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Student Financial Aid

While Congress doesn't directly provide money to students, it does provide funding for a number of programs that does.  The following information was prepared by the Congressional Research Service for Members of Congress to provide to students in their districts.  It helps guide students through the process of locating and applying for financial aid.  [Updated March 2006]

The Basics: Getting Started
Information that will help you begin your search for student financial aid.

Student Aid and Where It Comes From
Basic information on what student aid is and where you can find it.

Targeted Aid for Special Groups
Financial aid is available for students from a variety of targeted sources.

Repaying Your Loans
After college, the federal government has ways to help you repay your loans.

Funding Education Beyond High School: The Guide to Federal Student Aid
A comprehensive resource on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Grants, loans, and work-study are the three major forms of aid available through the Department's Federal Student Aid office.