USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.


Air Quality and Transportation

Air quality and transportation is one of the four focal areas in the EIP. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) 2006 Threshold Evaluation found that the Tahoe basin was not attaining standards for carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulates. These pollutants pose threats to human health. Air deposition of nitrogen, phosphorous, and fine sediment contribute to pollution of Lake Tahoe.

Research under this topic includes sampling, modeling, and demonstration projects to control airborne particulate matter and other pollutants that may reduce clarity of Lake Tahoe or otherwise affect ecological values and human health within the basin. Research on air quality has a particular focus on transportation, as vehicle travel along roadways is an important source of air pollutants. The TRPA is planning to develop basin-scale monitoring plans for particulate matter, ozone and its precursors, and vehicle congestion and distances traveled.

Current Research Projects

Impacts of vehicle activity on airborne particle deposition to Lake Tahoe

Sources of particulate matter

Road dust control

Last Modified: Apr 7, 2009 12:43:07 PM