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Visiting Washington D.C.

We are always happy to help you learn more about our nation's capital and the work I do on Capitol Hill. It is highly recommended that visitors plan trips in advance, since there are so many things to see and do.  

If you are planning a trip to Washington and are a constituent of the Fourth Congressional District, you may either submit your request electronically through the Ticket and Tour Request Form below
or contact my Washington office at (202) 225-4876 for information or tour tickets which may be available.  

The earlier you make your tour requests, the better your chances of getting tickets for the tours you are interested in.

During certain times of the year, tickets are in high demand, so be sure to contact my office well in advance of your trip. For complete information on Washington, D.C. and all of the attractions visit:
The House of Representatives Visitor's Information or The Washington, D.C. Convention and Visitor Association

Note: Due to the number of requests we receive, we can only accommodate residents of the 4th District. If you aren't sure who your Congressional Representative is, check the Write Your Representative database to find out who it is. 

I look forward to seeing you in the Nation's Capital.

Washington D.C. Tour Request Form

Please fill out the following information:

All fields marked with an * are required