Macroecology, paleoecology, and ecological integrity of terrestrial species and communities of the interior Columbia River basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. 1999. PNW-GTR-410 by B.G. Marcot, L.K. Croft, J.F. Lehmkuhl [and others]

This publication is larger than 25 MB because of extensive maps. We have had to break it into downloadable segments.

Pages 1 - 68 (1.94M)Page 96 (1.07M)
Pages 69 - 79 (2.76M)Pages 97 - 98 (2.18M)
Pages 80-83 (1.3M)Pages 99 - 100 (2.13M)
Pages 84-86 (2.0M)Pages 101 - 102 (2.18M)
Pages 87 - 88 (1.10M)Pages 103 - 104 (2.13M)
Pages 89 - 90 (1.79M)Pages 105 - 107 (1.2M)
Pages 91 - 93 (2.63M)Pages 108 - 110 (2.78M)
Pages 94 - 95 (2.32M)Pages 111 - end (93k)
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Last updated by Diane Smith
July 9, 1999