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What Else Do I Need to Know?

Before making your decision to become a Page, it is imperative that you understand that all family activities, as well as home school and community activities, which would interrupt your Page school and or work activities, must be put on hold until you are no longer a Page. You will not be permitted to return home to attend family reunions, parent promotion ceremonies, family trips, home school activities such as conferences, sports events, proms, etc., if they occur during the school and or work week.

If you make plans to return home for any reason other than family illness or scheduled federal and school holidays, you must leave AFTER work on Friday and return by curfew on Sunday night.

It is imperative that you and your parents understand that the House legislative calendar is never set in stone. It changes frequently without regard to vacation or holiday plans. Your plans and airline tickets may have to be changed or canceled if the House calendar dictates it. NEVER purchase non-refundable tickets based on the tentative calendar in the Page Handbook. It is a safe bet that the calendar will change.

It is our goal to make your Page experience both educational and exciting. This can be accomplished by your understanding of what is expected of you and the important role you play as a Page in the U.S. House of Representatives.