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Congressional Art Competition

Each spring, Members of the U.S. House of Representatives sponsor a nationwide high school art competition.  This competition, known as An Artistic Discovery, is an opportunity to recognize and encourage the artistic talent in the nation, as well as the Fourth District of Alabama.

Typically, in April or May, I chair a local art competition where students submit their original artwork. There are several categories for the competition including paintings, drawings, collages, prints, mixed media, photography, and computer graphics. The local competition is held in a different location each year to provide the entire Fourth District the opportunity to exhibit and view the local talent.

There will be one "Best of Show" winner, along with First Place winners in each category and Honorable Mention winners.

The “Best of Show” award winner receives a trip for three and $500 for expenses to attend “An Artistic Discovery,” the national student exhibit held in Washington, DC. After the ceremony, artwork is displayed in our nation’s Capitol for one year. This exhibit in Washington includes artwork from other contest winners nationwide. Each category winner receives a trophy with second and third place receiving a certificate.

If you are a resident of the Fourth District of Alabama and would like more information on the annual Congressional District Art Competition, please contact Mrs. Pat Ellis in my Jasper District Office.