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Policy Analysis & Science Assistance

Branch Chief: Berton Lee Lamb

FORT scientists in the Policy Analysis and Science Assistance Branch conduct and integrate biological, social, economic, and institutional analyses of conservation policies and management practices to help land and resource managers make informed decisions and resolve resource management conflicts.

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In the News

FORT Scientist to Present Keynote Address at Environmental Decision-Making Symposium

EnviroSymp2008: Integrating Environmental Science in Decision Making is a conference sponsored by Roskilde University, Denmark, for graduate students and faculty. USGS scientist Dr. Berton Lee Lamb will speak on the general topic of how science is used in decision-making in relation to natural resources management. Between 100 and 150 scholars will be in attendance at the conference, to be held Nov. 4-5 in Roskilde.

 Policy Analysis & Science Assistance


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 A human-dimensions review of human-wildlife disturbance: a literature review of impacts, frameworks, and management solutions

 Using role analysis to plan for stakeholder involvement: a comparison of three workshops

 Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2006


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September 15-17, 2009
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April 7-9, 2009
May 19-21, 2009

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