Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5201

2008 (revised)

Prepared in cooperation with
South Florida Water Management District

Numerical Simulation of Aquifer Tests, West-Central Florida

Dann K. Yobbi and Keith J. Halford


     Select an option:

Hydrogeologic Framework
Definition of Terms
Numerical Simulation of Aquifer Tests
      Design of Models
      Model Analysis
            List of Models included in this report:
                Model Structure and Aquifer-Tests Simulation
      Model Limitations
Evaluation of Hydraulic Properties
      Confining Units
      Water-Producing Zones
Selected References


This report presents the reinterpretation of 41 aquifer tests that were conducted from 1980 through 2004 at 13 sites in west-central Florida. The report is intended to expand upon the previous analyses of the Southwest Florida Water Management District by using numerical ground-water flow modeling and a method of automatic parameter estimation. Multiple aquifer tests of different hydrogeologic units at test sites are simulated with a single, radial axisymmetric numerical model that shifts between production wells for each stress period of a multiple aquifer test. The approach provides for better aquifer-test analysis of layered aquifer systems than separate interpretation of aquifer tests because more features of the ground-water system can be collectively simulated and constrained by the observations. Simulated hydraulic property values for aquifers and confining units are consistent with what is known about the aquifer systems at the various sites.

Suggested Citation:

Yobbi, D.K., and Halford, K.J., 2008, Numerical Simulation of Aquifer Tests, West-Central Florida (revised): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5201, 85 p.

For additional information, contact:

U.S. Geological Survey
Florida Integrated Science Center
Suite 215
10500 University Center Dr.
Tampa, FL 33612-6427

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