USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Programs and Projects


Institute of Forest Genetics

The Institute of Forest Genetics is a USDA Forest Service research unit with facilities in Placerville and Davis, California. Research at the Institute focuses on three areas: biodiversity and conservation genetics, disease resistance, and the molecular genetics and genomics of traits underlying the health and productivity of forests. The Institute of Forest Genetics has a distinguished history of forest genetics research spanning more than 75 years.

Research Emphasis Areas
[Photograph]: pine cone Biodiversity and Conservation Genetics Describing the genetic diversity and composition of forest tree populations is crucial for understanding the evolution and biogeography of tree species, and for guiding strategies that identify and protect endangered populations. Researchers at IFG are identifying unique and endangered populations, and using population genetic tools to understand the effects of environmental change, habitat fragmentation, and invasive species on the long-term survival of tree populations. Genetic resources curated by IFG include the Eddy Arboretum, and the Critchfield Herbarium. IFG also contributes to Dendrome, a forest tree genome database.

 The Institute of Forest Genetics with its primary location in Davis, California is a research program of the Pacific Southwest Research Station, headquartered in Albany, California. The unit and research station are part of the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

[Photograph]: seedling test Disease Resistance Introduced diseases currently threaten many tree species in the US. Understanding the genes that make some individuals resistant to disease serves as a basis for control. Researchers at IFG are investigating the genetic basis of resistance to diseases, including white pine blister rust and pitch canker.

Poplar stem Molecular Genetics and Genomics New technologies are being developed and used to identify individual genes influencing forest health and productivity. Researchers at IFG are identifying and characterizing genes regulating wood formation, crown form, adaptive traits, and disease resistance. Understanding the biological basis of these traits enables new research and applications with applicability to a wide range of problems including bioenergy, forest products, and forest of forest health and productivity.

UCDavis student intern Education and Outreach The Institute is proud to host visiting scientists and students from around the world. We regularly sponsor undergraduate student interns at both our Davis and Placerville locations. Grade school children are introduced to forest genetics through guided tours of the Eddy Arboretum, which contains one of the most complete collections of pines in the world.
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2008 05:55:48 AM