Mikania micrantha--a serious pest on a number of Pacific islands.  Click here to go to the species page.

Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry
Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk
Plant threats to Pacific ecosystems

Forest Service shield

Caring for the Land and Serving People

Welcome!  Here you will find listings and descriptions of plant species that threaten ecosytems of the Pacific islands.  Also listed are many other invasive and potentially invasive plant species present in and around the Pacific region.
  Species lists  

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Information on some species may be incomplete or missing.   Contributions of information, photos, drawings, etc. are solicited and will be properly credited or cited.  Also, please look at the list of possible additional species and let us know if you think they should be added as threats to Pacific islands. 
Need more info? Have questions? Comments? Information to contribute? Contact PIER! (pier@hear.org)

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PIER website version 5.4 (posted online 10 January 2008)
This page was last updated on 7 January 2008