RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program

US Forest Service Research and Development

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Rocky Mountain Research Station
 RMRS Science Program Areas
 Air, Water and Aquatics Science Program
 Research Projects
 Field Locations
About the Rocky Mountain Research Station

AWAE Program Headquarters
322 East Front St., Ste 401

Boise, ID 83702

(208) 373-4340


Rocky Mountain Research Station Headquarters

2150 Centre Ave., Bldg A
Fort Collins, CO 80526

(970) 295-5923

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Rocky Mountain Research Station Home > Science Program Areas > Air, Water and Aquatics > Mission


Air, Water and Aquatic Environments Science Program Mission Statement


Mission Statement: To develop and apply scientific knowledge to support management, conservation, and restoration of terrestrial, riparian and aquatic ecosystems and provide for sustainable clean air and water quality and delivery in the Interior West.


Air quality, water availability, water quality, and aquatic habitats are critical issues within the rapidly changing Western United States. Air, water, and aquatic resources are essential to society, as a life support and as an economic mainstay for individuals, communities, local and state governments. Forest and rangeland land management, coupled with human expansion has a significant influence on the quality and quantity of these resources. A long history of overgrazing by livestock, timber harvest, fire suppression, mining operations, recreational activities, road construction in valley and canyon bottoms and hill slopes, and dams and water diversions is impacting entire watersheds. Increasing dependence upon watersheds for off-site domestic water supplies, irrigation, and recreation has added complexity to the challenges faced by watershed managers. Natural disturbances, such as climate change and uncharacteristic fires and weather patterns are rapidly changing known patterns outdating current air, water, and aquatic management understanding and monitoring. Research is needed to understand natural processes, and how human management and other interventions impact these critical resources.



Research Field Unit Locations located throughout the interior west each contribute to the AWAE science program research. 

Albuquerque Lab, Boise Lab, Flagstaff Lab, Fort Collins Lab, Missoula Lab, Moscow Lab

All Field Unit Locations


Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest (Arizona) - long-term hydrologic studies

Fraser Experimental Forest (Colorado) - nutrient cycling, snow hydrology, ecosystem carbon storage, climate, streamflow, and water chemistry

GLEES (Glacier Lake Ecosystem Experiments Site) (Wyoming) - seedling germination, nitrogen deposition, riparian hydrology, disturbance dynamics, tree growth, atmospheric pollutants

AWAE Field Units in the Rocky Mountain Research Station

Air, Water, and Aquatic Environments Science Program Logo - US Forest Service RMRS


Rocky Mountain Research Station - Air, Water and Aquatic Environments Sciences Program
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 04 March 2009 at 13:13:02 EST

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