US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.


Early Research

[Photograph]: Much of today's common knowledge about silviculture of Pacific Northwest conifers came from research at Wind River, such as this Douglas-fir spacing study (Photo taken 1932).Forest Service research dates back almost to the time the national forests were created. The first study in the Pacific Northwest was started in 1909 to determine tree volume, taper, and bark thickness of hundreds of trees. Permanent growth plots were established on the Willamette National Forest in 1910. In that same year, research began at Wind River (Carson), Washington, to learn more about reforestation following a wildfire. In 1913, the Wind River Forest Experiment Station was established as the first Forest Service research facility in the Pacific Northwest.

In the early days of research, much emphasis was placed on developing knowledge necessary to harvest timber, allow for adequate regeneration of the forests, and protect other resource values. Timber harvest practices--clearcutting in Douglas-fir and selective cutting in ponderosa pine--were developed. Forests were surveyed for age, volume, and growth rate. Research was begun on watershed protection and forest insect problems. Gradually, as forest management became more intensive in the Pacific Northwest, the research program was expanded to help meet demands for new information. New laboratories were built at various locations in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington.



[Image]: Cover of publication entitled Early Forestry Research.

Early Forestry Research

(PDF: Part A - 2.8 MB, Part B - 2.18 MB)



[Image]: Cover of publication entitled Closer to the Truth.

Closer to the Truth: 75 Years of Discovery in Forest & Range Research


US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 12 March 2008 at 17:23:34 EDT

US logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.