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Illegal Immigration

Border Patrol agents conduct pat downs of migrants caught crossing the border illegally.As a new Member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, I remain a firm supporter of securing our border, recognizing that until that is accomplished other issues cannot be dealt with. 

U.S. immigration policy is critical both in terms of economics and national security.  This issue is one of the President's top priorities and legislation is currently pending in the Senate.  Border Patrol agent places a Mexican National under arrest for transporting drugs into the U.S.To tighten our borders against illegal immigrants and terrorists, I believe that we must do the following:

  • Deny amnesty to those who entered the country illegally.
  • Establish operational control of all borders and ports through enhanced Border Patrol operations, physical barriers and state-of-the-art technology.

  • End the "catch and release" practice along the border.

  • Streamline operations within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security border security agencies.

    Promote both international and domestic policies that will deter further illegal entry into the United States.

    Current Legislation (Updated September 24, 2007)

    H.R. 3494, Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act of 2007:  In a recent report conducted by the Department of Justice's Inspector General, field research revealed that at least 73% of identified criminal illegal aliens are set free upon serving prison terms and later rearrested; often for violent crimes associated with drugs, burglary, robbery, assault, weapons, sexual assault and murder.

    This bill, also known as the Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act of 2007, provides several critical improvements to current Federal law, including: 

  • Clear authority for local agencies to enforce immigration law; 

  • Improved information sharing so local agencies can practically enforce immigration law; 

  • Requirements for the Federal government to remove and deport criminal aliens; 

  • Increased Federal resources for local governments that choose to enforce the law; 

  • Reduced funding for local governments that provide sanctuary to violent criminal aliens; 

    I have joined over 125 of my colleagues in co-sponsoring this important legislation.

    H.R. 2542, Border Law Enforcement Enhancement Act:  I'm a co-sponsor of this bill that authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to make grants to sheriff's offices and local and tribal police departments in jurisdictions within 25 miles of the U.S. southern border for: (1) law enforcement operations; (2) detention (including construction and operation of detention facilities) and transfer of illegal aliens to federal authorities; (3) enforcement of substance trafficking laws and other state and federal criminal laws; and (4) hiring, equipping, training, and overtime. 

    S. 1348, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007:  This Senate bill was debated in the U.S. Senate earlier this summer and consists of language that is intended to provide comprehensive immigration reform while also fortifying the border.  

    This bill has not made it before the House for consideration.  As this bill is currently written, I cannot support it because it doesn't contain the strong enforcement provisions that I outlined above.  In addition, the people of Alabama and the Fourth District have made it clear that they do not like amnesty, therefore I cannot support any legislation that includes such a provision for illegal immigrants.

    On Thursday, June 28, the Senate failed to invoke cloture or limit debate on the bill.  The 53-46 vote fell 14 votes short of ending debate and forcing a final vote.  As a result, the bill was pulled from the Senate floor and to date no further action has been taken on it.