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The Basics: Getting Started

Start gathering information early.   Free information is readily available from:
  • High school counselors
  • College and career school financial aid offices from the school you plan to attend
  • Local and college libraries
  • Department of Education Web page
  • Other Internet sites (search terms "student financial aid OR assistance")
Ask questions. Counselors may know if you have exceptional circumstances that affect your eligibility.

Be organized.  Calendars can help keep you on track while you're still in high school.  Visit the National Association for College Admission Counseling for their "Prep for College Calendars." 

Keep copies of all forms and correspondence.  You must reapply for aid each year.

For parents of students, begin saving money long before your child attends college.
College Savings Plan Network (state "Section 529" plans)
FinAid: for Parents
Tax incentives for higher education expenses

Beware of scholarship scams -- don't pay for free information!
Department of Education
Federal Trade Commission