Subcommittee on Homeland Security


Chair: David E. Price (NC)
José E. Serrano (NY)
Ciro Rodriguez (TX)
C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger (MD)
Alan B. Mollohan (WV)
Nita M. Lowey (NY)
Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA)
Sam Farr (CA)
Steven R. Rothman (NJ)
David R. Obey (WI), Ex Officio


Ranking Member:
Harold Rogers (KY)

John R. Carter (TX)
John Abney Culberson (TX)
Mark Steven Kirk (IL)
Ken Calvert (CA)
Jerry Lewis (CA), Ex Officio

David E. Price (NC), Chair

David E. Price (NC), Chair

Stephanie Gupta, Subcommittee Clerk
Room B-307 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5834


Hearing: Homeland Security Secretary
1:00 PM, 2359 Rayburn
Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security (Testimony)

Hearing: Member Requests
10:00 AM, 2362-A Rayburn
Members of Congress

Hearing: U.S. Coast Guard: Measuring Mission Needs
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn
Adm. Thad Allen, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (Testimony)
John Hutton, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, GAO (Testimony)

Hearing: Priorities Enforcing Immigration Law
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn
Michael Aytes, Acting Deputy Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services (Testimony)
David Venturella, Executive Director, Secure Communities, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Testimony)
Marcy Forman, Director, Office of Investigations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Testimony)

Hearing: Cargo and Container Security: Keeping a Lid on Threats
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn
Jayson Ahern, Acting Commissioner, Customs and Border Protection (Testimony)
Thomas Winkowski, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations, Customs and Border Protection
Charles Gallaway, Acting Director, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Testimony)

Hearing: Rail and Transit Security, Aviation Security Efficiency
10:00 AM, 2362-B Rayburn
Panel 1: Rail and Transit Security
John Sammon, Assistant Administrator of Transportation Sector Network Management, TSA (Testimony)
W. Ross Ashley, Assistant Administrator of Grant Programs, FEMA (Testimony)
Panel 2: Improving Aviation Security Efficiency
Gale Rossides, Acting Administrator, TSA (Testimony)

Hearing: Science and Technology Research and Transitioning Products Into Use
10:00 AM, 2358-A Rayburn
Bradley Buswell, Acting Under Secretary, DHS Science and Technology (Testimony)

Joint Hearing With Legislative Branch Subcommittee: Protecting our Nation's Leaders: Challenges of 2008 Presidential Campaign and the 56th Presidential Inauguration
2:00 PM, 2359 Rayburn
Mark Sullivan, Director, United States Secret Service (Testimony)
Phillip Morse, Chief, U.S. Capitol Police (Testimony)

Hearing: Biometric Identification
10:00 AM, 2362-A Rayburn
Kathleen Kraninger, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Policy, DHS Screening Coordination Office
Bob Mocny, Director, United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (Testimony)

Hearing: Interoperable Communications
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn
W. Ross Ashley, Assistant Adminstrator of Grant Programs, FEMA (Testimony)
Dr. David Boyd, Director, Command Control and Interoperability Division, DHS Directorate for Science & Technology (Testimony)
Chris Essid, Director, Office of Emergency Communications, DHS (Testimony)

Hearing: Securing the Nation’s Rail and Transit System
10:00 AM, 2362-A Rayburn
John Sammon, Assistant Administrator of Transportation Sector Network Management, TSA (Testimony)
W. Ross Ashley, Assistant Adminstrator of Grant Programs, FEMA (Testimony)
Bill Morange, Deputy Executive Director and Director of Security, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Testimony)
Jack Eckles, Deputy Executive Officer for System Safety and Security, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Testimony)

Hearing: DHS Security Response to Violence on the Border with Mexico
11:30 AM, 2358-C Rayburn
Mark Koumans, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs (Testimony)
Jayson Ahern, Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Marcy Forman, Director, Office of Investigations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Testimony)
David Aguilar, Chief, U.S. Border Patrol

Hearing: Secure Border Initiative & Control of the Land Border
10:00 AM, 2358-C Rayburn
Jayson Ahern, Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Testimony)
David Aguilar, Chief, U.S. Border Patrol
Mark Borkowski Executive Director, Secure Border Initiative

Hearing: Health Services for Detainees in U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Custody
10:00 AM - 2:30 PM, 2359 Rayburn
Dora Schirio, Special Advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security (Testimony)
Jim Hayes, Director, Office of Detention & Removal Ops, U.S. ICE (Testimony)
Capt. José Rodriguez, Director, Immigrant Health Services, U.S. ICE (Testimony)
Alicia Puente Cackley, Director, Health Care, GAO (Testimony)

Hearing: Disaster Response: Is FEMA up to the Challenge?
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn
Dave Garratt, Acting Deputy Administrator, FEMA (Testimony)
Edward Tonini, Adj. Gen., Commonwealth of Kentucky (Testimony)
Craig Fugate, Director, FL Div. of Emergency Management

 Events 2008
 Events 2007


2009 Earmark Certification Letters
- Conference Addendum

2009 House Bill
HR 6947

Text, Congressional Action, Status

2009 Consolidated Bill
HR 2638

Text, Congressional Action, Status

Previous Bills


Department of Homeland Security