US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

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Publications and Products

Research Papers: 2005

Image]: Cover of publication entitled Landscape Permeability for Large Carnivores in Washington: A Geographic Information System Weighted-Distance and Least-Cost Corridor Assessment.Research papers (RPs) provide results, analyses, conclusions of formal studies.


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| 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | Prior to 1997 | View All |


RP-576 (2008) Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar, by Warren D. Devine, Constance A. Harrington [Abstract] ( 981 KB) Due from the printer August 6, 2008


RP-575 08-013 (2008) Effects of variable-density thinning on understory diversity and heterogeneity in young Douglas-fir forests, by Juliann E. Aukema, Andrew B. Carey. [Abstract] (897 KB)


RP-574 (2007) Growth of Douglas-fir near equipment trails used for commercial thinning in the Oregon Coast Range, by R.E. Miller, J. Smith, P.W. Adams, H.W. Anderson [Abstract] (520 KB)


RP-573 (2008) Juvenile tree growth on some volcanic ash soils disturbed by prior forest harvest, by J. Michael Geist, John W. Hazard, Kenneth W. Seidel [Abstract] (629 KB)


RP-572 (2007) Evaluating forest land development effects on private forestry in eastern Oregon, by J.D. Kline, D.L. Azuma [Abstract] (505 KB)


RP-571 06-513 (2007) Growth of bear-damaged trees in a mixed plantation of Douglas-fir and red alder, by Richard E. Miller, Harry W. Anderson, Donald L. Reukema, Timothy A. Max [Abstract] (1.17 MB)


RP-570 (2007) Linking land-use projections and forest fragmentation analysis, by A.J. Plantinga, R.J. Alig, H. Eichman, D.J. Lewis [Abstract] (2.38 MB)


RP-569 06-430 (2006) Laminated root rot in a western Washington plantation: 8-year mortality and growth of Douglas-fir as related to infected stumps, tree density, and fertilization, by Richard E. Miller, Timothy B. Harrington, Walter G. Thies, Jeff Madsen [Abstract] (752 KB)


RP-568 06-253 Effects of vegetation control and organic matter removal on soil water content in a young Douglas-fir plantation, by Warren D. Devine, Constance A. Harrington (1.09 MB) [Abstract]


RP-567 06-085 (2006) Learning to manage a complex ecosystem: adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan, by George H. Stankey, Roger N. Clark, Bernard T. Bormann, eds. [Abstract]


RP-566 05-077 (2005) Tourism and its effects on southeast Alaska communities and resources: case studies from Haines, Craig, and Hoonah, Alaska, by Lee K. Cerveny [Abstract]


RP-565 05-112 (2005) Comparative effects of urea fertilizer and red alder in a site III, coast Douglas-fir plantation in the Washington Cascade Range, by R.E. Miller, H.W. Anderson, M. Murray, R. Leon, (995 KB) [Abstract]


RP-564 05-054 (2005) Short-term effects of fuel reduction on pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon—a pilot study, by E.L. Bull, A.A. Clark, J.F. Shepherd (573 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-563 05-034 (2005) Spruce reproduction dynamics on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, 1987-2000, by Willem W.S. van Hees (676 Kb) [Abstract]


RP-562 05-026 (2005) Influence of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hares, by E.L. Bull, T.W. Heater, A.A. Clark, J.F. Shepherd, A.K. Blumton (554 Kb) [Abstract]

US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Friday, 27 June 2008 at 14:23:32 EDT

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