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Division 7: Forestry
Unit 7.01: Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems

Meeting Update

Dear Colleagues,

We've added a frequently asked questions (faq) section to help in organizating your trip. Unless the section gets too long, it will be just below this box.





The Pacific Southwest Research Station is pleased to host this 22nd biannual meeting of IUFRO Research Group 7.01 (formerly 7.04) "Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems" to be held in Riverside, California, on September 10-15, 2006. The general theme of the meeting is "Forests under anthropogenic pressure - effects of air pollution, climate change and urban development".

Please mark your calendars and visit the Program page for details.

Click here for a copy of the General Program


Registration for the conference will be handled by the L & A Meeting and Management Services. They will be handling collection of registration forms and fees and the on-site registration during the meeting. Sign up now!! The meeting registration form is available. The fee ranges from $200 for registration by July 31, to $250 for later registration. The fee includes costs of publishing, lunches, refreshments during coffee breaks, partial support of field trips, etc. Unfortunately we do not have any funds for supporting individual travel and lodging costs. With a gracious support of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, registration costs have been significantly reduced compared with the actual expenses.
For the convenience of those who wish to attend only one day of the conference and are NOT presenting /author/co-authors we have added a SINGLE DAY REGISTRATION form. Registration fee for one day is $50. The fee includes on-site buffet lunch and break refreshments. We ask authors/co-authors/presenters to pay the full fee to support the costs of publishing the proceedings.

About our meetings

The 2006 Riverside conference of the IUFRO Research Group 7.01 "Impact of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems" (previously Research Group 7.04 "Impacts of Air pollution on Forest Ecosystems" is a continuation of a long tradition of bi-annual update of scientific accomplishments of the participating forestry specialists. The last 2004 meeting was held in Oulu, Finland, under a title "Forest Under Changing Climate, Enhanced UV and Air Pollution". The 2002 meeting held in Zvolen, Slovakia, had a theme "Long-term Air pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems".

A theme for the 2006 Riverside meeting in "Forest Under Anthropogenic Stress - Effects of Air Pollution, Climate Change and Urban Development". This theme reflects the complexity of problems that our research in facing. Nowadays effects of all these integrated stressors are present in many areas around the World, and southern California mountain forests present a vivid example of those. Participants in the 2006 Riverside meeting will have an opportunity to learn about those effects during the scientific sessions and will see them during field trips to the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California and Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park in Central Sierra Nevada.

Last Modified: Aug 31, 2006 07:23:36 AM