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Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related Onshore and Offshore Facilities

 [Federal Register: July 17, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 137)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 47091-47140]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
[[pp. 47091-47140]]
Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation-Related 
Onshore and Offshore Facilities
[[Continued from page 47090]]
[[Page 47091]]

amended at fixed time points such as before a design is physically 
implemented, before startup of operations, after modifications, before 
new or modified equipment is in operation, or when changes are made. 
One commenter said that rule language should be clarified to note that 
the RA may specify a time period longer than six months to implement an 
    Response to comments. When amendment is necessary. We agree with 
the commenter who suggested that we maintain the current standard for 
amendments, i.e., when there is a change that materially affects the 
facility's potential to discharge oil. This position accords with our 
stance on when Plans should be prepared and implemented. See 
Sec. 112.3. The other suggested standards too narrowly limit the 
changes which would trigger Plan amendment. We believe that an 
amendment is necessary when a facility change results in a decrease in 
the volume stored or a decrease in the potential for an oil spill 
because EPA needs this information to determine compliance with the 
rule. For example, the amount of secondary containment required depends 
on the storage capacity of a container. Decreases might also affect the 
way a facility plans emergency response measures and training 
procedures. A lesser capacity might require different response measures 
than a larger capacity. The training of employees might be affected 
because the operation and maintenance of the facility might be affected 
by a lesser storage capacity.
    Likewise, a standard requiring amendment ``when there are indicia 
of problems'' is too vague and leaves problems unaddressed which may 
result in a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). A standard 
requiring an amendment only when the change would cause the spill 
potential to exceed the Plan's capabilities (because day-to-day changes 
do not affect the worst case spill) would have the effect of leaving no 
documentation of amendments which might affect discharges which do not 
reach the standard of ``worst case spill.'' While we encourage 
facilities to incorporate new procedures into Plans which would help to 
prevent discharges, amendments are still necessary when material 
changes are made to document those new procedures, and thus facilitate 
the enforcement of the rule's requirements. We disagree that a small 
facility should be exempt from making amendments for material changes. 
Amendments may be necessary at large or small facilities alike to 
prevent discharges after material changes.
    Material changes. A material change is one that may either increase 
or decrease the potential for a discharge. We agree with the commenter 
that the rule should be worded to indicate that the examples are for 
illustration only, because the items in the list may not always trigger 
amendments, and because the list is not exclusive. Only changes which 
materially affect operations trigger the amendment requirement. 
Ordinary maintenance or non-material changes which do not affect the 
potential for the discharge of oil do not.
    We disagree that decommissioning of a container that results in 
permanent closure of that container is not a material amendment. 
Decommissioning a container could materially decrease the potential for 
a discharge and require Plan amendment, unless such decommissioning 
brings the facility below the regulatory threshold, making the 
preparation and implementation of a Plan no longer a requirement. We 
also believe that the oversight of a Professional Engineer is necessary 
to ensure that the container is in fact properly closed.
    We agree that replacement of tanks, containers, or equipment may 
not be a material change if the replacements are identical in quality, 
capacity, and number. However, a replacement of one tank with more than 
one identical tank resulting in greater storage capacity is a material 
change because the storage capacity of the facility, and its consequent 
discharge potential, have increased.
    Changes of product. We have added to the list of examples, on a 
commenter's suggestion, ``changes of product.'' We added ``changes of 
product'' because such change may materially affect facility operations 
and therefore be a material change. An example of a change of product 
that would be a material change would be a change from storage of 
asphalt to storage of gasoline. Storage of gasoline instead of asphalt 
presents an increased fire and explosion hazard. A switch from storage 
of gasoline to storage of asphalt might result in increased stress on 
the container leading to its failure. Changes of product involving 
different grades of gasoline might not be a material change and thus 
not require amendment of the Plan if the differing grades of gasoline 
do not substantially change the conditions of storage and potential for 
    A change in service may also be a material change if it affects the 
potential for a discharge. A ``change in service'' is a change from 
previous operating conditions involving different properties of the 
stored product such as specific gravity or corrosivity and/or different 
service conditions of temperature and/or pressure. Therefore, we have 
amended the rule to add ``or service'' after the phrase ``changes of 
    Documenting no change or certain activities. We agree that a log 
book may be used to document non-material, routine activities. However, 
this is not an appropriate substitute for amendment when you make 
material changes at the facility.
    EPA approval. We agree with the commenter's suggestion that EPA 
approval of an amendment is not required. However, if the RA is not 
satisfied that your amendment satisfies the requirements of these 
rules, he may require further amendment of your Plan.
    Time line for amendment implementation. We agree with commenters 
that we should not require Plan amendment before material changes are 
made. Therefore, we have revised the proposed rule to provide a maximum 
of six months for Plan amendment, and a maximum of six more months for 
amendment implementation. This is the current standard. We note that 
Sec. 112.3(f) allows the RA to authorize an extension of time to 
prepare and implement an amendment under certain circumstances.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The phrase in the first 
sentence which read, ``potential to discharge oil as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b) of this part,'' becomes ``potential for a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b). ``Tanks'' becomes ``containers.'' 
``Commission or decommission'' becomes ``commissioning or 

Section 112.5(b)--Periodic Review of Plans

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule, which requires 
that the owner or operator review the Plan at least every three years, 
and amend it if more effective control and prevention technology would 
significantly reduce the likelihood of a spill, and if the technology 
had been field-proven at the time of the review.
    In 1997, we withdrew the 1991 proposal, and instead proposed a 
five-year review time frame, with the same technological conditions. In 
1997, we also proposed that the owner or operator certify that he had 
performed the review.
    Comments. Five-year review. Most commenters favored the change from 
three-to five-year review. Some

[[Page 47092]]

commenters noted that a five-year review period would make it easier to 
coordinate reviews of related plans, such as facility response plans 
required by part 112. A few opposed it, preferring the current three-
year review period. They believed that five-year review might lead to 
reduced maintenance and consequent environmental harm, especially in 
the absence of any requirements for a facility to ensure that personnel 
are familiar with planning goals and proposed response actions, 
including personnel who are rotated. One commenter suggested that the 
longevity of a tank warranty should be the determining factor in the 
length of review time. Another suggested that there should be no 
particular time period prescribed because the requirement for an 
amendment whenever a material change is made is sufficient.
    Completion of review. Commenters split almost evenly on the 
proposed requirement for certification of completion of the review. 
Opponents of the certification proposal believed generally that it is 
unnecessary paperwork that will not benefit the environment. One 
commenter suggested that instead of documenting completion of review, a 
facility might instead date the Plan to show review and date each 
amendment. One commenter thought that the certifications should have to 
be forwarded to the Regional Administrator. Others asked whether the 
certification could be documented in a log book, instead of in the 
Plan. Another commenter asked at what management level certification 
should be required. One commenter believed that Plans amended due to 
five-year reviews should not require owner or operator certification 
because any amendments to the Plan have to be reviewed and certified by 
a PE. Another commenter noted that no specific language was provided 
for the certification. One commenter urged that the PE should be 
allowed to document that no change is necessary after reviewing planned 
changes, or that further study is required, or that an amendment is 
    Response to comments. Five-year review. We agree that a five-year 
review period will make coordination of review of related plans, such 
as facility response plans required by part 112, easier. We disagree 
that a five-year review period will lead to reduced maintenance or 
increased environmental harm. Amendment of a Plan will still be 
necessary when a material change is made affecting the facility's 
potential to discharge oil, perhaps after certain discharges as 
required by the RA under Sec. 112.4(a), and perhaps after on-site 
review of a Plan (see Sec. 112.4(d)). Plus the Plan must be implemented 
at all times. These opportunities ensure that Plans will be current. We 
also disagree that the length of the tank warranty should be the 
determining factor for a technological review. Technology changes 
enough within a five-year period to warrant required review within such 
time period whether or not other changes occur. Amendments other than 
the five-year review amendments may not be based on the need to learn 
of improved technology. Those amendments might result from deficiencies 
in the Plan, on the need to make repairs, or to remedy the cause of a 
    Calculation of time between reviews. The change in the rule from 
three-year to five-year reviews requires some explanation as to when a 
review must be conducted. For example, a facility became subject to the 
rule on January 1, 1990. The first three-year review should have been 
conducted by January 1, 1993, the second by January 1, 1996, and the 
third by January 1, 1999. The next review must be conducted by January 
1, 2004, due to the rule change. In other words, an existing facility 
must complete the review within 5 years of the date the last review 
must have been completed. A facility becoming operable on or after the 
effective date of the rule will begin a five-year cycle at the date it 
becomes subject to part 112.
    Completion of review. We disagree that documentation of completion 
of review has no environmental benefit. Its benefit lies in the fact 
that it shows that someone reviewed the Plan to determine if better 
technology would benefit the facility and the Plan is current. 
Documentation of completion of review is necessary whether or not any 
amendments are necessary in order to clearly show that the review was 
done. Mere dating of the Plan or of an amendment does not show that you 
performed the required review. Documentation of completion of review is 
a function of the owner or operator, whereas certification of any 
resulting technical amendment is a function of the PE. We disagree that 
documentation of completion should be forwarded to the Regional 
Administrator because it would increase the information collection 
burden without an environmental benefit. It is sufficient that the 
review be done. When the Regional Administrator wishes to verify 
completion of review, he may do so during an on-site inspection.
    How to document completion of review. You must add documentation of 
completion of review either at the beginning or the end of the Plan, or 
maintain such documentation in a log book appended to the Plan or other 
appendix to the Plan. You may document completion in one of two ways. 
If amendment of the Plan is necessary, then you must state as much, and 
that review is complete. This statement is necessary because Plan 
amendments may result either from five-year review or from material 
changes at the facility affecting its potential for discharge, or from 
on-site review of the Plan. There is no way to know which circumstance 
causes the amendment without some explanation. If no amendments are 
necessary, you must document completion of review by merely signing a 
statement that you have completed the review and no amendments are 
necessary. You may use the words suggested in the rule to document 
completion, or make any similar statement to the same effect.
    Who documents review. The owner or operator of the facility, or a 
person at a management level with sufficient authority to commit the 
necessary resources, must document completion of review.
    Time line for amendment implementation. We agree with commenters 
(see comments on proposed Sec. 112.5(a)) that the preparation and 
implementation of Plan amendments require more time than proposed. The 
same rationale applies to the preparation and implementation of 
amendments required due to five-year reviews. Therefore, we will 
require adherence to the time lines laid down in Sec. 112.5(b) for 
amendments. Currently, Sec. 112.5(b) requires that Plan amendments be 
prepared within six months. It is silent as to time lines for 
implementation. Therefore, we have revised the rule to clarify that 
amendments must be implemented as soon as possible, but within the next 
six months. This is the current standard for implementation of certain 
other amendments. See, for example, Secs. 112.3(a) and 112.4(e). We 
note that Sec. 112.3(f) allows you to request an extension of time to 
prepare and implement an amendment.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We have changed the word 
``certification'' to a requirement to document completion of the review 
to avoid the legal effect a certification may have. The intent of the 
certification proposal was merely to show that an owner or operator 
performed a review of the Plan every five years. 62 FR 63814, December 
2, 1997. A false documentation of completion of review of the Plan is a 
deficiency in the Plan and may be cited as a violation of these

[[Page 47093]]

rules. ``Spill event,'' in the second sentence, becomes ``discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b).

Section 112.5(c)--PE Certification of Technical Amendments

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that all amendments to the Plan 
must be certified by a PE with the exception of changes to the contact 
list. The current rule requires certification of all amendments.
    Comments. A few commenters suggested that the value of PE 
certification for amendments does not justify the cost. Another 
commenter questioned when recertification of the entire Plan was 
required, rather than just the amendment in question. Several 
commenters suggested that the recertification requirement be limited to 
those changes that materially affect the facility's potential to 
discharge oil.
    Response to comments. It is the responsibility of the owner or 
operator to document completion of review, but completion of review and 
Plan amendment are two different processes. PE certification is not 
necessary unless the Plan is amended.
    We believe that PE certification is necessary for any technical 
amendment that requires the application of good engineering practice. 
We believe that the value of such certification justifies the cost, in 
that good engineering practice is essential to help prevent discharges. 
Therefore, we have amended the rule to require PE certification for 
technical changes only. Non-technical changes not requiring the 
exercise of good engineering practice do not require PE certification. 
Such non-technical changes include but are not limited to such items 
as: changes to the contact list; more stringent requirements for 
stormwater discharges to comply with NPDES rules; phone numbers; 
product changes if the new product is compatible with conditions in the 
existing tank and secondary containment; and, any other changes which 
do not materially affect the facility's potential to discharge oil. If 
the owner or operator is not sure whether the change is technical or 
non-technical, he should have it certified.

Former Section 112.7(a)(1)--Certain pre-1974 Discharges

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to delete Sec. 112.7(a), which 
required a description of certain discharges to navigable waters or 
adjoining shorelines which occurred prior to the effective date of the 
rule in 1974, because that information was no longer relevant. 56 FR 
54620. We received several comments supporting the proposed deletion of 
this provision, and have deleted it.

Section 112.7 Introduction and (a)(1)--General Eequirements

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the introduction to Sec. 112.7 
to clarify that the rule requires mandatory action, and that it is not 
just a guideline. In 1997, we reproposed a definition of SPCC Plan that 
included some substantive requirements. As noted above (see the ``SPCC 
Plan'' definition in Sec. 112.2), those substantive requirements have 
been transferred from the definition of ``SPCC Plan'' in Sec. 112.2 to 
this section.
    Section 112.7(a)(1) requires a discussion of the facility's 
conformance with the listed requirements in the rule.
    Comments. For a discussion of the ``should to shall to must'' 
comments and response to those comments, see the discussion above under 
that topic in section IV.C of this preamble.
    Cross-referencing. Several commenters criticized the requirement 
for sequential cross-referencing set forth in the 1997 proposed 
definition of ``SPCC Plan,'' alleging that it is confusing and provides 
no benefit. Another commenter asked how detailed the cross-referencing 
must be.
    Written Plans. Another commenter proposed that a ``written'' Plan 
might also include texts, graphs, charts, maps, photos, and tables, on 
whatever media, including floppy disk, CD, hard drive, and tape storage 
that allows the document to be easily accessed, comprehended, 
distributed, viewed, updated, and printed.
    Response to comments. Cross-referencing. We agree that the term 
``sequential'' cross-referencing may be confusing, and have therefore 
deleted it in favor of a requirement to provide cross-referencing. We 
disagree that cross-referencing provides no benefit. With the wide 
variation now allowed in differing formats, we need cross-referencing 
so that an inspector can tell whether the Plan meets Federal 
requirements, and whether it is complete. In addition, in order for an 
owner or operator to do his own check to ensure that his facility meets 
all SPCC requirements, he must go through the exercise of comparing his 
Plan to each SPCC requirement. Cross-referencing in the context of the 
rule means indicating the relationship of a requirement in the new 
format to an SPCC requirement. The cross-referencing must identify the 
Federal section and paragraph for each section of the new format it 
fulfills, for example, Sec. 112.8(c)(3). Note the cross-referencing 
table we have provided for your convenience in section II.A of this 
    Written Plans. We agree that a ``written'' Plan might also include 
texts, graphs, charts, maps, photos, and tables, on whatever media, 
including floppy disk, CD, hard drive, and tape storage, that allows 
the document to be easily accessed, comprehended, distributed, viewed, 
updated, and printed. Whatever medium you use, however, must be readily 
accessible to response personnel in an emergency. If it is produced in 
a medium that is not readily accessible in an emergency, it must be 
also available in a medium that is. For example, a Plan might be 
electronically produced, but computers fail and may not be operable in 
an emergency. For an electronic Plan or Plan produced in some other 
medium, therefore, a backup copy must be readily available on paper. At 
least one version of the Plan should be written in English so that it 
will be readily understood by an EPA inspector.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We have transferred all of 
the proposed substantive requirements in the 1997 proposed definition 
of ``SPCC Plan'' to the introduction of this section. We did this 
because we agree with commenters (see the comments on the definition of 
``SPCC Plan'' in Sec. 112.2) that definitions should not contain 
substantive requirements.
    We have revised the introduction to Sec. 112.7 to facilitate use of 
the active voice and to clearly note that the owner or operator, except 
as specifically noted, is responsible for implementing the rule.
    We also deleted language requiring a ``carefully thought-out'' SPCC 
Plan. Such language is unnecessary because the Plan must be prepared in 
accordance with good engineering practices. Another editorial revision 
in the introduction is the change from ``level with authority'' in the 
last sentence of proposed Sec. 112.7(a) to ``level of authority.'' A 
third revision is a change from ``format'' to ``sequence.'' We have 
transferred the part of the sentence proposed in 1991 dealing with the 
sequence of the Plan in Sec. 112.7(a)(1) to the introduction of 
Sec. 112.7.
    For consistency with response plan language in Sec. 112.20(h), the 
language in the introduction referring to alternative SPCC formats has 
been revised to read ``equivalent Plan acceptable to the Regional 
Administrator.'' The response plan language in Sec. 112.20(h) on 
``equivalent response plans'' has also been revised to include the 
``acceptable to the Regional Administrator'' language included in the 
introduction to Sec. 112.7. For a discussion of possible SPCC formats, 
see the discussion under the definition of ``SPCC Plan,'' above.

[[Page 47094]]

    We deleted the term ``sequentially cross-referenced'' because we 
agree that it may be misunderstood, and instead use the term ``cross-
referencing'' in the revised rule. As noted above, cross-referencing 
means identifying the requirement in the new format to the section and 
paragraph of the SPCC requirement. We have also substituted the word 
``part'' for ``section'' where ``cross-referencing'' and meeting 
``equivalent requirements'' are mentioned. We make this change because 
the rule requires compliance with any applicable provision in the part, 
not merely Sec. 112.7. We also clarify that the discussion of your 
facility's conformance with the requirements listed (see 
Sec. 112.7(a)(1)) means the requirements listed in part 112, not merely 
the requirements listed in Sec. 112.7.
    We also note that if the Plan calls for additional facilities or 
procedures, methods, or equipment not yet fully operational, you must 
discuss these items in separate paragraphs, and must explain separately 
the details of installation and operational start-up. The discussion 
must include a schedule for the installation and start-up of these 

Section 112.7(a)(2)--Deviations from Plan Requirements

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to allow deviations from the 
requirements listed in Sec. 112.7(c) and in Secs. 112.8, 112.9, 112.10, 
and 112.11, as long as the owner or operator explained the reason for 
nonconformance and provided equivalent environmental protection by 
another means. The proposal was intended to implement the requirement 
for ``good engineering practice'' which is a cornerstone of the rule, 
and to provide flexibility in meeting the rule's requirements. We 
clearly noted in the rule that the Regional Administrator would have 
the authority to overrule any deviation.
    In 1993, we reproposed the section, eliminating language referring 
to the Regional Administrator's (RA's) authority to overrule 
deviations. Instead, we proposed that whenever you proposed a 
deviation, you would have to submit the entire Plan to the RA with a 
letter explaining how your Plan contained equivalent environmental 
protection measures in lieu of those explicitly required in the rule. 
The RA would have authority under the 1993 proposal to require 
amendment of the Plan if he determined that the measures described in 
the deviation did not provide equivalent protection.
    Comments. Some commenters supported the 1991 proposal. But others 
had concerns.
    Applicability--1991. Some commenters suggested that the Agency 
should add language to the rule making clear that a facility may 
deviate from the express requirements of the rule and may substitute 
alternatives based on good engineering practice. The commenters added 
that we should make clear that the equivalency provision in 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) does not require mathematical equivalency of every 
requirement, but merely the achievement of substantially the same level 
of overall protection from the risk of discharge at the facility as the 
specific requirement seeks to achieve. Another commenter was concerned 
that proving the equivalence of measures to the satisfaction of 
Regional officials may be difficult. One commenter urged us to 
expressly state that PEs may substitute alternatives based on good 
engineering practice.
    RA oversight--1991. One commenter opposed the provision allowing 
the RA to overrule waivers/equivalent measures. As noted above, we 
withdrew the proposal to allow the RA to explicitly overrule waivers. 
Instead we substituted a proposed procedure whereby the RA could 
require you to amend your Plan. One commenter feared that PEs would be 
reluctant to certify alternate technologies due to the threat of 
potential liability.
    Deviation submission. One commenter opposed the proposed 
requirement to submit a Plan deviation and urged its deletion to make 
it consistent with the rest of the SPCC rule. The commenter argued that 
the deviation and Plan have already been certified by a PE, and there 
is no reason for EPA to be asked to second guess that certification in 
every case. The commenter also asserted that it is unduly burdensome to 
require regulated facilities to prepare a justification and submit a 
Plan to EPA for every waiver of the technical requirements. Another 
commenter questioned why the entire Plan should be submitted to the RA 
for review. The commenter suggested that only the portion or portions 
of the Plan that do not conform to the standard requirements should be 
submitted, adding that this step would help EPA to minimize the 
resources needed to review such waivers. One commenter suggested that 
the choice of preventive systems in the design and implementation of 
spill prevention measures should be left to the facility owner or 
operator. The commenter opposed giving the RA authority to require 
equivalent protection because he questioned how the RA will determine 
if the deviation will cause harm to the environment, and therefore lack 
equivalency. If such a provision is included, the commenter asked for 
an appeals process similar to the one suggested in Sec. 112.20(c).
    RA oversight--1993. One commenter favored the 1993 proposal. 
Opposing commenters believed that submission of deviations to the RA is 
unnecessary because PE certification ensures the application of good 
engineering practice.
    Secondary containment. Several commenters suggested that we 
explicitly say that equivalent protection should be defined to allow a 
compacted earthen floor and compacted earthen dike to provide secondary 
containment. The rationale for the comment was that other methods of 
secondary containment may be prohibitively expensive and unnecessary to 
protect against spills in primarily rural areas. One commenter 
suggested that we should clarify that the language of Sec. 112.7(c) 
applies only to oil storage areas.
    Response to comments. Applicability. We generally agree with the 
commenter that an owner or operator should have flexibility to 
substitute alternate measures providing equivalent environmental 
protection in place of express requirements. Therefore, we have 
expanded the proposal to allow deviations from the requirements in 
Sec. 112.7(g), (h)(2) and (3), or (i), as well as subparts B, and C, 
except for the listed secondary containment provisions in Sec. 112.7 
and subparts B and C. The proposed rule already included possible 
deviations for any of the requirements listed in Secs. 112.7(c), 112.8, 
112.9, 112.10, and 112.11. We have expanded this possibility of 
deviation to include the new subparts we have added for various classes 
of oils. We take this step because we believe that the application of 
good engineering practice requires the flexibility to use alternative 
measures when such measures offer equivalent environmental protection. 
This provision may be especially important in differentiating between 
requirements for facilities storing, processing, or otherwise using 
various types of oil.
    A deviation may be used whenever an owner or operator can explain 
his reasons for nonconformance, and provide equivalent environmental 
protection. Possible rationales for a deviation include when the owner 
or operator can show that the particular requirement is inappropriate 
for the facility because of good engineering practice considerations or 
other reasons, and that he can achieve equivalent

[[Page 47095]]

environmental protection in an alternate manner. For example, a 
requirement that may be essential for a facility storing gasoline may 
be inappropriate for a facility storing asphalt; or, the owner or 
operator may be able to implement equivalent environmental protection 
through an alternate technology. An owner or operator may consider cost 
as one of the factors in deciding whether to deviate from a particular 
requirement, but the alternate provided must achieve environmental 
protection equivalent to the required measure. The owner or operator 
must ensure that the design of any alternate device used as a deviation 
is adequate for the facility, and that the alternate device is 
adequately maintained. In all cases, the owner or operator must explain 
in the Plan his reason for nonconformance. We wish to be clear that we 
do not intend this deviation provision to be used as a means to avoid 
compliance with the rule or simply as an excuse for not meeting 
requirements the owner or operator believes are too costly. The 
alternate measure chosen must represent good engineering practice and 
must achieve environmental protection equivalent to the rule 
requirement. Technical deviations, like other substantive technical 
portions of the Plan requiring the application of engineering judgment, 
are subject to PE certification.
    In the preamble to the 1991 proposal (at 56 FR 54614), we noted 
that ``* * * aboveground storage tanks without secondary containment 
pose a particularly significant threat to the environment. The Phase 
One modifications would retain the current requirement for facility 
owners or operators who are unable to provide certain structures or 
equipment for oil spill prevention, including secondary containment, to 
prepare facility-specific oil spill contingency plans in lieu of the 
prevention systems.'' In keeping with this position, we have deleted 
the proposed deviation in Sec. 112.7(a)(2) for the secondary 
containment requirements in Secs. 112.7(c) and (h)(1); and for proposed 
Secs. 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2), 112.10(c); as well as for 
the new sections which are the counterparts of the proposed sections, 
i.e., Secs. 112.12(c)(2), 112.12(c)(11), 112.13(c)(2), and 112.14(c), 
because a more appropriate deviation provision already exists in 
Sec. 112.7(d). Section Sec. 112.7(d) contains the measures which a 
facility owner or operator must undertake when the secondary 
containment required by Sec. 112.7(c) or (h)(1), or the secondary 
containment provisions in the rule found at Secs. 112.8(c)(2), 
112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2), 112.10(c), 112.12(c)(2), 112.12(c)(11), 
112.13(c)(2), and 112.14(c), are not practicable. Those measures are 
expressly tailored to address the lack of secondary containment at a 
facility. They include requirements to: explain why secondary 
containment is not practicable; conduct periodic integrity testing of 
bulk storage containers; conduct periodic integrity and leak testing of 
valves and piping; provide in the Plan a contingency plan following the 
provisions of 40 CFR part 109; and, provide a written commitment of 
manpower, equipment, and materials to expeditiously control and remove 
any quantity of oil discharged that may be harmful. Therefore, when an 
owner or operator seeks to deviate from secondary containment 
requirements, Sec. 112.7(d) will be the applicable ``deviation'' 
provision, not Sec. 112.7(a)(2).
    Deviation submission. We agree with the commenter that submission 
of a deviation to the Regional Administrator is not necessary and have 
deleted the proposed requirement. We take this step because we believe 
that the requirement for good engineering practice and current 
inspection and reporting procedures (for example, Sec. 112.4(a)), 
followed by the possibility of required amendments, are adequate to 
review Plans and to detect the flaws in them. Upon submission of 
required information, or upon on-site review of a Plan, if the RA 
decides that any portion of a Plan is inadequate, he may require an 
amendment. See Sec. 112.4(d). If you disagree with his determination 
regarding an amendment, you may appeal. See Sec. 112.4(e).
    RA oversight. Once an RA becomes aware of a facility's SPCC Plan as 
a result of an on-site inspection or the submission of required 
information, he is to follow the principles of good engineering 
practice and not overrule a deviation unless it is clear that such 
deviation fails to afford equivalent environmental protection. This 
does not mean that the deviation must achieve ``mathematical 
equivalency,'' as one commenter pointed out. But it does mean 
equivalent protection of the environment. We encourage innovative 
techniques, but such techniques must also protect the environment. We 
also believe that in general PEs will seek to protect themselves from 
liability by only certifying measures that do provide equivalent 
environmental protection. But the RA must still retain the authority to 
require amendments for deviations, as he can with other parts of the 
Plan certified by a PE.
    Not covered under the deviation rule. Deviations under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) are not allowed for the general and specific secondary 
containment provisions listed above because Sec. 112.7(d) contains the 
necessary requirements when you find that secondary containment is not 
practicable. We have amended both this paragraph and Sec. 112.7(d) to 
clarify this. Instead, the contingency planning and other requirements 
in Sec. 112.7(d) apply. Deviations are also not available for the 
general recordkeeping and training provisions in Sec. 112.7, as these 
requirements are meant to apply to all facilities, or for the 
provisions of Sec. 112.7(f) and (j). We already provide flexibility in 
the manner of recordkeeping by allowing the use of ordinary and 
customary business records. Training and a discussion of compliance 
with more stringent State rules are essential for all facilities. 
Therefore, we do not allow deviations for these measures.
    Secondary containment. Regarding the secondary containment 
requirements, the requirement in Sec. 112.7(c) applies not only to oil 
storage areas, but also to operational areas of the facility where a 
discharge may occur. Section 112.7(c) may apply to any area of the 
facility where a discharge is possible. Other secondary containment 
provisions in this part have more particular applicability, e.g., 
Secs. 112.7(h)(1), 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2),112.10(c), 
and their counterparts in subpart C. We decline to specify that a 
compacted earthen floor and compacted earthen dike will always satisfy 
the secondary containment requirements. Those methods may, however, be 
acceptable if there is no potential for oil to migrate through the 
compacted earthen floor or dike through groundwater to cause a 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Equivalent protection'' 
becomes ``equivalent environmental protection'' throughout the 

Section 112.7(a)(3)--Facility Characteristics That Must be Described in 
the Plan

    Background. In 1991, we proposed a new section that would require 
you to describe the essential characteristics of your facility in the 
Plan. Those characteristics are discussed below. In the description, 
you would also be required to provide a facility diagram that included 
the location and contents of all tanks, regardless of whether the tanks 
are subject to all the provisions of 40 CFR part 280 or a State program 
approved under 40 CFR part 281, or otherwise subject to part 112. The 
rationale for the diagram was that it would assist in response actions.

[[Page 47096]]

Responders would have a means to know where all containers are, to help 
ensure their safety in conducting a response action and aid in the 
protection of life and property.
    Comments. General description of characteristics. Two commenters 
asked that the requirements proposed for Plan characteristics be listed 
on a facility basis rather than a tank basis because otherwise the 
proposal would be too resource intensive. The commenters did not 
provide cost estimates.
    Facility diagram. Two commenters supported the proposal. Opposing 
commenters asserted that the diagram would be too costly and add little 
to the Plan. One commenter said that the requirement was redundant 
because many States require the same thing. Two commenters opposed 
marking the contents of the tanks because those contents may change 
frequently, requiring Plan amendment each time. One commenter suggested 
that instead the facility maintain a separate list of tank contents 
when changes occur frequently over a short span of time to eliminate 
the need to constantly amend the diagram. Other commenters requested a 
de minimis exemption for small containers for the diagram, suggesting 
levels of 660 gallons or less. Some of these commenters suggested that 
the diagram be discretionary for storage volumes of less than 10-15,000 
gallons. Other commenters asked whether exempt materials would have to 
be marked as to content, for example, products which are not oil. Some 
believed that the inclusion of otherwise exempt containers in the 
diagram was unreasonable. One commenter suggested the diagram should 
include transfer stations and connecting pipes. Another commenter asked 
for clarification that underground tanks, whether subject to SPCC or 
not, need to be included in the diagram.
    Unit-by-unit storage capacity. Several commenters asked for 
clarification of the meaning of the term ``unit-by-unit storage 
capacity.'' Many commenters asked for specification of a minimum size, 
and some suggested sizes, ranging from 660 gallons to 10,000 gallons.
    Type and quantity of oil stored. We received one comment on this 
item. The commenter opposed the information requirement because ``the 
way a tank is used changes often and the adequacy of response to an 
accidental discharge does not depend on the type of oil stored.''
    Estimates of quantity of oils potentially discharged. The few 
comments we received opposed this information requirement. One 
commenter argued that the item requests a ``prediction'' of future 
events. Another asserted that it would not be possible to give 
estimates of oil potentially discharged from flowlines or gathering 
systems. One commenter argued that mobile facilities should be exempt 
from this requirement because the exact site information changes with 
the movement of equipment.
    Possible spill pathways. Two commenters wrote that the proposed 
requirement ``could be an infinite number and serves no useful 
purpose.'' One commenter asked that the requirement be replaced by a 
requirement to describe the most likely spill pathways to navigable 
    Spill prevention measures (including loading areas and transfers). 
One commenter suggested that the beginning of the paragraph be revised 
to read, ``Secondary containment'' instead of ``Spill prevention 
measures. . . .'' See also the discussion on loading areas under 
Sec. 112.7(h).
    Spill controls and secondary containment. One commenter thought 
that this paragraph should refer to ``other drainage control features 
and the equipment they protect.''
    Spill countermeasures. One commenter suggested that this paragraph 
be revised to read, ``Prevention, control, or countermeasure features, 
other than secondary containment and drainage control, and the 
equipment which they protect.'' Another commenter argued that mobile 
drilling and workover rigs either on or off shore should be exempt from 
this requirement because supplying site specific spill and clean-up 
information for a mobile source that will move from one site to another 
is not feasible. One commenter suggested that the contingency planning 
requirements in this paragraph, as well as in Sec. 112.7(b) and (d)(1), 
seem unnecessarily complex because the same basic information seems to 
be required in several different places in the proposed regulation. The 
commenter went on to suggest that EPA consolidate these requirements. 
Another commenter suggested that this paragraph should be deleted and 
removed to a response plan section which he suggested, because the 
information called for requires response information.
    Disposal of recovered materials. Two commenters supported the 
proposal in general, but one suggested that it is not feasible nor 
useful to discuss particular alternatives. One of the favorable 
commenters suggested that we should encourage recycling of spilled oil 
rather than mere disposal. Another commenter argued that mobile 
drilling and workover rigs either on or off shore should be exempt from 
this requirement because supplying site specific spill and clean-up 
information for a mobile source that will move from one site to another 
is not feasible.
    Some opposing commenters believed that the proposal would preclude 
bioremediation. Others believed that it was too costly. One commenter 
suggested that the ``costs associated with off-site disposal of oil-
saturated soil from a typical secondary containment facility after a 
contained spill event will cost an operator as much as $4,700, 
calculated at the cost of $90 per ton of removed soil for 
transportation and disposal fees and the associated leachate and waste 
analysis but excluding the internal costs associated with the actual 
excavation work.'' Other commenters believed that we have no authority 
to ask the question because the subject matter is regulated either by 
State law or another Federal program, such as the solid waste program. 
One commenter asked for an exemption for mobile facilities from this 
    Contact list. Several commenters favored the proposal. One 
commenter suggested that the list name the cleanup contractor with whom 
the facility has a relationship, not merely the name of any cleanup 
    One commenter favored the inclusion of local emergency planning 
contacts in the required information. Another opposed it as duplicative 
of information in the HAZWOPER Plan. A commenter requested an exemption 
for mobile facilities. Another commenter believed we lack authority to 
request the information. One commenter suggested that the list be 
restricted to Federal or State agencies that must be notified in case 
of the accidental discharge of oil. Another commenter argued that 
mobile drilling and workover rigs either on or off shore should be 
exempt from this requirement because supplying site specific spill and 
clean-up information for a mobile source that will move from one site 
to another is not feasible. One commenter suggested that this paragraph 
should be deleted and removed to a response plan section which he 
suggested, because the information called for requires response 
    Downstream water suppliers. Several commenters suggested that the 
proposed requirement to include information on downstream water 
suppliers who must be contacted in case of a discharge to navigable 
waters should be limited to those ``who might reasonably be affected by 
a discharge.'' Others asked that the downstream distance be specified. 
They added that private wells should be excluded from the notice. 

[[Page 47097]]

commenters asked how they might identify such suppliers. Yet others 
believed that such notification was the responsibility of local 
emergency response agencies.
    Response to comments. General description of characteristics. The 
following characteristics must be described on a per container basis: 
the storage capacity of the container, type of oil in each container, 
and secondary containment for each container. The other characteristics 
may be described on a facility basis. We disagree that these 
requirements are too resource intensive. The major new requirement in 
Sec. 112.7(a)(3) is the facility diagram. Based on site inspections and 
professional judgment, we estimate unit costs for compliance with this 
section to be $33 for a small facility, $39 for a medium facility, and 
$5 for a large facility. Large facilities are assumed to already have a 
diagram that may be attached to the SPCC Plan. The other items 
mentioned in Sec. 112.7(a)(3)--storage capacity of each container, 
prevention measures, discharge controls, countermeasures, disposal 
methods, and the contact list--are already required under the current 
rule or required by good engineering practice. As described in the 
Information Collection Request for this rule, the cost of Plan 
preparation includes these items, e.g., field investigations to 
understand the facility design and to predict flow paths and potential 
harm, regulatory review, and spill prevention and control practices.
    Providing information on a container-specific basis helps the 
facility to prioritize inspections and maintenance of containers based 
on characteristics such as age, capacity, or location. It also helps 
inspectors to prioritize inspections of higher-risk containers at a 
facility. Container-specific information helps an inspector verify the 
capacity calculation to determine whether a Plan is needed; and, helps 
to formulate contingency planning if such planning is necessary.
    Facility diagram. The facility diagram is important because it is 
used for effective prevention, planning, management (for example, 
inspections), and response considerations and we therefore believe that 
it must be part of the Plan. The diagram will help the facility and 
emergency response personnel to plan for emergencies. For example, the 
identification of the type of oil in each container may help such 
personnel determine the risks when conducting a response action. Some 
oils present a higher risk of fire and explosion than other less 
flammable oils.
    Inspectors and personnel new to the facility need to know the 
location of all containers subject to the rule. The facility diagram 
may also help first responders to determine the pathway of the flow of 
discharged oil. If responders know possible pathways, they may be able 
to take measures to control the flow of oil. Such control may avert 
damage to sensitive environmental areas; may protect drinking water 
sources; and may help responders to prevent discharges to other 
conduits leading to a treatment facility or navigable waters. Diagrams 
may assist Federal, State, or facility personnel to avoid certain 
hazards and to respond differently to others.
    The facility diagram is necessary for all facilities, large or 
small, because the rationale is the same for both. While some States 
may require a diagram, others do not. SPCC is a Federal program 
specifying minimum requirements, which the States may supplement with 
their own more stringent requirements. We note that State plans may be 
used as SPCC Plans if they meet all Federal requirements, thus avoiding 
any duplication of effort if the State facility diagram meets the 
requirements of the Federal one.
    Facility diagram--container contents. The facility diagram must 
include all fixed (i.e., not mobile or portable) containers which store 
55 gallons or more of oil and must include information marking the 
contents of those containers. If you store mobile containers in a 
certain area, you must mark that area on the diagram. You may mark the 
contents of each container either on the diagram of the facility, or on 
a separate sheet or log if those contents change on a frequent basis. 
Marking containers makes for more effective prevention, planning, 
management, and response. For example, a responder may take one type of 
emergency measure for one type of oil, and another measure for another 
type. As noted above, oils differ in their risk of fire and explosion. 
Gasoline is highly flammable and volatile. It presents the risk of fire 
and inhalation of vapors when discharged. On the other hand, motor oil 
is not highly flammable, and there is no inhalation of vapors hazard 
associated with its discharge.
    In an emergency, the responder may not have container content 
information unless it is clearly marked on a diagram, log, or sheet. 
For emergency response purposes, we also encourage, but do not require 
you to mark on the facility diagram containers that store CWA hazardous 
substances and to label the contents of those containers. When the 
contents of an oil container change, this may or may not be a material 
change. See the discussion on Sec. 112.5(a).
    Facility diagram--De minimis containers. We have established a de 
minimis container size of less than 55 gallons. You do not have to 
include containers less than 55 gallons on the facility diagram.
    Facility diagram--Transfer stations, connecting pipes, and USTs. We 
agree that all facility transfer stations and connecting pipes that 
handle oil must be included in the diagram, and have amended the rule 
to that effect. This inclusion will help facilitate response by 
informing responders of the location of this equipment. The location of 
all containers and connecting pipes that store oil (other than de 
minimis containers) must be marked, including USTs and other containers 
not subject to SPCC rules which are present at SPCC facilities. Again, 
this is necessary to facilitate response by informing responders of the 
location of these containers.
    Unit-by-unit storage capacity. For clarity, we have changed the 
term in Sec. 112.7(a)(3)(i), ``unit-by-unit'' storage capacity, to 
``type of oil in each container and its storage capacity.'' As noted 
earlier, this requirement applies only to containers of 55 gallons or 
    Type and quantity of oil stored. We have eliminated proposed 
Sec. 112.7(a)(3)(ii) because it repeats information requested in 
revised Sec. 112.7(a)(3)(i). We ask for information concerning storage 
capacity and type of oil stored in each container in that paragraph.
    Estimates of quantity of oils potentially discharged. We have 
eliminated proposed Sec. 112.7(a)(3)(iii) because it repeats 
information sought in Sec. 112.7(b) regarding ``a prediction of the 
direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of oil which could be 
discharged* * * .'' We will address the substantive comments under the 
discussion of that paragraph.
    Possible spill pathways. We have eliminated proposed 
Sec. 112.7(a)(3)(iv) because the proposal repeats information sought in 
Sec. 112.7(b) regarding ``a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, 
and total quantity of oil which could be discharged.* * *'' Again, we 
will address the substantive comments under the discussion of that 
    Spill prevention measures. We have revised this paragraph to read 
``discharge prevention measures.'' We disagree with the commenter that 
the paragraph should be labeled ``secondary containment.'' The term 
``discharge prevention measures'' is better because

[[Page 47098]]

it encompasses both secondary containment and other discharge 
prevention measures.
    Spill controls and secondary containment. We have revised this 
paragraph to refer to ``discharge'' controls. In response to a 
commenter, we have also included a reference to drainage controls in 
the paragraph because drainage systems or diversionary ponds might be 
an alternative means of secondary containment. See 
Sec. 112.7(c)(1)(iii) and (v).
    Spill countermeasures. We disagree that the paragraph should be 
revised to read, ``Prevention, control, or countermeasure features, 
other than secondary containment and drainage control, and the 
equipment which they protect,'' because we believe that the language we 
proposed, as revised, better captures the information we are seeking. 
Our revised language refers to discovery, response, and cleanup, which 
are features that are absent from the commenter's suggestion, and for 
which a discussion in the Plan is necessary in order to be prepared for 
any discharges.
    We disagree that either onshore or offshore mobile drilling and 
workover rigs should be exempted from this requirement because the 
information necessary to this requirement is not always site specific, 
and may be included in a general plan for a mobile facility.
    We also disagree that the information required in this paragraph is 
redundant of information required in Secs. 112.7(b) and 112.7(d)(1). 
Each of the sections mentioned requires discrete and different 
information. Section 112.7(a)(3)(iv) requires information concerning a 
facility's and a contractor's capabilities for discharge discovery, 
response, and cleanup. Section 112.7(b) requires information concerning 
the potential consequences of equipment failure. Section 112.7(d)(1) 
requires a contingency plan following the provisions of part 109, which 
includes coordination requirements with governmental oil spill response 
    We disagree that the information should be placed in a response 
section, because most SPCC facilities are not required to have response 
plans, and the information is necessary to prepare for discharge 
discovery, response, and cleanup.
    Disposal of recovered materials. This provision applies to all 
facilities, including mobile facilities, because proper disposal of 
recovered materials helps prevent a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b) by ensuring that the materials are managed in an 
environmentally sound manner. Proper disposal also assists response 
efforts. If a facility lacks adequate resources to dispose of recovered 
oil and oil-contaminated material during a response, it limits how much 
and how quickly oil and oil-contaminated material is recovered, thereby 
increasing the risk and damage to the environment.
    We disagree that this paragraph would preclude bioremediation 
efforts, as some commenters suggested. Bioremediation may be a method 
of proper disposal. The paragraph merely requires that you discuss the 
methods employed to dispose of recovered materials; it does not require 
that materials recovered be ``disposed'' of in any particular manner 
nor is it an independent requirement to properly dispose of materials. 
Thus, there is no infringement on or duplication of any other State or 
Federal program or regulatory authority. Because it does nothing more 
than require that you explain the method of disposal of recovered 
materials, we also disagree that this provision is too costly. Also, we 
assume that good engineering practice will in many cases include a 
discussion of such disposal already. By describing those methods in the 
Plan, you help ensure that the facility has done the appropriate 
planning to be able to dispose of recovered materials, should a 
discharge occur. We support the recycling of spilled oil to the extent 
possible, rather than its disposal. For purposes of this rule, disposal 
of recovered materials includes recycling of those materials.
    We disagree that either onshore or offshore mobile drilling and 
workover rigs should be exempted from this requirement because the 
information necessary to this requirement is not always site specific, 
and may be included in a general plan for a mobile facility.
    Contact list. In response to a comment, we have amended the rule to 
require that the cleanup contractor listed must be the one with whom 
the facility has an agreement for response that ensures the 
availability of the necessary personnel and equipment within 
appropriate response times. An agreement to respond may include a 
contract or some less formal relationship with a cleanup contractor. No 
formal written agreement to respond is required by the SPCC rule, but 
if you do have one, you must discuss it in the Plan.
    We have ample authority to ask for information concerning emergency 
contacts under the CWA because it is relevant to the statute's 
prevention, preparedness, and response purposes. Furthermore, it is an 
appropriate question for all facilities, including mobile facilities, 
because it is necessary to prepare for discharges and to aid in prompt 
cleanup when they occur. Having a Plan which contains a contact list of 
response organizations is a procedure and method to contain a discharge 
of oil as specified in CWA section 311(j)(1)(C). However, we have 
eliminated references to specific State and local agencies in the event 
of discharges in favor of a reference to ``all appropriate State and 
local agencies.'' ``Appropriate'' means those State and local agencies 
that must be contacted due to Federal or State requirements, or 
pursuant to good engineering practice. You may not always be required 
to notify fire departments, local emergency planning committees 
(LEPCs), and State emergency response commissions (SERCs), nor as an 
engineering practice do they always need to receive direct notice from 
the facility in the event of a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). 
At times they might, but they might also receive notice from other 
sources, such as the National Response Center. Other State and local 
agencies might also need notice from you.
    We have added the word ``Federal'' to the list of all appropriate 
contact agencies because there are times when you must notify EPA of 
certain discharges. See Sec. 112.4(a). There might also be requirements 
under Federal statutes other than the CWA, for notice in such 
    We disagree that either onshore or offshore mobile drilling and 
workover rigs should be exempted from this requirement because the 
information necessary to this requirement is not always site specific, 
and may be included in a general plan for a mobile facility.
    We disagree that the information should be placed in a response 
section, because most SPCC facilities are not required to have response 
plans, and the information is necessary to prepare for response to an 
    Downstream water suppliers. We have deleted the reference to 
``downstream water suppliers'' (i.e., intakes for drinking and other 
waters) because facilities may have no way to identify such suppliers. 
We agree with commenters that identifying such suppliers is more a 
function of State and local emergency response agencies. We note, 
however, that facilities that must prepare response plans under 
Sec. 112.20 must discuss in those plans the vulnerability of water 
intakes (drinking, cooling, or other).

[[Page 47099]]

    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the introduction to 
paragraph (a)(3), ``physical plant'' becomes ``physical layout.'' 
``Tanks'' becomes ``containers.'' In proposed paragraph (a)(3)(vi), 
redesignated as paragraph (a)(3)(iii), ``spill controls'' becomes 
``discharge or drainage controls.'' In proposed paragraph (a)(3)(vii), 
redesignated as paragraph (a)(3)(iv), ``spill countermeasures for spill 
discovery'' becomes ``countermeasures for discharge discovery.'' In 
proposed paragraph (a)(3)(ix), redesignated as paragraph (a)(3)(vi), 
``discharge to navigable waters'' becomes ``discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b).''

Section 112.7(a)(4)--Spill Reporting Information in the Plan

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that documentation in this 
paragraph be sufficient to enable a person reporting a spill to provide 
essential information to organizations on the contact list.
    Comments. Several commenters had editorial comments, suggesting the 
rule refer to ``information'' rather than ``documentation'' on the 
theory that documentation refers to a past event, whereas the rule 
contemplates a future event. One commenter suggested that the section 
be qualified to indicate that a form for collecting spill report 
information be included in the Plan, or for ``small size facilities'' 
in the HAZWOPER reporting matrix. Another commenter suggested that a 
properly prepared SPCC Plan would assist the person reporting the spill 
to provide the requested information. One commenter asserted the 
proposed rule was duplicative of State requirements. Several commenters 
suggested that not all of the information will be available or 
applicable for a person reporting a discharge. One commenter suggested 
that this paragraph should be deleted and removed to a response plan 
section which he suggested, because the information called for requires 
response information.
    Response to comments. Documentation. We agree with commenters that 
the word ``documentation'' is inappropriate because it refers to a past 
event. Accordingly, as suggested by commenters, we have revised the 
rule to provide for ``information and procedures'' that would assist 
the reporting of discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b). 
``Information'' refers to the facts which you must report, and 
``procedures'' refers to the method of reporting those facts. Such 
procedures must address whom the person relating the information should 
call, in what order the caller should call potential responders and 
others, and any other instructions necessary to facilitate notification 
of a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). If properly noted, the 
information and procedures in the Plan should enable a person reporting 
a discharge to accurately describe information concerning that 
occurrence to the proper persons in an emergency. Any information or 
procedure not applicable will not have to be used. Available 
information on a discharge must be reported. Applicable procedures must 
be followed. And of course, any information that is not available 
cannot be reported.
    State requirements. While it is possible that this information may 
be duplicative of State requirements, the duplication is eliminated to 
the extent that you use your State SPCC Plan for Federal SPCC purposes. 
Where there is no State requirement, there is no duplication.
    Response plan exemption. We disagree that this paragraph should be 
placed in a response section, because most SPCC facilities are not 
required to have response plans, and the information is necessary to 
prepare for response to an emergency. However, if your facility has 
prepared and submitted a response plan to us under Sec. 112.20, there 
is no need to document this information in your SPCC Plan, because it 
is already contained in the response plan. See Sec. 112.20(h)(1)(i)-
(viii). Therefore, we have amended the rule to exempt those facilities 
with response plans from the requirements of this paragraph.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We changed ``address'' to 
``address or location'' because some facilities do not have an exact 
address. ``Spill'' and ``spilled'' becomes ``discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b)'' or ``discharged'' as appropriate in the context, 
``discharge'' being a defined term. ``Spill'' or ``spilled'' are not 
defined terms. ``The affected medium'' becomes ``all affected media.''

Section 112.7(a)(5)--Emergency Procedures

    Background. In 1991, we proposed this paragraph to ensure that 
portions of the Plan describing procedures to be used in emergency 
circumstances are organized in a manner to make them readily usable in 
an emergency.
    Comments. One commenter suggested that this paragraph should be 
deleted and removed to a response plan section which he suggested, 
because the information called for requires response information.
    Response to comments. We disagree this paragraph should be deleted 
because most SPCC facilities are not required to have a response plan, 
and the procedures to be used when a discharge occurs are necessary to 
prepare for an emergency. Because this information would repeat 
information contained in a response plan submitted under Sec. 112.20, 
we have excluded from the requirements of this paragraph those 
facilities which have submitted response plans. See 
Sec. 112.20(h)(3)(i)-(ix).

Section 112.7(b)--Fault Analysis

    Background. In 1991, we proposed only editorial changes to this 
paragraph dealing with fault analysis. The proposal would require an 
analysis of the major types of failures possible in a facility, 
including a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total 
quantity of oil that could be discharged as a result of each such 
    Comments. Applicability. One commenter wrote that the language in 
the first sentence of the proposed rule is less clear than current 
regulations. The commenter asserted that the proposed revision, perhaps 
inadvertently, does not specify the sections to which the certain 
``situations'' apply. The commenter suggested that current language is 
clearer and specifically focuses limited resources on situations for 
which there is a reasonable potential for discharge. The commenter 
argued that limited resources should not be consumed in developing flow 
rate, direction and quantity predictions in the SPCC Plan for 
situations without a reasonable potential for discharge to navigable 
    Several commenters asserted that the fault analysis required by 
this paragraph is ``too involved for small operators.'' They suggested 
that only development of responses to obvious scenarios, such as tank 
rupture, should be required. Commenters from the utility industry 
suggested that electrical equipment facilities should be exempt from 
the requirements in this paragraph. One commenter believed that mobile 
facilities should be exempt from the requirements in the paragraph 
because the exact site information changes with the movement of 
    Failure factors. One commenter suggested that the rule should also 
focus on small discharges, not just ``major'' discharges. Another 
commenter asked for clarification as to what is a ``major failure'' and 
to what degree of sophistication the pathway prediction must be made. 
Another commenter suggested that the rule should adequately describe 
how detailed the analysis of potential spill pathways

[[Page 47100]]

should be. Another suggested that it would be impossible to give 
estimates of oil potentially discharged from flowlines or gathering 
    Response to comments. Applicability. We agree with the commenter 
that current language is clearer and will retain it. We therefore 
modified the first sentence contained in the proposed rule. We agree 
that the Plan must only discuss potential failure situations that might 
result in a discharge from the facility, not any failure situation. The 
rule requires that when experience indicates a reasonable potential for 
failure of equipment, the Plan must contain certain information 
relevant to those failures. ``Experience'' includes the experience of 
the facility and the industry in general.
    We disagree that the requirement is too difficult for owners or 
operators of small or mobile facilities, or of flowlines or gathering 
lines, or of electrical equipment facilities, or other users of oil. We 
believe that a Professional Engineer may evaluate the potential risk of 
failure for the aforementioned facilities and equipment and predict 
with a certain degree of accuracy the result of a failure from each. We 
note that since we have raised the regulatory threshold, this 
requirement will not be applicable to many smaller facilities.
    Failure factors. To comply with this section, you need only address 
``major equipment'' failures. A major equipment failure is one which 
could cause a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b), not a minor 
failure possibility. To help clarify the type of equipment failures the 
rule contemplates, we have added examples of other types of failures 
that would trigger the requirements of this paragraph. Such other 
equipment failures include failures of loading/unloading equipment, or 
of any other equipment known to be a source of a discharge. The 
analysis required will depend on the experience of the facility and how 
sophisticated the facility equipment is. If your facility has simpler 
equipment, you will have less to detail. If you have more sophisticated 
equipment, you will have to conduct a more detailed analysis. If your 
facility's experience or industry experience in general indicates a 
higher risk of failure associated with the use of that equipment, your 
analysis will also have to be more detailed. This rationale and 
analytic detail are also applicable to electrical equipment facilities 
and other facilities that do not store oil, but contain it for 
operational use. Again, the required explanation will be tailored to 
the type of equipment used and the experience with that equipment.
    Spill pathways. The level of analysis concerning spill pathways 
will depend on the geographic characteristics of the facility's site 
and the possibility of a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b) that 
equipment failure might cause. However, the Professional Engineer 
should focus on the most obvious spill pathways.
    Because this information is facility specific, the owner or 
operator of a mobile facility will not be able to detail spill pathways 
in the general Plan for the facility each time the facility moves. 
However, the owner or operator must provide management practices in the 
general Plan that provide for containment of discharges in spill 
pathways in a variety of geographic conditions likely to be 
encountered. In case of a discharge at a particular facility, the owner 
or operator would then take appropriate action to contain or remove the 
discharge. For example, the Plan may provide that a rig must be 
positioned to minimize or prevent discharges as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b); or it may provide for the use of spill pans, drip trays, 
excavations, or trenching to augment discharge prevention.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We made minor editorial 
changes in the proposal's second sentence that reflect a plain language 
format. We revised the phrase in the proposed second sentence of the 
paragraph from ``each major type of failure'' to ``each type of major 
equipment failure.''

Section 112.7(c)--Secondary Containment.

    Background. The SPCC Task force concluded that aboveground storage 
tanks without secondary containment could pose a particularly 
significant threat to the environment. We noted in the 1991 preamble 
that the proposed rule modifications would ``retain the current 
requirement for facility owners or operators who are unable to provide 
certain structures or equipment for oil spill prevention, including 
secondary containment, to prepare facility-specific contingency plans 
in lieu of prevention systems.'' 56 FR 54614.
    In 1991, we proposed to modify the current standard that dikes, 
berms, or retaining walls must be ``sufficiently impervious.'' We 
proposed that the current ``sufficiently impervious'' standard for 
secondary containment be replaced with a standard requiring that the 
entire containment system, including walls and floor, must be 
impervious to oil for 72 hours. The rationale was that a containment 
system that is impervious to oil for 72 hours would allow time for 
discovery and removal of an oil discharge in most cases.
    We also noted that for some facilities such as electrical 
substations, compliance with this section might not be practicable. We 
said that since their purpose was not the storage of oil in bulk, they 
did not need to comply with the secondary containment requirements 
designed for bulk storage tanks in Secs. 112.8(c) and 112.9(d), but 
only the secondary containment requirements in Sec. 112.7(c), and that 
the Sec. 112.7(c) requirement for secondary containment might be 
satisfied by various means including drainage systems, spill diversion 
ponds, etc. We added that the alternative requirements contained in 
proposed Sec. 112.7(d) would fulfill the intent of the CWA when a 
facility could not provide secondary containment due to the 
impracticability of installation. 56 FR 54621.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. Several commenters 
suggested that the reference to prevention of discharges to ``surface 
waters'' be changed to prevention of discharges to ``navigable 
    Contingency planning. One commenter suggested revising the rules to 
allow the use of the contingency plan contemplated in Sec. 112.7(d) 
instead of secondary containment measures. Another commenter asserted 
that a contingency plan is not an acceptable substitute for secondary 
containment and advocated that all facilities be required to have 
secondary containment.
    Applicability of requirement. Numerous electric utility commenters 
suggested that secondary containment was impractical for their 
facilities because it might cause a safety hazard. Instead, they argued 
for the use of contingency planning. One commenter asserted that 
secondary containment at sites used for the maintenance and operation 
of the air traffic control system was also impracticable because those 
sites are often very small, isolated, unmanned, and visited only on a 
quarterly basis. Another commenter asked that wastewater treatment 
tanks be exempted from the secondary containment requirement because 
their use is not to store oil, but to treat water. Other containers not 
used for storage, but other purposes might include stormwater surge 
tanks, activated sludge aeration tanks, equalization basins, dissolved 
and inducted air floatation tanks, oil/water separators, sludge 
digesters, etc. Another commenter urged that all oil-filled equipment 
located in a 25-year floodplain be required to have secondary 

[[Page 47101]]

    One commenter asked that we clarify that the secondary containment 
requirement in this section does not apply to the following equipment 
at onshore production facilities: flowlines because of the prohibitive 
cost of construction for miles of lines; fired vessels because of the 
danger of pooling spilled oil around an ignition source; and, 
pressurized vessels because a leak from such vessel might be sprayed 
beyond the area that a reasonable dike might enclose. One commenter 
suggested that all in-use hydraulic equipment such as cranes, jacks, 
elevators, forklifts, etc., be exempted from the secondary containment 
requirement because it would be impractical to provide structures for 
such equipment. Others suggested that mobile facilities should be 
exempt from the secondary containment requirement because it would be 
infeasible to provide it. Similarly, one commenter suggested that the 
requirement was infeasible for production facilities due to their 
sometimes remote locations or difficult terrain and soil conditions. 
Yet another commenter wanted us to clarify that underground piping is 
not subject to the rule's secondary containment provisions.
    One commenter asserted that mining sites should be exempted from 
the secondary containment requirement because the containment 
requirements would be ``excessive'' for such sites and result in 
``little resultant net environmental benefit.'' A commenter 
representing various small facilities asked for exemption from the 
requirement on the basis that the risk is lower for those facilities.
    Methods of secondary containment. As to methods of secondary 
containment, several commenters urged that the existence of ``natural'' 
structures and/or drainage could meet this requirement. Other 
commenters suggested that vaulted tanks or double-walled tanks in 
themselves meet the secondary containment requirement. One commenter 
suggested that we remove sorbent materials or booms from the list of 
acceptable secondary containment structures because they are not a 
substitute for impervious dikes and impoundment floors.
    72-hour impermeability standard. We received numerous comments on 
the proposed 72-hour impermeability standard. Several commenters 
favored the standard. Many were opposed. Of the opponents, some favored 
the current standard that the dikes, berms or retaining walls be 
``sufficiently impervious'' to contain spilled oil. Other commenters 
thought that the proposed requirement to prevent escape of oil to 
surface waters should be replaced with a standard of preventing the 
escape of oil to ``the environment'' or to ``navigable waters.'' Others 
asked for clarification of the term ``impervious,'' asserting that it 
is a qualitative term that requires definition by engineering 
standards. One commenter requested that if an impervious containment 
system cannot be provided, that facilities be required to assure that 
conduits that may cause substantial migration of free products are 
appropriately monitored for discharges. Another commenter asked us to 
specify acceptable liner materials, in lieu of a total imperviousness 
    Costs. One commenter suggested that our industry cost estimate for 
the proposed 1991 regulations--of $441 million in the first year and 
$71.8 million each subsequent year--was erroneously low, but did not 
provide his own cost estimates. The commenter came to this conclusion 
by calculating compliance cost estimates for the following 
requirements: 72-hour impermeability for secondary containment and 
diked areas, and installation of containment systems at all truck 
loading locations. The commenter estimated the cost of the effects of 
two proposed items for New York oil and gas producers, not all us 
producers, at in excess of $78 million; he estimated the cost of the 
proposed 72 hour oil impermeability requirement at $48 million, and if 
earthen dikes and diked areas cannot meet the secondary containment 
standards at truck loading areas, at least $30 million.
    Alternate impermeability standards. Commenters suggested a number 
of alternate impermeability standards. One commenter suggested a 
standard that the containment system be impervious to oil and water for 
72 hours. Another commenter suggested that the standard apply only in 
environmentally sensitive areas. Some suggested that the standard 
should be inapplicable at facilities that are staffed around the clock, 
seven days a week. One commenter suggested a phase-in of the 
requirement. Some thought that the impermeability standard should not 
apply to heavier oils, particularly number 5 and 6 oils.
    Alternate time frames. Others suggested differing time standards in 
lieu of 72 hours such as 24 hours at manned facilities, 36 hours or 
increased inspections, ``as soon as practicable,'' ``for the duration 
of the response,'' or no time limit at all. One commenter asked when 
the 72 hours begins to run, whether it begins at the time of the 
discovery of the discharge or the time of occurrence.
    Containment or impermeability. Other commenters asserted that the 
rule should address containment rather than impermeability because they 
assert that the point of a containment structure is ``to keep the 
discharge from reaching the waters of the United States.'' In the same 
vein, two commenters asked EPA to clarify that the leaching of small 
amounts of oil that does not reach the water table or surface waters 
meets the impermeability requirement, while a third asked that we 
clarify that we are concerned only with horizontal rather than vertical 
discharges of oil.
    Sufficient freeboard. See the comments to Sec. 112.8(c)(2) under 
this topic.
    Response to comments. Contingency planning. A contingency plan 
should not be used routinely as a substitute for secondary containment 
because we believe it is normally environmentally better to contain oil 
than to clean it up after it has been discharged. Secondary containment 
is intended to contain discharged oil so that it does not leave the 
facility and contaminate the environment. The proper method of 
secondary containment is a matter of good engineering practice, and so 
we do not prescribe here any particular method. Under part 112, where 
secondary containment is not practicable, you may deviate from the 
requirement, provide a contingency plan following the provisions of 40 
CFR part 109, and comply with the other requirements of Sec. 112.7(d). 
For bulk storage containers, those requirements include both periodic 
integrity testing of the containers and periodic integrity and leak 
testing of the valves and piping. You must also provide a written 
commitment of manpower, equipment, and materials to expeditiously 
control and remove any quantity of oil discharged that may be harmful.
    Applicability of requirement. Secondary containment is best for 
most facilities storing or using oil because it is the most effective 
method to stop oil from migrating beyond that containment. We believe 
that secondary containment is preferable to a contingency plan at 
manned and unmanned facilities because it prevents discharges as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b). At unmanned facilities, it may be even more 
important because of the lag in time before a discharge may be 
discovered. Notwithstanding what may be difficult terrain, we believe 
that some form of secondary containment is practicable at most 
facilities, including remote production facilities. In fact, it may 
often be more feasible in remote or rural areas because there are fewer 
space limitations in such areas. For example,

[[Page 47102]]

at some remote mobile or production facilities, owners or operators dig 
trenches and line them for containment or retention of drilling fluids. 
Technologies used at offshore facilities to catch or contain oil may 
also sometimes be used onshore.
    While some types of secondary containment (for example, dikes or 
berms) may not be appropriate at certain facilities, other types (for 
example, diversionary systems or remote impounding) might. However, we 
recognize and repeat, as we noted in the 1991 preamble, that some or 
perhaps all types of secondary containment for certain facilities with 
equipment that contain oil, such as electrical equipment, may be 
contrary to safety factors or other good engineering practice 
considerations. There might be other equipment, like fired or 
pressurized vessels, for which safety considerations also preclude some 
or all types of secondary containment.
    Some facilities or equipment that use but do not store oil may or 
may not, as a matter of good engineering practice, employ secondary 
containment. Such facilities might include wastewater treatment 
facilities, whose purpose is not to store oil, but to treat water. 
Other facilities that may not find the requirement practicable are 
those that use oil in equipment such as hydraulic equipment. Similarly, 
flowlines must have a program of maintenance to prevent discharges. See 
Sec. 112.9(d)(3). The maintenance program may or may not include 
secondary containment. Owners or operators of underground piping must 
have some form of corrosion protection, but do not necessarily have to 
use secondary containment for that purpose.
    As stated above, for a facility where secondary containment is not 
practicable, the owner or operator is not exempt from the requirement, 
but may instead provide a contingency plan and take other measures 
required under Sec. 112.7(d). For most facilities, however, including 
small facilities, mobile facilities, production facilities, mining 
sites, and any other facilities that store or use oil, we believe that 
secondary containment is generally necessary and appropriate to prevent 
a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Without secondary 
containment, discharges from containers would often reach navigable 
waters or adjoining shorelines, or affect natural resources.
    Methods of secondary containment. The appropriate method of 
secondary containment is an engineering question. Earthen or natural 
structures may be acceptable if they contain and prevent discharges as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b), including containment that prevents 
discharge of oil to groundwater that is connected to navigable water. 
What is practical for one facility, however, might not work for 
another. If secondary containment is not practicable, then the facility 
must provide a contingency plan following the provisions of 40 CFR part 
109, and otherwise comply with Sec. 112.7(d).
    Double-walled or vaulted tanks. The term ``vaulted tank'' has been 
used to describe both double-walled tanks (especially those with a 
concrete outer shell) and tanks inside underground vaults, rooms, or 
crawl spaces. While double-walled or vaulted tanks are subject to 
secondary containment requirements, shop-fabricated double-walled 
aboveground storage tanks equipped with adequate technical spill and 
leak prevention options might provide sufficient equivalent secondary 
containment as that required under Sec. 112.7(c). Such options include 
overfill alarms, flow shutoff or restrictor devices, and constant 
monitoring of product transfers. In the case of vaulted tanks, the 
Professional Engineer must determine whether the vault meets the 
requirements for secondary containment in Sec. 112.7(c). This 
determination should include an evaluation of drainage systems and of 
sumps or pumps which could cause a discharge of oil outside the vault. 
Industry standards for vaulted tanks often require the vaults to be 
liquid tight, which if sized correctly, may meet the secondary 
containment requirement.
    There might also be other examples of such alternative systems.
    Completely buried tanks. Completely buried tanks, other than those 
exempted from this rule because they are subject to all technical 
Federal or State UST requirements, are subject to the secondary 
containment requirement. We realize that the concept of freeboard for 
precipitation is inapplicable to secondary containment for completely 
buried tanks. The requirement for secondary containment may be 
satisfied in any of the ways listed in the rule or their equivalent.
    72-hour impermeability standard. We are withdrawing the proposal 
for the 72-hour impermeability standard and will retain the current 
standard that dikes, berms, or retaining walls must be sufficiently 
impervious to contain oil. We agree with commenters that the purpose of 
secondary containment is to contain oil from escaping the facility and 
reaching the environment. The rationale for the 72-hour standard was to 
allow time for the discovery and removal of an oil spill. An owner or 
operator of a facility should have flexibility in how he prevents a 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b), and any method of containment 
that achieves that end is sufficient. Should such containment fail, the 
owner or operator must immediately clean up any discharged oil.
    Similarly, because the purpose of the ``sufficiently impervious'' 
standard is to prevent discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b), dikes, 
berms, or retaining walls must be capable of containing oil and 
preventing such discharges. Discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) 
may result from direct discharges from containers, or from discharges 
from containers to groundwater that travel through the groundwater to 
navigable waters. Effective containment means that the dike, berm, or 
retaining wall must be capable of containing oil and sufficiently 
impervious to prevent discharges from the containment system until it 
is cleaned up. The same holds true for container floors or bottoms; 
they must be able to contain oil to prevent a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b). However, ``effective containment'' does not mean that 
liners are required for secondary containment areas. Liners are an 
option for meeting the secondary containment requirements, but are not 
required by the rule.
    If you are the owner or operator of a facility subject to this 
part, you must prepare a Plan in accordance with good engineering 
practice. A complete description of how secondary containment is 
designed, implemented, and maintained to meet the standard of 
sufficiently impervious is necessary. In order to document that 
secondary containment is sufficiently impervious and sufficiently 
strong to contain oil until it is cleaned up, the Plan must describe 
how the secondary containment is designed to meet that standard. A 
written description of the sufficiently impervious standard is not only 
necessary for design and implementation, but will aid owners or 
operators of facilities in determining which practices will be 
necessary to maintain the standard of sufficiently impervious. Control 
and/or removal of vegetation may be necessary to maintain the 
impervious integrity of the secondary containment. Repairs of 
excavations or other penetrations through secondary containment will 
need to be conducted in accordance with good engineering practices in 
order to maintain the standard of sufficiently impervious. The owner or 
operator should monitor such imperviousness for effectiveness, in order 
to be sure that the method chosen remains impervious to contain oil.

[[Page 47103]]

    Costs. We note that we have withdrawn the proposed 72 hour 
standard, and afford various secondary containment options, including 
earthen dikes and diked areas, if they contain and prevent discharges 
as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Therefore, there are no new costs. We 
disagree with the commenters who asserted that we underestimated the 
cost to comply with the secondary containment and truck loading and 
unloading area requirements. The revised rule, like the current rule, 
does not require a specific impermeability for dikes and does not 
require a specific method of secondary containment at loading and 
unloading areas, and this flexibility is reflected in our cost 
estimates. We noted in our 1991 Supplemental Cost/Benefit Analysis that 
secondary containment for bulk storage tanks is estimated to cost 
$1,000 for small facilities; $6,400 for medium facilities; and $63,000 
for large facilities. Unit cost estimates were developed for a broad 
mix of facilities (e.g., farms, bulk petroleum terminals) in each size 
category by experienced engineers with firsthand knowledge of the Oil 
Pollution Prevention Regulation and the operations of onshore SPCC-
regulated facilities. Because our cost estimates must be representative 
of the many types of facilities that are regulated, they will 
underestimate the costs for some facility types and overestimate the 
costs for others. Facilities were assumed to construct secondary 
containment systems of impervious soil capable of holding 110 percent 
of the largest tank. In that analysis, we estimated that 78 percent and 
88 percent of the regulated community were already in compliance with 
these requirements, respectively, and would not be affected by the 
proposed rule change.
    Since we last performed these analyses, API has issued several 
industry standards, including API 653 and 2610, which address many of 
the provisions in the SPCC rule. As a result, the final rule relies on 
current industry standards and practices, where feasible. In the final 
rule, we withdrew the proposed 72-hour impermeability standard for 
secondary containment and maintained the current requirement that 
dikes, berms, and oil retaining walls must be sufficiently impervious 
to contain oil. As a result, the final rule reflects current industry 
standards and we assume poses no additional requirements on industry.
    Sufficient freeboard. See the Response to Comments in 
Sec. 112.8(c)(2) for a discussion of this topic.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with secondary containment include: (1) NFPA 30; (2) BOCA, 
National Fire Prevention Code; and, (3) API Standard 2610, ``Design, 
Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal and 
Tank Facilities.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the introduction to 
paragraph (c), ``structures or equipment to prevent discharged oil from 
reaching a navigable water course'' becomes ``structures or equipment 
to prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' This wording 
change reflects the expanded scope of the CWA as reflected in 
Sec. 112.1(b) and is clearer than the proposed language. In the second 
sentence of the paragraph, we deleted the words ``permeate, drain, 
infiltrate, or otherwise'' from the sentence because they were 
unnecessary. The word ``escape'' in that sentence is sufficient. Also 
in that sentence, the reference to ``escape to surface waters'' becomes 
``escape from the containment system.'' This language more clearly 
reflects the intent of the rule that secondary containment should keep 
oil from escaping from the facility and reaching navigable waters or 
adjoining shorelines. In paragraph (c)(2)(i), ``curbing, drip pans'' 
becomes ``curbing or drip pans.''
    In response to the commenter's question, we note that a primary 
containment system is the container or equipment which holds oil or in 
which oil is used.

Section 112.7(d)--Contingency Planning

    Background. 1991 proposal. In 1991, we proposed to add several new 
requirements to the contingency planning requirement in Sec. 112.7(d). 
First, we proposed that a facility without secondary containment be 
required to test a tank for integrity every five years. In contrast, 
our 1991 proposal for Sec. 112.8(c)(6) provided for testing at least 
every 10 years for a tank with secondary containment. In addition, we 
proposed to require a facility without secondary containment to conduct 
integrity and leak testing of valves and piping at least annually. We 
also proposed that the contingency plan be submitted to the Regional 
Administrator for approval.
    Instead of referring to 40 CFR part 109 for contingency plan 
requirements as the current rule does, the 1991 proposal added specific 
requirements including a description of response plans; personnel 
needs; methods of mechanical containment; removal of spilled oil; and, 
access to and availability of sorbents, booms, and other equipment. 
Additionally, the proposal would have required that the Plan not rely 
on dispersants and other chemicals for response to oil spills without 
approval by the Regional Administrator. The owner or operator of a 
facility would also have been required to provide a written commitment 
of manpower, equipment, and materials required to quickly control and 
remove any quantity of oil that may be discharged.
    1993 proposal. In 1993, we modified the 1991 proposal for a 
facility that lacks secondary containment to require a facility 
response plan as described in Sec. 112.20, instead of the specific 
requirements proposed in 1991. The response plan would not be submitted 
to the Regional Administrator for his review, unless otherwise 
required, but would be maintained at the facility with the SPCC Plan.
    Comments. 1991 comments. Many commenters supported the 1991 
proposal. Opposing commenters suggested that such planning should be 
discretionary because not all facilities need such planning, or that 
facilities be allowed to use contingency plans prepared for other 
purposes. Others thought the proposal was premature as we had not at 
the time finalized response planning requirements in Sec. 112.20. One 
commenter argued that we should delete all of the contingency planning 
requirements in Sec. 112.7(d) at the point when we require an owner or 
operator to prepare a response plan. Some said that contingency 
planning was not practicable because the costs are too high, but 
commenters did not provide cost estimates. Several commenters 
criticized the proposed requirement that the contingency plan be 
submitted to the Regional Administrator, calling it duplicative, time-
consuming, and unnecessary. Two commenters suggested that the 
Contingency Plan prepared under RCRA rules would suffice. 
Representatives of small facilities asked for a small facility 
exemption. Others asked for clarification of what a ``written 
commitment'' of manpower, equipment, and materials meant. Several 
commenters asked if PE certification of the contingency plan was 
necessary. One commenter opposed any requirement to provide contingency 
planning for buried tanks, piping, or valves for which secondary 
containment cannot be provided.
    Integrity and leak testing. Several commenters supported the 
proposed integrity and leak testing requirements. Others opposed them, 
some on the basis that facilities already inspect their tanks 
regularly. Various commenters suggested exemptions for small containers 
or containers that are entirely within buildings. Electrical utilities 
argued that the requirement was

[[Page 47104]]

inapplicable for them because they do not store oil and that such 
testing would cause disruption in electrical service. Mining interests 
likewise asked for an exemption on the basis that they only store small 
amounts of oil and the requirements would be very expensive, but did 
not provide specific cost estimates. Various commenters asked for 
clarification of the term ``integrity testing,'' and its applicability. 
Others asked for clarification as to methods of testing. Some argued 
that testing of valves and gathering lines would be expensive and 
result in shut-downs of operations. None of these commenters provided 
specific cost estimates.
    1993 proposal. One commenter argued that the response plan proposal 
was beyond our statutory authority. Others argued that the proposal was 
expensive and lacking in environmental benefit. One commenter said that 
the installation of structures or measures achieving equivalent 
protection should be sufficient to avert the need for a response plan. 
Another suggested that the current rule, which specifies use of a 
strong oil spill contingency plan following 40 CFR part 109, is 
adequate. One commenter asked for an exemption for facilities in areas 
historically not subject to natural disasters. Electrical utility 
commenters asked for an exemption because they argued that a response 
plan was unnecessary for facilities that use, but do not store, oil.
    Response to comments. Planning requirements. We note that we did 
not finalize the 1991 or 1993 contingency planning proposals. Thus 
there are no new costs for such planning.
    Under the current rule, contingency planning is necessary whenever 
you determine that a secondary containment system for any part of the 
facility that might be the cause of a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b) is not practicable. This requirement applies whether the 
facility is manned or unmanned, urban or rural, and for large and small 
facilities. In response to comment, we have revised the rule to exempt 
from the contingency planning requirement any facility which has 
submitted a response plan under Sec. 112.20 because such a response 
plan is more comprehensive than a contingency plan following part 109.
    We believe that it may be appropriate for an owner or operator to 
consider costs or economic impacts in determining whether he can meet a 
specific requirement that falls within the general deviation provision 
of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). We believe so because under this section, the 
owner or operator will still have to utilize good engineering practices 
and come up with an alternative that provides ``equivalent 
environmental protection.'' However, we believe that the secondary 
containment requirement in Sec. 112.7(d) is an important component in 
preventing discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) and is 
environmentally preferable to a contingency plan prepared under 40 CFR 
part 109. Thus, we do not believe it is appropriate to allow an owner 
or operator to consider costs or economic impacts in any determination 
as to whether he can satisfy the secondary containment requirement. 
Instead, the owner or operator may only provide a contingency Plan in 
his SPCC Plan and otherwise comply with Sec. 112.7(d). Therefore, the 
purpose of a determination of impracticability is to examine whether 
space or other geographic limitations of the facility would accommodate 
secondary containment; or, if local zoning ordinances or fire 
prevention standards or safety considerations would not allow secondary 
containment; or, if installing secondary containment would defeat the 
overall goal of the regulation to prevent discharges as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b).
    We disagree that facility response planning is beyond our statutory 
authority, it is a procedure or method to remove discharged oil. See 
section 311(j)(1)(A) of the CWA. However, while we disagree that such 
planning is expensive and lacking in environmental benefit, we agree 
that the current contingency plan arrangements which reference 40 CFR 
part 109 should be sufficient to protect the environment, and that a 
facility response plan as described in Sec. 112.20 is therefore 
unnecessary for a facility that is not otherwise subject to 
Sec. 112.20. We agree with the commenter that structures or equipment 
might achieve the same or equivalent protection as response planning 
for some SPCC facilities. Therefore, we are withdrawing that part of 
the 1993 proposal related to response planning in proposed 
Sec. 112.7(d)(1), but are retaining the current contingency planning 
provisions, which require a contingency plan following the provisions 
of 40 CFR part 109. We also believe that response plans should be 
reserved for higher risk facilities, as provided in Sec. 112.20.
    In following the provisions of part 109, you must address the oil 
removal contingency planning criteria listed in 40 CFR 109.5 and ensure 
that all response actions are coordinated with governmental oil spill 
response organizations. The absence of secondary containment will place 
extreme importance on the early detection of an oil discharge and rapid 
response by the facility to prevent that discharge. Part 109 was 
originally promulgated to assist State and local government oil spill 
response agencies to prepare oil removal contingency plans in the 
inland response zone, where EPA provides the On-Scene Coordinator. The 
basic criteria for contingency planning listed in Sec. 109.5 apply to 
any SPCC regulated facility that has adequately justified the 
impracticability of installing secondary containment, irrespective of 
whether it is a government agency or the facility is located in the 
coastal (U.S. Coast Guard) or inland (EPA) response zone. Because the 
contingency plan involves good engineering practice and is technically 
a material part of the Plan, PE certification is required.
    A contingency plan prepared under RCRA rules might suffice for 
purposes of the rule if the plan fulfills the requirements of part 109, 
and the PE certifies that such plan is adequate for the facility. If 
the RCRA contingency plan satisfies some but not all SPCC requirements, 
you must supplement it so that it does.
    We note that the preamble to the 1993 proposed rule (at 58 FR 8841) 
suggested that response plans would not have to be submitted to the 
Regional Administrator unless ``otherwise required by the rest of 
today's proposed rule.'' However, proposed Sec. 112.7(a)(2) would have 
required that the owner or operator submit to the Regional 
Administrator any Plan containing a proposed deviation, including a 
deviation for the general secondary containment requirements in 
Sec. 112.7(c). In any case, we agree with commenters that the 
contingency plan (or any other deviation) should not have to be 
submitted to the Regional Administrator for his review and approval 
because we believe that it is sufficient that the contingency plan (or 
other deviation) be available for on-site inspection. We have therefore 
withdrawn that part of the proposal. See also the discussion on 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2).
    Integrity and leak testing. In response to a commenter who asked 
for a clarification of integrity testing, ``integrity testing'' is any 
means to measure the strength (structural soundness) of the container 
shell, bottom, and/or floor to contain oil and may include leak testing 
to determine whether the container will discharge oil. Facility 
components that might cause a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b) 
include containers, piping, valves, or other equipment or devices. 
Integrity testing includes, but is not limited to, testing foundations 
and supports of containers. Its scope includes both the

[[Page 47105]]

inside and outside of the container. It also includes frequent 
observation of the outside of the container for signs of deterioration, 
leaks, or accumulation of oil inside diked areas. Such testing is also 
applicable to valves and piping. See API Standard 653 for further 
information on this term.
    Leak testing for purposes of the rule is testing to determine the 
liquid tightness of valves and piping and whether they may discharge 
oil. Facilities that store oil, whether they are mines or other 
businesses, are required to employ integrity testing for their bulk 
storage containers, and integrity and leak testing for their valves and 
piping, to help prevent discharges. Containers that do not store oil, 
but merely use oil, are not subject to the requirement.
    We reaffirm the applicability of integrity and leak testing to both 
large and small facilities, because we believe such testing 
requirements help prevent discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) at 
those facilities. However, we have modified our proposal in response to 
comments to only require such testing on a periodic basis instead of at 
a prescribed frequency. Integrity and leak testing requirements are 
also applicable for containers and valves and piping that are entirely 
within buildings, or within mines, because in either case, such 
containers, or valves and piping may become the source of a discharge 
as described in Sec. 112.1(b). We have revised the rule to reflect that 
the requirement applies only to onshore and offshore bulk storage 
facilities. Therefore, a facility with only oil-filled electrical, 
operating, or manufacturing equipment need not conduct such testing nor 
incur any costs for such testing. For other types of facilities, we 
disagree that testing of valves and gathering lines would be 
prohibitively costly. In 1991, we estimated tank integrity testing and 
leak testing costs of buried piping. We estimated the costs as $465 per 
tank, $155 for equipment, and $310 for installation. Small facilities 
were assumed to have no buried piping. Medium sized facilities were 
assumed to bear first year costs for tank installation and testing of 
$4,704 and subsequent year costs of $1,449. Large facilities were 
assumed to incur a first year cost of $11,313, and subsequent year 
costs of $3,519. We assume that this provision represents a negligible 
additional burden because most facilities are already testing such 
valves and gathering lines according to industry standards as a matter 
of good engineering practice. We believe that if such testing is done 
in accordance with industry standards, costs will be minimized.
    We have eliminated the proposed frequency of the testing, both for 
containers and for valves and piping, in favor of testing according to 
industry standards. Instead, we require ``periodic'' integrity testing 
of containers, and ``periodic'' integrity and leak testing of valves 
and piping. ``Periodic'' testing means testing according to a regular 
schedule consistent with accepted industry standards. We believe that 
use of industry standards, which change over time, will prove more 
feasible than providing a specific and unchanging regulatory 
requirement. As required by Sec. 112.8(c)(6), integrity testing of 
containers must be accomplished by a combination of visual testing and 
some other technique.
    Written commitment. A ``written commitment'' of manpower, 
equipment, and materials means either a written contract or other 
written documentation showing that you have made provision for those 
items for response purposes. Such commitment must be shown by: the 
identification and inventory of applicable equipment, materials, and 
supplies which are available locally and regionally; an estimate of the 
equipment, materials, and supplies which would be required to remove 
the maximum oil discharge to be anticipated; and, development of 
agreements and arrangements in advance of an oil discharge for the 
acquisition of equipment, materials, and supplies to be used in 
responding to such a discharge. 40 CFR 109.5(c).
    The commitment also involves making provisions for well defined and 
specific actions to be taken after discovery and notification of an oil 
discharge including: specification of an oil discharge response 
operating team consisting of trained, prepared, and available operating 
personnel; predesignation of a properly qualified oil discharge 
response coordinator who is charged with the responsibility and 
delegated commensurate authority for directing and coordinating 
response operations and who knows how to request assistance from 
Federal authorities operating under current national and regional 
contingency plans; a preplanned location for an oil discharge response 
operations center and a reliable communications system for directing 
the coordinated overall response actions; provisions for varying 
degrees of response effort depending on the severity of the oil 
discharge; and, specification of the order of priority in which the 
various water uses are to be protected where more than one water use 
may be adversely affected as a result of an oil discharge and where 
response operations may not be adequate to protect all uses. 40 CFR 
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with the integrity testing of containers, and the integrity 
and leak testing of piping and valves include: (1) API Standard 653, 
``Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction''; (2) API 
Recommended Practice 575, ``Inspection of Atmospheric and Low-Pressure 
Tanks''; (3) API Standard 570, ``Piping Inspection Code (Inspection, 
Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-Service Piping Systems)''; (4) 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.3, ``Process 
Piping''; (5) ASME 31.4, ``Liquid Transportation Systems for 
Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols''; 
(6) Steel Tank Institute Standard SP001-00, ``Standard for Inspection 
of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tanks for Storage of 
Combustible and Flammable Liquids''; and, (7) Underwriters Laboratory 
(UL) Standard 142, ``Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and 
Combustible Liquids.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the introductory 
paragraph, ``tanks'' becomes ``containers.'' We revised the first 
sentence of the introduction which now reads, ``When it is determined * 
* *,'' to read, ``If you determine * * *.'' Later in that sentence we 
change the words ``demonstrate such impracticability'' to ``explain why 
such measures are not practicable,'' in referencing the 
impracticability of secondary containment. Also, in the first sentence 
of the introduction, we clarify that the requirement for contingency 
planning and other measures is applicable when secondary containment is 
not practicable under Secs. 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2), 
112.10(c), 112.12(c)(2), 112.12(c)(11), 112.13(c)(2), and 112.14(c), as 
well as Sec. 112.7(c) and (h)(1). Additionally in that sentence, the 
reference to ``prevent discharged oil from reaching navigable waters'' 
becomes ``to prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b),'' 
conforming the geographic scope of the rule to the CWA. At the end of 
the paragraph we clarify that when secondary containment is not 
practicable, the contingency plan and written commitment must be 
provided in the Plan, rather than to the Regional Administrator. We 
also clarify that if you have submitted a facility response plan under 
Sec. 112.20 for a facility, you need not provide for that facility 
either a contingency plan following the provisions of part 109, nor a 
written commitment of manpower, equipment, and materials required to 

[[Page 47106]]

control and remove any quantity of oil discharged that may be harmful.
    In paragraph (d)(1), ``A strong oil spill contingency plan 
following the provision of 40 CFR part 109 * * *.'' becomes ``An oil 
spill contingency plan following the provisions of part 109 * * *.'' 
The word ``strong'' is unnecessary because in any case the contingency 
plan must follow the provisions of part 109.
    In paragraph (d)(2), we did not finalize the proposed 
recommendation for the operator to consider financial capability in 
making his written commitment of manpower, equipment, and materials 
because we do not wish to confuse the regulated community with 
discretionary requirements in a mandatory rule. Finally, we changed the 
reference in paragraph (d)(2) from ``to expeditiously control and 
remove any harmful quantity of oil discharged'' to read ``to 
expeditiously control and remove any quantity of oil discharged that 
may be harmful.'' We made this change to refer to the statutory 
standard referring to a quantity of oil ``that may be harmful.''

Section 112.7(e)--Inspections, Tests, and Records

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that records and inspections and 
test results be kept for a period of five years. Current rules require 
record, inspection, and test results be maintained for three years. We 
also proposed that such records might be maintained with the Plan, 
instead of being part of the Plan.
    In 1997, we returned to the three-year record maintenance period in 
our new proposal. In 1997, we also proposed that usual and customary 
business records, such as records maintained under API Standards 653 
and 2610, would suffice to meet the requirements of this section. 
Finally we proposed that such records be made a part of the Plan.
    Comments. 1991 comments. Maintenance with Plan. Most commenters 
favored the proposal that records might be maintained with the Plan, 
rather than as part of it. Two commenters thought the requirements 
should apply generally only to large facilities.
    Form of records. One commenter urged use of electronic records.
    Records required. Still another asked that we list all inspections 
and tests required by part 112. One commenter asked for a requirement 
to keep records and tests of all major repairs and of employee 
    Time period. Most commenters favored retaining the current three-
year time period to maintain records, believing it is adequate. Some 
commenters objected to the cost of a five-year record retention 
requirement. One commenter favored a two-year record maintenance 
period. Several favored a phase-in period if five years were to be 
required so that three-year records could be brought into compliance 
with the rule. One commenter favored a requirement that records be 
maintained in accordance with other State and Federal agency 
requirements to avoid additional and unnecessary costs.
    1997 comments. Maintenance with Plan. A number of commenters 
criticized the proposal that records must be maintained as part of the 
Plan, rather than maintained with the Plan, considering that proposal 
burdensome and providing no benefit to the environment.
    Form of records. Several commenters asked that we clarify that use 
of records maintained under the API standards cited is not required. 
Another commenter noted that many smaller companies do not use API 
standards, and that use of such records should be allowed ``when 
available.'' Several commenters urged that we state that records kept 
under the NPDES program might suffice for the SPCC program. Other 
commenters asked whether records in other formats might be acceptable, 
such as under a facility's QS-9000 or ISO-14000 system, or under 
standards promulgated by the Underwriters' Laboratories. Other 
commenters discussed use of NPDES stormwater bypass records. We will 
talk about those records under the discussion of Sec. 112.8(c)(3)(iv).
    Time period. Most commenters favored the proposal to retain the 
current three-year time period for maintenance of records.
    Response to comments. Maintenance with Plan. We agree with 
commenters that it is not necessary to maintain records as part of the 
Plan. Therefore, today's rule allows ``keeping'' of the records 
``with'' the Plan, but not as part of it. In the current rule, such 
records ``should be made part of the SPCC Plan * * *.'' 40 CFR 
112.7(e)(8). Because you continually update these records, this change 
will eliminate the need to amend your Plan each time you remove old 
records and add new ones. You still retain the option of making these 
records a part of the Plan if you choose.
    Records required. The rule permits use of usual and customary 
business records, and covers all of the inspections and tests required 
by this part as well as any ancillary records. ``Inspections and 
tests'' include not only inspections and tests, but schedules, 
evaluations, examinations, descriptions, and similar activities 
required by this part. After publication of this rule, we will list all 
of the inspections and tests required by part 112 on our website 
(www.epa.gov/oilspill). The applicability of each inspection and test 
will depend on the exercise of good engineering practice, because not 
every one will be applicable to every facility.
    Form of records. Records of inspections and tests required by this 
rule may be maintained in electronic or any other format which is 
readily accessible to the facility and to EPA personnel. Usual and 
customary business records may be those ordinarily used in the 
industry, including those made under API standards, Underwriters' 
Laboratories standards, NPDES permits, a facility's QS-9000 or ISO-
14000 system, or any other format acceptable to the Regional 
Administrator. If you choose to use records associated with compliance 
with industry standards, such as Underwriters' Laboratories standards, 
you must closely review the inspection, testing, and recordkeeping 
requirements of this rule to ensure that any records kept in accordance 
with industry standards meets the intent of the rule. Some standards 
have limited recordkeeping requirements and may only address a 
particular aspect of container fabrication, installation, inspection, 
and operation and maintenance. The intent of the rule is that you will 
not have to maintain duplicate sets of records when one set has already 
been prepared under industry or regulatory purposes that also fully 
suffices for SPCC purposes. The use of these alternative record formats 
is optional; you are not required to use them, but you may use them.
    Time period. We agree with commenters that maintenance of records 
for three years is sufficient for SPCC purposes, since that period will 
allow for meaningful comparisons of inspections and tests taken. 
Therefore, there will be no new costs. We note, however, that certain 
industry standards, for example API Standards 570 and 653, may specify 
record maintenance for more than three years.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. As proposed in 1991, we 
affirm that the certifying engineer, as well as the owner or operator, 
may be a person who develops inspection procedures. We also affirm that 
the provision applies to both ``inspections'' and ``tests'' undertaken. 
The tests are usually integral parts of the inspections.

[[Page 47107]]

Section 112.7(f)--Employee Training and Discharge Prevention Procedures

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that you conduct training 
exercises and that you train new employees within their first week of 
work. The rationale for these provisions was that a high percentage of 
discharges are caused by operator error; therefore, training and 
briefings might help prevent many discharges and promote a safer 
facility. This rationale was based on program experience and studies 
EPA undertook. The 1995 SPCC Survey found that operator error was the 
most common spill cause for facilities in 9 of the 19 industry 
categories that reported having spills. Also, the August 1994 draft 
report of the EPA Aboveground Oil Storage Facilities Workgroup called 
``Soil and Ground Water Contamination from Aboveground Oil Storage 
Facilities: A Strategic Study'' presented data on causes of discharges 
from two studies. Both studies showed that error during product 
transfer activities is one of the biggest known causes of discharges at 
AST facilities. Two other studies also support our contention: Carter, 
W.J., ``How API Viewed the Needs for Aboveground Storage Tanks,'' Tank 
Talk, Vol. 7, July/August 1992, p.2.; and U.S. EPA, ``The Technical 
Background Document to Support the Implementation of OPA Response Plan 
Requirements,'' Emergency Response Division, Office of Solid Waste and 
Emergency Response, February 1993, p.4-19.
    In 1993, we proposed to qualify the applicability of the training 
requirements to only those facilities that transfer or receive greater 
than or equal to 10,000 gallons of oil in a single operation more than 
twice per month on average, or greater than or equal to 50,000 gallons 
in a single operation more than once a month on the average. We further 
proposed that you require that employees involved in ``oil-handling 
activities,'' such as the operation or maintenance of oil storage tanks 
or the operation of equipment related to storage tanks, receive eight 
hours of facility specific training within one year of the effective 
date of the rule or at the date that your facility becomes subject to 
the requirement. In subsequent years, each employee would be required 
to undergo four hours of refresher training.
    Our 1993 proposal would require training for new employees within 
one week of employment. We also proposed to specify the areas in which 
you would be required to train employees to include: training in 
correct equipment operation and maintenance, general facility 
operations, discharge prevention laws and regulations, and the contents 
of the facility's SPCC Plan. Finally, the proposal would require that 
you conduct unannounced drills, at least annually, in which oil-
handling personnel would participate.
    Comments. 1991 comments. Applicability of training requirements. 
Numerous commenters suggested that the training requirements should 
apply only to personnel involved in the operation or maintenance of 
equipment. They argued that the training requirements need not apply to 
clerks, secretaries, and similar employees who are not involved in the 
physical operations of the facility. They also argued that we failed to 
sufficiently account for training costs in our economic analysis. 
Another commenter asked for a small facility exemption from training 
    Another commenter asked that facilities be allowed to incorporate 
SPCC training requirements into already existing training programs 
required by other Federal or State law. One commenter suggested that 
the rule include a requirement that owners or operators document each 
training session and spill response drill conducted, and to maintain 
those records for five years.
    Timing of employee training. Some commenters favored the proposed 
provision for yearly training exercises and suggested that the training 
be coordinated with local oil spill response organizations or Local 
Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) whenever possible. One commenter 
cautioned that the annual training should not be considered a full 
scale SPCC drill.
    Opposing commenters suggested no time period for such exercises, or 
alternative periods, such as every two or three years.
    Likewise, many commenters opposed the provision relating to the 
training of new employees within one week of employment. Opposing 
commenters argued generally that such a recommendation is impractical, 
and called for employer discretion in scheduling training. Others 
suggested varying time periods in lieu of one week. Those suggestions 
ranged from one month to one year, with alternatives suggested such as 
``as soon as practical,'' ``prior to operation but before one year,'' 
``within one week of job assignment,'' ``a more reasonable time 
period,'' ``after training,'' and ``until the next annual training for 
all employees.'' One commenter asked that we define the term ``new 
    Discharge prevention briefings. Many commenters criticized the 
proposal for annual spill prevention briefings, as opposed to the 
current requirement to hold such briefings ``at intervals frequent 
enough to assure adequate understanding of the SPCC Plan.'' They argued 
that the current standard is adequate. Some commenters suggested that 
we require additional training in these briefings such as emergency 
response training, or training concerning Plan changes.
    1993 comments. Applicability of training requirements. In 1993, 
many commenters asked for clarification of what ``oil-handling'' 
personnel meant. Some thought the requirements for training should be 
limited to those employees engaged in response activities. Others 
questioned what ``on average'' meant in determining the threshold 
applicability of the rule. Still others asked what ``a single 
operation'' meant. Some asked that the requirements be limited to 
facilities with potential to cause ``substantial harm'' to the 
environment. Others asked that the requirements be relaxed for 
facilities with equipment that reduce the potential for discharges. 
Some suggested differing gallon thresholds for the applicability of the 
training requirements. One commenter suggested that training be limited 
to those employees involved in emergency response or countermeasure 
activities. One commenter asked for an exemption from this requirement 
for small facilities. Another commenter asked for an exemption for 
extraction facilities, because, he argued, they have few spills. 
Another commenter suggested that the 1991 proposal was adequate.
    Timing of employee training. Some commenters favored the proposed 
requirement for eight-hour annual training, with four-hour refresher 
training in subsequent years. Others opposed it, arguing that employer 
discretion in this matter will ensure a better result.
    Likewise many commenters opposed the requirement that new employees 
be trained within one week of employment, arguing instead for employer 
discretion. Some commenters suggested alternate frequencies other than 
one week, ranging from ``prior to assuming duties'' to up to six months 
after hiring.
    Content of training. A few commenters supported the specification 
of training subjects. Some commenters suggested that we require 
training in the proper operation and maintenance of facility equipment 
and knowledge of spill procedure protocols. A utility commenter 
objected to the proposal that its employees be trained in maintenance 
of oil storage tanks, because its

[[Page 47108]]

maintenance activities do not involve the transfer or handling of oil 
and therefore fall outside the scope of the rule. Alternatively, the 
commenter suggested, those employees should be given a lower level of 
``awareness'' training. One commenter suggested inclusion of response 
    Unannounced drills. Some commenters favored the proposal and 
suggested that actual discharge experience should be given credit as a 
drill. One commenter suggested a frequency schedule for various types 
of drills.
    Some commenters criticized the proposal for at least yearly 
unannounced drills. One commenter suggested that the frequency of the 
drills should be at the operator's discretion. Commenters argued that, 
if required at all, drills should only be applicable to operational or 
response personnel. Two commenters said that a requirement for 
unannounced drills for all employees would require them to conduct at 
least eight or more drills a year. Another commenter suggested training 
instead of drills, because of the potential for drills to cause 
expensive shutdowns.
    Response to comments. Applicability of training requirements. We 
believe that training requirements should apply to all facilities, 
large or small, including all those that store or use oil, regardless 
of the amount of oil transferred in any particular time. Training may 
help avert human error, which is a principal cause of oil discharges. 
``Spills from ASTs may occur as a result of operator error, for 
example, during loading operations (e.g., vessel or tank truck--AST 
transfer operation), or as a result of structural failure (e.g., 
brittle fracture) because of inadequate maintenance of the AST.'' EPA 
Liner Study, at 14. The 1995 SPCC Survey found that operator error was 
the most common spill cause for facilities in 9 of the 19 industry 
categories that reported having spills. Also, the August 1994 draft 
report of the EPA Aboveground Oil Storage Facilities Workgroup called 
``Soil and Ground Water Contamination from Aboveground Oil Storage 
Facilities: A Strategic Study'' presented data on causes of discharges 
from two studies. Both studies showed that error during product 
transfer activities is one of the biggest known causes of discharges at 
AST facilities. Two other studies also support our contention: Carter, 
W.J., ``How API Viewed the Needs for Aboveground Storage Tanks,'' Tank 
Talk, Vol. 7, July/August 1992, p.2.; and U.S. EPA, ``The Technical 
Background Document to Support the Implementation of OPA Response Plan 
Requirements,'' Emergency Response Division, Office of Solid Waste and 
Emergency Response, February 1993, p.4-19. We have therefore retained 
the applicability of training to all facilities. The 1993 proposal 
would have limited training requirements to only certain facilities 
which received or transferred over the proposed amount of oil. 
Facilities which receive or transfer less than the proposed amount 
might also have discharges which could have been averted through 
required training. Also the proposed rule would have exempted many 
facilities that use rather than store oil from its scope. Therefore, we 
have provided in the rule that all facilities, whether bulk storage 
facilities or facilities that merely use oil, must train oil-handling 
employees because all facilities have the potential for a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b), and training is necessary to avert such a 
    We agree with the commenter that training is only necessary for 
personnel who will use it to carry out the requirements of this rule. 
Therefore revised paragraph (f)(1) provides that only oil-handling 
personnel are subject to training requirements, as we proposed in 1993. 
Thus there are no new training costs because we have always required 
such training of oil-handling personnel. ``Oil-handling personnel'' is 
to be interpreted according to industry standards, but includes 
employees engaged in the operation and maintenance of oil storage 
containers or the operation of equipment related to storage containers 
and emergency response personnel. We do not interpret the term to 
include secretaries, clerks, and other personnel who are never involved 
in operation or maintenance activities related to oil storage or 
equipment, oil transfer operations, emergency response, countermeasure 
functions, or similar activities.
    You may incorporate SPCC training requirements into already 
existing training programs required by other Federal or State law at 
your option or may conduct SPCC training separately.
    You must document that you have conducted required training 
courses. Such documentation must be maintained with the Plan for three 
    Timing of employee training. We agree with commenters who thought 
it desirable to leave the timing and number of hours of training of 
oil-handling employees, including new employees, to the employer's 
discretion. ``Proper instruction'' of oil-handling employees, as 
required in the rule, means in accordance with industry standards or at 
a frequency sufficient to prevent a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b). This standard will allow facilities more flexibility to 
develop training programs better suited to the particular facility. 
While the rule requires annual discharge prevention briefings, we also 
agree that the annual briefings required are not drills. In any case, 
the SPCC rules do not require drills, as explained below.
    For purposes of the rule, it is not necessary to define a ``new 
employee'' because all oil-handling personnel are subject to training 
requirements, whether new or not. You do, however, have discretion as 
to the timing of that training, so long as the timing meets the 
requirements of good engineering practice.
    Discharge prevention briefings. Annual discharge prevention 
briefings are necessary, but there should be more frequent briefings 
where appropriate. Such briefings are necessary to refresh employees' 
memories on facility Plan provisions and to update employees on the 
latest prevention and response techniques. Training must include the 
contents of the facility Plan. Although it is desirable, we disagree 
that we should require SPCC briefings to include emergency response 
training. That training is already required for those facilities which 
must prepare response plans.
    Content of training. Specifying a minimum list of training subjects 
is necessary to ensure that facility employees are aware of discharge 
prevention procedures and regulations. As suggested by a commenter, we 
have added knowledge of discharge procedure protocols to the list of 
training subjects because such training will help avert discharges. 
Therefore, we have specified that training must include, at a minimum: 
the operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent the discharge of 
oil; discharge procedure protocols; applicable pollution control laws, 
rules, and regulations; general facility operations; and, the contents 
of the facility Plan. As noted above, we require response training for 
facilities that must submit response plans, but such training is not 
necessary for all SPCC facilities.
    In response to the utility commenter who asserted that utility 
employees do not need to be trained in the maintenance of oil storage 
tanks because such maintenance does not involve the transfer and 
handling of oil, we note that training must address relevant 
maintenance activities at the facility. If there is no transfer and 
handling of oil, such topic need not be covered in training.

[[Page 47109]]

    Unannounced drills. The proposed yearly frequency for unannounced 
drills is also unnecessary because such drills are already required at 
FRP facilities, which are higher risk facilities. We do not believe 
that the risk at all SPCC facilities approaches the same level as at 
FRP facilities. Therefore, we are not finalizing this proposal, and 
there are no new costs.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We changed the title from 
``Personnel, training, and spill prevention procedures,'' to 
``Personnel, training, and discharge prevention procedures.'' In 
paragraph (f)(1), ``discharges of oil'' becomes ``discharges.'' In 
paragraph (f)(2), ``line management'' becomes ``facility management,'' 
and ``oil spill prevention'' becomes ``discharge prevention.'' In 
paragraph (f)(3), ``spill prevention briefings'' becomes ``discharge 
prevention briefings.'' Also in paragraph (f)(3); ``operating 
personnel'' becomes ``oil-handling'' personnel,'' to be consistent with 
language in paragraph (f)(1); and, ``spill events'' becomes 
``discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b).''

Section 112.7(g)--Security (Excluding oil Production Facilities)

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to turn into a recommendation the 
current requirement that a facility should be fully fenced, and gates 
locked and/or guarded when the facility is not in production or is 
unattended. We proposed to require that the master flow and drain 
valves (or other valves that will permit direct outward flow of the 
tanks' contents) have adequate security to ensure that they remain in a 
closed position when in non-operating or non-standby status. Thus, the 
proposal would allow more flexibility in the method of securing the 
valves than the current rule, which requires that such valves be 
``securely locked.''
    The current rule requires that loading/unloading connections be 
securely capped or blank-flanged when not in service or standby-service 
``for an extended time.'' We proposed in 1991 to clarify that ``an 
extended time'' means six months or more, based on our Regional 
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter asked 
for the meaning of ``plant'' as used in proposed Sec. 112.7(g)(1).
    Applicability of requirement. One commenter urged an exemption from 
all security provisions for mobile facilities, because such facilities 
are manned 24 hours a day while in operation.
    Fences. One commenter argued that fences should not be required for 
all facilities, because it is not practicable in some places. Another 
argued that fences should be topped with barbed wire, or otherwise 
designed to deter vandalism.
    Starter controls on pumps. Several commenters argued that the 
requirements to lock starter controls on all pumps and to locate them 
at a site accessible only to authorized personnel are duplicative and 
do not deter vandals or other unauthorized personnel. Another commenter 
urged us to exclude large facilities from the locking requirement 
because the potential for losing keys or having the locks become 
inoperative due to freezing conditions is great. A third commenter 
suggested that the requirement should apply to facilities, and not to 
    Loading/unloading connections. One commenter urged that the blank-
flanging requirement apply to facilities that are not in service for 
six months or more, rather than to connections of oil piping. The 
rationale was that larger facilities have seasonal or contractual 
variations in use of lines, pumps, racks, and connections. Therefore, 
it would be costly and impractical to blank off lines only to reopen 
them in the seventh month. Accordingly, the rule should, per the 
commenter, recognize normal operating procedures at such facilities and 
allow flexibility. Another commenter requested that ``quick 
disconnect'' fittings qualify as a method of secure capping.
    Response to comments. Applicability of requirements. We asked in 
the 1991 preamble (at 56 FR 54616) for comments as to whether 
provisions proposed as discretionary measures or recommendations should 
be made requirements. We were concerned whether these proposed measures 
represented good engineering practice for all facilities. Specific 
comments are discussed below. In the case of proposed Sec. 112.7(g)(1) 
and (5) as requirements, we have decided to retain the requirements as 
requirements rather than convert those paragraphs into recommendations 
as proposed. We have done this because we believe that fencing, 
facility lighting, and the other measures prescribed in the rule to 
prevent vandalism are elements of good engineering practice in most 
facilities, including mobile facilities. Where they are not a part of 
good engineering practice, we have amended the proposed provision 
allowing deviations, Sec. 112.7(a)(2), to include the provisions in 
Sec. 112.7(g).
    Fences. Fencing helps to deter vandals and thus prevent the 
discharges that they might cause. In response to the commenter who 
argued that fences should be topped with barbed wire, or otherwise 
designed to deter vandalism, we agree. When you use a fence to protect 
a facility, the design of the fence should deter vandalism. Methods of 
deterring vandals might include barbed wire or other devices. If any 
type of fence is impractical, you may, under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), explain 
your reasons for nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental 
protection by some other means.
    Valves. Revised Sec. 112.7(g)(2) requires you to ensure that the 
master flow and drain valves and other valves permitting outward flow 
of the container's contents have adequate security measures. The 
current rule requires that such valves be securely locked in the closed 
position when in non-operating or non-standby status. Today's revised 
rule allows security measures other than locking drain valves or other 
valves permitting outflow to the surface. Manual locks may be 
preferable for valves that are not electronically or automatically 
controlled. Such locks may be the only practical way to ensure that 
valves stay in the closed position. For electronically controlled or 
automated systems, no manual lock may be necessary. The rule gives you 
discretion in the method of securing valves. We believe that this 
flexibility is necessary due to changes in technology and in the use of 
manual and electronic valving.
    Starter controls on pumps. We disagree that the requirements to 
have the starter control locked in the off position and be accessible 
only to authorized personnel are redundant. Restricting access to such 
pumps prevents unauthorized personnel from accidentally opening the 
starter control. These measures are necessary to prevent discharges at 
small as well as large facilities because the threat of discharge is 
the same regardless of the size of the container, and a small discharge 
may be harmful to the environment. If the potential for losing keys, 
weather conditions such as frequent freezing, or other engineering 
factors render such a measure infeasible, you may use the deviation 
provisions in Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you can explain your reasons for 
nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection by some 
other means.
    Loading/unloading connections. In response to comment, we have 
decided to retain the current time line in Sec. 112.7(g)(4), i.e., ``an 
extended time,'' instead of specifying a six-month time line, due to 
the need for operational flexibility at facilities. We define ``an 
extended time'' in reference to industry standards or, in the absence 
of such standards, at a frequency sufficient to prevent any discharge. 
The appropriate method of securing or blank flanging of

[[Page 47110]]

these connections is a matter of good engineering practice, and might 
include ``quick disconnect fittings'' as a possible deviation under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). In any case, a secure cap is one equipped with some 
kind of lock or secure closure device to prevent vandalism. We disagree 
that the requirements of this paragraph should apply to the owner or 
operator of a facility instead of the owner or operator of the piping 
because a facility might place only some piping out of service for a 
period of time, and let other piping remain in service. Therefore, the 
owners or operators of some piping might escape the requirements of the 
rule and be more likely to discharge oil.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with security purposes include: (1) API Standard 2610, Design, 
Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal and 
Tank Facilities; and, (2) NFPA 30A, Automotive and Marine Service 
Station Code, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We agree that the term 
``plant'' has no clear meaning. Therefore, in paragraph (g)(1), we have 
substituted the term ``facility'' in its place, which is a defined term 
in these rules. Also in that paragraph, the phrase ``handling, 
processing and storing oil'' becomes ``handling, processing or storing 
oil.'' In paragraph (g)(2), ``tank'' becomes ``container.'' In 
paragraph (g)(3), ``pumps'' becomes ``pump.'' In paragraph (g)(5), the 
phrase ``Consideration should be given to:'' is deleted. We revise the 
sentence to read, ``Provide facility lighting commensurate with the 
type and location of the facility that will assist in the: * * *''

Section 112.7(h)--Loading/Unloading (Excluding Offshore Facilities)

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current discharge prevention 
requirements for loading/unloading racks.
    Comments. In general. Several commenters opposed the proposal on 
the basis that a requirement for a strong contingency plan would be a 
preferable and more effective alternative. Another commenter asked that 
we clarify that only facilities routinely used for loading or unloading 
of tanker trucks from or into aboveground bulk storage tanks are 
subject to this provision. One commenter believed that the proposed 
rule regulates items which ``should be covered'' by DOT rules governing 
loading, unloading, and vehicle inspection.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter asked for a 
clarification of the term ``quick drainage system.''
    Another commenter recommended that instead of mandatory containment 
requirements, a facility be allowed to show that procedures are in 
place to ensure that personnel are present at all times to supervise 
tank truck loading and unloading. Additionally, that commenter 
recommended that all new or renovated loading/unloading areas provide, 
at a minimum, curbing, sloped concrete, trenching, tanks, or basins 
which could contain at least five percent by volume of the largest 
compartment of the tank car or truck. For existing facilities, that 
commenter suggested that containment might contain a lesser volume, 
provided that the entire area is constructed of impervious material, no 
reported releases have occurred, and that loading/unloading activities 
are supervised.
    Alarm or warning systems. One commenter asked whether the 
requirement to provide a warning light or physical barrier system, or 
warning signs, applied to tank batteries or just plants. Another 
suggested that a vehicle brake interlock system or similar system might 
work just as well. Still another suggested the use of wheel chocks 
during tank truck transfers.
    Vehicle drain closure. Two commenters opposed the proposed 
requirement that vehicle drains and outlets be examined for leakage and 
if necessary repaired to prevent liquid leaks during transit. They 
argued that the facility owner had little or no control over trucks 
that were owned by others which loaded or unloaded at a facility and 
could not ensure their compliance with the rules.
    Response to comments. In general. This section is applicable to any 
non-transportation-related or terminal facility where oil is loaded or 
unloaded from or to a tank car or tank truck. It applies to containers 
which are aboveground (including partially buried tanks, bunkered 
tanks, or vaulted tanks) or completely buried (except those exempted by 
this rule), and to all facilities, large or small. All of these 
facilities have a risk of discharge from transfers. Our Survey of Oil 
Storage Facilities (published in July 1996) showed that as annual 
throughput increases, so does the propensity to discharge, the severity 
of the discharge, and, to a lesser extent, the costs of the cleanup. 
Throughput increases are often associated with transfers of oil.
    The requirements contained in this section, including those for 
secondary containment, warning systems, and inspection of trucks or 
cars for discharges are necessary to help prevent discharges. If you 
can justify a deviation for secondary containment requirement in 
paragraph (h)(1) on the basis that it is not practicable from an 
engineering standpoint, you must provide a contingency plan and take 
other actions to comply with Sec. 112.7(d). If you seek to deviate from 
any of the requirements in paragraphs (h)(2) or (3), you must explain 
your reasons for nonconformance, as provided in Sec. 112.7(a)(2), and 
provide measures affording equivalent environmental protection.
    We disagree that a contingency plan (whether labeled ``strong'' or 
otherwise) is a preferable alternative to secondary containment. 
Secondary containment is preferable because it may prevent a discharge 
that may be harmful as described in Sec. 112.1(b). A contingency plan 
is a plan for action when such discharge has already occurred. However, 
as noted earlier, if secondary containment is not practicable, you must 
provide a contingency plan and take other actions as required by 
Sec. 112.7(d). EPA will continue to evaluate the issue of whether the 
provisions for secondary containment found in Sec. 112.7(h)(1) should 
be modified or revised. We intend to publish a notice asking for 
additional data and comment on this issue.
    We disagree that the section regulates activities already under the 
purview of the U.S. Department of Transportation. We regulate the 
environmental aspects of loading/unloading transfers at non-
transportation-related facilities, which are legitimately part of a 
prevention plan. DOT regulates other aspects of those transfers, such 
as safety measures.
    Other State or Federal law. We have withdrawn, as unnecessary, 
proposed Sec. 112.7(h)(1), which would have required that facilities 
meet the minimum requirements of Federal and State law. Those 
requirements apply whether they are mentioned or not.
    Secondary containment. As noted above, the requirement for 
secondary containment applies to all facilities, whether with 
aboveground or completely buried containers. This includes production 
facilities and small facilities. The method of secondary containment 
must be one of those listed in the rule (see Sec. 112.7(c)), or some 
similar system that provides equivalent environmental protection. The 
choice of method is one of good engineering practice. However, in 
response to comments, we note that sumps and drip pans are a listed 
method of secondary containment for offshore facilities. A catchment 
basin might be an acceptable

[[Page 47111]]

form of retention pond for an onshore facility. Whatever method is 
implemented, it must be capable of containing the maximum capacity of 
any single compartment of a tank car or tank truck loaded or unloaded 
in the facility. A discharge from the maximum capacity of any single 
compartment of a tank car or tank truck includes a discharge from the 
tank car or tank truck piping and hoses. This is the largest amount 
likely to be discharged from the oil storage vehicle. A requirement 
that secondary containment be able to hold only five percent of a 
potential discharge when procedures are in place to prevent discharges 
fails to protect the environment if there is human error in one of 
those procedures. In case of discharge, the secondary containment 
system must be capable of preventing a discharge from that maximum 
capacity compartment to the environment. As mentioned above, if 
secondary containment is not practicable, you may be able to deviate 
from the requirement if you provide a contingency plan and otherwise 
comply with Sec. 112.7(d).
    Alarm or warning systems. The requirement to provide a warning 
light or other physical barrier system applies to the loading/unloading 
areas of facilities. We have amended the rule on the suggestion of a 
commenter to include ``vehicle brake interlock system'' and ``wheel 
chocks.'' The examples listed in the rule of potential warning systems 
are merely illustrative. Any other alarm or warning system which serves 
the same purpose and performs effectively will also suffice to meet 
this requirement.
    Vehicle drain closure. We believe that the requirement to check 
vehicles for discharge is important to help prevent discharges. If the 
check were not done, the entire contents of the vehicle might be 
discharged. We further believe that the responsibility for compliance 
with proposed Sec. 112.7(h)(3), as well as with all provisions of the 
rule, continues to rest with the owner or operator of the facility when 
those vehicles are loading or unloading oil at the facility.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with loading and unloading areas include: (1) NFPA 30, 
``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code''; and, (2) API Standard 2610, 
``Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of 
Terminal and Tank Facilities.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In paragraph (h)(1), for 
clarity, ``plant'' is changed to ``facility.'' The phrase ``to handle 
spills'' becomes ``to handle discharges.'' A ``quick drainage system'' 
is a device which drains oil away from the loading/unloading area to 
some means of secondary containment or returns the oil to the facility. 
For Sec. 112.7(h)(1), if secondary containment is not practicable, you 
must provide a contingency plan following the provisions of 40 CFR part 
109, and otherwise comply with Sec. 112.7(d). Also, in paragraph 
(h)(1), ``tank truck'' becomes ``tank car or tank truck.'' In paragraph 
(h)(2), ``prevent vehicular departure,'' becomes ``prevent vehicles 
from departing.'' In paragraph (h)(3), ``leakage'' becomes 
``discharge.'' ``Discharge'' is a broader term, of which ``leakage'' is 
a subset. Also in that paragraph, ``examine'' becomes ``inspect.''

Section 112.7(i)--Brittle Fracture Evaluation

    Background. In 1993, we proposed to require that you evaluate your 
field-constructed tanks for brittle fracture if those tanks undergo 
repair, alteration, or a change in service. You would have been 
required to evaluate those tanks by adherence to industry standards 
contained in American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 653, entitled 
``Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction.'' The 
rationale was to help prevent the failure of field-constructed tanks 
due to brittle fracture, such as the four million gallon aboveground 
Ashland Oil tank failure which occurred in January 1988.
    Comments. Applicability. Several commenters favored the proposal. 
One suggested that we incorporate API Standard 653 into our rules to 
accommodate the possibility of tank failures other than through brittle 
fracture. One commenter opposed the proposal on the basis that the 
evaluation was unnecessary for small volume tanks and tanks with 
secondary containment. Other commenters argued that such testing was 
unnecessary for steel-bolted tanks because such tanks are too thin to 
be subject to brittle fracture since material properties are uniform 
through the thickness. One commenter asked that small facilities be 
exempted from the proposed requirement.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. Two commenters asked what the 
term ``change in service'' means. Others asked for clarification of the 
term ``field-erected tank.'' Another asked for clarification of the 
term ``repair,'' so that it would exclude ordinary day-to-day 
maintenance activities which are conducted to maintain the functional 
integrity of the tank and do not weaken the tank.
    Alternatives to brittle fracture evaluation. One commenter 
suggested that we allow testing by acoustic emission testing.
    Response to comments. Applicability. The requirement to evaluate 
field-constructed tanks for brittle fracture whenever a field-
constructed aboveground container undergoes repair, alteration, 
reconstruction, or change in service is necessary because brittle 
fracture may cause sudden and catastrophic tank failure, resulting in 
potentially serious damage to the environment and loss of oil. The 
requirement must be applicable to large and small facilities alike, 
because all the field-constructed aboveground containers have a risk of 
failure. The presence or absence of secondary containment does not 
eliminate the need for brittle fracture evaluation because the intent 
of the rule is to prevent a discharge whether or not it will be 
contained. While the requirement applies to all field-constructed 
aboveground containers, if you can show that the evaluation is 
unnecessary for your steel-bolted tanks, you may deviate from the 
requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you can explain your reasons for 
nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection. We note 
that portions of steel-bolted tanks, such as the bottom or roof, may be 
welded, and therefore subject to brittle fracture.
    The requirement for evaluation of a field-constructed aboveground 
container must be undertaken when the container undergoes a repair, 
alteration, reconstruction, or change in service that might affect the 
risk of a discharge or failure due to brittle fracture, or when a 
discharge or failure has already occurred due to brittle fracture or 
other catastrophe. Catastrophic failures are failures which may result 
from events such as lightning strikes, dangerous seismic activity, etc. 
As a result of a catastrophic failure, the entire contents of a 
container may be discharged to the environment in the same way as if 
brittle fracture had occurred.
    ``Repair'' means any work necessary to maintain or restore a 
container to a condition suitable for safe operation. Typical examples 
include the removal and replacement of material (such as roof, shell, 
or bottom material, including weld metal) to maintain container 
integrity; the re-leveling or jacking of a container shell, bottom, or 
roof; the addition of reinforcing plates to existing shell 
penetrations; and the repair of flaws, such as tears or gouges, by 
grinding or gouging followed by welding. We understand that some 
repairs (such as repair of tank seals), alterations, or changes in 
service will not cause a risk of failure due to brittle

[[Page 47112]]

fracture; therefore, we have amended the rule to refer to those 
repairs, alterations, reconstruction, or changes in service that affect 
the risk of a discharge or failure due to brittle fracture.
    ``Alteration'' means any work on a container involving cutting, 
burning, welding, or heating operations that changes the physical 
dimensions or configurations of the container. Typical examples include 
the addition of manways and nozzles greater than 12-inch nominal pipe 
size and an increase or decrease in tank shell height.
    Alternatives to brittle fracture evaluation. We have eliminated the 
incorporation by reference to API Standard 653 from the rule. We have 
also therefore withdrawn proposed Appendix H, the API Standard 653 
brittle fracture flowchart. We believe that API Standard 653 is an 
acceptable standard to test for brittle fracture. However, an 
incorporation by reference of any standard might cause the rule to be 
instantly obsolete should that standard change or should a newer, 
better method emerge. A potential standard might also apply only to a 
certain subset of facilities or equipment. Therefore, as with most 
other requirements in this part, if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance, alternative methods which afford equivalent 
environmental protection may be acceptable under Sec. 112.7(a)(2). If 
acoustic emission testing provides equivalent environmental protection 
it may be acceptable as an alternative. That decision, in the first 
instance, is one for the Professional Engineer and owner or operator.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with brittle fracture evaluation include: (1) API Standard 
653, ``Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction''; and, 
(2) API Recommended Practice 920, ``Prevention of Brittle Fracture of 
Pressure Vessels.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. A ``field-constructed 
aboveground container'' is one that is assembled or reassembled outside 
the factory at the location of its intended use. A ``change in 
service'' is a change from previous operating conditions involving 
different properties of the stored product such as specific gravity or 
corrosivity and/or different service conditions of temperature and/or 
pressure. The word ``reconstruction'' was added in the first sentence 
to conform with the text in API Standard 653. The words ``discharge 
or'' were added prior to ``failure'' and ``brittle fracture failure'' 
to make clear that evaluation is necessary when there has been a 
discharge from the container, whether or not there has been a complete 
failure of the container due to brittle fracture or catastrophe. When a 
container has failed completely and will be replaced, no brittle 
fracture or catastrophe evaluation is necessary. The evaluation is only 
applicable when the original container remains, but the physical 
condition of the container has changed due to repair, alteration, or 
change in service.

Section 112.7(j)--State Rules

    Background. In the introduction to Sec. 112.7(e) of the current 
rule, an owner or operator is required to discuss in the Plan his 
conformance with Sec. 112.7(c), plus other applicable parts of 
Sec. 112.7, other effective spill prevention and containment procedures 
or, if more stringent, with State rules, regulations, and guidelines. 
In our 1991 proposal, we limited the required discussion of ``other 
effective spill prevention and containment procedures'' to those listed 
in Secs. 112.8, 112.9, 112.10, and 112.11, or if more stringent, with 
State rules, regulations, and guidelines.
    Comments. Cross-referencing of requirements. One commenter argued 
that the proposed requirements should be more clearly limited to those 
sections which are applicable to the facility in question. For example, 
the commenter asserted, ``requirements in Sec. 112.8 `* * *onshore 
facilities (excluding production facilities)' should not (by the 
requirement in Sec. 112.7(i)) be applied to any portion of any 
production facility.''
    Consistency in rules. Two States urged that our rules be as 
consistent as possible with rules in the States. Another State urged 
that we grant reciprocity to State-approved Plans which have been 
reviewed under equal or greater adequacy criteria. One commenter 
complained that EPA rules are in some cases more stringent than some 
State rules.
    Federal and State regulation. Two commenters argued against any 
State regulation in the SPCC area to avoid duplication. Conversely, 
another commenter argued against any Federal regulation because the 
States are better qualified to regulate in the SPCC arena.
    Preemption. Another State requested that EPA strive to have similar 
programs as the States, or at the least not to preempt the States in 
the regulation of SPCC matters.
    Response to comments. Cross-referencing of requirements. In 
response to the commenter who believed that proposed Sec. 112.7(i) 
(redesignated in today's rule as Sec. 112.7(j)) might require him to 
discuss inapplicable requirements, we note that you must address all 
SPCC requirements in your Plan. You must include in your Plan a 
complete discussion of conformance with the applicable requirements and 
other effective discharge prevention and containment procedures listed 
in part 112 or any applicable more stringent State rule, regulation, or 
guideline. If a requirement is not applicable to a particular type of 
facility, we believe that it is important for an owner or operator to 
explain why.
    Consistency in rules. As noted above, you may now use a State plan 
as a substitute for an SPCC Plan when the State plan meets all Federal 
requirements and is cross-referenced. When you use a State plan that 
does not meet all Federal requirements, it must be supplemented by 
sections that do meet all Federal requirements. At times EPA will have 
rules that are more stringent than States rules, and some States may 
have rules that are more stringent than those of EPA. If you follow 
more stringent State rules in your Plan, you must explain that is what 
you are doing.
    Federal and State regulation. Both the States and EPA have 
authority to regulate containers storing or using oil. We believe State 
authority to regulate in this area and establish spill prevention 
programs is supported by section 311(o) of the CWA. Some States have 
exercised their authority to regulate while others have not. We believe 
that State SPCC programs are a valuable supplement to our SPCC program.
    Preemption. We do not preempt State rules, and defer to State 
rules, regulations, and guidelines that are more stringent than part 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. To simplify the rule 
language, we have amended the proposed rule to state that you must 
discuss all applicable requirements in the Plan instead of listing all 
of the sections individually. The phrase ``sections of the Plan shall 
include* * *'' becomes ``include in your Plan* * * .'' ``Spill'' 
becomes ``discharge.''

Subpart B--Requirements for Petroleum Oils or Other Non-petroleum Oils, 
Except Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils

    Background. As noted above, we have reformatted the rule to 
differentiate between various classes of oil as mandated by EORRA. 
Subpart B prescribes particular requirements for an owner or operator 
of a facility that stores or uses petroleum oils or non-petroleum oils, 
except for animal fats and vegetable oils.

[[Page 47113]]

Introduction to Section 112.8

    Background. We have inserted an introduction to Sec. 112.8 so that 
we could list the requirements of that section in the active voice. 
Those requirements, except as specifically noted, apply to the owner or 
operator of an onshore facility (except a production facility). The 
introduction does not result in any substantive change in requirements.

Section 112.8(a)--General Requirements--Onshore Facilities (Excluding 
Production Facilities)

    Background. This is a new provision that merely references the 
general requirements which all facilities subject to this part must 
meet and the specific requirements that facilities subject to this 
section must meet. It does not result in any change to substantive 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spill prevention'' in the 
1991 proposal becomes ``discharge prevention.'' We also deleted from 
the titles of each paragraph the words ``onshore'' and ``excluding 
production facilities'' because the entire section applies to onshore 
facilities and excludes production facilities from its scope. Finally, 
the proposed requirement to ``address'' general and specific 
requirements and procedures becomes ``meet'' those requirements and 

Section 112.8(b)(1)--Diked Storage Area Drainage

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule 
(Sec. 112.7(e)(1)(i)) on facility drainage from diked areas.
    Comments. Applicability. One commenter asked that we limit the 
scope of this section to facilities having areas with the potential to 
receive discharges greater than 660 gallons or areas with tanks 
regulated under these rules. Another commenter said that for facilities 
with site-wide containment, or that have substantial stormwater 
draining onto and across the site, the requirement is not practical and 
may justify reliance on contingency plans instead of containment. That 
commenter, and another, suggested that certain devices may reduce the 
potential of a significant spill of floating or other products that can 
be separated by gravity, such as oil/water separators, underflow 
uncontrolled discharge devices, and other apparatus.
    De minimis amounts of oil. One commenter thought it would be 
impossible to ensure no oil would be discharged into water from diked 
areas. The rationale was that oil can be present in water in an amount 
below the perception threshold of the human eye.
    Response to comments. Applicability. We disagree that we should 
limit the scope of this section to facilities having areas with the 
potential to receive discharges greater than 660 gallons or areas with 
tanks regulated under these rules. Small discharges (that is, of 660 
gallons or less) as described in Sec. 112.1(b) from diked storage areas 
can cause great environmental harm. See section IV. F of this preamble 
for a discussion of the effects of small discharges. We disagree that 
this section should apply only to areas with tanks regulated under 
these rules because this rule applies to regulated facilities, not 
merely areas with regulated tanks or other containers. A facility may 
contain operating equipment within a diked storage area which could 
cause a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    We disagree that the requirement is not practical for facilities 
with site-wide containment, or that have substantial stormwater 
draining onto and across the site. Where oil/water separators, 
underflow uncontrolled discharge devices, or other positive means 
provide equivalent environmental protection as the discharge restraints 
required by this section, you may use them, if you explain your reasons 
for nonconformance. See Sec. 112.7(a)(2). However, you must still 
ensure that no oil will be discharged when using alternate devices.
    De minimis amounts of oil. This rule is concerned with a discharge 
of oil that would become a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). 
When oil is present in water in an amount that cannot be perceived by 
the human eye, the discharge might not meet the description provided in 
40 CFR 110.3. Therefore, such a discharge might not be a discharge in a 
quantity that may be harmful, and therefore not a reportable discharge 
under part 110. However, a discharge which is invisible to the human 
eye might also contain components (for example, dissolved petroleum 
components) which would violate applicable water quality standards, 
making it a reportable discharge. Therefore, we are keeping the 
language as proposed, other than making some editorial changes.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with facility drainage include: (1) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and 
Combustible Liquids Code''; and (2), API Standard 2610, ``Design, 
Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal and 
Tank Facilities.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spill or other excessive 
leakage of oil'' and ``leakage'' become ``discharge.'' The phrase 
``handle such leakage'' becomes ``control such discharge.'' We deleted 
the phrase ``or other positive means,'' because it is confusing when 
compared with the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), you 
have the flexibility to use alternate measures ensuring equivalent 
environmental protection. The word ``examine'' becomes ``inspect.''

Section 112.8(b)(2)--Diked Storage Areas--Valves Used; Inspection of 
Retained Stormwater

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on the type of 
valves that must be used to drain diked storage areas. The rule also 
addresses inspection of retained stormwater.
    Comments. Innovative devices. Two commenters believed that the rule 
would apparently preclude the use of innovative containment devices to 
control discharges from containment dikes, such as imbiber beads. These 
beads are inside a small cylinder that filters releases from a 
containment area. The beads are inserted where a valve would be placed 
and allow water to pass, but prevent release of oil by closing on 
contact. Another commenter asked that the rule allow oil-water gravity 
separation systems instead of valves.
    PE certification. One commenter suggested that a section should be 
added to the rule requiring that Professional Engineers be required to 
certify the design and construction of the stormwater drainage system 
and the sanitary sewer system, because the Professional Engineer is in 
the best position to prepare the spill containment parts of the SPCC 
    Response to comments. Innovative devices. This rule does not 
preclude innovative devices that achieve the same environmental 
protection as manual open-and-closed design valves. If you do not use 
such valves, you must explain why. The provision for deviations in 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) allows alternatives if the owner or operator states 
his reasons for nonconformance, and if he can provide equivalent 
environmental protection by some other means. However, you may not use 
flapper-type drain valves to drain diked areas. And if you use 
alternate devices to substitute for manual, open-and-closed design 
valves, you must inspect and may drain retained stormwater, as provided 
in Sec. 112.8(c)(3)(ii), (iii), and (iv), if your facility drainage 
drains directly into a watercourse, lake, or pond bypassing the 
facility treatment system.
    PE certification. PE certification is already required for the 
design of

[[Page 47114]]

stormwater drainage and sanitary sewer systems by current rules because 
those systems are a technical element of the Plan. Therefore, we are 
keeping the language as proposed.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the first sentence, we 
deleted the phrase ``as far as practical'' because it is confusing when 
compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), if 
the requirement is not practical, you have the flexibility to use 
measures ensuring equivalent environmental protection. In the second 
sentence, we clarify that the wastewater treatment plant mentioned 
therein is an ``on-site wastewater treatment plant.'' Also in that 
sentence, we clarify that you must inspect and ``may drain'' retained 
stormwater, as provided in Sec. 112.8(c)(3)(ii), (iii), and (iv). 
Finally, in the last sentence, we clarify that drained retained 
stormwater must be ``uncontaminated.''

Section 112.8(b)(3)--Drainage Into Secondary Containment; Areas Subject 
to Flooding

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to clarify that only undiked areas 
that are located such that they have a reasonable potential to be 
contaminated by an oil discharge are required to drain into a pond, 
lagoon, or catchment basin. We explained that a good Plan should seek 
to separate reasonably foreseeable sources of contamination and non-
    We also proposed to make a recommendation of the current 
requirement that catchment basins not be located in areas subject to 
periodic flooding.
    Comments. One commenter supported the proposal.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter suggested that 
the rule should be worded to refer to systems ``with a potential for 
discharge,'' rather than with a ``potential for contamination.''
    Applicability. Two commenters argued that the secondary containment 
provisions of this paragraph should ``remain a recommendation as 
opposed to a regulation,'' because a requirement is impracticable for 
drainage systems from pipelines that move product throughout the 
    Alternatives. One commenter said that the rule should not be 
limited to drainage trenches, and that the owners and operators of 
facilities should have a free choice of design. Another commenter 
suggested that if areas under aboveground piping and loading/unloading 
areas are regulated under this section, the operation should have the 
option of providing spill control by committing to the regular 
inspection of, and immediate clean-up of spills within such areas. 
Another commenter urged that we clarify that oil/water separators meet 
the requirement for drainage control and secondary containment because 
such units, when properly sized and operated, meet the requirements of 
good engineering practice for preventing discharges of oil. One 
commenter suggested that in rural areas where electrical equipment is 
widely spaced, it may be more practical to provide for individual 
secondary containment rather than site-wide diversion facilities. Other 
commenters suggested that the drainage requirements in urban areas 
would be impossible to meet for transformers located in vaults in large 
office and apartment buildings, and underneath urban streets because 
there is no space at such sites to construct the sort of drainage 
control structures required by the rule.
    Areas subject to periodic flooding. One commenter argued that the 
proposed recommendation should be retained as a requirement because it 
is highly unlikely that catchment basins would operate effectively 
during a flood event, and that these facilities could cause significant 
harm to the environment. Another commenter suggested that drainage 
systems for existing facilities be engineered (even if it requires 
pumping of contaminated water to a higher level for storage prior to 
treatment) so that minimal amounts of contaminated water are retained 
in areas subject to periodic flooding.
    Response to comments. Applicability. We disagree that the rule 
language should become a recommendation because we believe that it is 
important to control the potential discharges the rule addresses. Where 
a drainage system is infeasible, if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance, you may provide equivalent environmental protection by 
an alternate means.
    In response to the commenter who questioned the applicability of 
this paragraph to areas under aboveground piping and loading/unloading 
areas, we note that both areas are subject to the rule's requirements 
if they are undiked.
    Alternatives. The rule does not limit you to the use of drainage 
trenches for undiked areas. Other forms of secondary containment may be 
acceptable. The rule only prescribes requirements for the drainage of 
diked areas, but does not mandate the use of diked areas. However, if 
you do use diked areas, the rule prescribes minimum requirements for 
drainage of those areas. Also, if the requirement is not practical, you 
may explain your reasons for nonconformance and provide equivalent 
environmental protection under Sec. 112.7(a)(2).
    Areas subject to periodic flooding. We agree with the commenter 
that the current requirement should remain a requirement and not be 
converted into a recommendation. We are convinced by the argument that 
catchment basins will not work during flood events and may cause 
significant environmental damage. We also agree with the commenter that 
any drainage system should be engineered so that minimal amounts of 
contaminated water are retained in areas subject to periodic flooding. 
Therefore, we have retained the current requirement. We also recommend, 
but do not require that ponds, lagoons, or other facility drainage 
systems with the potential for discharge not be located in areas 
subject to periodic flooding.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We agree that the wording 
``potential for discharge'' meets the intent of the rule better than 
``potential for contamination'' and have made that change.

Section 112.8(b)(4)--Diversion Systems

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that diversion systems must retain 
oil in the facility, rather than return it to the facility after it has 
been discharged.
    Comments. One commenter asked for a clarification that oil 
``retained'' in a facility does not leave the facility boundaries. A 
second commenter suggested that oil be either retained within the 
facility or returned to the facility, whichever is applicable. The 
commenter further suggested that the diversion system apply only to the 
petroleum areas of the facility such as tanks, pipes, racks, and diked 
areas because drainage from the rest of the facility should not be 
contaminated and thus should not have to be diverted.
    Response to comments. The rule accomplishes the aim of retaining 
within the facility minimal amounts of contaminated water in undiked 
areas subject to periodic flooding. It is better that a diversion 
system retain rather than allow oil to leave the facility, thus 
enhancing the prevention goals of the rule. Furthermore, it should be 
easier to retain discharged oil rather than retrieve oil that has been 
discharged from the facility. Therefore, we agree with the commenter 
that ``retained'' oil is oil that never leaves the facility. We also 
agree that the rule applies only to drainage from the ``petroleum'' (or 
other oil) areas of the facility such as tanks, pipes, racks, and diked 
areas, because the purpose of the SPCC rule is to prevent discharges of 
oil, not of all runoff contaminants. Amendment of the rule

[[Page 47115]]

language is unnecessary because all of the rule applies only to 
``petroleum'' or ``oil'' areas of the facility. Therefore, we have 
promulgated the rule language as proposed with a minor editorial 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We clarify that the reference 
to the engineering of facility drainage is a reference to paragraph 

Section 112.8(b)(5)--Natural Hydraulic Flow, Pumps

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed substantively the current rule 
(see Sec. 112.7(e)(1)(v)) concerning hydraulic flow and pump transfer 
for drainage waters.
    Comments. We received one editorial comment regarding a grammatical 
error in the proposal. The commenter suggested that the second sentence 
of the proposal read, ``If pump transfer is needed, two ``lift'' pumps 
shall be provided, and at least one of the pumps shall be permanently 
installed when such treatment is continuous.'' We received no 
substantive comments.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We deleted the first sentence 
from the proposed rule because it is a recommendation. We are not 
including recommendations in this rule so as to avoid confusion in the 
regulated community as to what is required and what is not. We agree 
with the commenter's editorial suggestion regarding the second 
sentence, and have amended the rule accordingly. In the last sentence 
of the proposal, the phrase ``oil will be prevented from reaching 
navigable waters of the United States, adjoining shorelines, or other 
waters that would be affected by discharging oil as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b)(1) of this part'' becomes `` to prevent a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b). * * *''
    Response to comments. We have corrected the grammatical error.

Proposed Section 112.8(b)(6)--Additional Requirements for Events that 
Occur During a Period of Flooding

    Background. In 1991, we proposed a new recommendation that 
facilities should address the need to comply with Federal, State, and 
local governmental requirements in areas subject to flooding. We noted 
that this recommendation was consistent with Federal Emergency 
Management Agency (FEMA) rules found at 44 CFR part 60 for aboveground 
storage tanks located in flood hazard areas.
    Comments. One commenter suggested that exploration and production 
tanks located in flood plain areas should be adequately secured through 
proper mechanical or engineering methods to reduce the chance of loss 
of product. Another commenter argued that the proposed rule should be 
eliminated because it is duplicative of stormwater regulations. One 
commenter urged that the rule require that no facilities for oil or 
hazardous substances be sited in floodplains. Another commenter 
requested that the rule require that: (1) A facility should identify 
whether it is in a floodplain in the SPCC Plan; (2) if it is in a 
floodplain, the Plan should address minimum FEMA standards; and, (3) if 
a facility does not meet minimum FEMA standards, the Plan should 
address appropriate precautionary and mitigation measures for potential 
flood-related discharges. The commenter also suggested that we consider 
requiring facilities in areas subject to 500-year events to address 
minimum FEMA standards. A second commenter supported a requirement for 
special considerations in the Plan for facilities in areas subject to 
flooding. That commenter also suggested that we define ``areas subject 
to flooding,'' and noted that other Federal rules (i.e., RCRA) define 
this as the 25-year floodplain. Another commenter thought the term 
``areas subject to flooding'' should be explained in terms of a 100-
year flood event. A final comment noted that the preamble spoke to a 
recommendation that facilities address precautionary measures if they 
are located in areas subject to flooding, while the recommendation text 
spoke to requirements for events that occur during a period of 
flooding. The commenter urged reconciliation of the differing language.
    Response to comments. We deleted this recommendation because it is 
more appropriately addressed in FEMA rules and guidance, including the 
definitions the commenters referenced. We disagree that the proposed 
recommendation should be made a requirement because flood control plans 
and design capabilities for discharge systems are provided for under 
the stormwater regulations, and further Federal regulations would be 
    Other Federal rules also apply, making further SPCC rules 
unnecessary. Oil storage facilities are considered structures under the 
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and therefore such structures 
are subject to the Regulations for Floodplain Management at 44 CFR 
60.3. Some of the specific NFIP standards that may apply for 
aboveground storage tanks include the following: (1) tanks must be 
designed so that they are elevated to or above the base flood level 
(100-year flood) or be designed so that the portion of the tank below 
the base flood level is watertight with walls substantially impermeable 
to the passage of water, with structural components having the 
capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads, and with 
the capability to resist effects of buoyancy (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)); (2) 
tanks must be adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or 
lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and 
hydrostatic loads and the effects of buoyancy (40 CFR 60.3(c)(3)); for 
structures that are intended to be made watertight below the base flood 
level, a Registered Professional Engineer must develop and/or review 
the structural design, specifications, and plans for construction, and 
certify that they have been prepared in accordance with accepted 
standards and practice (40 CFR 60.3(c)(4)); and, tanks must not 
encroach within the adopted regulatory floodway unless it has been 
demonstrated that the proposed encroachment would not result in any 
increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of 
the base flood discharge (40 CFR 60.3(d)). Additionally, the NFIP has 
specific standards for coastal high hazard areas. See 40 CFR 

Section 112.8(c)(1)--Construction of and Materials Used for Containers

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change 
current Sec. 112.7(e)(2)(i), which requires that no tank be used for 
the storage of oil unless its material and construction are compatible 
with the material stored and the conditions of storage such as pressure 
and temperature. The only changes we proposed were editorial. We also 
proposed a new recommendation that the construction, materials, 
installation, and use of tanks conform with relevant industry standards 
such as API, NFPA, UL, or ASME standards, which are required in the 
application of good engineering practice for the construction and 
operation of the tank.
    Comments. Several commenters asked that the proposal be recast as a 
recommendation rather than a rule, arguing that the words of the 
proposal, when taken in conjunction with Sec. 112.7(a) language 
requiring the use of good engineering practice in the preparation of 
Plans, were contradictory. A commenter noted that Sec. 112.8(c)(1) 
recommends that materials, construction, and installation of tanks 
adhere to industry standards ``which are required in the application of 
good engineering practice for the construction and operation of the 
tank.'' The commenter asserted that since it is clear in the preamble 
that the Agency's intent is to make the use of industry standards a 
recommendation rather than a

[[Page 47116]]

requirement, the rule should be modified to reflect that. Another 
commenter supported the proposal as a requirement on the theory that 
all tanks should be required to meet industry standards. A third 
commenter asked for clarification as to whether we intended a 
recommendation or a requirement.
    One commenter asked that we specifically reference steel storage 
tank systems standards in the rule.
    Response to comments. Requirement v. recommendation. The first 
sentence of the proposed rule indeed contemplated a requirement, i.e., 
that no container may be used for the storage of oil unless its 
material and construction are compatible with the material stored and 
the conditions of storage, such as pressure or temperature. The second 
sentence, which was clearly a recommendation, has been deleted from the 
rule because we have decided to remove all recommendations from the 
rule language. Rules are mandates, and we do not wish to confuse the 
regulated community as to what actions are mandatory and what actions 
are discretionary. The Professional Engineer must, pursuant to 
Sec. 112.3(d)(1)(iii), certify that he has considered applicable 
industry standards in the preparation of the Plan. While he must 
consider such standards, use of any particular standards is a matter of 
good engineering practice.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with the material and construction of containers include: (1) 
API Standard 620, ``Design and Construction of Large Welded Low-
Pressure Storage Tanks''; (2) API Standard 650, ``Welded Steel Tanks 
for Oil Storage''; (3) Steel Tank Institute (STI) F911, ``Standard for 
Diked Aboveground Steel Tanks''; (4) STI Publication R931, ``Double 
Wall Aboveground Storage Tank Installation and Testing Instruction''; 
(5) UL Standard 58, ``Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for 
Flammable and Combustible Liquids''; (6) UL Standard 142, ``Steel 
Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids''; (7) UL 
Standard 1316, ``Standard for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic 
Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products''; and, (8) Petroleum 
Equipment Institute (PEI) Recommended Practice 200, ``Recommended 
Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor 
Vehicle Fueling.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Bulk storage tanks'' 
becomes ``bulk storage containers.'' We deleted the abbreviation 
``etc.'' from the end of the paragraph because it is unnecessary. The 
use of the phrase ``such as pressure and temperature'' already 
indicates that these are only some examples of such conditions.

Section 112.8(c)(2)--Secondary Containment--Bulk Storage Containers

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed current secondary containment 
requirements with several significant additions. We gave notice in the 
preamble (at 56 FR 54622-23) that ``sufficient freeboard'' is freeboard 
sufficient to contain precipitation from a 25-year storm event. We also 
proposed in rule language that diked areas must be sufficiently 
impervious to contain spilled oil for at least 72 hours. The current 
standard is that such diked areas must be ``sufficiently impervious'' 
to contain spilled oil.
    Comments. Secondary containment, in general. One commenter asked 
for clarification of what ``primary containment system'' means. One 
commenter opposed the requirement for secondary containment on the 
grounds that impervious containment of a volume greater than the 
largest single tank may not be necessary for all tanks, and that 
existing facilities may find it difficult to retrofit. In this vein, 
another commenter asked for a phase-in of the requirements, and a third 
asked for variance provisions so that a facility would not have to make 
small additions to its secondary containment for minimum environmental 
benefit. Another commenter argued that the requirement should be 
applied to large facilities only. One commenter believed that the 
proposal duplicates NPDES stormwater rules. Two commenters believed the 
requirement should apply only to unmanned facilities. See also the 
comments and response to comments concerning secondary containment in 
the discussion of Sec. 112.7(c), above.
    Sufficient freeboard. Several commenters said that the standard of 
a 25-year storm event might be difficult to determine without extensive 
meteorological studies. Other commenters asked for clarification of the 
terms ``sufficient'' and ``freeboard,'' or of the phrase ``sufficient 
freeboard.'' Likewise, several commenters asked for clarification of 
the Agency's position that sufficient freeboard would be that which 
would withstand a 25-year storm event. Two commenters suggested a 
standard of 110% of tank capacity. Other commenters suggested 
alternatives for the 25-year storm event, such as a 24-hour, 10 year 
rain; or a 24-hour, 25-year storm. Another commenter suggested the 
adequacy of freeboard should be left flexible on a facility-specific 
    Seventy-two-hour impermeability standard. Similar to the comments 
directed toward the proposed requirements for secondary containment in 
Sec. 112.7(c), some commenters objected to the proposed 72-hour 
impermeability standard. See the comments and response to comments for 
Sec. 112.7(c) above.
    Response to comments. Secondary containment, in general. A primary 
containment system is the container or equipment in which oil is stored 
or used. Secondary containment is a requirement for all bulk storage 
facilities, large or small, manned or unmanned; and for facilities that 
use oil-filled equipment; whenever practicable. Such containment must 
at least provide for the capacity of the largest single tank with 
sufficient freeboard for precipitation. A discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b) from a small facility may be as environmentally 
devastating as such a discharge from a large facility, depending on the 
surrounding environment. Likewise, a discharge from a manned facility 
needs to be contained just as a discharge from an unmanned one. A 
phase-in of these requirements is not appropriate because secondary 
containment is already required under current rules. When secondary 
containment is not practicable, the owner or operator of a facility may 
deviate from the requirement under Sec. 112.7(d), explain the rationale 
in the Plan, provide a contingency plan following the provisions of 40 
CFR part 109, and otherwise comply with Sec. 112.7(d).
    Because a pit used as a form of secondary containment may pose a 
threat to birds and wildlife, we encourage an owner or operator who 
uses a pit to take measures to mitigate the effect of the pit on birds 
and wildlife. Such measures may include netting, fences, or other means 
to keep birds or animals away. In some cases, pits may also cause a 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). The discharge may occur when 
oil spills over the top of the pit or when oil seeps through the ground 
into groundwater, and thence to navigable waters or adjoining 
shorelines. Therefore, we recommend that an owner or operator not use 
pits in an area where such pit may prove a source of such discharges. 
Should the oil reach navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, it is a 
reportable discharge under 40 CFR 110.6.
    We disagree that the rule is duplicative of NPDES rules. Forseeable 
or chronic point source discharges that are permitted under CWA section 
402, and that are either due to causes associated with the 
manufacturing or

[[Page 47117]]

other commercial activities in which the discharger is engaged or due 
to the operation of treatment facilities required by the NPDES permit, 
are to be regulated under the NPDES program. ``Classic spill'' 
situations are subject to the requirements of CWA section 311. Such 
spills are governed by section 311 even where the discharger holds a 
valid and effective NPDES permit under section 402. 52 FR 10712, 10714. 
Therefore, the typical bulk storage facility with no permitted 
discharge or treatment facility would not be under the NPDES rules.
    The secondary containment requirements of the rule apply to bulk 
storage containers and their purpose is to help prevent discharges as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b) by containing discharged oil. NPDES rules, 
on the other hand, may at times require secondary containment, but do 
not always. Furthermore, NPDES rules may not always apply to bulk 
storage facilities. Therefore, the rule is not always duplicative of 
NPDES rules. Where it is duplicative, an owner or operator of a 
facility subject to NPDES rules may use that portion of his Best 
Management Practice Plan as part of his SPCC Plan.
    Sufficient freeboard. An essential part of secondary containment is 
sufficient freeboard to contain precipitation. Whatever method you use 
to calculate the amount of freeboard that is ``sufficient'' must be 
documented in the Plan. We believe that the proper standard of 
``sufficient freeboard'' to contain precipitation is that amount 
necessary to contain precipitation from a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. 
That standard allows flexibility for varying climatic conditions. It is 
also the standard required for certain tank systems storing or treating 
hazardous waste. See, for example, 40 CFR 265.1(e)(1)(ii) and 
(e)(2)(ii). While we believe that 25-year, 24-hour storm event standard 
is appropriate for most facilities and protective of the environment, 
we are not making it a rule standard because of the difficulty and 
expense for some facilities of securing recent information concerning 
such storm events at this time. Recent data does not exist for all 
areas of the United States. Furthermore, available data may be costly 
for small operators to secure. Should recent and inexpensive 
information concerning a 25-year, 24-hour storm event for any part of 
the United States become easily accessible, we will reconsider 
proposing such a standard.
    Seventy-two-hour impermeability standard. As noted above, we have 
decided to withdraw the proposal for the 72-hour impermeability 
standard and retain the current standard that diked areas must be 
sufficiently impervious to contain oil. We take this step because we 
agree with commenters that the purpose of secondary containment is to 
contain oil from reaching waters of the United States. The rationale 
for the 72-hour standard was to allow time for the discovery and 
removal of an oil spill. We believe that an owner or operator of a 
facility should have flexibility in how to prevent discharges as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b), and that any method of containment that 
achieves that end is sufficient. Should such containment fail, an owner 
or operator must immediately clean up any discharged oil. Similarly, we 
intend that the purpose of the ``sufficiently impervious'' standard is 
to prevent discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) by ensuring that 
diked areas can contain oil and are sufficiently impervious to prevent 
such discharges.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with secondary containment for bulk storage containers 
include: (1) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code''; (2) 
BOCA, National Fire Prevention Code; (3) API Standard 2610, ``Design 
Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal and 
Tank Facilities''; and, (4) Petroleum Equipment Institute Recommended 
Practice 200, ``Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground 
Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the first sentence, 
``spill'' becomes ``discharge.'' Also in that sentence, ``contents of 
the largest single tank'' becomes ``capacity of the largest single 
container.'' This is merely a clarification and has always been the 
intent of the rule. The contents of a container may vary from day to 
day, but the capacity remains the same. In discussing capacity, we 
noted in the 1991 preamble that ``the oil storage capacity (emphasis 
added) of the equipment, however, must be included in determining the 
total storage capacity of the facility, which determines whether a 
facility is subject to the Oil Pollution Prevention regulation.'' 56 FR 
54623. We discuss this capacity in the context of the general 
requirements for secondary containment. Thus, it is clear that we have 
always intended capacity to be the determinative factor in both 
subjecting a facility to the rule and in determining the need for 
secondary containment.
    We also deleted the phrase ``but they may not always be 
appropriate'' from the third sentence of the paragraph because it is 
confusing when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(d). Under 
Sec. 112.7(d), if secondary containment is not practicable, you may 
provide a contingency plan in your SPCC Plan and otherwise comply with 
that section. In the last sentence, ``plant'' becomes ``facility.'' 
Also in that sentence, the phrase ``so that a spill could terminate *  
*  *'' becomes ``so that any discharge will terminate.*  *  *''

Section 112.8(c)(3)--Drainage of Rainwater

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on drainage of 
rainwater, incorporating the CWA standard, i.e., ``that may be 
harmful,'' into the proposal.
    In 1997, we proposed that records required under NPDES 
Secs. 122.41(j)(2) and 122.41(m)(3) would suffice for purposes of this 
section, so that you would not have to prepare duplicate records 
specifically for SPCC purposes. The proposed change would also apply to 
records maintained regarding inspection of diked areas in onshore oil 
production facilities prior to drainage. See 112.9(b)(1).
    Comments. 1991 comments. One commenter in 1991 suggested that we 
allow use of NPDES records for purposes of this section. Another 
commenter suggested that records of discharges that do not violate 
water quality standards are unnecessary.
    1997 comments. Many commenters favored the 1997 proposal. One 
commenter opposed the proposal if the records were not to be required 
by NPDES. Specifically, the commenter sought an exemption for 
discharges of rainwater containing animal fats and vegetable oils if 
such discharges are not regulated under NPDES rules. The commenter 
believed that an exception should be created for reporting and 
recording dike bypasses of Sec. 112.7(e)(2)(iii)(D) relating to animal 
fats and vegetable oil storage, only requiring such reporting and 
recording if required by an NPDES stormwater permit, because in all 
cases discharge of contaminated stormwater is not permitted. Asking why 
EPA should regulate stormwater bypass events if the stormwater is not 
contaminated, the commenter argued that if stormwater permits do not 
require reporting and recording of dike bypass events, then EPA should 
not require an added tier of regulation under SPCC Plans. Other 
commenters thought that EPA was adopting by reference the NPDES rules 
and sought clarification on the issue.
    Response to comments. We agree with the first 1991 commenter 
mentioned above and proposed that change in 1997. We disagree with the 
second 1991 commenter that records of discharges

[[Page 47118]]

that do not violate water quality standards are unnecessary. Such 
records show that the facility has complied with the rule.
    We are not adopting the NPDES rules for SPCC purposes, but are only 
offering an alternative for recordkeeping. The intent of the rule is 
that you may, if you choose, use the NPDES stormwater discharge records 
in lieu of records specifically created for SPCC purposes. We are not 
incorporating the NPDES requirements into our rules by reference.
    This paragraph applies to discharges of rainwater from diked areas 
that may contain any type of oil, including animal fats and vegetable 
oils. The only purpose of this paragraph is to offer a recordkeeping 
option so that you do not have to create a duplicate set of records for 
SPCC purposes, when adequate records created for NPDES purposes already 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the introduction to the 
paragraph (c)(3), ``drainage of rainwater'' becomes ``drainage of 
uncontaminated rainwater.'' In paragraph (c)(3)(ii), which read, ``*  *  
* run-off rainwater ensures compliance with applicable water quality 
standards and will not cause a discharge as described in 40 CFR part 
110'' becomes ``*  *  * retained rainwater to ensure that its presence 
will not cause a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' Also in 
that paragraph, we deleted the phrase ``applicable water quality 
standards'' because such standards are encompassed within the phrase 
``a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).''

Section 112.8(c)(4)--Completely Buried Tanks; Corrosion Protection

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule requiring that 
new completely buried metallic storage tank installations (i.e., 
installed on or after January 10, 1974) must be protected from 
corrosion by coatings, cathodic protection, or effective methods 
compatible with local soil conditions. We recommended that such buried 
tanks be subjected to regular leak testing. The rationale for the 
recommendation was that testing technology was rapidly advancing and we 
wanted more information on such technology before making the 
recommendation a requirement. We also stated a desire to be consistent 
with many State rules.
    Comments. Corrosion protection. One commenter supported the 
proposal for corrosion protection. Another thought a requirement for 
corrosion protection ``if soil conditions warrant'' would be 
unenforceable. A third commenter complained that the proposal included 
no discussion of cathodic protection for tank bottoms in contact with 
soil or fill materials. Others thought facilities with underground 
tanks subject to part 112 should be required to develop a corrosion 
protection plan consistent with 40 CFR part 280, the rules for the 
Underground Storage Tanks Program.
    Leak testing. Several commenters opposed the proposed 
recommendation for leak testing, arguing that owner/operator discretion 
should be retained. One commenter suggested that practices for annual 
integrity testing and for the installation of pipes under 40 CFR part 
280 should be changed from recommended practices to required practices 
because recommendations with standards are not usually followed.
    Response to comments. Corrosion protection. We agree in principle 
that all completely buried tanks should have some type of corrosion 
protection, but as proposed, we will only extend that requirement to 
new completely buried metallic storage tanks. Because corrosion 
protection is a feature of the current rule (see Sec. 112.7(e)(2)(iv)), 
the requirement applies to completely buried metallic tanks installed 
on or after January 10, 1974. The requirement is enforceable because it 
is a procedure or method to prevent the discharge of oil. See section 
311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA. Most owners or operators of completely buried 
storage tanks will be exempted from part 112 under this rule because 
such tanks are subject to all of the technical requirements of 40 CFR 
part 280 or a State program approved under 40 CFR part 281. Those tanks 
subject to 40 CFR part 280 or a State program approved under 40 CFR 
part 281 will follow the corrosion protection provisions of that rule, 
which provides comparable environmental protection. Those that remain 
subject to the SPCC regulation must comply with this paragraph.
    The rule requires corrosion protection for completely buried 
metallic tanks by a method compatible with local soil conditions. Local 
soil conditions might include fill material. The method of such 
corrosion protection is a question of good engineering practice which 
will vary from facility to facility. You should monitor such corrosion 
protection for effectiveness, in order to be sure that the method of 
protection you choose remains protective. See Sec. 112.8(d)(1) for a 
discussion of corrosion protection for buried piping.
    Leak testing. The current SPCC rule contains a provision calling 
for the ``regular pressure testing'' of buried metallic storage tanks. 
40 CFR 112.7(e)(2)(iv). We proposed in 1991 a recommendation that such 
buried tanks be subject to regular ``leak testing.'' Proposed 
Sec. 112.8(c)(4). Leak testing for purposes of this paragraph is 
testing to ensure liquid tightness of a container and whether it may 
discharge oil. We specified leak testing in the proposal, instead of 
pressure testing, in order to be consistent with many State regulations 
and because the technology on such testing was rapidly evolving. 56 FR 
at 54623.
    We are modifying the leak testing recommendation to make it a 
requirement. We agree with the commenter who argued that such testing 
should be mandatory because recommendations may not often be followed. 
Appropriate methods of testing should be selected based on good 
engineering practice. Whatever method and schedule for testing the PE 
selects must be described in the Plan. Testing under the standards set 
out in 40 CFR part 280 or a State program approved under 40 CFR part 
281 is certainly acceptable (as we suggested in the proposed rule). 
``Regular testing'' means testing in accordance with industry standards 
or at a frequency sufficient to prevent leaks.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The first sentence of the 
proposed rule was deleted because it was surplus, and contained no 
mandatory requirements. It merely noted that completely buried metallic 
storage tanks represent a potential for undetected spills. ``Buried 
installation'' becomes ``completely buried metallic storage tank,'' to 
accord with the definition in Sec. 112.2. We clarify that a ``new'' 
installation is one installed on or after January 10, 1974, the 
effective date of the SPCC rule, by deleting the word ``new'' and 
substituting the date. We deleted the phrase ``or other effective 
methods,'' because it is confusing when compared to the text of 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), if you explain your reasons 
for nonconformance, you may use alternate methods providing equivalent 
environmental protection.

Section 112.8(c)(5)--Partially Buried or Bunkered Tanks; Corrosion 

    Background. In 1991, we proposed changing the current requirement 
to avoid using partially buried metallic tanks into a recommendation. 
We proposed that if you do use such tanks, that you must protect them 
from corrosion.
    Comments. One commenter argued that the rule should only apply to 
new tanks.
    Response to comments. Requirement v. recommendation. Due to the 
risk of discharge caused by corrosion, we

[[Page 47119]]

decided to keep the current requirement to not use partially buried 
metallic tanks, unless the buried section of such tanks are protected 
from corrosion. The requirement to not use such tanks, unless they are 
protected from corrosion, applies to all partially buried metallic 
tanks, installed at any time.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. Bunkered tanks are a subset 
of partially buried tanks, and are included within the rule to clarify 
that it applies to all partially buried tanks. We did not finalize the 
proposed phrase ``or other effective methods,'' because it is confusing 
when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), 
if you explain your reasons for nonconformance, you may use alternate 
methods providing equivalent environmental protection. The proposed 
recommendation that ``partially buried or bunkered metallic tanks be 
avoided, since partial burial at the earth can cause rapid corrosion of 
metallic surfaces, especially at the earth/air interface'' becomes a 
requirement to ``not use partially buried or bunkered metallic tanks 
for the storage of oil unless you protect the buried section of the 
tank from corrosion.''

Section 112.8(c)(6)--Integrity Testing

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that integrity testing for bulk 
storage tanks be conducted at least every ten years and when material 
repairs are conducted. We gave several examples of ``material repairs'' 
in the preamble. The current requirement for such testing is that it be 
``periodic.'' We also proposed that visual inspection, as a method of 
testing, must be combined with some other method, because visual 
testing alone is insufficient for an integrity test. 56 FR at 54623.
    In 1997, we added a proposed sentence to the rule which would allow 
the use of usual and customary business records for integrity testing. 
We suggested that records maintained under API Standards 653 and 2610 
would suffice for this purpose.
    Comments. 10-year integrity testing in general. One commenter asked 
for a clarification of the term ``integrity testing.'' Several 
commenters favored the proposal for ten-year integrity testing. Other 
commenters opposed the requirement or favored turning it into a 
recommendation. Several commenters proposed testing according to 
accepted industry standards, such as American Petroleum Institute 
(API), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters 
Laboratory (UL), or American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
    Applicability of integrity testing. Some asked for an exemption for 
tanks inside buildings. Others asked for an exemption for number 5 and 
6 fuel oils, and asphalt, because such oils are heavy and would not 
flow very far. Some commenters believed the requirement should not 
apply to small facilities because it is ``not standard industry 
practice'' to conduct these tests at small facilities. Another 
commenter stated that while most large corporations perform testing at 
some frequency, most smaller businesses do not. The commenter suggested 
that exemptions because of size or quantity of oil stored should not be 
granted because the smaller facilities generally are more in need of 
    Several commenters suggested that integrity testing should be 
waived for tanks which can be visually inspected on the bottom and all 
sides, such as tanks located off the ground on crates, and which have 
secondary containment. One commenter asked that the requirement apply 
only when the tank is used to store corrosive materials or where the 
tank has failed within the last five years. Other commenters asked for 
a phase-in of the requirement. Utilities asked that the requirement not 
apply to electrical equipment because no methods exist for integrity 
testing of such equipment, and because the primary reason for failure 
of such equipment is not corrosion, but mechanical failure.
    Material repairs. Several commenters asked for clarification as to 
the meaning of ``material repairs.''
    Method of testing. Some commenters favored visual inspection only 
because it might be used more frequently than any other method of 
testing. Another commenter asked for clarification if visual inspection 
meant inspection of both the interior and exterior of a tank. Another 
commenter suggested that we augment integrity testing procedures with 
procedures to test the tank bottom for settlement and corrosion, and to 
test roof supports.
    Business records. Most commenters favored the proposal to allow use 
of usual and customary business records for integrity testing and other 
purposes. Some commenters argued that the suggested API Standards were 
unfamiliar to many owners and operators.
    Response to comments. 10-year integrity testing in general. 
Integrity testing is a necessary component of any good prevention plan. 
A number of commenters supported a requirement for such testing. It 
will help to prevent discharges by testing the strength and 
imperviousness of the container. We agree with commenters that testing 
according to industry standards is preferable, and thus will maintain 
the current standard of regularly scheduled testing instead of 
prescribing a particular period for testing. Industry standards may at 
times be more specific and more stringent than our proposed rule. For 
example, API Standard 653 provides specific criteria for internal 
inspection frequencies based on the calculated corrosion rate, rather 
than an arbitrary time period. API Standard 653 allows the aboveground 
storage tank (AST) owner or operator the flexibility to implement a 
number of options to identify and prevent problems which ultimately 
lead to a loss of tank integrity. It establishes a minimum and maximum 
interval between internal inspections. It requires an internal AST 
inspection when the estimated corrosion rate indicates the bottom will 
have corroded to 0.1 inches. Certain prevention measures taken to 
prevent a discharge from the tank bottom may affect this action level 
(thickness). Once this point has been reached, the owner or operator 
has to make a decision, depending on the future service and operating 
environment of the tank, to either replace the whole tank, line the 
bottom, add cathodic protection, replace the tank bottom with a new 
bottom, add a release prevention barrier, or some combination of the 
    Another benefit from the use of industry standards is that they 
specify when and where specific tests may and may not be used. For 
example, API Standard 653 is very specific as to when radiographic 
tests may be used and when a full hydrostatic test is required after 
shell repairs. Depending on shell material toughness and thickness a 
full hydrotest is required for certain shell repairs. Allowing a visual 
inspection in these cases risks a tank failure similar to the 1988 
Floreffe, Pennsylvania event. Testing on a ``regular schedule'' means 
testing per industry standards or at a frequency sufficient to prevent 
discharges. Whatever schedule the PE selects must be documented in the 
    Applicability of integrity testing. Integrity testing is essential 
for all aboveground containers to help prevent discharges. Testing will 
show whether corrosion has reached a point where repairs or replacement 
of the container is needed. Prevention of discharges is preferable to 
cleaning them up afterwards. Therefore, it must apply to large and 
small containers, containers on and off the ground wherever located, 
and to containers storing any type of oil. From all of these containers 
there exists the possibility of discharge. Because electrical, 
operating, and manufacturing

[[Page 47120]]

equipment are not bulk storage containers, the requirement is 
inapplicable to those devices or equipment. 56 FR 54623. Also, as noted 
by commenters, methods may not exist for integrity testing of such 
devices or equipment.
    Material repairs. The rationale for testing at the time material 
repairs are conducted is that such repairs could materially increase 
the potential for oil to be discharged from the tank. Examples of such 
repairs include removing or replacing the annular plate ring; 
replacement of the container bottom; jacking of a container shell; 
installation of a 12-inch or larger nozzle in the shell; a door sheet, 
tombstone replacement in the shell, or other shell repair; or, such 
repairs that might materially change the potential for oil to be 
discharged from the container.
    Method of testing. The rule requires visual testing in conjunction 
with another method of testing, because visual testing alone is 
normally insufficient to measure the integrity of a container. Visual 
testing alone might not detect problems which could lead to container 
failure. For example, studies of the 1988 Ashland oil spill suggest 
that the tank collapse resulted from a brittle fracture in the shell of 
the tank. Adequate fracture toughness of the base metal of existing 
tanks is an important consideration in discharge prevention, especially 
in cold weather. Although no definitive non-destructive test exists for 
testing fracture toughness, had the tank been evaluated for brittle 
fracture, for example under API standard 653, and had the evaluation 
shown that the tank was at risk for brittle fracture, the owner or 
operator could have taken measures to repair or modify the tank's 
operation to prevent failure.
    For certain smaller shop-built containers in which internal 
corrosion poses minimal risk of failure; which are inspected at least 
monthly; and, for which all sides are visible (i.e., the container has 
no contact with the ground), visual inspection alone might suffice, 
subject to good engineering practice. In such case the owner or 
operator must explain in the Plan why visual integrity testing alone is 
sufficient, and provide equivalent environmental protection. 40 CFR 
112.7(a)(2). However, containers which are in contact with the ground 
must be evaluated for integrity in accordance with industry standards 
and good engineering practice.
    Business records. You may use usual and customary business records, 
at your option, for purposes of integrity testing recordkeeping. 
Specifically, you may use records maintained under API Standards 653 
and 2610 for purposes of this section, if you choose. Other usual and 
customary business records either existing or to be developed in the 
future may also suffice. Or, you may elect to keep separate records for 
SPCC purposes. This section requires you to keep comparison records. 
Section 112.7(e) requires retention of these records for three years. 
You should note, however, that certain industry standards (for example, 
API Standards 570 and 653) may specify that an owner or operator 
maintain records for longer than three years.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with integrity testing include: (1) API Standard 653, ``Tank 
Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction''; (2) API 
Recommended Practice 575, ``Inspection of Atmospheric and Low-Pressure 
Tanks;'' and, (3) Steel Tank Institute Standard SP001-00, ``Standard 
for Inspection of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tanks for 
Storage of Combustible and Flammable Liquids.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the first sentence, 
``Aboveground tanks shall be subject to integrity testing * * *'' 
becomes ``Test each container for integrity * * *'' Also in that 
sentence, the phrase ``or a system of non-destructive shell testing'' 
becomes ``or another system of non-destructive shell testing.'' The 
last sentence which read, ``* * * the outside of the container must be 
frequently observed by operating personnel for signs of deterioration, 
leaks, * * *'' becomes ``* * * you must frequently inspect the outside 
of the container for signs of deterioration, leaks, * * *'' We made 
that change because the requirements of this paragraph are the 
responsibility of the owner or operator, not of ``operating 
    ``Integrity testing'' is any means to measure the strength 
(structural soundness) of the container shell, bottom, and/or floor to 
contain oil and may include leak testing to determine whether the 
container will discharge oil. It includes, but is not limited to, 
testing foundations and supports of containers. Its scope includes both 
the inside and outside of the container. It also includes frequent 
observation of the outside of the container for signs of deterioration, 
leaks, or accumulation of oil inside diked areas.

Section 112.8(c)(7)--Leakage; Internal Heating Coils

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that the current rule on 
controlling leakage through defective internal heating coils should be 
modified to include a recommendation that retention systems be designed 
to hold the contents of an entire tank. We also proposed to change the 
current requirement to consider the feasibility of installing external 
heating systems into a recommendation.
    Comments. One commenter proposed that instead of requiring a 
retention system which would hold the entire contents of a tank, that 
an oil/water separator might work just as well. Another commenter 
opposed requiring the use of oil/water separators. As to the proposed 
recommendation to consider use of external heating systems, one 
commenter objected to the cost which might be incurred. One commenter 
opposed the proposed recommendation due to the belief that leaks in the 
aboveground piping can be mitigated through daily inspections and they 
are often placed within secondary containment. Another commenter 
asserted that with drainage routed to oil/water separators or holding 
ponds, leak proof galleys under aboveground piping were redundant and 
economically unjustified.
    Response to comments. The rule does not mandate the use of any 
specific separation or retention system. Any system that achieves the 
purpose of the rule is acceptable. That purpose is to prevent 
discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) by controlling leakage.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We deleted the proposed 
recommendations from the rule because we do not wish to confuse the 
regulated public as to what is mandatory and what is discretionary. We 
have included only requirements in the rule.

Section 112.8(c)(8)--Good Engineering Practice--Alarm Systems

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on ``fail-
safe'' engineering. We added a proposal to allow alternate 
technologies. We recommended that sensing devices be tested in 
accordance with industry standards.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. Several commenters 
objected to the term ``fail-safe'' engineering because they believe 
that nothing is ever fail-safe. They suggested using the term ``in 
accordance with good engineering practice,'' or ``consistent with 
accepted industry practices'' instead.
    Applicability. One commenter thought the proposed requirement 
should apply to large facilities only or facilities that were the cause 
of a reportable spill within the preceding three years. One commenter 
suggested a phase-in of the requirement.

[[Page 47121]]

    Monitoring. One commenter suggested that a person must be present 
to monitor gauges when a fast response system is used to prevent 
container overfilling. Another suggested that the requirement for alarm 
devices not apply to containers where an operator is present.
    Alternatives. One commenter suggested that certain ``procedures'' 
might suffice instead of alarm devices. Another commenter suggested 
that we need to be specific as to methods of testing.
    Response to comments. Applicability. Alarm system devices are 
necessary for all facilities, large or small, to prevent discharges. 
Such systems alert the owner or operator to potential container 
overfills, which are a common cause of discharges. Because this is a 
requirement in the current rule, no phase-in is necessary.
    Monitoring. We agree with the commenter that a person must be 
present to monitor a fast response system to prevent overfills and have 
amended the rule accordingly. We disagree that the requirement for 
alarm devices should not apply when a person is present, because human 
error, negligence, on inattention may still occur in those cases, 
necessitating some kind of alarm device.
    Alternatives. Under the deviation rule at Sec. 112.7(a)(2), you may 
substitute ``procedures'' or other measures that provide equivalent 
environmental protection as any of the alarm systems mandated in the 
rule if you can explain your reasons for nonconformance.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with alarm systems, discharge prevention systems, and 
inventory control include: (1) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and Combustible 
Liquids Code''; (2) API Recommended Practice 2350, ``Overfill 
Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities''; and, (3) API, 
``Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. Throughout, ``tank'' becomes 
``container.'' In the introductory paragraph, we deleted the words ``as 
far as practical'' from the rule text because they are confusing when 
compared with the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), you 
may deviate from a requirement if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection. 
``Spills'' becomes ``discharges.'' We agree with the commenter that 
``fail-safe'' engineering is inappropriate and have substituted ``in 
accordance with good engineering practice.'' The change in terminology 
does not imply any substantive change in the level of environmental 
protection required, it is merely editorial. Finally, in the 
introductory paragraph the phrase ``one or more of the following 
devices'' becomes ``at least one of the following.'' Not all of the 
items listed under this paragraph are devices. For example, regular 
testing of liquid sensing devices is a procedure. Therefore, the word 
``devices'' was incomplete. In paragraph (i), ``manned operation'' 
becomes ``attended operation,'' and ``plants'' becomes ``facilities.'' 
In paragraph (iv), the phrase ``or their equivalent,'' was deleted 
because it is confusing when compared with the text of 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), you may deviate from a 
requirement if you explain your reasons for nonconformance, and provide 
equivalent environmental protection. Proposed paragraph (v), relating 
to alternative technologies, was deleted because alternative devices 
are allowed under Sec. 112.7(a)(2).

Section 112.8(c)(9)--Effluent Disposal Facilities

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on observation 
of effluent disposal facilities.
    Comments. We received only one comment which asked us to clarify 
that ``effluents'' mean oil-contaminated water collected within 
secondary containment areas, and that ``disposal facilities'' means 
``treatment facilities.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Oil spill event'' becomes 
``discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' ``System upset'' refers to 
an event involving a discharge of oil-contaminated water. ``Effluent'' 
means oil-contaminated water. ``Disposal facilities'' becomes 
``effluent treatment facilities.''

Section 112.8(c)(10)--Visible Oil Leaks

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirement that 
visible oil leaks must be promptly corrected. Additionally, we proposed 
that accumulated oil or oil-contaminated materials must be removed 
within 72 hours. The 72-hour proposal in this paragraph was consistent 
with the proposal in Sec. 112.7(c). The rationale was that a 72-hour 
time period would allow time for discovery and removal of an oil 
discharge in most cases. We suggested in the preamble to the 1991 
proposal that most facilities are attended at some time within a 72-
hour time period. 56 FR 54621.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter asked 
for clarification of the meaning of ``accumulation'' of oil. Others 
asked for clarification of the meaning of ``oil contaminated 
materials.'' Another commenter noted that reference to a spill event 
within a diked area is inconsistent with its definition.
    Applicability. Some commenters thought the requirement should not 
apply to small facilities because of the likelihood that the discharge 
would be smaller.
    Extent and methods of cleanup. One commenter suggested that 
covering soil with plastic film may be an acceptable method to prevent 
stormwater contamination during remediation. Some commenters suggested 
that where a spill creates a risk of fire or explosion, the first 
priority should be to eliminate such threats before undertaking 
cleanup. Several commenters asked whether removal of accumulations of 
oil means complete removal. Some commenters feared that a requirement 
to remove oil-contaminated materials would be interpreted to mean that 
cleanup of portions of the dike that are oil-stained is required. The 
commenters were concerned that such a cleanup would undermine the 
stability of the dike and would be unnecessary. One commenter argued 
that complete removal would compound landfill disposal problems. 
Another commenter asked whether the rule contemplates cleanup of soil 
contaminated by past practices. Some commenters argued that the 72-hour 
requirement would preclude bioremediation.
    72-hour cleanup standard. Some commenters asked how a 72-hour time 
limit would be calculated. Those commenters suggested that the clock 
begin to run from the time of the discharge itself, or of its 
discovery. Others suggested different time periods from 
``immediately,'' ``as soon as possible,'' ``within 72 hours,'' ``within 
96 hours,'' or ``expeditiously.'' One commenter suggested no time 
limit. Some commenters noted that a containment system might be 
designed to contain oil for more than 72 hours before it begins to 
    One commenter suggested that, depending on site conditions, a 72-
hour time limit might jeopardize worker health and safety. Another 
sought clarification on the need to clean up small discharges as 
opposed to larger ones within the proposed time limit.
    Numerous commenters opposed this requirement because it might 
preclude bioremediation. Some thought it would be impossible to meet.
    Response to comments. Applicability. The requirement to clean up an 
accumulation of oil is applicable to all facilities, large and small. 
The damage to the environment may be the same, depending on the amount 

[[Page 47122]]

    Extent of and methods of cleanup. Prevention of contamination is 
always the preferred alternative. If you choose, you may spread plastic 
film over the diked area if it will prevent the occurrence of an 
accumulation of oil. Of course, you must then dispose of the film 
properly. We agree with commenters that where a discharge creates a 
risk of fire or explosion, the first priority should be to eliminate 
such threat before undertaking cleanup. But once that threat is 
removed, correction of the source of the discharge and cleanup must 
begin promptly.
    No matter what method of cleanup you choose, you must completely 
remove the accumulation of oil. Any method that works and complies with 
all other applicable laws and regulations is acceptable. Bioremediation 
may be one acceptable method of cleanup. Acceptable methods will depend 
on weather and other environmental conditions. We do not mean to limit 
cleanup methods, which will depend on good engineering practice. If the 
cleanup method you choose would undermine the stability of the dike, 
you must repair the dike to its previous condition.
    72-hour cleanup standard. We have deleted the 72-hour cleanup 
standard because it would preclude bioremediation. We also agree that 
under certain circumstances, such a limit might jeopardize worker 
health and safety. Therefore, we have maintained the current standard 
that visible discharges must be promptly removed. ``Prompt'' removal 
means beginning the cleanup of any accumulation of oil immediately 
after discovery of the discharge, or immediately after any actions to 
prevent fire or explosion or other threats to worker health and safety, 
but such actions may not be used to unreasonably delay such efforts. 
The size of the accumulation is irrelevant, as any accumulation may 
migrate to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Leaks'' becomes 
``discharges.'' ``Tank'' becomes ``container.'' ``Accumulation of oil'' 
means a discharge that causes a ``film or sheen'' in a diked area, or 
causes a sludge or emulsion there. See 40 CFR 110.3(b). The reference 
to violation of applicable water quality standards in 40 CFR 110.3(b) 
does not apply here because the rule assumes that the oil will not have 
reached any waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines, but 
stays entirely within the diked area of the facility. The term ``oil-
contaminated materials'' is not used in the rule. We eliminate the term 
``oil-contaminated materials'' that was used in the proposed rule 
because oil must accumulate on something such as materials or soil. 
Therefore, the term is redundant. Instead we refer to an accumulation 
of oil, which includes anything on which the oil gathers or amasses 
within the diked area. Such accumulation may include oil-contaminated 
soil or any other oil-contaminated material within the diked area 
impairing the secondary containment system. See also the discussion of 
``accumulation of oil'' included with the response to comments of 
Sec. 112.9(b)(2). We have removed the term ``spill event'' from the 
proposed paragraph and note that we agree with the commenter who noted 
that reference to a ``spill event,'' or ``a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b),'' within a diked area is inconsistent with that concept.

Section 112.8(c)(11)--Mobile Containers

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to require that mobile tanks be 
positioned or located to prevent oil discharges. We recommended 
secondary containment for the largest single compartment or tank of any 
mobile container. We also recommended that these containers not be 
located where they will be subject to periodic flooding or washout.
    Comments. Scope of discharge prevention. One commenter asked that 
the rule be amended to refer to discharges to navigable waters, instead 
of discharges.
    Time limits. One commenter asked that a mobile or portable 
container be defined as a container which is in place on a contiguous 
property for 10 days or less.
    Secondary containment. Two commenters supported the secondary 
containment proposals, but favored making them requirements instead of 
recommendations. One commenter asked that the secondary containment 
recommendation for the largest single compartment or container be 
modified to include tanks which are manifolded together or otherwise 
have overflow capabilities. Another commenter suggested that secondary 
containment provide freeboard sufficient to contain precipitation from 
a 25-year storm event.
    Floods. Other commenters asked for a requirement that mobile tanks 
not be located in areas subject to flooding.
    Response to comments. Scope of discharge prevention. We agree that 
the purpose of the rule is to prevent discharges from becoming 
discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Therefore, in response to 
comment, we have modified the proposed rule to require positioning or 
locating mobile or portable containers to prevent ``a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b),'' rather than ``oil discharges.'' ``A 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b)'' is a more inclusive term, 
tracking the expanded scope of the amended CWA.
    Time limits. We decline to place a time limitation in a definition 
of mobile or portable containers. Mobile or portable containers may be 
in place for more than ten days and still be mobile. Mobile containers 
that are in place for less than 10 days may still experience a 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Secondary containment. In response to comments, we have maintained 
the secondary containment requirement in the current rule because 
secondary containment is necessary for mobile containers for the same 
reason that it is necessary for fixed containers; to prevent discharges 
from becoming discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Secondary 
containment must also be designed so that there is ample freeboard for 
anticipated precipitation. We have therefore amended the rule on the 
suggestion of a commenter to provide for freeboard. We agree with the 
commenter that the amount of freeboard should be sufficient to contain 
a 25-year storm event, but are not adopting that standard because of 
the difficulty and expense for some facilities in securing recent 
information concerning 25-year, 24-hour storm events at this time. 
Should that situation change, we will reconsider proposing such a 
standard in rule text. Freeboard sufficient to contain precipitation is 
freeboard according to industry standards, or in an amount that will 
avert a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Should secondary 
containment not be practicable, you may be able to deviate from the 
requirement under Sec. 112.7(d).
    We clarify that the secondary containment requirement relates to 
the capacity of the largest single compartment or container. 
Permanently manifolded tanks are tanks that are designed, installed, or 
operated in such a manner that the multiple containers function as a 
single storage unit. Containers that are permanently manifolded 
together may count as the ``largest single compartment,'' as referenced 
in the rule.
    Floods. We deleted the proposed recommendation on siting of mobile 
containers in this rule because we do not wish to confuse the regulated 
public over what is mandatory and what is discretionary. These rules 
contain only mandatory requirements.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with secondary containment for mobile containers include: (1) 
NFPA 30, ``Flammable and Combustible

[[Page 47123]]

Liquids Code'; and, (2) BOCA, ``National Fire Prevention Code.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spill event'' becomes ``a 
discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' ``Tank'' becomes 
``container.'' We deleted the word ``onshore'' because the whole 
section applies only to onshore facilities.

Section 112.8(d)(1)--Buried Piping--Facility Transfer Operations, 
Pumping, and Facility Process (Onshore) (Excluding Production 

    Background. In 1991, we proposed a new recommendation that all 
piping installations should be placed aboveground wherever possible. We 
added a new proposed requirement that would require protective coating 
and cathodic protection for new or replaced buried piping. The current 
rule requires such coating and cathodic protection only if soil 
conditions warrant. We explained in the preamble that we believe that 
all soil conditions warrant protection of buried piping. We did not 
propose to make the requirement applicable to all existing piping 
because of the significant possibility that replacing all unprotected 
buried piping might cause more discharges than it would prevent. If 
soil conditions warrant such protection for existing piping, it is 
already required by the current rule. We also proposed a new 
recommendation that buried piping installation comply to the extent 
possible with all the relevant provisions of 40 CFR part 280.
    Comments. Aboveground piping recommendation. Two commenters favored 
the recommendation. Others requested that it be modified to have all 
piping be aboveground only when appropriate, on the theory that some 
aboveground piping may become an obstacle to motorized traffic within a 
facility, or may be a hazard to worker safety because of the 
possibility of tripping over it.
    Corrosion protection. Several commenters supported the proposal to 
require corrosion protection for all new or replaced buried piping. One 
commenter believed that corrosion protection should be required, as in 
the current rule, only where soil conditions warrant. One commenter 
asked for clarification that the requirement for replaced piping only 
applies to the section replaced, not necessarily to the entire line of 
piping. Another commenter believed that corrosion protection was 
inadequate to protect from discharges, and urged a requirement for 
double-walled piping or secondary containment and product sensitive 
leak detection for new facilities. One commenter believed that the 
recommendation for buried piping installation to comply with 40 CFR 
part 280 should be a requirement, not a recommendation.
    Response to comments. Aboveground piping recommendation. While we 
have deleted the proposed recommendation from the rule text because we 
do not wish to confuse the regulated public over what is mandatory and 
what is discretionary, we still believe that piping should be placed 
aboveground whenever possible because such placement makes it easier to 
detect discharges. The decision to place piping aboveground might 
include consideration of safety and traffic factors.
    Corrosion protection. Based on EPA experience, we believe that all 
soil conditions warrant protection of new and replaced buried piping. 
EPA's cause of release study indicates that the operational piping 
portion of an underground storage tank system is twice as likely as the 
tank portion to be the source of a discharge. Piping failures are 
caused equally by poor workmanship and corrosion. Metal areas made 
active by threading have a high propensity to corrode if not coated and 
cathodically protected. See 53 FR 37082, 37127, September 23, 1988; and 
``Causes of Release from US Systems,'' September 1987, EPA 510-R-92-
702. If you decide to deviate from the requirement, for example, to 
provide an alternate means of protection other than coating or cathodic 
protection, you may do so, but must explain your reasons for 
nonconformance, and demonstrate that you are providing equivalent 
environmental protection. A deviation which seeks to avoid coating or 
cathodic protection, or some alternate means of buried piping 
protection, on the grounds that the soil is somehow incompatible with 
such measure(s), will not be acceptable to EPA.
    A ``new'' or ``replaced'' buried piping installation is one that is 
installed 30 days or more after the date of publication of this rule in 
the Federal Register. We have deleted the words ``new'' and 
``replaced'' from the proposed language and substituted this specific 
date so the effective date is clearer to the regulated community. Under 
the current rule, you have an obligation to provide buried piping 
installations with protective wrapping and coating only if soil 
conditions warrant such measures. Under the revised rule, you must 
provide such wrapping and coating for new or replaced buried piping 
installations regardless of soil conditions.
    You should consult a corrosion professional before design, 
installation, or repair of any corrosion protection system. Any 
corrosion protection you provide should be installed according to 
relevant industry standards. When piping is replaced, you must protect 
from corrosion only the replaced section, although protection of the 
entire line whenever possible is preferable. Equipping only a small 
portion of piping with corrosion protection may accelerate corrosion 
rates on connected unprotected piping. While we agree that corrosion 
protection might not prevent all discharges from buried piping, it is 
an important measure because it will help to prevent most discharges.
    Double-walled piping or secondary containment or sensitive leak 
detection for buried piping may be acceptable as a deviation from the 
requirements of this paragraph under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain 
your reasons for nonconformance with the requirement and show that the 
means you selected provides equivalent environmental protection to the 
requirement. However, we will not require such measures because we did 
not propose them.
    We have deleted the recommendation from the proposed rule that all 
buried piping installations comply to the extent practicable with 40 
CFR part 280, because we are excluding recommendations from this rule 
to avoid confusion with what is mandatory and what is discretionary. 
Also, some buried piping now subject to part 112 will be subject only 
to 40 CFR part 280 or a State program approved under 40 CFR part 281 
under this rule. See Sec. 112.1(d)(4).
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with corrosion protection for buried piping installations 
include: (1) National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) 
Recommended Practice-0169, ``Control of External Corrosion on 
Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems''; and, (2) STI 
Recommended Practice 892, ``Recommended Practice for Corrosion 
Protection of Underground Piping Networks Associated with Liquid 
Storage and Dispensing Systems.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the second sentence of 
paragraph (d)(1), we included a reference to ``a State program approved 
under part 281 of this chapter.'' In the third sentence, ``examine'' 
and ``examination'' become ``inspect'' and ``inspection.''

[[Page 47124]]

Section 112.8(d)(2)--Terminal Connections

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that when piping is not in service 
or is in standby service for 6 months or more, the terminal connection 
at the transfer point must be capped or blank-flanged and marked as to 
origin. The current rule requires such capping or blank-flanging when 
the piping is not in service or is in standby service ``for an extended 
    Comments. One commenter supported the six-month clarification of an 
``extended time.'' Several commenters opposed the requirement to cap or 
blank-flange piping in standby service because such piping may be 
needed to be put into service quickly during an emergency to ensure 
safe operations at the facility. The commenter suggested that the rule 
be reworded to say ``When piping is not in service or is not in standby 
    Response to comments. We have decided to keep the current standard 
of requiring capping or blank-flanging terminal connections when such 
piping is not in service or is in standby for an extended time in order 
to maintain flexibility for variable facilities and engineering 
conditions. We define ``an extended time'' in reference to industry 
standards or at a frequency sufficient to prevent discharges. We 
disagree with commenters that the requirement should not apply to 
piping that is not in standby service because some discharges may be 
caused by loading or unloading oil through the wrong piping or turning 
the wrong valve when the piping in question was actually out-of-
service. Typically, piping that is in standby service is only needed in 
emergency situations or when there is an operational problem. In the 
rare situations when such piping is needed immediately, the owner or 
operator may remove the cap or blank-flange to return the piping to 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Examine'' becomes 

Section 112.8(d)(3)--Pipe Supports

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change the 
current rule concerning pipe supports.
    Comments. We received no comments on this proposal. Therefore, we 
have promulgated the provision as proposed.

Section 112.8(d)(4)--Inspection of Aboveground Valves and Piping

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that you examine all aboveground 
valves, piping, and appurtenances on at least a monthly basis. This 
contrasts with the current requirement of ``regular'' examinations. We 
also recommended that you conduct annual integrity and leak testing of 
buried piping, or that you monitor it on a monthly basis. Finally, we 
recommended that all valves, pipes, and appurtenances conform to 
relevant industry codes, such as ASME standards. We proposed deletion 
from the rule of the current requirement for periodic pressure testing 
for piping where facility drainage is such that a failure might lead to 
a spill event.
    Comments. Monthly examination of aboveground valves, piping, and 
appurtenances. One commenter supported the visual monthly examination 
proposal, but suggested that we require a more sophisticated method of 
testing every three to four years, such as pressure testing. Most other 
commenters opposed monthly examinations, on grounds of impracticality. 
Most opposing commenters urged testing on a quarterly or semiannual 
basis, or per industry standards. Some thought the requirement should 
be a recommendation, both for large and small facilities. Electrical 
utility commenters asserted that the monthly testing of millions of 
pieces of equipment would be extremely burdensome. Several commenters 
urged that the examination requirement be limited to visual examination 
because of the cost of other methods.
    Buried piping. Several commenters favored the proposed 
recommendation for annual integrity and leak testing of buried piping 
or monitoring of such piping on a monthly basis. One commenter was 
concerned that the recommendation made no concession for piping 
construction material, length of time in the ground, etc. Several 
commenters believed that the recommendation should be a requirement 
because piping often runs outside of secondary containment; buried 
piping cannot be inspected visually; discharges are common from this 
piping; and few owners or operators conduct integrity or leak testing 
of such piping. Some thought it should be a requirement for all 
facilities, others just for large facilities. One commenter thought 
that the requirement to inspect buried piping only when exposed is 
inadequate. The commenter suggested that the piping should be subject 
to pressure testing. The frequency of the testing would be based on 
aquifer use.
    Opposing commenters believed annual testing or monthly monitoring 
was unnecessary, generally citing cost and practicability reasons. Some 
suggested differing time periods for testing, such as every three 
years, or every ten years. One commenter believed that the 
recommendation should not apply to piping of less than ten feet. Others 
asked for clarification as to the type of testing contemplated. One 
commenter suggested that the recommendation be clarified to refer only 
to oil-handling piping and equipment, and not include buried piping 
unrelated to oil operations. Several commenters suggested that we add a 
requirement to the rule to conduct integrity and leak testing of 
protected piping at the time of installation, modification, 
construction, relocation, or replacement, and to conduct an engineering 
evaluation of in-service unprotected underground piping every five 
years. Another commenter suggested double-walled piping as an 
alternative. One commenter suggested that the recommendation was 
inappropriate for vaulted tanks because of the configuration of the 
    Response to comments. Monthly inspection of aboveground valves, 
piping, and appurtenances. Inspection of aboveground valves, piping, 
and appurtenances must be a requirement to help prevent discharges. 
Such valves, piping, and appurtenances often are located outside of 
secondary containment systems, and often do not have double-wall 
protection or some form of secondary containment themselves. Therefore, 
any discharge from such valves, piping, and appurtenances is more 
likely to become a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Examination 
of discharge reports from the Emergency Response Notification System 
(ERNS) shows that discharges from such valves, piping, and 
appurtenances are much more common than catastrophic tank failure or 
discharges from tanks. The requirement must be applicable to large and 
small facilities covered by this section that store oil, because of the 
same threat of discharge.
    The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to electrical 
utilities and other facilities with oil-filled equipment because they 
are not bulk storage facilities.
    The final rule maintains the current standard of ``regular'' 
inspections, on the suggestion of commenters who noted that at some 
remote sites monthly inspections are impractical, especially in harsh 
weather conditions. Furthermore, we agree with commenters that 
``regular'' inspections are inspections conducted ``in accordance with 
accepted industry standards,'' rather than the monthly proposed 
standard. You must include appurtenances in the inspection. Inspections 
may be either visual or by

[[Page 47125]]

other means, including pressure testing. However, we do not require 
pressure testing or any other specific method. We agree that, subject 
to good engineering practice, pressure testing every three or four 
years may be warranted in addition to regular inspection of aboveground 
valves, piping, and appurtenances. However, we believe that regular 
inspection is sufficient to help prevent discharges and will not impose 
any additional requirements at this time.
    Buried piping. We have deleted the text of the proposed 
recommendation to conduct annual integrity and leak testing of buried 
piping or monitor buried piping on a monthly basis from the rule 
because we do not wish to confuse the regulated public over what is 
mandatory and what is discretionary. This rule contains only mandatory 
requirements. However, we continue to endorse the recommendation as a 
discretionary action, and suggest that you conduct such testing 
according to industry standards.
    We agree with a commenter that the proposed recommendation would 
apply only to ``oil-handling'' piping and valves, not all such piping 
and valves, which may be unrelated to oil activities. However, no 
change in rule text is necessary because the entire rule applies only 
to procedures, methods, or equipment that are involved with the storage 
or use of oil. In response to the commenter who urged that the proposed 
recommendation not apply to buried piping of less than 10 feet in 
length, we believe that any buried piping, regardless of length, may 
cause a discharge, and therefore should be tested. Double-walled piping 
might be an acceptable alternative to integrity and leak testing or 
monthly monitoring. If you choose double-walled piping as an 
alternative, you must explain your nonconformance with the rule 
requirements, and explain how double-walled piping provides equivalent 
environmental protection. See 112.7(a)(2).
    On the suggestion of commenters, we have modified the proposed 
recommendation for annual testing or monthly monitoring of buried 
piping into a requirement that you must only conduct integrity and leak 
testing of such piping at the time of installation, modification, 
construction, relocation, or replacement. We believe that when piping 
is exposed for any reason, integrity and leak testing of such exposed 
piping according to industry standards is appropriate because piping is 
visible at that point, and testing is easier because the piping is more 
accessible. The same commenters also recommended that unprotected 
underground piping be subject to engineering evaluations every five 
years, but we recommend such evaluations be conducted in accordance 
with industry standards to preserve flexibility in case the time frame 
changes with changing technology.
    If you have vaulted containers, the requirement for integrity and 
leak testing of buried piping might be the subject of a deviation under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if those pipes, valves, and fittings come out of the 
top of the container and are not buried, or are encased in a double-
walled piping system and you thereby significantly reduce the potential 
for corrosion.
    Likewise, we have deleted from rule text the recommendation that 
all valves, pipes, and appurtenances conform to industry standards, but 
we endorse its substance.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with inspection and testing of valves, piping, and 
appurtenances include: (1) API Standard 570, ``Piping Inspection Code 
(Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-Service Piping 
Systems''; (2) API Recommended Practice 574, ``Inspection Practices for 
Piping System Components''; (3) American Society of Mechanical 
Engineers (ASME) B31.3, ``Process Piping''; and, (4) ASME B31.4, 
``Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, 
Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Examine'' and 
``examination'' become ``inspect'' and ``inspection.'' We have deleted 
the reference to ``operating personnel'' in the first sentence because 
all of the requirements of this rule, except when specifically noted 
otherwise, are the responsibility of the owner or operator.

Section 112.8(d)(5)--Vehicular Traffic

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule concerning 
warnings to vehicular traffic, because of vehicle size, to avoid 
endangering aboveground piping. We proposed to amend the rule to 
include avoidance of endangering ``other transfer operations'' within 
the scope of the warning. We added a recommendation that weight 
restrictions should be posted, as applicable, to prevent damage to 
underground piping.
    Comments. Vehicular warnings. Several commenters supported the 
current requirement to warn vehicular traffic to avoid endangering 
aboveground piping or other transfer operations because of vehicle 
size. Others believed that any size or weight restrictions would 
unnecessarily burden facility operations. See the comments below on 
weight restrictions. Some believed the proposed requirement should be a 
recommendation based on good engineering practices. One thought it made 
no difference. One commenter proposed as an alternative, marking such 
piping so it could be temporarily protected or avoided. One commenter 
suggested that it would be more prudent to require signs where piping 
is lower than 14 feet and located such that vehicles can traverse, and 
recommended that, in addition to signs, verbal warnings be provided.
    Weight restriction posting. Several commenters supported making 
this recommendation a requirement because good engineering practice 
will exclude heavy equipment from crossing buried piping which does not 
have adequate cover to protect the pipe.
    Others opposed it on the grounds it would restrict access to 
vehicles which ``have driven over the same piping for a dozen or more 
years.'' One commenter thought the recommendation was unnecessary 
because local building codes or other standards already address the 
issue of buried piping protection. Some thought the recommendation 
should be a matter of PE discretion. Several commenters thought that 
the recommendation should apply to large facilities only because only 
large facilities will have the type of tanker trucks on site which 
would potentially damage underground piping. One commenter thought that 
small facilities should be exempt from the recommendation.
    Another commenter believed that the recommendation should be 
restricted to situations where it is not certain that the underground 
piping can withstand all anticipated vehicular traffic. Another 
commenter suggested that if buried piping is placed across a 
thoroughfare, it should be installed with additional structural 
protection. The commenter asserted that proper installation is a 
preventative and is a better alternative than a sign because signs are 
not always heeded.
    One commenter suggested that posting of weight restrictions at 
airports in open areas would be impractical and impact operations. The 
commenter argued that the proposal was unreasonable where some buried 
piping/hydrant systems run under ramp surfaces. A railroad commenter 
argued that the recommendation is overly broad because railroads have a 
large amount of piping under track that is built to withstand maximum 
loads from vehicular traffic, making the posting of signs unnecessary 
and costly. One commenter argued that the requirement was inapplicable 
to vaulted tanks

[[Page 47126]]

because the concrete vault reduced the risk of vehicular damage.
    Response to comments. Vehicular warnings. The requirement to warn 
vehicular traffic so that no vehicle will endanger aboveground piping 
or other oil transfer operations applies to all facilities, large or 
small, because vehicular traffic may endanger aboveground piping or 
other transfer operations at all facilities. Warnings may include 
verbal warnings, signs, or marking and temporary protection of piping 
or equipment. No particular height restriction is incorporated into the 
rule. Rather, aboveground piping at any height must be protected from 
vehicular traffic unless the piping is so high that all vehicular 
traffic passes underneath the piping. In this case, or where the 
requirement is infeasible, you may be able to use the deviation 
provision in Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection. We have 
deleted the clause concerning the size of vehicles that may endanger 
piping or oil transfer operations because the owner or operator may not 
be able to determine precisely when the size or weight of a vehicle 
would cause such endangerment.
    In response to commenters who suggested that the posting of signs 
is impractical and might impact operations, or would be very costly, we 
note that you may deviate from the requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) 
if you explain your reasons for nonconformance and provide equivalent 
environmental protection.
    Weight restriction posting. We deleted the proposed recommendation 
concerning weight restrictions as they relate to underground piping 
from rule text, but still support it when appropriate. We include only 
mandatory items in this rule because we do not wish to confuse the 
regulated public as to what is mandatory and what is discretionary. We 
decline to make the recommendation a requirement because we believe the 
appropriate posting of weight restrictions should be a matter of good 
engineering practice.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We deleted the references to 
verbal warning or appropriate signs in the rule. Instead, the rule 
contains an obligation to warn entering vehicular traffic. Warnings may 
be verbal, by signs, or by other appropriate methods.

Introduction to Section 112.9

    Background. We have added an introduction to help rewrite the 
section in the active voice. Since the owner or operator is the person 
with responsibility to implement a Plan, the mandates of the rule are 
properly addressed to him, except as specifically noted.

Section 112.9(a)--General Requirements--Onshore Oil Production 

    Background. This is a new provision that merely references the 
general requirements which all facilities must meet as well as the 
specific requirements that you must meet if you are an owner or 
operator of a facility in the category of onshore oil production 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The obligation to ``address'' 
general SPCC requirements becomes the obligation to ``meet'' those 
requirements. ``Spill prevention'' becomes ``discharge prevention.'' We 
also deleted the word ``onshore'' from the titles of the paragraphs of 
this section because the entire section applies only to onshore 
production facilities.

Proposed Section 112.9(b)--Definition--Onshore Oil Production 

    Background. This proposed section was merely a reference to the old 
definition of onshore oil production facility (see current 
Sec. 112.7(e)(5)(i)), which is today incorporated within the new 
definition of production facility. Therefore, the section is no longer 
necessary and we have deleted it.

Section 112.9(b)(1), Proposed as Sec. 112.9(c)(1)--Dike Drains and 

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule concerning 
drainage of diked areas.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter 
suggested an editorial change from discharges to ``navigable waters,'' 
to a discharge as referenced in Sec. 112.1(b)(1).
    Applicability. Another commenter urged a small facility exemption 
from this requirement because the recordkeeping involved was too 
    Engineering methods. One commenter believed that the requirement to 
have all drains closed on dikes around storage containers might 
preclude engineering methods designed to handle flow-through conditions 
at water flood oil production operations, where large volumes of water 
may be directed to oil storage tanks if water discharge lines on oil-
water separators become plugged.
    Response to comments. Applicability. We believe that this 
requirement must be applicable to both large and small facilities to 
help prevent discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b). The risk of such 
a discharge and the accompanying environmental damage may be 
devastating whether it comes from a large or small facility. We 
disagree that the recordkeeping is burdensome. If you are an NPDES 
permittee, you may use the stormwater drainage records required 
pursuant to 40 CFR 122.41(j)(2) and 122.41(m)(3) for SPCC purposes, 
thereby reducing the recordkeeping burden.
    Engineering methods. ``Equivalent'' measures referenced in the rule 
might, depending on good engineering practice, include using structures 
such as stand pipes designed to handle flow-through conditions at water 
flood oil production operations, where large volumes of water may be 
directed to oil storage tanks if water discharge lines on oil-water 
separators become plugged. Any alternate measures must provide 
environmental protection equivalent to the rule requirement.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with facility drainage include API Recommended Practice 51, 
``Onshore Oil and Gas Production Practices for Protection of the 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In response to the 
commenter's suggestion, the reference to ``navigable waters'' becomes a 
reference to ``a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' ``Central 
treating stations'' becomes ``separation and treating areas.'' Such 
areas might be centrally located or located elsewhere at the facility 
and might include both separation and treatment devices and equipment. 
The reference to ``rainwater is being drained'' becomes ``draining 
uncontaminated rainwater.'' We clarify that accumulated oil on 
rainwater must be disposed of in accord with ``legally approved 
methods,'' not ``approved methods.''

Section 112.9(b)(2)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(c)(2)--Drainage Ditches, 
Accumulations of Oil

    Background. In 1991, we sought to clarify that oil as well as oil-
contaminated soil must be removed from field drainage ditches, road 
ditches, and the like. The current rule only requires removal of an 
``accumulation of oil.'' We also proposed that such accumulations be 
removed within 72 hours at the most.
    Comments. Applicability. One commenter asserted that this section 
does not apply to crude oil transfers from production fields into tank 
trucks because any discharges in the transfer process would be caught 
in a small

[[Page 47127]]

sump or catchment basin. Another commenter asked if this section 
applied to cleanup of oil and oil-contaminated soil from diked areas.
    Inspection schedule. Another commenter suggested that we require 
inspections of field drainage ditches, etc., at monthly intervals and 
within 24 hours of a 25-year storm event.
    Accumulations of oil and oil-contaminated soil. Two commenters 
argued that EPA lacks authority to require cleanup of contaminated 
soil. Others asked for clarifications of the terms ``accumulation'' and 
``oil-contaminated soil.'' Another asked what cleanup standard EPA 
contemplated under this rule. The commenter elaborated, ``is 
accumulated oil and contaminated soil to be removed from diked areas 
under this provision?''
    72-hour cleanup standard. Several commenters argued that the 72-
hour standard for cleanup would preclude bioremediation or other 
cleanup techniques allowed by State and local law. Several commenters 
suggested other time periods, including ``as soon as practical,'' 
``within a timely manner.'' Some suggested no time standard is 
appropriate. Those commenters generally thought that a 72-hour period 
might be unrealistic in certain cases.
    Response to comments. Applicability. Crude oil transfers from 
production fields into tank trucks or cars are covered by the general 
requirements contained in Sec. 112.7(c) and (h), both of which require 
some form of secondary containment. Cleanup of oil, oil-contaminated 
soil, and oil-contaminated materials from field drainage ditches, road 
ditches, or other field drainage system is covered by this paragraph. 
In response to comment, we note that cleanup of oil from diked areas at 
onshore production facilities is not specifically covered by the rules. 
However, the presence of oil in diked areas may impair the quality of 
the dike or the capacity for secondary containment, and if so, the oil 
must be removed.
    Inspection schedule. We have retained the ``regularly scheduled 
intervals'' standard for inspections. This standard means regular 
inspections according to industry standards or on a schedule sufficient 
to prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Whatever schedule 
for inspections is selected must be documented in the Plan. We decline 
to specify a specific interval because such an interval might become 
obsolete with changing technology.
    Accumulations of oil and oil-contaminated soil. We have adequate 
authority to require cleanup of an accumulation of oil, including on 
soil and other materials, because section 311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA 
provides EPA with the authority to establish procedures, methods, and 
equipment and other requirements for equipment to prevent discharges of 
oil. The broad definition of ``oil'' in CWA section 311(a)(1) covers 
``oil refuse'' and ``oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil.'' 
If field drainage systems allow the accumulation of oil on the soil or 
other materials at the onshore facility and that oil threatens 
navigable water or adjoining shorelines, then EPA has authority to 
establish a method or procedure, i.e., the removal of oil contaminated 
soil, to prevent that oil from becoming a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b). The cleanup standard under this paragraph requires the 
complete removal of the contaminated oil, soil, or other materials, 
either by removal, or by bioremediation, or in any other effective, 
environmentally sound manner.
    72-hour cleanup standard. We agree that the 72-hour cleanup 
standard might preclude bioremediation and have therefore deleted it. 
Instead we establish a standard of ``prompt cleanup.'' ``Prompt'' 
cleanup means beginning the cleanup immediately after discovery of the 
discharge or immediately after any actions necessary to prevent fire or 
explosion or other imminent threats to worker health and safety.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Escaped from small leaks'' 
becomes ``resulted from any small discharge.'' We eliminate the term 
``oil-contaminated soil'' because oil must accumulate on something, 
such as materials or soil. We retain the term ``accumulation of oil,'' 
but elaborate on its meaning. ``Accumulation of oil'' means a discharge 
that causes a ``film or sheen'' within the field drainage system, or 
causes a sludge or emulsion there (see 40 CFR 110.3(b)). An 
accumulation of oil includes anything on which the oil gathers or 
amasses within the field drainage system. An accumulation of oil may 
include oil-contaminated soil or any other oil-contaminated material 
within the field drainage system. See also the discussion of 
``accumulation of oil'' included with the response to comments of 
Sec. 112.8(c)(10).

Proposed Section 112.9(c)(3)--Additional Requirements for Flood Events

    Background. In 1991, we proposed a new recommendation for oil 
production facilities in areas subject to flooding. We recommended that 
the Plan address additional precautionary measures related to flooding. 
In the discussion of the proposal, we referenced FEMA requirements.
    Comments. One commenter thought this provision should be a 
requirement rather than a recommendation. Another commenter suggested 
that exploration and production facilities located in flood plain areas 
should be adequately secured through proper mechanical/engineering 
methods to reduce the chance of loss of product. A third commenter 
suggested the following specific measures to be implemented: (1) 
Identify whether the facility is located in a floodplain in the Plan; 
(2) if the facility is located in a floodplain, the Plan should address 
to what extent it meets the minimum requirements of the National Flood 
Insurance Program (NFIP); and (3) if a facility does not meet the 
minimum requirements of the NFIP, the Plan should address appropriate 
precautionary and mitigation measures for potential flood-related 
    Response to comments. We have deleted the recommendation because we 
do not wish to confuse the regulated public over what is mandatory and 
what is discretionary. These rules contain only mandatory requirements. 
However, we support the substance of the recommendation, and suggest 
that a facility in an area prone to flooding either follow the 
requirements of the NFIP or employ other methods based on good 
engineering practice to minimize damage to the facility from a flood.

Section 112.9(c)(1)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(d)(1)--Materials and 
Construction--Bulk Storage Containers

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the section on materials and 
construction of bulk storage containers with an added recommendation 
that containers conform to relevant industry standards.
    Comments. One commenter thought that the recommendation for use of 
industry standards should be a requirement. The commenter asked that at 
a date certain, all existing tanks must be upgraded to current 
standards, and that all new and reconstructed tanks must be subject to 
applicable codes. Another commenter suggested that the recommendation 
should not apply to crude oil storage tanks because local industry 
standards are more appropriate.
    Response to comments. Recommendation v. requirement. We are 
retaining the mandatory requirement to use no container for the storage 
of oil unless its material and construction are compatible with the 
material stored and the conditions of storage, as proposed. We have 
deleted the recommendation that materials, installation, and use of

[[Page 47128]]

new tanks conform with relevant portions of industry standards because 
we do not wish to confuse the regulated public over what is mandatory 
and what is discretionary. However, we endorse its substance. In most 
cases good engineering practice and liability concerns will prompt the 
use of industry standards. See Sec. 112.3(d)(1)(iii). In addition, a 
requirement is not necessary or desirable because local governmental 
standards on construction, materials, and installation sometimes 
control industry standards on these matters.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with materials for and construction of onshore bulk storage 
production facilities include: (1) API Specification 12B, ``Bolted 
Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids'; (2) API Specification 12D, 
``Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids'; (3) API 
Specification 12F, ``Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production 
Liquids'; (4) API Specification 12J, ``Oil Gas Separators'; (5) API 
Specification 12K, ``Indirect-Type Oil Field Heaters'; and, (6) API 
Specification 12L, ``Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Tank'' becomes 

Section 112.9(c)(2)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(d)(2)--Secondary 
Containment, Drainage

    Background. The SPCC Task force concluded that aboveground storage 
tanks without secondary containment pose a particularly significant 
threat to the environment. We noted that the proposed rule 
modifications would ``retain the current requirement for facility 
owners or operators who are unable to provide certain structures or 
equipment for oil spill prevention, including secondary containment, to 
prepare facility-specific contingency plans in lieu of prevention 
systems.'' 56 FR 54614. In 1991, we therefore reproposed the secondary 
containment requirements for onshore oil production facilities with a 
clarification. We clarified that secondary containment must include 
sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation. The current rule 
requires that drainage from undiked areas must be safely confined in a 
catchment basin or holding pond. The proposed rule had modified this 
requirement to apply only to drainage from undiked areas ``showing a 
potential for contamination.''
    Comments. Secondary containment. See the discussion under 
Sec. 112.7(c) of secondary containment in general. One commenter 
suggested that the requirement was too vague and comprehensive to be 
applied to oil leases, which might cover hundreds of acres. Another 
asked how we would determine what is sufficient freeboard.
    Drainage. One commenter thought the drainage requirement was 
duplicative of NPDES requirements.
    Response to comments. Secondary containment. The requirement 
applies to oil leases of any size. Secondary containment is not 
required for the entire leased area, merely for the contents of the 
largest single container in the tank battery, separation, and treating 
facility installation, with sufficient freeboard to contain 
precipitation. In response to the comment as to how an owner or 
operator might determine how much freeboard is sufficient, we have 
revised the rule to provide that freeboard sufficient to contain 
precipitation is the standard. Freeboard sufficient to contain 
precipitation is freeboard installed according to industry standards, 
or in an amount sufficient to avert a discharge as described in 
Sec. 112.1(b). This standard is consistent with the amount of freeboard 
required in Sec. 112.8(c)(2).
    Drainage. We deleted the proposed reference to undiked areas 
``showing a potential for contamination'' because drainage from any 
undiked area poses a threat of contamination. When drainage from such 
areas is covered by stormwater discharge permits, that part of the BMP 
might be usable for SPCC purposes. There is no redundancy in 
recordkeeping requirements, because you can use your NPDES records for 
SPCC purposes.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with secondary containment at onshore production facilities 
include: (1) API Recommended Practice 51, ``Onshore Oil and Gas 
Production Practices for Protection of the Environment'; (2) NFPA 30, 
``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code'; and, (3) BOCA, ``National 
Fire Prevention Code.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Tank battery and central 
treating plant installations'' becomes ``tank battery, separation, and 
treating facility installations.'' ``Contents of the largest single 
tank'' becomes ``capacity of the largest single container.'' With this 
change, this paragraph agrees with general secondary containment 
requirements found in Sec. 112.7(c). The reference to tanks ``in use'' 
was deleted because it is redundant. Containment for tanks or 
containers that are not permanently closed is already required. We 
deleted the phrase ``if feasible, or alternate systems, such as those 
outlined in Sec. 112.7(c)(1),'' because it is confusing when compared 
to the text of Sec. 112.7(d). Under Sec. 112.7(d), if secondary 
containment is not practicable, you must provide a contingency plan 
following the provisions of 40 CFR part 109, and otherwise comply with 
the requirements of Sec. 112.7(d). Furthermore, you are also free to 
provide alternate systems of secondary containment. We do not prescribe 
the method.

Section 112.9(c)(3)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(d)(3)--Container Inspection

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that you must visually examine all 
containers of oil at onshore production facilities at least once a 
year. The current requirement is that you examine these containers ``on 
a scheduled periodic basis.'' We also proposed that you would be 
required to maintain the schedule and records of those examinations for 
a period of five years, irrespective of changes in ownership.
    Comments. Frequency of inspection. One commenter favored the 
proposal. One commenter suggested quarterly rather than annual 
inspections. Two commenters suggested triennial inspections. Other 
commenters suggested a frequency in accordance with API recommended 
    Extent of inspection. Several commenters thought that the 
inspections should be external only, and should not necessarily include 
the foundations and supports (as proposed) because of the number of 
containers that would be taken out of service with that requirement. 
Another commenter asserted that inspection of foundations and supports 
might not be possible due to foundation settlement or lack of space to 
perform the inspection.
    Response to comments. Frequency of inspection. We have maintained 
the current standard for frequency of inspection because we agree that 
inspections in accordance with industry standards are necessary. Those 
standards may change with changing technology, therefore, a frequency 
of ``periodically and upon a regular schedule'' preserves maximum 
flexibility and upholds statutory intent.
    Extent of inspection. We disagree that the inspection of containers 
should be limited to external inspection. Internal inspection is also 
necessary to detect possible flaws that could cause a discharge. The 
inspection must also include foundations and supports that are on or 
above the surface of the ground. If for some reason it is not 
practicable to inspect the foundations and supports, you may deviate 
from the requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), if you explain your 
rationale for

[[Page 47129]]

nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection.
    Record maintenance. We have deleted the proposed requirement to 
maintain records of these inspections for five years, irrespective of 
ownership, because it is redundant with the general requirement in 
Sec. 112.7(e) to maintain Plan records. Section 112.7(e) requires 
record maintenance for three years. However, you should note that 
certain industry standards (for example, API Standard 653 or API 
Recommended Practice 12R1) may specify that an owner or operator 
maintain records for longer than three years.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with inspection of containers at onshore production facilities 
include: (1) API Recommended Practice 12R1, ``Recommended Practice for 
Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation, and Repair of Tanks in 
Production Service''; and, (2) ``API Standard 653, ``Tank Inspection, 
Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Visually examine'' becomes 
``Visually inspect.'' ``All tanks'' becomes ``each container.'' 
``Foundation and supports of tanks above the ground surface'' becomes 
``Foundation and support of each container that is on or above the 
surface of the ground.''

Section 112.9(c)(4)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(d)(4)--Good Engineering 

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to convert the current requirement 
for ``fail-safe'' engineering (which includes vacuum protection and 
other measures) of new and old tank battery installations into a 
recommendation. We also proposed that you reference appropriate 
industry standards.
    Comments. One commenter asserted that we should retain the original 
requirement to avoid confusion among the regulated community, help 
improve spill prevention, and because we proposed a similar requirement 
for bulk storage containers. Another commenter opposed the proposed 
recommendation because he believed the cost of such engineering would 
be prohibitive. Two commenters sought an exemption for small facilities 
on the same rationale. Similarly, some commenters opposed the proposed 
recommendation on vacuum protection because of the potential cost. None 
of the commenters provided their own cost estimates. Some commenters 
opposed the proposed recommendation relating to vacuum protection 
because of the potential cost, which they estimated as ``in excess of 
$100 per tank.''
    Response to comments. Good engineering practice. We agree with the 
commenter that we should retain this section as a requirement both to 
improve spill prevention and to avoid confusion among the regulated 
community because of the similar requirement for bulk storage 
containers at facilities other than production facilities. Therefore, 
there are no new costs. Nevertheless, you have flexibility as to which 
measures you use, and may choose the least expensive alternative listed 
in Sec. 112.9(c)(4). For example, should vacuum protection be too 
costly, you are free to use another alternative. Furthermore, you may 
also deviate from the requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you can 
explain nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection 
by some other means. We revised the paragraph on vacuum protection to 
clarify that the rule addresses any type of transfer from the tank, not 
merely a pipeline run.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with alarm systems include: (1) API, ``Manual of Petroleum 
Measurement Standards''; (2) API Recommended Practice 51, ``Onshore Oil 
and Gas Production Practices for Protection of the Environment''; (3) 
API Recommended Practice 2350, ``Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks 
in Petroleum Facilities''; and, (4) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and 
Combustible Liquids Code.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Fail-safe'' engineering 
becomes ``good engineering practice,'' because fail-safe engineering is 
a misnomer. The change in terminology does not imply any substantive 
change in the level of environmental protection required, it is merely 
editorial. See the comments, and the discussion under ``Editorial 
changes and clarification,'' Sec. 112.8(c)(8). The same reasoning 
applies to this paragraph. We deleted the phrase ``as far as is 
practical,'' because it is confusing when compared to the text of 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). Under Sec. 112.7(a)(2), you may explain your reasons 
for nonconformance, and provide equivalent environmental protection by 
some other means. We deleted the recommendation to reference 
appropriate industry standards because it was unnecessary. You must 
discuss actual standards used in the Plan. Section 112.3(d)(1)(iii) 
also requires the Professional Engineer to certify that he has 
considered applicable industry standards in the preparation of the 
Plan. Also in the introductory paragraph, the phrase ``Consideration 
shall be given to providing.* * *'' becomes, ``You must provide.* * *'' 
This change makes the language consistent with a companion paragraph 
dealing with good engineering design, i.e., Sec. 112.8(c)(8). In 
paragraph (c)(4)(i), ``regular rounds'' becomes ``regularly scheduled 
rounds.'' ``Spills'' becomes ``discharges.'' In paragraph (c)(4)(iv), 
the phrase ``where facilities are'' becomes ``where the facility is.'' 
Elsewhere ``tank'' becomes ``container.''

Section 112.9(d)(1)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(e)(1)--Inspection of 
Aboveground Valves and Piping

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that you inspect monthly all 
aboveground valves and pipelines, and that you maintain records of such 
inspections for five years. The current requirement is that you examine 
such valves and pipelines ``periodically on a scheduled basis,'' and 
maintain the records of such inspections for three years.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter asked 
for clarifying language that the rule only applied to valves and piping 
associated with transfer operations.
    Applicability. Two commenters asked for an exemption from the 
requirements of this paragraph for small facilities.
    Frequency of inspections. Several commenters suggested alternate 
inspection intervals, such as every six months, or every year. Another 
commenter suggested that monthly inspections are meaningless because 
some unscrupulous operators might fill out inspection reports on dates 
when no problems are to be found. Other commenters suggested that we 
require a performance standard instead of a prescribed monthly 
inspection. One commenter suggested the proposed inspections standards 
for Sec. 112.9(e) were excessive for many small facilities. The 
commenter suggested that a standard defined by the licensed 
Professional Engineer who certifies the SPCC Plan could reflect the 
differing requirements that may apply under different equipment 
configurations as well as differing geographical and meteorological 
conditions. The commenter added that a generalized performance standard 
should be included that includes a minimum inspection interval, such as 
annual inspection, which could be altered to meet specific facility 
    Recordkeeping. One commenter thought a five-year record retention 
period is excessive. Another commenter asked that we clarify that PE 
certification of these regular inspections and records is not required.
    Response to comments. Applicability. The rule must apply equally to 
large and

[[Page 47130]]

small facilities because failure to inspect piping and valves at any 
facility might lead to a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Frequency of inspections. We have retained the current inspection 
frequency of periodic inspections, but editorially changed it to ``upon 
a regular schedule.'' Our decision accords with the comment which 
sought a performance standard instead of a prescribed monthly 
inspection. The standard of inspections ``upon a regular schedule'' 
means in accordance with industry standards or at a frequency 
sufficient to prevent discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b). 
Whatever frequency of inspections is selected must be documented in the 
    Recordkeeping. We agree that a five-year record retention period is 
longer than necessary and have deleted the proposed requirement in 
favor of the general requirement in Sec. 112.7(e) to maintain records 
for three years. However, comparison records for compliance with 
certain industry standards may require an owner or operator to maintain 
records for longer than three years. PE certification of these 
inspections and records is not required.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Examine'' becomes 
``inspect.'' We agree with the commenter who asked for clarification 
that the rule applies only to inspections related to transfer 
operations and have amended the rule to reflect that. A transfer 
operation is one in which oil is moved from or into some form of 
transportation, storage, equipment, or other device, into or from some 
other or similar form of transportation, such as a pipeline, truck, 
tank car, or other storage, equipment, or device.

Section 112.9(d)(2)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(e)(2)--Salt Water Disposal 

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without change the current 
requirements on the examination of salt water (oil field brine) 
disposal facilities. The current requirement is that you examine these 
facilities ``often.'' However, we have recommended weekly examination 
as an appropriate engineering standard for most facilities. 56 FR 
54624. We noted that low temperature conditions, sudden temperature 
changes, or periods of low flow rates may require more frequent 
    Comments. Applicability. One commenter suggested that the 
requirement to examine these facilities should not apply to storage 
facilities with de minimis amounts of oil.
    Sudden change in temperature. Another commenter asked for 
clarification of what ``a sudden change in temperature'' means. The 
commenter assumed that it meant a sudden drop that could cause system 
    Response to comments. Applicability. The rule applies to any 
regulated facility with salt water disposal if the potential exists to 
discharge oil in amounts that may be harmful, as defined in 40 CFR 
110.3. This standard is necessary to protect the environment.
    Sudden change in temperature. A sudden change in temperature means 
any abrupt change in temperature, either up or down, which could cause 
system upsets.
    Frequency of inspections. Inspections of these facilities must be 
conducted ``often.'' ``Often'' means in accordance with industry 
standards, or more frequently, if as noted, conditions warrant. 
Whatever frequency of inspections is chosen must be documented in the 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Examine'' becomes 
``inspect.'' ``Oil discharge'' becomes ``discharge,'' because the term 
``oil'' is redundant in the definition of ``discharge.''

Section 112.9(d)(3)--Proposed as Sec. 112.9(e)(3)--Flowline Maintenance

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements for 
flowline maintenance. We proposed a recommendation, rather than a 
requirement, that the program include certain specifics, because of 
differences in the circumstances of locations, staffing, and design for 
production facilities. We suggested that monthly examinations are 
appropriate for most facilities.
    Comments. Applicability. Two commenters asked for a small facility 
exemption for this recommendation.
    Frequency of inspections. Several commenters suggested that the 
recommendation refer to periodic instead of monthly examinations. 
Others suggested annual or quarterly inspections. One commenter said 
that monthly inspection of gathering lines buried in the colder parts 
of the Appalachian basin is impossible.
    Corrosion protection. Several commenters asserted that the 
provision for corrosion protection for the bare steel pipe used for 
gathering line systems in the Appalachians is impossible because the 
cost of coated lines and cathodic protection is prohibitive. None of 
the commenters provided their own cost estimates.
    Transfer operation. One commenter asked for clarification of the 
term ``oil production facility transfer operation.'' The commenter 
suggested that a definition of the term would improve compliance.
    Response to comments. Applicability. A program of flowline 
maintenance is necessary to prevent discharges both at large and small 
facilities. However, we have deleted the proposed recommendation 
regarding the specifics of the program from the rule. We took this 
action because we are not including recommendations in the rule in 
order not to confuse the public over what is mandatory and what is 
discretionary. This rule contains only mandatory requirements.
    Frequency of inspections. In the proposed recommendation we 
suggested that you conduct monthly inspections for a flowline 
maintenance program. We now recommend that you conduct inspections 
either according to industry standards or at a frequency sufficient to 
prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Under 
Sec. 112.3(d)(1)(iii), the Professional Engineer must certify that the 
Plan has been prepared in accordance with good engineering practice, 
including consideration of applicable industry standards.
    Corrosion protection, flowline replacement. While we have deleted 
the recommendation from rule text due to reasons explained above and 
therefore, the rule imposes no new costs, we recommend corrosion 
protection, we recommend corrosion protection, and flowline replacement 
when necessary, because those measures help to prevent discharges as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Transfer operation. A transfer operation is one in which oil is 
moved from or into some form of transportation, storage, equipment, or 
other device, into or from some other or similar form of 
transportation, such as a pipeline, truck, tank car, or other storage, 
equipment, or device.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spills'' becomes 
``discharges.'' The phrase ``from this source'' becomes ``from each 

Section 112.10--Introduction--Onshore Oil Drilling and Workover 

    Background. This paragraph is a new one, not proposed in 1991, but 
editorially added to allow us to rewrite the section in the active 
voice. Since the owner or operator is the person with responsibility to 
implement a Plan, the mandates of the rule are properly addressed to 
him, except as specifically noted.

Section 112.10(a)--General and Specific Requirements

    Background. This is a new paragraph that merely references the 

[[Page 47131]]

requirements which all facilities must meet as well as the specific 
requirements that facilities in this category must meet.
    Comments. One commenter asked for a definition of ``onshore 
drilling and workover facilities.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The new definition for 
``production facility'' in Sec. 112.2 includes the procedures, methods, 
and equipment referenced in this section, making a definition of 
``onshore drilling and workover facilities'' unnecessary. ``Spill 
prevention'' becomes ``discharge prevention.'' To ``address'' 
requirements becomes to ``meet'' requirements.

Section 112.10(b)--Mobile Facilities

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on the location 
of mobile facilities without substantive change.
    Comments. Editorial changes and clarifications. One commenter asked 
that the requirement be limited to discharges to navigable waters.
    Site location. One commenter opposed the requirement on the 
location of mobile facilities because the facility contractor has 
absolutely no control over the location of the rig unit. The commenter 
added that the contractor is instructed by the site owner/operator 
where to place the rig unit generally, and the sites are where oil and 
gas are expected to be located. The physical location of the well site 
is constructed by and maintained by the owner/operator of the lease. 
The contractor has no input as to site design nor responsibility for 
its maintenance.
    Response to comments. Site location. We agree with the commenter 
that the contractor is not normally responsible for site location, nor 
site design or maintenance. Such decisions are the responsibility of 
the facility owner or operator. The owner or operator of the facility 
has the responsibility to locate equipment so as to prevent discharges 
as described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The applicable limitation on 
discharges in the rule tracks the statute. The commenters requested 
that discharges be limited to discharges to ``navigable waters.'' 
However, the correct scope of discharge prevention is not merely 
navigable waters, but the entire range of protected resources described 
in Sec. 112.1(b). We therefore use the phrase ``a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b).''

Section 112.10(c)--Secondary Containment--Catchment Basins or Diversion 

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change the 
current requirements for secondary containment. We received no comments 
on the proposal. Therefore, we have promulgated it as proposed, with 
minor editorial changes.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with secondary containment at onshore oil drilling and 
workover facilities include: (1) API Recommended Practice 52, ``Land 
Drilling Practices for Protection of the Environment''; (2) NFPA 30, 
``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code''; and, (3) BOCA, ``National 
Fire Prevention Code.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spills'' becomes 
``discharges.'' The words ``depending on the location'' were deleted 
because they were confusing when compared with the text of 
Sec. 112.7(d). If a catchment basin or diversion structure or other 
form of secondary containment is not practicable from the standpoint of 
good engineering practice, under Sec. 112.7(d) you must provide a 
contingency plan following the provisions of 40 CFR part 109, and 
otherwise comply with Sec. 112.7(d).

Section 112.10(d)--Blowout Prevention (BOP)

    Background. In 1991, we proposed that blowout prevention (BOP) 
assembly would only be required ``when necessary.'' The rationale was 
that a BOP assembly is not necessary where pressure is not great enough 
to cause a blowout (gauge negative) and is not required in all cases. 
We noted that the necessity of BOP assembly hinges on the ``history of 
the pressures encountered when drilling on the oil reservoir.'' When 
that history is unknown, BOP assembly is required.
    Comments. Several commenters urged modification of the rule to 
exclude well service jobs that may not need BOP assembly, such as the 
installation of a rod pumping unit, or the batch treatment of a well 
with corrosion inhibitor.
    Response to comments. Service jobs. Where BOP assembly is not 
necessary, as for certain routine service jobs, such as the 
installation of a rod pumping unit, or the batch treatment of a well 
with corrosion inhibitor, you may deviate from the requirement under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2), and explain its absence in the Plan. When BOP 
assembly is unnecessary because pressures are not great enough to cause 
a blowout, it is likewise unnecessary to provide equivalent 
environmental protection.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with blowout prevention assembly include: (1) API Recommended 
Practice 16E, ``Design of Control Systems for Drilling Well Control 
Equipment''; (2) API Recommended Practice 53, ``Blowout Prevention 
Equipment Systems for Drilling Operations''; (3) API Specification 16A, 
``Drill Through Equipment''; and, (4) API Specification 16D, ``Control 
Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We deleted the phrase ``as 
necessary'' from the requirement, because it is confusing when compared 
to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). When BOP assembly is unnecessary and 
therefore no alternate measure is required, you may deviate from the 
requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance. We have deleted as surplus the last sentence of the 
rule requiring that casing and BOP installations must be in accordance 
with State regulatory requirements. Adherence to State regulatory 
requirements is mandatory under State law in any case. The phrase ``is 
expected to be encountered'' becomes ``may be encountered.''

Section 112.11--Introduction--Offshore Oil Drilling, Production, or 
Workover Facilities

    Background. We added an introduction as an editorial device to 
allow us to rewrite the section in the active voice. Because the owner 
or operator is the person with responsibility to implement a Plan, the 
mandates of the rule are properly addressed to him, except as 
specifically noted.

Section 112.11(a)--General and Specific Requirements--Offshore Oil 
Drilling, Production, or Workover Facilities

    Background. This is a new paragraph that merely references the 
general requirements which all facilities must meet as well as the 
specific requirements that facilities in this category must meet.
    Comments. State rules. One commenter thought Sec. 112.11 should be 
deleted because current State rules provide adequate spill protection 
in inland water areas such as lakes, rivers, and wetlands.
    Response to comments. State rules. We disagree with the commenter 
that these rules are unnecessary because not every State has rules to 
protect offshore drilling, production, and workover facilities. While 
some States may have rules, some State rules may not be as stringent as 
the Federal rules. In any case, Congress has intended us to establish a 
nationwide Federal program to protect the environment from the

[[Page 47132]]

dangers of discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b) posed by this class 
of facilities. Therefore, we have retained the section, as modified. We 
note, however, that if you have a State SPCC plan or other regulatory 
document acceptable to the Regional Administrator that meets all 
Federal SPCC requirements, you may use it as an SPCC Plan if you cross 
reference the State or other requirements to the Federal requirement. 
If it meets only some, but not all Federal SPCC requirements, you must 
supplement it so that it meets all of the SPCC requirements.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Spill prevention'' becomes 
``discharge prevention.'' The obligation to ``address'' requirements 
and procedures becomes the obligation to ``meet'' them.

Proposed Section 112.11(b)--Definition Reference; MMS Jurisdiction

    Background. The proposed 1991 section referenced the definition of 
``offshore oil drilling, production, and workover facility,'' which is 
now encompassed within the definition of ``production facility'' in 
Sec. 112.2. A new sentence would have referenced the exemption of 
facilities subject to Minerals Management Service (MMS) Operating 
Orders, notices, and regulations from the SPCC rule. MMS jurisdiction 
is outlined in Appendix B to part 112.
    Comments. One commenter suggested that we delete the reference to 
the proposed definition and to the applicability section.
    Response to comments. We agree. Since none of the proposed language 
is mandatory, we have deleted it because we have included only mandates 
in this rule so as not to confuse the regulated public over what is 
required and what is discretionary.

Section 112.11(b)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(c)--Facility Drainage

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current section on facility 
drainage with the modification to require removal of collected material 
at least once a year. The rationale was to prevent a buildup of 
accumulated oils. We noted that a protracted removal period could lead 
to an accidental excess buildup and resultant overflow.
    Comments. Two commenters recommended deletion of the proposed 
requirement to remove collected oil as often as necessary, but at least 
once a year, because the current requirement is sufficient.
    Response to comments. Removal of collected oil. EPA agrees with the 
commenter's suggestion that the current rule is sufficient to prevent 
discharges as described in Sec. 112.1(b), and therefore we have deleted 
the ``at least once a year'' standard. You must remove collected oil as 
often as is necessary to prevent such discharges.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Discharging oil as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b)(1)'' becomes ``having a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b).'' In the second sentence, we deleted the 
phrase ``or equivalent collection system sufficient,'' because it is 
confusing when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may 
deviate from a requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your 
reasons for nonconformance, and provide equivalent environmental 

Section 112.11(c)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(d)--Sump Systems

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to clarify language in current 
rule that a regularly scheduled maintenance program is a monthly 
preventive maintenance program.
    Comments. Frequency of inspections. One commenter recommended that 
a semi-annual inspection and testing program of the liquid removal 
system, instead of monthly inspection and testing would be preferable.
    Response to comments. Frequency of inspections. We have retained 
the current rule language requiring a ``regularly scheduled'' 
preventive maintenance program because we believe that the frequency of 
maintenance should be in accordance with industry standards or 
frequently enough to prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). 
Whatever schedule is chosen must be documented in the Plan.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We deleted the phrase ``or 
equivalent method'' from the first sentence because it is confusing 
when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may deviate from a 
requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your reasons for 
nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental protection.

Section 112.11(d)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(e)--Discharge Prevention 
Systems for Separators and Treaters

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change the 
current rule on discharge prevention systems for separators and 
treaters. We received no comments.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Escape'' of oil becomes 
``discharge'' of oil. ``Oil discharges'' becomes ``discharge of oil.'' 
We deleted the phrase from the last sentence which allows ``using other 
feasible alternatives to prevent oil discharges,'' because it is 
confusing when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may 
deviate from a requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your 
reasons for nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental 

Section 112.11(e)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(f)--Atmospheric Storage or 
Surge Containers; Alarms

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change the 
current paragraph on alarm systems for atmospheric storage or surge 
containers. We received no comments. Therefore, we have promulgated the 
rule as proposed, with only minor editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Oil discharges'' becomes 
``discharges.'' We added the words ``that activate an alarm or control 
the flow'' to clarify that these activities, along with ``otherwise'' 
controlling discharges, are the purpose of the sensing devices we 
reference in the paragraph. The phrase ``to activate'' becomes ``that 
activate,'' and we add the word ``otherwise'' before ``prevent 
discharges.'' We deleted the phrase ``or other acceptable 
alternatives,'' because it is confusing when compared to the text of 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may deviate from a requirement under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your reasons for nonconformance and 
provide equivalent environmental protection.

Section 112.11(f)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(g)--Pressure Containers; 
Alarm Systems

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule concerning 
pressure tanks without substantive change. We received no comments. 
Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as proposed, with minor 
editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Tanks'' becomes 
``containers.'' ``Oil discharges'' becomes ``discharges.'' We deleted 
the phrase ``or with other acceptable alternatives to prevent 
discharges,'' because it is confusing when compared to the text of 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may deviate from a requirement under 
Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your reasons for nonconformance and 
provide equivalent environmental protection.

Section 112.11(g)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(h)--Corrosion Protection

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current paragraph requiring 
corrosion protection for containers at facilities subject to this 
section. We added a recommendation that you follow National Association 

[[Page 47133]]

Corrosion Engineers standards for corrosion protection.
    Comments. Industry standards. One commenter suggested that we 
remove the last sentence, which is advisory, and addresses industry 
standards of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, or make 
it a requirement (at least for new construction). Another commenter 
suggested that the rule be modified to incorporate other industry 
recommended practices relative to corrosion control, such as those of 
STI and API. The commenter specifically recommended STI Recommended 
Practice R892-89, ``Recommended Practice for Corrosion Protection of 
Underground Steel Piping Associated with Underground Storage and 
Dispensing Systems,'' and STI Recommended Practice 893-89, 
``Recommended Practice for External Corrosion of Shop Fabricated 
Aboveground Steel Storage Tank Floors.''
    Response to comments. Industry standards. In response to the 
comment, we have deleted the recommendation because we do not wish to 
confuse the regulated community over what is mandatory and what is 
discretionary. These rules contain only mandatory requirements. We 
expect that facilities will follow industry standards for corrosion 
protection as well as other matters (see Sec. 112.3(d)(iii)), but 
decline to prescribe particular standards in the rule text because 
those standards are subject to change, and we will not incorporate a 
potentially obsolescent standard into the rules.
    Industry standards. Industry standards suggested by a commenter 
that may assist an owner or operator with corrosion include: (1) 
National Association of Corrosion Engineer standards; (2) STI 
Recommended Practice R892, ``Recommended Practice for Corrosion 
Protection of Underground Steel Piping Associated with Underground 
Storage and Dispensing Systems,'' and, (3) STI Recommended Practice 
893, ``Recommended Practice for External Corrosion of Shop Fabricated 
Aboveground Steel Storage Tank Floors.''
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Tanks'' becomes 

Section 112.11(h)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(i)--Pollution Prevention 
System Procedures

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed without substantive change the 
current requirements concerning written procedures for inspecting and 
testing pollution prevention equipment and systems. We received no 
substantive comments. Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as 
proposed with minor editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``As part of the SPCC Plan'' 
becomes ``within the Plan.''

Section 112.11(i)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(j)--Pollution Prevention 
Systems; Testing and Inspection

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule on testing and 
inspection of pollution prevention systems. Additionally, we proposed 
that simulated spill testing must be the preferred method to test and 
inspect oil spill prevention equipment and systems. We also proposed 
that pollution prevention systems must be tested at least monthly. The 
current standard calls for testing and inspection ``on a scheduled 
periodic basis.''
    Comments. Some commenters suggested that simulation testing on a 
monthly basis is excessive. Commenters suggested instead testing on a 
semi-annual or annual basis.
    Response to comments. Frequency of testing. We have retained the 
current requirement for testing on a ``scheduled periodic basis'' 
commensurate with conditions at the facility because we believe that 
testing should follow industry standards or be conducted at a frequency 
sufficient enough to prevent a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b) 
rather than any prescribed time frame. Whatever frequency is chosen 
must be documented in the Plan.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In the first sentence, ``or 
other appropriate regulations'' becomes ``and any other appropriate 
regulations.'' In the second sentence, ``spill testing'' becomes 
``simulated discharges for testing.'' We have deleted from the last 
sentence the phrase ``unless the owner or operator demonstrates that 
another method provides equivalent alternative protection'' because it 
is confusing when compared to the text of Sec. 112.7(a)(2). You may 
deviate from a requirement under Sec. 112.7(a)(2) if you explain your 
reasons for nonconformance and provide equivalent environmental 

Section 112.11(j)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(k)--Surface and Subsurface 
Well Shut-in Valves and Devices

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current section concerning 
surface and subsurface well shut-in valves and devices. We proposed an 
additional requirement that records for each well must be kept for five 
years. We received no substantive comments. Therefore, we have 
promulgated the rule as proposed, with minor editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. In today's rule, we kept the 
recordkeeping requirement, but deleted language requiring maintenance 
of those records for five years. The effect of the deletion is that 
records become subject to the general three-year recordkeeping 
requirement. See Sec. 112.7(e). You may keep the records as part of the 
Plan or may keep them with the Plan.

Section 112.11(k)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(l)--Blowout Prevention

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current rule concerning 
blowout prevention without substantive change.
    Comments. One commenter suggested that there are occasions when 
blowout prevention is not warranted or impractical to implement and 
that there should be an exception for drilling below conductor casing.
    Response to comments. Alternatives. The question of whether blowout 
prevention is warranted or impractical or not for drilling below 
conductor casing is one of good engineering practice. Acceptable 
alternatives may be permissible under the rule permitting deviations 
(Sec. 112.7(a)(2)) when the owner or operator states the reasons for 
nonconformance and provides equivalent environmental protection.
    Industry standards. Industry standards that may assist an owner or 
operator with offshore blowout prevention assembly and well control 
systems include: (1) API Recommended Practice 16E, ``Design of Control 
Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment''; (2) API Recommended 
Practice 53, ``Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling 
Operations''; (3) API Specification 16A, ``Drill Through Equipment''; 
(4) API Specification 16C, ``Choke and Kill Systems''; and, (5) API 
Specification 16D, ``Control Systems for Drilling Well Control 
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``BOP preventor assembly'' 
becomes ``BOP assembly.'' We deleted the last sentence of the paragraph 
referring to adherence to State rules because we are not incorporating 
State rules into the SPCC rule and adherence to State rules is required 
under State law whether we state it or not. The phrase ``expected to be 
encountered'' becomes ``may be encountered.''

Proposed Sec. 112.11(m)--Extraordinary Well Control Measures

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to change the current requirements 
on extraordinary well control measures for emergency conditions to 
recommendations. The rationale was

[[Page 47134]]

that we would review these measures in the context of response 
    Comments. One commenter suggested that the paragraph should be 
deleted because it is advisory, or made a requirement.
    Response to comments. In response to comment, we have deleted the 
text of the recommendations from the rules because we do not wish to 
confuse the regulated community over what is mandatory and what is 
discretionary. However, we endorse its substance. This rule contains 
only mandatory requirements.

Section 112.11(l)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(n)--Manifolds

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements 
concerning manifolds without substantive change. We received no 
comments on the proposal. Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as 

Section 112.11(m)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(o)--Flowlines, Pressure 
Sensing Devices

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements 
concerning pressure sensing devices and shut-in valves for flowlines 
without substantive change. We received no comments on the proposal. 
Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as proposed.

Section 112.11(n)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(p)--Piping; Corrosion 

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements 
concerning corrosion protection for piping appurtenant to the facility 
without substantive change. We also proposed to change into a 
recommendation the current requirement that the method used, such as 
protective coatings or cathodic protection, be discussed.
    Comments. One commenter suggested that we remove the second 
sentence, which is advisory.
    Response to comments. In response to comment, we have deleted the 
recommendation to discuss the method of corrosion protection, because 
it is surplus. In your SPCC Plan, you must discuss the method of 
corrosion protection you use. See 112.7(a)(1).

Section 112.11(o)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(q)--Sub-Marine Piping; 
Environmental Stresses

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements 
concerning environmental stress against sub-marine piping appurtenant 
to facilities without substantive change. We received no comments. 
Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as proposed, with minor 
editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We have rewritten the rule in 
the active voice. We also deleted the proposed recommendation because 
this rule contains only mandatory items, and because the recommendation 
is redundant. Whatever manner of protection is chosen to protect sub-
marine piping must be discussed in the Plan.

Section 112.11(p)--Proposed as Sec. 112.11(r)--Inspections of Sub-
Marine Piping

    Background. In 1991, we reproposed the current requirements 
concerning the inspection of sub-marine piping appurtenant to 
facilities without substantive change. We received no comments. 
Therefore, we have promulgated the rule as proposed, with minor 
editorial changes.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. The proposal to require 
maintenance of records for five years was deleted because under 
Sec. 112.7(e) of today's rule, all records must be kept for three 
years. We clarify that you must inspect or test the piping. Because 
visual inspection of sub-marine piping may not always be possible, we 
allow testing as an alternative. We encourage inspection or testing 
pursuant to industry standards or at a frequency sufficient to prevent 
a discharge as described in Sec. 112.1(b). Whatever inspection schedule 
you select must be documented in the Plan.

Proposed Sec. 112.11(s)--Written Instructions for Contractors

    Background. In 1991, we proposed to change into a recommendation 
the current requirement that you prepare written instructions for 
contractors and subcontractors whenever contract activities involve 
servicing a well, or systems appurtenant to a well or pressure vessel. 
The current rule requires that you keep the instructions at the 
facility. We note in the proposed rule that under certain 
circumstances, you may require the presence of your representative at 
the facility to intervene when necessary to prevent a discharge as 
described in Sec. 112.1(b).
    Comments. One commenter wrote that the proposal creates two serious 
problems. First, that since the contractor is hired to perform special 
services, he is able to do his work more safely if he is allowed to 
direct his own activities. Second, operators might expose themselves to 
various types of liability by virtue of the degree of control exercised 
over contractors. A second commenter suggested editorial revisions to 
the recommendation, and subsequent sentences.
    Response to comments. We have decided to delete the proposed 
recommendation because we do not wish to confuse the regulated 
community over what is mandatory and what is discretionary. This rule 
contains only mandatory requirements.

Subparts C and D

    Background. In 1995, Congress enacted the Edible Oil Regulatory 
Reform Act (EORRA), 33 U.S.C. 2720. That statute mandates that most 
Federal agencies differentiate between and establish separate classes 
for various types of oils, specifically: animal fats and oils and 
greases, fish and marine mammal oils; oils of vegetable origin; and, 
other oils and greases, including petroleum and other non-petroleum 
oils. In differentiating between these classes of oils, Federal 
agencies are directed to consider differences in the physical, 
chemical, biological, and other properties, and in the environmental 
effects, of the classes.
    In 1991, EPA proposed to reorganize the SPCC rule based on facility 
type. The rationale for that reorganization is to clarify SPCC Plan 
requirements for different types of facilities. While we have 
reorganized the rule to provide requirements for different types of 
facilities, we also provide requirements for different types of oil in 
this rulemaking. To make this change, we have divided the rule into 
subparts. Subpart A consists of an applicability section, definitions, 
and general requirements for all facilities. Subparts B and C outline 
the requirements for different types of oils. Subpart B is for 
petroleum oils and non-petroleum oils, except for animal fats and 
vegetable oils. Subpart C is for animal fats and oils and greases, and 
fish and marine mammal oils; and for vegetable oils, including oils 
from seeds, nuts, fruits, and kernels. Subpart D is for response. 
Subparts B and C are divided into sections to reflect the differing 
types of facilities for each type of oil. Subpart D is for response 
    Therefore, as noted above, we have divided the requirements of the 
rule by subparts for the various classes of oils listed in EORRA. 
Because at the present time EPA has not proposed differentiated 
requirements for public notice and comment, the requirements for 
facilities storing or using all classes of oil will remain the same. 
However, we have published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking 
seeking comments on how we might differentiate requirements for 
facilities storing or using the various classes of oil. 64 FR

[[Page 47135]]

17227, April 8, 1999. After considering these comments, if there is 
adequate justification for differentiation, we will propose a rule.

Proposed Sec. 112.20(f)(4)--Capacity of Facilities Storing Process 
Water/Wastewater for Response Plan Purposes

    Background. In 1997, we proposed to add a new paragraph to 
Sec. 112.20(f) to provide a method for facility response plan purposes 
to calculate the oil storage capacity of storage containers storing a 
mixture of process water/wastewater with 10% or less of oil. This 
proposal for certain systems that treat process water/wastewater would 
be applicable at certain facilities required to prepare a facility 
response plan. It would have no effect on facilities required to 
prepare response plans because they transfer oil over water and have a 
total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 42,000 gallons. 
Likewise, the proposal would have no effect on the method of 
calculating capacity for purposes of SPCC Plans. Under the proposal, we 
would not count the entire capacity of process water/wastewater 
containers with 10% or less of oil in the capacity calculation to 
determine whether a facility must prepare a facility response plan. We 
only would count the oil portion of that process water/wastewater 
contained in Sec. 112.20(f)(2), and therefore response planning is not 
    Today, we are withdrawing the proposal because it is no longer 
necessary. It is unnecessary because we have exempted from part 112 any 
facility or part thereof (except at oil production, oil recovery, and 
oil recycling facilities) used exclusively for wastewater treatment and 
not to satisfy any requirement of part 112. See the discussion under 
Sec. 112.1(d)(6). The exemption in Sec. 112.1(d)(6) applies to the 
types of facilities treating wastewater that would have been allowed to 
calculate a reduced storage capacity if the percentage of oil in the 
mixture were 10 percent or less.

Section 112.20(h)--Facility Response Plan Format

    Background. In 1997, we proposed to amend the requirements for 
formatting of a facility response plan to clarify that an Integrated 
Contingency Plan (ICP) or other plan format acceptable to the Regional 
Administrator is allowable to serve as a facility response plan if it 
meets all facility response plan requirements. Our intent was to track 
language in the SPCC rule allowing the Regional Administrator similar 
authority to accept differing formats for SPCC Plans. However, the 
Regional Administrator already has the authority to accept differing 
formats for response plans, and the existing facility response plan 
requirements already provide for cross-referencing. See Sec. 112.20(h). 
Therefore, new rule language was unnecessary, and the proposal tracked 
current language. Today, we have made only a minor editorial change in 
rule language.
    Comments. Acceptable formats. Most commenters favored the proposal. 
One commenter suggested that the rule should specifically mention the 
ICP. Another requested that State FRP equivalents be accepted. Several 
commenters criticized the proposal; one calling the ICP concept ``over-
rated.'' One commenter thought that the rule makes the ICP mandatory. 
Another commenter noted that the proposed rule is identical to the 
current rule.
    Partially acceptable formats. One commenter asked if an operator 
would have to integrate all parts of an ICP with a response plan or if 
he would have the option to integrate parts of the ICP with the SPCC 
    PE certification. One commenter asked how an ICP would work, i.e., 
whether the PE would be certifying the SPCC portion, the FRP portion, 
or both.
    Response to comments. Acceptable formats. It is not necessary for 
the rule to mention the ICP or any other format specifically because 
the rule already allows the Regional Administrator flexibility to 
accept any format that meets all Federal requirements. See 
Sec. 112.20(h). You may use the ICP, a State response plan, or other 
format acceptable to the Regional Administrator, at your option. We do 
not require use of any alternative format, but merely give you the 
option to do so.
    The commenter is correct that the proposed rule is identical to the 
current rule. The current rule allows the submission of an ``equivalent 
response plan that has been prepared to meet State or other Federal 
    Partially acceptable formats. You have the option to integrate any 
or all parts of an ICP with your response plan. This gives you 
flexibility in formatting. Similar to SPCC Plans, the Regional 
Administrator may accept partial use of alternative formats.
    PE certification. PE certification is only required for the SPCC 
portion of any ICP.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. We added the words 
``acceptable to the Regional Administrator'' in the first sentence 
after the words ``response plan.''

Appendix C--Substantial Harm Criteria

    Background. In 1997, we proposed changes to Appendix C which would 
track proposed amendments to Sec. 112.20(f)(4) regarding calculating 
the oil storage capacity of aboveground storage containers storing a 
mixture of process water/wastewater within 10% or less of oil. Because 
we have withdrawn the proposed changes to Sec. 112.20(f)(4), the 
proposed changes to Appendix C are also unnecessary. Therefore, we have 
withdrawn the proposed changes to Appendix C, and it remains unchanged.

Appendix C--Section 2.1--Non-Transportation-Related Facilities With a 
Total Oil Storage Capacity Greater Than or Equal to 42,000 Gallons 
Where Operations Include Over-Water Transfer of Oil

    Background. We have corrected the text of the first sentence in the 
section to correspond with the title, so that it reads ``A non-
transportation-related facility with a total oil storage capacity 
greater than or equal to 42,000 gallons that transfers oil over water 
to or from vessels must submit a response plan to EPA. We added the 
words ``or equal to'' to track rule language found at 
Sec. 112.20(f)(1)(i).

Appendix C--Section 2.4--Proximity to Public Drinking Water Intakes at 
Facilities With a Total Oil Storage Capacity Greater Than or Equal to 1 
Million Gallons

    Background. We have revised the title of this section by reversing 
the order of the words ``Storage'' and ``Oil'' in the heading. We have 
also added the word ``oil'' to the first sentence so that it reads, ``A 
facility with a total oil storage capacity greater than * * *.''

Appendix D--Part A--Section A.2 (Footnote 2)

    Background. We have revised footnote 2 to section A.2 of Part A, 
Appendix D, to reflect the new citation to the SPCC rule's secondary 
containment requirements.

Appendix F--Section 1.2.7--NAICS Codes

    Background. We have revised section 1.2.7 to delete the reference 
to Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes, and replace it with a 
reference to North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
codes. The NAICS was adopted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico 
on January 1, 1997 to replace the SIC codes.

[[Page 47136]]

Appendix F--Section 1.4.3  Analysis of the Potential for an Oil 

    Background. We have revised the second and last sentences of this 
section by replacing the word ``spill'' with ``discharge.''

Appendix F--Section 1.7.3 (7)--Containment and Drainage Planning

    Background. We have revised paragraph (7) of section 1.7.3 of 
Appendix F to use the new citation to the SPCC rule's inspection and 
monitoring requirements for drainage.

Appendix F--Section 1.8.1  Facility Self-Inspection

    Background. We have revised section 1.8.1 of Appendix F to use the 
new citation to the SPCC rule's recordkeeping requirements. The 
revision also reflects the three-year record maintenance periods for 
SPCC records and keeps the current five-year period for FRP records.
    Editorial changes and clarifications. ``Tanks'' becomes ``each 

Appendix F--Section Inspection

    Background. We have revised section of Appendix F to use 
the new citation to the SPCC rule's tank inspection requirements.

Appendix F--Section  Secondary Containment Inspection

    Background. We have revised section of Appendix F to use 
the new citation to the SPCC rule's secondary containment inspection 

Appendix F--Section 1.10  Security

    Background. We have revised section 1.10 of Appendix F to use the 
new citation to the SPCC rule's security requirements.

Appendix F--Section 2.1(6)  General Information

    Background. We have revised paragraph 2.1(6) to refer to NAICS 
codes in place of SIC codes.

Appendix F--Section 3.0  Acronyms

    Background. We have deleted the acronym for SIC and substituted the 
acronym for NAICS.

Appendix F-Attachment F-1  Response Plan Cover Sheet

    Background. We have deleted the reference to SIC and substituted a 
reference to NAICS.

VI. Summary of Supporting Analyses

A. Executive Order 12866--OMB Review

    Under Executive Order 12866, (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the 
Agency must determine whether a regulatory action is ``significant'' 
and therefore subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review 
and the requirements of the Executive Order. The order defines 
``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
rule that may:
    (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
    (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
action taken or planned by another agency;
    (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
thereof; or
    (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
the Executive Order.
    Under the terms of Executive Order 12866, it has been determined 
that this rule is a ``significant regulatory action'' because it raises 
novel legal or policy issues. Such issues include proposed measures 
which would relieve facilities of regulatory mandates and could change 
the manner in which facilities comply with remaining mandates. 
Therefore, this action was submitted to OMB for review. Changes made in 
response to OMB suggestions or recommendations will be documented in 
the public record.
    The reduction in size of the regulated community due to final rule 
revisions will lead to a capital cost savings of approximately $29.47 
million per year. During the first year, regulated facilities will 
experience an increase in total paperwork cost burden of $21.93 million 
due primarily to the need to read the rule. In addition, certain 
facilities will recalculate their storage capacity to exclude 
applicable wastewater treatment systems and, therefore, must amend and 
certify their plans if the storage capacity threshold is still met. In 
certain cases, however, the wastewater treatment system provision in 
section 112.1(b)(6) will result in a facility no longer being subject 
to the any Part 112 requirements. However, during the second year, 
total paperwork cost burden will decrease by about $60.21 million and 
beginning in the third year following the rulemaking, the total 
paperwork cost burden to all regulated facilities will decrease by 
about $45.03 million. The result is an aggregate cost savings of about 
$7.56 million during the first year, $89.69 million during the second 
year, and $74.51 million during subsequent years.

B. Executive Order 12898--Environmental Justice

    Executive Order 12898 requires that each Federal agency make 
achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and 
addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human 
health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and 
activities on minorities and low-income populations. EPA has determined 
that the regulatory changes in this rule will not have a 
disproportionate impact on minorities and low-income populations.

C. Executive Order 13045--Children's Health

    Executive Order 13045, ``Protection of Children from Environmental 
Health Risks and Safety Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), applies 
to any rule that: (1) is determined to be ``economically significant'' 
as defined under Executive Order 12866; and, (2) concerns an 
environmental health or safety risk that EPA has reason to believe may 
have a disproportionate effect on children. If the regulatory action 
meets both criteria, the Agency must evaluate the environmental health 
or safety effects of the planned rule on children, and explain why the 
planned regulation is preferable to other potentially effective and 
reasonably feasible alternatives considered by the Agency. EPA 
interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those regulatory 
actions that are based on health or safety risks, such that the 
analysis required under Section 5-501 of the Order has the potential to 
influence the regulation. This final rule is not subject to Executive 
Order 13045 because it is not economically significant as defined in 
Executive Order 12866, and because the Agency does not have reason to 
believe the environmental health or safety risks addressed by this 
action present a disproportionate risk to children. The Agency has no 
data that indicate that the types of risks resulting from oil 
discharges have a disproportionate effect on children, and does not 
have reason to believe that they do so.

D. Executive Order 13175--Consultation and Coordination with Indian 
Tribal Governments

    On November 6, 2000, the President issued Executive Order 13175 
(65 FR 67249) entitled, ``Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal 
Governments.'' Executive Order 13175 took effect on January 6, 2001, 
and revokes Executive Order 13084 (Tribal

[[Page 47137]]

Consultation) as of that date. EPA developed this final rule, however, 
under the period when EO 13084 was in effect; thus, EPA addressed 
tribal considerations under EO 13084.
    Today's rule does not significantly or uniquely affect communities 
of Indian tribal governments. Overall, the rule significantly reduces 
the regulatory burden, and the few burden increases in the rule do not 
uniquely affect Indian tribal governments.
    Nevertheless, we consulted with a representative organization of 
tribal groups, the Tribal Association on Solid Waste and Emergency 
Response. That organization did not provide us with any comments.

E. Executive Order 13132--Federalism

    Executive Order 13132, entitled ``Federalism'' (64 FR 43255, August 
10, 1999), requires EPA to develop an accountable process to ensure 
``meaningful and timely input by State and local officials in the 
development of regulatory policies that have federalism implications.'' 
``Policies that have federalism implications'' is defined in the 
Executive Order to include regulations that have ``substantial direct 
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.''
    This final rule does not have federalism implications. It will not 
have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship 
between the national government and the States, or on the distribution 
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, 
as specified in Executive Order 13132. Under CWA section 311(o), EPA 
believes that States are free to impose additional requirements, 
including more stringent requirements, relating to the prevention of 
oil discharges to navigable waters. In proposing modifications to the 
SPCC rule, EPA encouraged States to supplement the federal SPCC program 
and recognized that some States have more stringent requirements. 56 FR 
54612 (Oct. 22, 1991). This rule does not preempt state law or 
regulations. Thus, Executive Order 13132 does not apply to this rule.

F. Executive Order 13211--Energy Effects

    This rule is not a ``significant energy action'' as defined in 
Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' 
(66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not likely to have a significant 
adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. The 
overall effect of the rule is to decrease the regulatory burden on 
facility owners or operators subject to its provisions.

G. Regulatory Flexibility Act (R.F.A.) as amended by the Small Business 
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), 5 U.S.C. 601 et 

    The R.F.A. generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory 
flexibility analysis of any rule subject to notice and comment 
rulemaking requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any 
other statute unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
Small entities include small businesses, small organizations, and small 
governmental jurisdictions.
    For purposes of assessing the impacts of today's rule on small 
entities, small entity is defined as: (1) A small business as defined 
in the Small Business Administration's (SBA) regulations at 13 CFR 
121.201--the SBA defines small businesses by category of business using 
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, and in the 
case of farms and production facilities, which constitute a large 
percentage of the facilities affected by this rule, generally defines 
small businesses as having less than $500,000 in revenues or 500 
employees, respectively; (2) a small governmental jurisdiction that is 
a government of a city, county, town, school district or special 
district with a population of less than 50,000; and (3) a small 
organization that is any not-for-profit enterprise which is 
independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field.
    In determining whether a rule has a significant economic impact on 
a substantial number of small entities, the impact of concern is any 
significant adverse economic impact on small entities, since the 
primary purpose of the regulatory flexibility analyses is to identify 
and address regulatory alternatives ``which minimize any significant 
economic impact of the proposed rule on small entities.'' 5 U.S.C. 603 
and 604. Thus, an agency may certify that a rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
if the rule relieves regulatory burden, or otherwise has a positive 
economic effect on all of the small entities subject to the rule. This 
rule will significantly reduce regulatory burden on all facilities, 
particularly small facilities. For example, the rule exempts 
approximately 55,000 facilities from its scope. Approximately 41,300 of 
those facilities are small facilities, and of those, nearly 27,700 are 
small farms. This rulemaking will increase information collection 
burden for most facilities in the first year by approximately 0.75 
million hours due principally to the estimated burden each facility 
will incur to read and understand the changes that we are making to the 
rule. However, the rule will also reduce the overall annual information 
collection burden by nearly 1.59 million hours a year in the second 
year and over 1.18 million hours a year in the third year of the 
information collection request, much of that for the small facilities 
that make up the large majority of our regulated universe. Further, the 
rule will reduce costs for both existing and new facilities.
    Information collection and other provisions in the final rule that 
affect capital costs are expected to yield cost savings of about $7.56 
million during the first year, $89.69 million during the second year 
and $74.51 million during subsequent years. The rule also gives all 
facilities greater flexibility in recordkeeping and other paperwork 
requirements. Finally, Sec. 112.7(a)(2) of the rule gives small 
businesses and all other facilities the flexibility to use alternative 
methods to comply with the requirements of the rule if the facility 
explains its rationale for nonconformance and provides equivalent 
environmental protection. We have therefore concluded that today's 
final rule will relieve regulatory burden for all small entities.
    After considering the economic impacts of today's final rule on 
small entities, I certify that this action will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Pub. 
L. 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of UMRA, EPA 
generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal mandates'' that 
may result in expenditures to State, local, and tribal governments, in 
the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
one year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement 
is needed, section 205 of UMRA generally requires EPA to identify and 
consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt the 
least costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative

[[Page 47138]]

that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
costly, most-effective or least burdensome alternative if the 
Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
alternative was not adopted.
    Before EPA establishes any regulatory requirements that may 
significantly or uniquely affect small governments, including tribal 
governments, it must have developed under section 203 of UMRA a small 
government agency plan. The plan must provide for notifying potentially 
affected small governments, enabling officials of affected small 
governments to have meaningful and timely input in the development of 
EPA regulatory proposals with significant Federal intergovernmental 
mandates, and informing, educating, and advising small governments on 
compliance with the regulatory requirements.
    EPA has determined that this rule does not contain a Federal 
mandate that may result in expenditures of $100 million or more for 
State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or the private 
sector in any one year. Overall, the rule reduces burden and costs on 
all facilities. After the first and second year, the rule is expected 
to reduce the information collection burden by over 1.3 million hours 
    Approximately 55,000 facilities will no longer be subject to the 
SPCC rule. Of these facilities, EPA estimates that approximately 3,500 
existing facilities will no longer be required to maintain SPCC plans, 
due to the exemption for certain wastewater treatment systems. Other 
revisions are expected to exempt approximately 51,400 additional 
facilities 39,623 small facilities (including 27,700 small farms). The 
exemption for completely buried containers will result in approximately 
14,000 facilities no longer subject to the rule, and 37,000 more 
facilities with some partial information collection reduction. Further, 
EPA estimates Information collection and capital costs are expected to 
decrease by over $74.25 million a year in the third year of the SPCC 
information collection request. In addition to these SPCC-related 
impacts, this rulemaking is estimated to result in cost savings for as 
many as 35 facilities that are expected to no longer require facility 
response plans due to the wastewater treatment system exemption. The 
result of the changes to the scope of the FRP information collection 
requirements is a cost savings of approximately $0.23 million per year. 
The rule also gives all facilities greater flexibility in recordkeeping 
and other paperwork requirements. Finally, Sec. 112.7(a)(2) of the rule 
gives small businesses and all other facilities the flexibility to use 
alternate methods to comply with the requirements of the rule if the 
facility explains its rationale for nonconformance and describes its 
method of equivalent environmental protection. Thus, today's rule is 
not subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of the UMRA.
    In developing this rule, EPA nevertheless consulted with 
representative organizations of State, local, and tribal governments. 
The representative organizations were the Environmental Council of the 
States, the National Association of Counties, and the Tribal 
Association on Solid Waste and Emergency Response. None of those 
organizations provided us with any comments. However, numerous States 
and local governments did comment on the rule proposals in all three 
proposed rulemakings. Those commenters submitted a wide variety of 
comments. EPA responses to those comments may be found in this document 
and in the Comment Response Documents.
    EPA has determined that this rule contains no regulatory 
requirements that might significantly or uniquely affect small 
governments. As explained above, the overall effect of the rule will be 
to reduce burden and costs for regulated facilities, including small 
governments that are subject to the rule.

I. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the 
information collection requirements contained in this rule under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and 
has assigned OMB control number 2050-0021.
    EPA does not collect the information required by SPCC regulation on 
a routine basis. SPCC Plans ordinarily need not be submitted to EPA, 
but must generally be maintained at the facility. Preparation, 
implementation, and maintenance of an SPCC Plan by the facility helps 
prevent oil discharges, and mitigates the environmental damage caused 
by such discharges. Therefore, the primary user of the data is the 
facility. While EPA may, from time to time, request information under 
these regulations, such requests are not routine.
    Although the facility is the primary data user, EPA also uses the 
data in certain situations. EPA primarily uses SPCC Plan data to ensure 
that facilities comply with the regulation. This includes design and 
operation specifications, and inspection requirements. EPA reviews SPCC 
Plans: (1) when it requests a facility to submit a Plan after certain 
oil discharges or to evaluate an extension request; and, (2) as part of 
EPA's inspection program. Note that the final rule eliminates the 
previous requirement to submit the entire Plan after certain 
discharges, and merely retains the requirement that it be maintained at 
the facility unless EPA requests a copy. State and local governments 
also use the data, which are not necessarily available elsewhere and 
can greatly assist local emergency preparedness efforts. Preparation of 
the information for affected facilities is required under section 
311(j)(1) of the Act as implemented by 40 CFR part 112.
    In the absence of this final rulemaking, EPA estimates that 469,274 
facilities would have been subject to the rule in the first year and 
would have already prepared SPCC Plans. In addition, EPA estimates that 
approximately 4,700 new facilities would have become subject to the 
requirements of the rule annually. EPA also estimates that, in the 
absence of this rulemaking, the average annual public reporting and 
recordkeeping burden for this collection of information for existing 
and newly regulated facilities would have ranged between 4.9 to 13.8 
hours and 39.4 to 100.4 hours, respectively, depending on facility 
characteristics (e.g., storage capacity).
    Through this rulemaking, we expect to reduce both the number of 
regulated facilities, as well as the average annual burden for 
facilities that remain regulated. The number of regulated facilities 
will be reduced by approximately 55,000. The average annual public 
reporting for facilities already regulated by the Oil Pollution 
Prevention regulation is estimated to range between 8.6 and 12.2 hours, 
while the burden for newly regulated facilities is estimated to range 
between 35.1 and 65.2 hours as a result of this rulemaking. These 
average annual burden estimates take into account the varied 
frequencies of response for individual facilities according to 
characteristics specific to those facilities, including the frequency 
of oil discharges and facility modification, but exclude the 
anticipated burden facilities may incur in the first year to read and 
understand the changes we are making to the rule.
    Under the final rule, an estimated 419,033 existing and newly 
regulated facilities will be subject to the SPCC information collection 
requirements of this rule during the first year of the information 
collection period. The net annualized capital and start-up costs for

[[Page 47139]]

the SPCC information collection portion of the rule average $740,000 
and net annualized labor and operation and maintenance costs are 
estimated to be $93.00 million for all of these facilities combined.
    The information collection burden of the SPCC rule prior to this 
rulemaking averaged 2,828,150 hours per year. Under this final rule, 
the annual average burden over the next three-year ICR period is 
estimated to be 2,208,701 hours, resulting in a 22 percent average 
reduction. This rulemaking will increase burden for most facilities in 
the first year (totaling approximately 3.6 million hours) due 
principally to the estimated burden each facility will incur to read 
and understand the changes that we are making to the rule. The first-
year burden also includes the additional need for certain facilities to 
amend and certify their SPCC plans to exclude wastewater treatment 
volumes from their oil storage capacity. Second year burden is expected 
to total approximately 1.3 million hours. In subsequent years, we 
estimate that the overall burden will be approximately 1.7 million 
hours annually, representing a nearly 40 percent reduction versus the 
average annual burden from the previous information collection period. 
Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by 
persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide 
information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed 
to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; 
and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
    In addition to reducing the information collection burden of SPCC 
facilities, this final rule also affects the number of facilities that 
require an FRP. The FRP rule (40 CFR 112.20-21) requires that owners or 
operators of facilities that could cause ``substantial harm'' to the 
environment by discharging oil into navigable waters or adjoining 
shorelines prepare plans for responding, to the maximum extent 
practicable, to a worst case discharge of oil, to a substantial threat 
of such a discharge, and, as appropriate, to discharges smaller than 
worst case discharges. All facilities subject to this requirement must 
submit their plans to EPA. In turn, we review and approve plans 
submitted by facilities identified as ``significant and substantial 
harm'' to the environment from oil discharges. Other facilities are not 
required to prepare FRPs but are required to document their 
determination that they do not meet the ``substantial harm'' criteria.
    Prior to this rulemaking, EPA estimated that it requires between 99 
and 132 hours for facility personnel in a large facility (i.e., total 
storage capacity greater than 1 million gallons) and between 26 and 46 
hours for personnel in a medium facility (i.e., total storage capacity 
greater than 42,000 gallons and less than or equal to 1 million 
gallons) to comply with the annual, subsequent-year reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements of the FRP rule. We have also estimated that 
prior to this rulemaking newly regulated large and medium facilities 
will require between 253 and 293 hours and 109 and 142 hours, 
respectively, to prepare a plan in the first year. In the absence of 
this rulemaking, EPA estimates that the total number FRP facilities 
affected in the first year would have been 6,000 existing and 70 new 
facilities. Through this rulemaking the estimated number of facilities 
required to maintain FRPs is reduced to 5,965 and the number of new 
facilities that will be required to prepare and submit FRP plans is 
reduced to 64 facilities. This reduction in the number of facilities 
required to prepare, submit, and/or maintain an FRP would result in an 
average annual information collection burden reduction of 8,513 hours a 
year (624,252 to 615,739 hours).
    An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15. EPA is 
amending the table in 40 CFR part 9 of currently approved ICR control 
numbers issued by OMB for various regulations to list the information 
requirements contained in this final rule.

J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    As noted in the December 7, 1997, proposed rule, section 12(d) of 
the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 
(``NTTAA''). Pub. L. 104-113, section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note) 
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus standards in its regulatory 
activities unless to do so would be inconsistent with applicable law or 
otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards are technical 
standards such as materials specifications, test methods, sampling 
procedures, and business practices that are developed or adopted by 
voluntary consensus standards bodies. The NTTAA directs EPA to provide 
Congress, through OMB, explanations when the Agency decides not to use 
available and applicable voluntary consensus standards.
    This rulemaking involves technical standards. Throughout today's 
preamble, EPA has emphasized that owners or operators of facilities 
should use applicable industry standards in performing tests, 
inspections, and in monitoring. Section 112.3(d) provides that a 
Professional Engineer must certify that the SPCC Plan has been prepared 
in accordance with good engineering practice, including consideration 
of applicable industry standards. We are providing examples of specific 
standards in today's preamble. However, due to the wide variety of 
facilities the rule involves, few standards would be applicable to all 
regulated facilities. Also, those standards change over time. 
Therefore, we are not incorporating those standards into rule text.

K. Congressional Review Act

    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United 
States. EPA has submitted a report containing this rule and other 
required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This action is not 
a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This rule will be 
effective August 16, 2002.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 112

    Environmental protection, Fire prevention, Flammable materials, 
Materials handling and storage, Oil pollution, Oil spill prevention, 
Oil spill response, Penalties, Petroleum, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Tanks, Water pollution control, Water resources.

    Dated: June 28, 2002.
Christine Todd Whitman,

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 40 CFR, chapter I, 

[[Page 47140]]

112 of the Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as follows:


    1. The authority for part 112 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.; 33 U.S.C 2720; E.O. 12777 
(October 18, 1991), 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351.

    2. Part 112 is amended by designating Secs. 112.1 through 112.7 as 
subpart A, adding a subpart heading and revising newly designated 
subpart A to read as follows:
Subpart A--Applicability, Definitions, and General Requirements For All 
Facilities and All Types of Oils
112.1  General applicability.
112.2  Definitions.
112.3  Requirement to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention, 
Control, and Countermeasure Plan.
112.4  Amendment of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure 
Plan by Regional Administrator.
112.5  Amendment of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure 
Plan by owners or operators.
112.6  [Reserved].
112.7  General requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and 
Countermeasure Plans.

Subpart A--Applicability, Definitions, and General Requirements for 
All Facilities and All Types of Oils

Sec. 112.1  General applicability.

    (a)(1) This part establishes procedures, methods, equipment, and 
other requirements to prevent the discharge of oil from non-
transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities into or upon the 
navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines, or into 
or upon the waters of the contiguous zone, or in connection with 
activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the Deepwater 
Port Act of 1974, or that may affect natural resources belonging to, 
appertaining to, or under the exclusive management authority of the 
United States (including resources under the Magnuson Fishery 
Conservation and Management Act).
    (2) As used in this part, words in the singular also include the 
plural and words in the masculine gender also include the feminine and 
vice versa, as the case may require.
    (b) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, this part 
applies to any owner or operator of a non-transportation-related 
onshore or offshore facility engaged in drilling, producing, gathering, 
storing, processing, refining, transferring, distributing, using, or 
consuming oil and oil products, which due to its location, could 
reasonably be expected to discharge oil in quantities that may be 
harmful, as described in part 110 of this chapter, into or upon the 
navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines, or into 
or upon the waters of the contiguous zone, or in connection with 
activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the Deepwater 
Port Act of 1974, or that may affect natural resources belonging to, 
appertaining to, or under the exclusive management authority of the 
United States (including resources under the Magnuson Fishery 
Conservation and Management Act) that has oil in:
    (1) Any aboveground container;
    (2) Any completely buried tank as defined in Sec. 112.2;
    (3) Any container that is used for standby storage, for seasonal 
storage, or for temporary storage, or not otherwise ``permanently 
closed'' as defined in Sec. 112.2;
    (4) Any ``bunkered tank'' or ``partially buried tank'' as defined 
in Sec. 112.2, or any container in a vault, each of which is considered 
an aboveground storage container for purposes of this part.
    (c) As provided in section 313 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 
departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal government 
are subject to this part to the same extent as any person.
    (d) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, this part 
does not apply to:
    (1) The owner or operator of any facility, equipment, or operation 
that is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection 
Agency (EPA) under section 311(j)(1)(C) of the CWA, as follows:
    (i) Any onshore or offshore facility, that due to its location, 
could not reasonably be expected to have a discharge as described in 
paragraph (b) of this section. This determination must be based solely 
upon consideration of the geographical and location aspects of the 
facility (such as proximity to navigable waters or adjoining 
shorelines, land contour, drainage, etc.) and must exclude 
consideration of manmade features such as dikes, equipment or other 
structures, which may serve to restrain, hinder, contain, or otherwise 
prevent a discharge as described in paragraph (b) of this section.
    (ii) Any equipment, or operation of a vessel or transportation-
related onshore or offshore facility which is subject to the authority 
and control of the U.S. Department of Transportation, as defined in the 
Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Transportation and 
the Administrator of EPA, dated November 24, 1971 (Appendix A of this 
    (iii) Any equipment, or operation of a vessel or onshore or 
offshore facility which is subject to the authority and control of the 
U.S. Department of Transportation or the U.S. Department of the 
Interior, as defined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the 
Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, and the 
Administrator of EPA, dated November 8, 1993 (Appendix B of this part).
    (2) Any facility which, although otherwise subject to the 
jurisdiction of EPA, meets both of the following requirements:
    (i) The completely buried storage capacity of the facility is 
42,000 gallons or less of oil. For purposes of this exemption, the 
completely buried storage capacity of a facility excludes the capacity 
of a completely buried tank, as defined in Sec. 112.2, and connected 
underground piping, underground ancillary equipment, and containment 
systems, that is currently subject to all of the technical requirements 
of part 280 of this chapter or all of the technical requirements of a 
State program approved under part 281 of this chapter. The completely 
buried storage capacity of a facility also excludes the capacity of a 
container that is ``permanently closed,'' as defined in Sec. 112.2.
    (ii) The aggregate aboveground storage capacity of the facility is 
1,320 gallons or less of oil. For purposes of this exemption, only 
containers of oil with a capacity of 55 gallons or greater are counted. 
The aggregate aboveground storage capacity of a facility excludes the 
capacity of a container that is ``permanently closed,'' as defined in 
Sec. 112.2.
    (3) Any offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facility 
that is subject to the notices and regulations of the Minerals 
Management Service, as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding 
between the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, 
and the Administrator of EPA, dated November 8, 1993 (Appendix B of 
this part).
    (4) Any completely buried storage tank, as defined in Sec. 112.2, 
and connected underground piping, underground ancillary equipment, and 
containment systems, at any facility, that is subject to all of the 
technical requirements of part 280 of this chapter or a State program 
approved under part 281 of this chapter, except that such a tank must 
be marked on the facility diagram as provided in Sec. 112.7(a)(3), if

[[Continued on page 47141]] 


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