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Congressional Research Service Grant Information

This section, prepared by the Congressional Research Service for Members of Congress, gives guidance and Internet resources on Federal grants and nonfinancial assistance, as well as on private foundation funding. 

Grants Information for Constituents
The slideshow "Grants Information for Constituents" provides an overview and tips on the grant process, reviews key sources, and demonstrates doing a typical grants request. Updated March 2007.

How Best to Find Information
Find funding programs and learn how to write grant proposals in this section.

Key Federal Funding Sources
Links to various websites that will help you identify funding sources and learn how to best prepare your grant proposal.

Related Federal Resources
Links to federal websites dealing with grants and the grant process.

Private and Corporate Funding Sources
Today, there are a myriad of sources available to provide funding outside of that provided by the federal government.  This section will help you identify some of the available private and corporate funding sources.

Additional Sources
Provides additional information on grants and the grant process.