USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station

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Our research demonstrates new ways that trees add value to communities, converting results into financial terms to stimulate more investment in trees.

Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

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Center for Urban Forest Research

These newsletters are archived for reference. CUFR's current news is available in our News Briefs.
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Current Issue

Spring/Summer 2006

  • Using Volunteers to Effectively Collect Tree Data
  • New Research in the Works
    • LA's Million Trees Initiative
    • Oakland Watershed Restoration and Protection Study
    • Sacramento Urban Forest for Clean Air Project
    • A Green Streets Storm Water Management System for Paved Areas

Previous Issues

Fall 2005/Winter 2006

Demystifying Reference Cities- the power behind STRATUM

  • Reference cities: What are they?
  • Reference cities: The research
  • What is their relationship to STRATUM?
  • Why is STRATUM important to you?
  • What makes STRATUM different?
  • What's new?

Summer 2005

Making research work for you: the story of Greenprint

  • The foundation is research
  • Why Greenprint
  • Setting research into action
  • How does Greenprint work
  • The Greenprint clearinghouse

Spring 2005

Fire prevention in the wildland-urban interface.

  • "New" defensible space
  • Structural choices
  • Two case studies
  • Lessons learned
  • New wildland-urban interface software

Regional urban forest canopy cover analysis.

  • First-of-its-kind report
  • Preliminary findings
  • What's next

Winter 2005

Replace field surveys with AVIRIS infrared
imagery. Can we?

  • What it takes to identify individual tree species
  • A comparison to other methods
  • Study findings
  • Conclusions and caveats

Fitting trees into the planning process.

  • We take another look at how to do parking
    lots right.

Special Edition - January 2005

Air pollution control - the tree factor

  • The pollutants
  • How do trees clean the air
  • The mystery of deposition unlocked
  • "Green" economics
  • Fitting trees into the regulatory process
  • Fact Sheet on air pollution and the law

Summer 2004

  • What are your trees relative performance index?
  • USDA Forest Service launches Treesearch
  • How does your tree program "stack up"?

Spring 2004.

  • STRATUM in Action
  • How many trees will offset transport of the Olympic torch?
  • Meet the new kid on the block

Winter 2004.

  • Will there be space for trees in our future?
  • Future research needs
  • San Francisco trees poised to provide big benefits

Fall 2003.

  • The Large Tree Argument: The case for large trees vs. small trees
  • Marketing the urban forest: An art of persuasion
  • Fact Sheet: Making the case for large trees

Summer 2003.

  • Invest in investment potential
  • Are your tree roots tripping you up?
  • Fact Sheet: Species investment potential

Spring 2003.

  • Surviving a budget crisis
  • Benefits of the urban forest
  • Fact Sheet: How to prepare for a budget cut

July 2002.

  • Is all your rain going down the drain?
  • Fact Sheet: Control stormwater runoff with trees

January 2002.

  • Where are all the cool parking lots?
  • EPA adopts Center's parking lot research
  • Getting to the "root" of infrastructure damage
  • Fact Sheet: Making parking lots more tree friendly

October 2001.

  • Green plants or power plants?
  • Trees for a Green LA: Program provides energy savings plus...
  • New research project: wildland/urban interface
  • Fact sheet: Save dollars with shade

March 2001.

  • Welcome to Urban Forest Research
  • Working for the West
  • Meet the Staff
  • Center for Urban Forest Research: where ballpark isn't good enough
  • Science helps residents see the forest for the trees
  • Factsheet: Benefits of the Urban Forest



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Last Modified: May 1, 2009 04:51:54 PM