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The U.S. Coast Guard's National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC) was created to implement Title I of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), which addressed issues associated with preventing, responding to, and paying for oil pollution. Title I of OPA established oil spill liability and compensation requirements, including the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) to pay for expeditious oil removal and uncompensated damages.

The primary objectives of OPA, Title I, are: (1) To ensure adequate funds to provide for a rapid and effective federal response to a discharge, (2) To implement a compensation mechanism (claims process) to pay those damaged by discharges when the liable responsible party does not pay, and (3) To establish a liability and compensation regime that serves as a deterrent to potential responsible parties for oil spills and establish a mechanism (Certificates of Financial Responsibility or COFRs) to ensure that owners and operators of certain vessels have funds to pay for oil spill removal and damages up to certain limits. << For more information, visit About NPFC >>



Spill Response Funding


Oil Spill Claims

Information about Certificates of Financial Responsibility, which show vessels have pollution liability coverage.

Resources for people, organizations, and governments involved in an oil spill or in funding the clean up of a spill.

Information about compensation for damages, removal costs, or natural resource damages from an oil spill.

Last Modified 8/24/2009