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Congressman Aderholt Applauds The Expiration Of The OCS Energy Moratorium

                                                        Contact: Darrell “DJ” Jordan
(202) 226-7602



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) today made the following statement on American Energy Independence Day (October 1, 2008), a day when the moratoria on oil and gas in most of the Outer Continental Shelf and oil shale on federal lands expired.

 “I, along with 155 Congressman and 39 Senators, signed a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi on behalf of the millions of Americans feeling pain at the gas pump and seeking to increase production of American energy. The letter requested that prohibitions on energy leasing on most of the Outer Continental Shelf and on oil shale leasing on federal lands be allowed to expire. I am thankful that Congressional leadership yielded to the request of the majority of Americans in allowing the moratorium to expire, so that domestic energy production will increase and gas prices will fall.” 

“While all of us are rightly focused on the financial market situation, we also should not lose sight of the fact that part of people’s economic problems today is due to high energy prices.  Forcing the Congressional leadership to allow these moratoria to expire is a strong victory for American energy.” 

“In July, I introduced the “Enhancing Energy Independence Resolution” to express that America can become more energy independent using today's technology without massive taxpayer expenditures, and garnering energy from our OSC supplies is a vital part of my plan.”

“More must be done to unlock America’s energy potential, including expediting lawsuits and streamlining the leasing and permitting processes. Congress must work to fast track the retrieval of our domestic resources so that we can quickly get it to the pipelines, because I believe that price reductions at the gas pump will help our economy by bringing relief to each American family’s pocketbook.”
