• Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • 240 West Prospect
  • Fort Collins, CO 80526
  • (970) 498-1100
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Hot Topic: Sudden Aspen Death

Dying Aspen

Aspen Trees Dying at an Alarming Rate

Listen The cause is stress, but it is not clear why they are stresed. Listen to RMRS aspen researcher Wayne Shepperd discuss the sobering concerns and significant challenges facing the Forest Service on KCFR's Colorado Matters.

What's Happening in Colorado's Aspen Forests?

All the aspen forests in Colorado are changing; most of the forests are developing through periods of gradual change, but in recent years many landscapes have experienced rapid changes including the death of many large, old trees. Why are so many trees dying now? Read more.

RMRS Aspen Research Highlights

Restoration of Aspen in the Western U.S. that are in Decline or Experiencing Die-off

Recent RMRS Aspen Publications

Ecology, biodiversity, management, and restoration of aspen in the Sierra Nevada Shepperd, Wayne D.; Rogers, Paul C.; Burton, David; Bartos, Dale L. (GTR-RMRS-178)

Restoring the West Conference 2006: Aspen Restoration

View presentations, photographs, and documents from the 2006 Restoring the West Conference, sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Research Station and held at Utah State University in Logan, Utah, September 12-13, 2006.

Aspen Delineation Project

The website for this project tracks recent news and developments concerning aspen management and ecology.

Rocky Mountain Research Station
Last Modified: Monday, 28 April 2008 at 17:12:47 EDT (Version 1.0.5)