Volunteers in Parks Programs

You can become involved and play an important role in helping the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor meet the needs of visitors and event and program participants - by becoming a Volunteers-in-Parks (VIP) at numerous heritage sites, museums and parks within the Valley.

The Volunteers-in-Parks Program is a National Park Service program that was created in 1970. The VIP program allows the Park Service to integrate volunteers into park programming. Over 120,000 volunteers have volunteered over 4,000,000 hours to America’s treasures throughout the National Park Service.

The Volunteers-in-Parks Program aims to create a mutually rewarding experience for the volunteer and the Park Service. Check out our new Volunteers in Parks Scrapbook, where we highlight what our volunteers have been doing in the Corridor.

Our growing Volunteers-in-Parks program has a dual purpose. It provides the ever-growing number of heritage sites in the Blackstone Valley with volunteers, and it provides volunteers the opportunity to communicate with visitors and to give of themselves.

Volunteers can be scheduled on a regular basis at a specific site or help with a specific one-time event. In appreciation of their efforts, volunteers are provided with VIP uniforms, hats and nameplates. Monthly meeting are held at different sites so volunteers can get to know each other and become familiar with the various sites within the Blackstone Valley. Take a look at the Volunteers in Parks Training Manual to find out more about the variety of opportunities for putting your skills to work in the Blackstone River Valley - and have fun doing it !

To join the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor VIP Program, call Ranger Suzanne Buchanan at the National Heritage Corridor office at 401.762.0440, or email her at Suzanne_Buchanan@nps.gov.

More information about the National Park Service's Volunteer In Parks program, a resource of ParkNet is now online.

For an update on what's happening in the John H. Chafee Blackstone
River Valley National Heritage Corridor, take a look at the latest
edition of the Commission News.

For more information about our VIP program, please click below:

Volunteers in Parks 2004
(PDF: 684 KB / 4 page)

Volunteers in Parks 2003
(PDF: 1.25 MB / 4 page)

Volunteers in Parks 2002
(PDF: 676 KB / 4 pages)


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