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What are the Requirements of an Internship?

Internships can be full-time or part-time, in one of our Alabama District offices or in our Washington, D.C. office and for school credit if necessary. As a general rule, interns work the same hours as permanent staff members. Although, semester-long internships are preferred, our office is willing to accommodate school and personal commitments should they pose a scheduling problem. Typically, the Fall session will begin the first week in September and continue through mid-December. The Winter/Spring session begins in mid-January and spans through the end of May. A summer internship consists of at least a 4-week session during June, July or August.

Anyone who has completed at least one year of undergraduate study is eligible to apply. Although we encourage anyone to apply, preference will be given to students whose permanent residence is in the 4th Congressional District of the State of Alabama. Due to the diverse nature of the issues involved in our nation's government, we also encourage students who may not have a political background or a Pre-Law major to apply. The only real qualification we have is that you be willing to work hard, follow directions and enjoy yourself.