US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

US Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.

Behavior, Chemistry, and Ecology of Forest Insects and Diseases Team

Rick G. Kelsey, Team Leader
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: (541) 750-7368


Mission: (For more information about the team, visit Disturbance Ecology and Management Team Page)



Unacceptable damage from insects and disease is a particular issue in eastern Oregon and Washington forests and in south-central Alaska. Our team members, located in Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska, and Corvallis, Oregon, focus on studies that design and test options for managing forests to be resistant to outbreak situations as well as mitigating adverse affects during outbreaks. We emphasize methods to detect, monitor, predict, model, and mitigate insects and diseases, emphasizing semiochemical (behavioral chemical) technologies; and we develop understanding and management approaches to enhance or conserve the desirable effects of insects and tree diseases in forest ecosystems.

[Image]: Bark beetle.

  [Photograph]: Douglas-fir beetle "spot kill".- Develop pheromones and phytochemicals to detect and mitigate insects and disease, including at the landscape scale.

- Develop silvicultural approaches to regulate effects of diseases and insects on forest structure and composition.

- Determine how to monitor effects of disturbance on abundance, function, and diversity of arthropods.

- Determine the ecological roles of root diseases and develop strategies to encourage their desired effects in ecosystem management.

- Determine roles of heart rot, dwarf mistletoe, and other organisms as disturbance agents in old-growth forests of southeast Alaska.

- Determine the epidemiology of yellow-cedar decline in southeast Alaska and evaluate the salvage value of killed trees.

US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Friday, 01 May 2009 at 21:02:10 EDT

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