Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table A3 - Model for Change in Time Use Between 1990 and 1995: Nonworkers

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Independent variables Travel to Time at
Home Coefficient t Shop Coefficient t Other Coefficient t Home Coefficient t Shop Coefficient t Other Coefficient
% change in                      
Lane-miles 52.79 6.01 23.55 3.65 -60.64 -5.09 260.35 3.14 119.27 4.46 -395.32
Population 2.11 0.2 -17.46 -2.28 -5.13 -0.36 196.09 1.99 -64.83 -2.04 -110.78
Income 65.41 5.98 6.52 0.81 -20.29 -1.37 -60.35 -0.59 118.18 3.55 -109.47
Gas prices 6.06 1.25 8.06 2.26 -29.14 -4.43 41.98 0.92 55.71 3.77 -82.66
Male 0.94 1.76 -2.33 -5.91 3.81 5.25 -28.94 -5.72 -6.92 -4.23 33.42
Lifecycle (Adults, youngest child age)                      
1, NA 4.4 1.52 -3.66 -2.47 -12.35 -3.15 87.62 4.6 -9.35 -1.52 -66.65
2+, NA -2.41 -0.88 -5.67 -4.28 -16.36 -4.40 80.81 4.74 -9.34 -1.70 -47.03
2+, 0-5 6.33 2.3 -5.35 -4.03 -12.54 -3.36 82.08 4.81 -13.17 -2.39 -57.34
1, 6-15 6.28 1.97 -8.07 -4.53 -16.24 -3.75 130.03 5.69 -16.19 -2.19 -95.81
2+, 6-15 0.95 0.34 -7.15 -5.27 -14.15 -3.77 117.73 6.76 -20.66 -3.67 -76.72
2+, 16-21 -3.66 -1.28 -5.12 -3.51 -13.64 -3.52 111.32 5.96 -9.37 -1.55 -79.54
2+, retired, NA 0.89 0.32 -2.97 -2.22 -9.14 -2.46 68.39 3.98 -5.38 -0.97 -51.80
January 2.09 1.6 -3.10 -3.23 5.48 3.09 -38.16 -3.10 -4.55 -1.14 38.24
February 0.51 0.44 -2.45 -2.86 5.16 3.26 -31.89 -2.89 -1.18 -0.33 29.85
March 3.11 2.81 -1.06 -1.31 -0.70 -0.47 14.21 1.36 -2.00 -0.59 -13.55
April -1.66 -1.43 -2.97 -3.50 1.52 0.97 -11.80 -1.08 -4.74 -1.34 19.64
May 0.57 0.52 -2.31 -2.87 -0.93 -0.63 -0.61 -0.06 1.25 0.38 2.04
June 0.71 0.61 -3.25 -3.76 -6.34 -3.97 39.81 3.58 -0.70 -0.19 -30.24
July 0.71 0.58 -2.50 -2.77 3.65 2.19 -26.39 -2.28 -11.87 -3.17 36.39
August 5.27 4 -1.54 -1.59 5.35 2.99 -46.88 -3.77 0.14 0.04 37.67
September 3.94 3.16 -1.64 -1.80 5.6 3.31 -81.20 -6.90 7.61 2 65.7
October 0.46 0.39 -0.50 -0.57 8.38 5.22 -13.61 -1.22 -4.23 -1.17 9.49
November 1.17 0.99 -1.73 -1.99 1.91 1.19 -6.88 -0.62 -1.46 -0.41 6.99
Day of week                      
Sunday 4.39 4.66 -3.20 -4.62 -2.54 -1.99 12.43 1.4 3.84 1.34 -14.91
Monday -0.49 -0.53 -1.14 -1.68 -5.45 -4.37 19.28 2.22 11.36 4.05 -23.57
Tuesday 7.63 8.38 -2.41 -3.60 1.17 0.95 28.65 3.33 1.48 0.53 -36.53
Wednesday 5.93 6.48 -2.44 -3.64 -3.77 -3.04 63.25 7.33 3.24 1.16 -66.20
Thursday 11.82 12.73 -2.92 -4.27 2.27 1.8 20.5 2.34 1.9 0.67 -33.58
Friday 12.88 13.89 -0.59 -0.87 0.7 0.56 15.87 1.81 0.86 0.3 -29.72
Population density                      
250-499 7.85 8.7 1.62 2.45 7.41 6.05 -78.93 -9.26 35.54 12.91 26.5
750-999 -5.04 -4.79 -2.10 -2.72 -7.81 -5.48 -25.28 -2.55 34.69 10.83 5.53
1,000-1,999 1.39 1.43 -1.91 -2.69 -0.71 -0.54 -50.09 -5.48 39.74 13.46 11.58
3,000-3,999 -5.20 -5.75 0.92 1.39 5.09 4.15 -60.48 -7.08 32.82 11.9 26.85
5,000-7,499 0.66 0.79 -0.23 -0.38 -0.76 -0.66 -40.22 -5.06 28.89 11.24 11.66
7,500-9,999 4.15 4.4 -2.06 -2.96 5.17 4.04 -92.32 -10.36 34.55 12 50.5
Constant -23.79 -7.81 14.23 8.62 13.13 3.18 -56.75 -2.68 -22.63 -3.31 75.81
r-squared 0.161   0.101   0.123   0.138   0.148   Derived

NOTE: Derived indicates that the model was derived based on constraint equations, not estimated.

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