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What's the Dress Code?

A Page in the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to maintain a neat appearance and conservative hairstyle at all times and adhere to the Page Dress Code while working in the Capitol Complex during business hours. 

Dress requirements for work and school include for young men, navy blue wool or acrylic jackets, dark grey slacks, a uniform tie, a white long-sleeved, permanent press dress shirt, solid black shoes and socks. 

Young women wear navy blue wool or acrylic jackets, white long-sleeved, permanent press oxford type blouses, a uniform tie, dark grey slacks or knee length, non-slit dark grey skirts, solid black shoes and nylons. 

Navy blue or white sweaters may be worn in the winter months under the jacket. Usually jackets are not worn from May through Labor Day, except when working on the House Floor. Shoes may be either a comfortable dress style or a non-canvas low cut athletic type. Shoes must be solid black.

The uniform tie will be provided by the Clerk's Office after arrival in Washington. Required clothing may be purchased at a department store or specialty store in your area. Pages will be charged for any uniform tie that they request over the one allotted.