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Helpful Links is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.
The Library of CongressFrom the Library of Congress, you can find links for several branches of the government including:
Executive Branch Agencies
Legislative Branch Sites
Judicial Branch Sites
Other General Resources

Official Website of the State of Alabama is the official website of the State of Alabama and a service of Alabama Interactive.

HealthInsurance.Alabama.Gov is a resource for parents and guardians, employees and employers, this site will help you learn how you can get health insurance or offer health care coverage to your employees. helps citizens access government benefit eligibility information through a free, confidential, and easy-to-use online screening tool.

U.S. State Department Career Opportunities

U.S. Department of State Careers - This website explains all State Department career opportunities, including Foreign Service Officer, Civil Service Officer, internships, as well as links to career opportunities at the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Peace Corps. is your gateway to Federal loan information, brought to you through a partnership between Federal agencies and

Republican Study Committee

The Republican Study Committee is a group of over 110 House Republicans organized for the purpose of advancing a conservative social and economic agenda in the House of Representatives.

House Immigration Reform Caucus

The Immigration Reform Caucus is an organization of U.S. House Members dedicated towards identifying legislative solutions to address the issue of illegal immigration.

The Congressional Prayer Caucus

Among its purposes, the Congressional Prayer Caucus seeks to recognize the vital role that prayer by individuals of all faiths has played in uniting us as a people.