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Velocity Data

Format for Velocity Data

Velocity Data

Measured flow and water-quality data plus vegetation information recorded at the identified measurement sites are compiled in MS Excel spreadsheet format. Two files are made available, the first contains a summary of all data and the second consists of raw (unedited) data from the Sontek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV).

The summary file includes the following worksheets:

1. 'ctl' - site characteristics and parameters input to the ADV for calibration purposes
2. 'site descr' - site description, i.e., vegetation, weather, and water quality, data
3. 'summary' - average and standard deviation of velocity, correlation, and signal-to-noise ratio for each velocity direction component (east, north, and up)

The raw ADV data file includes the worksheets found in the summary file, plus the following for each velocity direction component:

4. 'raw vel' - velocity values
5. 'corr' - correlation values
6. 'snr' - signal-to-noise ratio
7. 'raw plots' - scatter plots of raw velocity data

QW Data

Water quality data for velocity measurement sites are also available separately as ".csv" (comma separated values) files. The files include: site / ADV filename, date, temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and profile depth. View QW Data Files.

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Last updated: 07 July, 2005 @ 02:40 PM (KP)