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What are the Benefits of the Page Program Experience?

Pages are employees of the House and the work they perform is important. The work aspect is one of the most unique components of the Page experience. 

Pages work as a team and not in an individuals Member's offices. Page duties consist primarily of delivery of correspondence, legislative material and small packages within the Congressional complex. A few Pages are assigned to answering phones in the Member's Cloakrooms, taking messages for Members, calling them to the phone if they are in the House Chamber and preparing the House Floor for sessions. Still others monitor a telephone bank of incoming requests for Page service. A rotation system is practiced so that every Page has an opportunity to experience the various areas of service.

The work experience is supervised by full-time adult employees who manage the Page work responsibilities on a daily basis. Pages sponsored by the Majority report to the Majority Chief Page, and those sponsored by the Minority report to the Minority Chief Page. 

Pages report to work after classes and work until 5 PM or when the House adjourns for the day, whichever is later.