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Aderholt Returns From Congressional Trip To Africa And Afghanistan

Contact: Darrell “DJ” Jordan
(202) 225-4876


Trip Includes Visit With Alabama Troops

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) returned on Sunday evening from a congressional delegation trip to Africa and Southeast Asia.  During the trip, Congressman Aderholt met with Alabama troops in Afghanistan and held diplomatic meetings with leaders of various African nations about the development of AFRICOM. The members traveling with Congressman Aderholt were Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Congressmen Jeff Miller of Florida and Randy Neugebauer of Texas.

The delegation traveled to Southeast Asia on Saturday for meals and meetings with American troops from Oklahoma, Alabama, Florida and Texas who are serving at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base and Camp Eggers in Kabul, Afghanistan. While in Qatar, Rep. Aderholt also met with Alabama native Air Force Brig. Gen. Walter D. Givhan, who is originally from Dallas County.

“It was a great honor to meet with members of our troops and to personally let them know that Americans appreciate their service, as well as all the men and women serving in our Armed Forces in war zones,” said Congressman Aderholt. “This country is safe because of the sacrifices of these brave Americans who risk their lives for the very liberties we enjoy everyday.”

Rep. Aderholt spent Wednesday in meetings with Nigerian leaders and American diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador Robin Renee Sanders.  Discussions focused on AFRICOM, as well as African social and healthcare issues. 

The United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States Department of Defense that is responsible for U.S. military operations in African nations.

"AFRICOM is an organization in which we should all have great interest, not only because of the Command’s importance to Africa, but also because of its ongoing importance to our national security,” said Congressman Aderholt.  “It was very enlightening to discuss AFRICOM with leaders of some of Africa’s most influential countries.”

On Thursday, the delegation traveled to Rwanda and Ethiopia to meet with United States Ambassadors, AFRICOM officials and various Ministers of each country, including Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Rwanda Foreign Minister Charles Murigande. While in Ethiopia, the delegation also met with European Union officials on Friday.
