed Plasmid Sets Using An Automated Plate Assay on a Functional Proteomic Robotic Workcell - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S.B., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Bischoff, K.M., Qureshi, N., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P.J. 2006. High-throughput screening of cellulase F mutants from multiplexed plasmid sets using an automated plate assay on a functional proteomic robotic workcell. Proteome Science. 4:10.
Automated Strategy Using a Functional Proteomic Assay to Identify and Isolate Cellulase F Mutants with Improved Activity from Multiplexed Sets of Plasmid - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Qureshi, N., Farrelly, P., Cotta, M.A. 2006. Automated strategy using a functional proteomic assay to identify and isolate cellulase F mutants with improved activity from multiplexed sets of plasmid [abstract]. PepTalk 2006. p. 10.
Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Robotic Workcell Process for High-Throughput Screening of Multiplexed Libraries of Mutagenized Clones - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Bischoff, K.M. 2005. Plasmid-based functional proteomic robotic workcell process for high-throughput screening of multiplexed libraries of mutagenized clones [abstract]. Laboratory Robotics Information Group. p. 1.
Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Robotic Workcell Process for High-Throughput Screening of Multiplexed Libraries of Mutagenized Clones - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Qureshi, N., Bischoff, K.M., Jordan, D.B., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P. 2005. Plasmid-based functional proteomic robotic workcell process for high-throughput screening of multiplexed libraries of mutagenized clones [abstract]. Optimization high-throughput Cultures for Bioprocessing 2005. p. 3.
Functional Proteomic Workcell for High Volume Plasmid Preparations for Repeated in Vitro Protein Expression and High Throughput Screening to Identify Mutant Enyzmes for Use at Low Ph - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S.B., Mertens, J.A., Jordan, D.B., Li, X., Qureshi, N., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P.J., Bischoff, K.M. 2005. Functional proteomic workcell for high volume plasmid preparations for repeated in vitro protein expression and high throughput screening to identify mutant enyzmes for use at low pH [abstract]. Optimization High-throughput Cultures for Bioprocessing 2005. 13:3.
Development of Plasmids for Expression of Heterologous Proteins in Rhizopus Oryzae - (Abstract)
Mertens, J.A., Skory, C.D. 2005. Development of plasmids for expression of heterologous proteins in Rhizopus oryzae [abstract]. Society of Industrial Microbiology. p. 100.
Development of a Liquid Handler Component for a Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Robotic Workcell - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Bischoff, K.M., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P. 2005. Development of a liquid handler component for a plasmid-based functional proteomic robotic workcell. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation. 10(5):287-300.
Development of a Liquid Handler Component for a Functional Plasmid-Based Proteomic Workcell That Generates Multiplex Samples Expresses in Yeast - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Riedmuller, S.B., Bischoff, K.M., Mertens, J.A., Li, X., Cotta, M.A., Farrelly, P.J. 2005. Development of a liquid handler component for a functional plasmid-based proteomic workcell that generates multiplex samples expresses in yeast [abstract]. Association for Laboratory Automation, LabAutomation 2005. Poster WP128.
A Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomic Workcell Used to Optimize Yeast for Fuel Ethanol Production - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Li, X., Cotta, M.A., Mertens, J.A., Bischoff, K.M., Riedmuller, S., Farrelly, P., Patel, M., Brown, L., Carter, L. 2005. A plasmid-based functional proteomic workcell used to optimize yeast for fuel ethanol production [abstract]. CHI's Annual PEP Talk Meeting, January 10-14, 2005, San Diego, California. p. 3.
Modified Liquid Handler Used to Produce High Throughput High Quality Plasmids for Integration into Plasmid-Based Functional Proteomics Workcell - (Abstract)
Hughes, S.R., Li, X., Cotta, M.A., Mertens, J.A., Bischoff, K.M., Riedmuller, S., Farrelly, P., Patel, M., Brown, L., Carter, L. 2005. Modified liquid handler used to produce high throughput high quality plasmids for integration into plasmid-based functional proteomics workcell [abstract]. CHI's Annual PEP Talk Meeting, January 10-14, 2005, San Diego, California. Poster 151.
Discovery and Characterization of a Second Glucoamylase Gene in Rhizopus Oryzae - (Abstract)
Mertens, J.A., Skory, C.D. 2004. Discovery and characterization of a second glucoamylase gene in rhizopus oryzae [abstract]. Society of Industrial Microbiology. p. 96.

Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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