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Social Security

Nothing is more important than ensuring that our senior citizens are taken care of.  For many years now, Social Security has helped to do just that.

I want you to know that no matter what challenges face our Social Security system, I'm committed to doing everything to ensure that it will be available to you, your children, and your grandchildren.  That includes opposing efforts that would weaken the system.  Americans have paid into the system and earned every penny they receive back.  Congress must not take any action that would ultimately harm the people Social Security is intended to protect.

Securing Social Security for today and tomorrow is about doing what's right.  It's as simple as that.  My job is to make sure that continues.

Important Legislation

H.R. 2, Social Security and Medicare Lockbox Act of 2001:  This 2001 bill would lock away Social Security and Medicare Surpluses – protecting Alabama’s seniors.  Without it, approximately $2.9 trillion in projected Social Security and Medicare Part A surpluses over the next ten years could have been spent on programs and initiatives which would do little, if any, to protect seniors.  By ‘locking away’ Social Security taxes, this bill would make sure that the money Americans are investing in the Social Security system will be there for their retirement

H.R. 4405, Federal Payments Option Act:  I introduced this bill in 1998 in response to many seniors who felt that the federal government was strong-arming them into using the direct deposit system of receiving their Social Security checks, instead of receiving the payment via mail. 

At the time, Alabama and Texas were subject to a pilot program which mandated that Social Security and all other federal payment checks be deposited electronically, rather than sent via mail. Many seniors were told the only way they could opt out of direct deposit was to claim a hardship, making some believe they must open a bank account in order to be paid.

While some Social Security recipients find this a convenient way to receive their checks, many seniors who make the personal decision not to have a bank account, protested this mandate. In addition, some seniors stated they didn't feel comfortable with electronic disbursements as a means of depositing checks. 

H.R. 5, Senior Citizens' Freedom to Work Act of 2000:  This bill from 2000 repealed the earnings limit for Social Security recipients.   Prior to this bill becoming law Social Security recipients between the ages of 65 to 69 that earned more than $17,000 would lose one-third of their Social Security check because of the earnings limit.  This bill eliminated this unfair rule, allowing seniors to collect their Social Security check in it’s entirety - money which was rightfully theirs.