House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development

Instructions for Providing Written Public Testimony for Fiscal Year 2010

The Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development will not be scheduling an outside witness hearing on the fiscal year 2010 budget.  As in the past, interested parties may submit written testimony for the record.  Written testimony must be received by Friday, April 3, 2009.  Please do not send your statement via fax or U.S. Postal mail.

All written testimony must comply with the following requirements:

• Send the original as an electronic mail attachment to: EW.Approp@mail.house.gov with the following subject line: Public Witness Testimony for the Record.
• Do not exceed five pages;
• Type on standard 8.5 by 11 inch letter size paper;
• Single-space type in 12 point font and have one inch margins;
• Clearly indicate your name, title, and institutional affiliation (if any) at the top of the first page; in the request;
• Clearly state in the first paragraph the agency, program, and amount of money involved
• Do not include color and detailed photos since the hearing volume will be photographically reproduced. However, use of charts and tables and the use of appropriate bold type and bullets are acceptable, as long as they are within the five page maximum length.

If you have any questions please contact Casey Pearce at the Energy and Water subcommittee (202) 225-3421.

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