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Fighting Drugs

Meth LabNorth Alabama has a real problem with methamphetamine.  The local law enforcement personnel in the 4th District are doing everything possible to combat this problem that destroys lives and families.  From meeting with local citizens and law enforcement in North Alabama I've seen the evidence of what meth can do.

At the federal level, there are a couple of things that we can do to help our local officials.  First, I will persistently and aggressively continue to search for ways the federal government can partner with state and local authorities to rid ourselves of this threat.  In part that means funding programs, such as Drug Courts, that have proven successful in combating illegal drugs.  Drug courts have been effective in substantially reducing drug use among program participants.  

Funding is an important part of this equation.  Through my work on the Appropriations Committee I've worked hard to see that local law enforcement in the district get the resources they need to do their jobs. 

Meth found in an Elmo doll by DEAFinally, we can be aggressive in raising awareness of the issue.  The more information that we are able to provide parents, the better job they'll be able to do in talking with their children about the dangers of drugs and monitoring them.

Current Legislation (Updated September 25, 2007)

H.R. 3093, FY2008 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act:  This legislation passed the House on July 26, 2007 and is currently awaiting action in the Senate.

This bill continues funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program that has been of benefit to local law enforcement officials in North Alabama.  In addition, funding was increased for the Drug Enforcement Agency to fight illegal drug use. Included in this amount was funding for DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams to help local law enforcement entities attack the violent drug organizations in their neighborhoods.

H.R. 1199, Drug Endangered Children Act of 2007:  H.R. 1199 is a bill that will help state and local officials better serve the thousands of children each year found living in meth-producing homes.  Provisions in the Combat Meth Act of 2005, passed in the 109th Congress, mandated that the attorney general make grants available to states in order to carry out programs designed to aid children found living in a home in which methamphetamine are manufactured, distributed, dispensed, or used.  This bill reauthorizes that program and passed the House on September 24, 2007 with my support.

According to Congressional Quarterly, “the program requires coordination among state agencies that receive funding — including law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, child protective services, social services, and health care services — in providing aid to affected children. The program also requires the Justice Department to ensure that state agencies using grant money relocate children from homes where illegal drugs are manufactured, distributed, dispensed, or used to alternate, safer residences.”