School Districts Will Benefit from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Below are estimates of the amount of education funding that each state will receive from certain aspects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  These are estimates only based on available and current data and may not reflect exact allocations that states or school districts receive when these funds are actually allocated.

Click here to download the Department of Education's state-level data, including the State Stabilization Fund, Title I and IDEA »

Click here to download the Department of Education's estimates of school district level allocations for Title I » (Approximately half of these funds will be distributed on April 1, 2009;  the second installment is expected later this fall.)

Click here to download school district level allocations for IDEA, as calculated by CRS on February 13, 2009 » (Approximately half of these funds will be distributed on April 1, 2009;  the second installment is expected later this fall.) (State-by-state breakdowns below.)

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