May 8, 2008 Thornberry Calls for Bipartisanship on National Security Issues

Says we cannot defeat terrorists with bullets alone, strategic communications needed to help fight the war of ideas

Opening Statement for Subcommittee Markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009

Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities marked up the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, legislation which authorizes budget authority for the Department of Defense and the national security programs within the Department of Energy.  Subcommittee Ranking Republican Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following opening statement:

“Thank you Mr. Chairman.  I appreciate and would like to thank you for the bipartisanship you have fostered on this subcommittee.  I realize there are not as many partisan differences on this subcommittee as elsewhere, but I still believe that if the rest of Congress operated more like this subcommittee operates that Congress and the country would be better off.

“I too appreciate the work of all the subcommittee members—each of whom brings unique insights and, I think, a similar commitment to our country’s security.  As you mentioned, whether in briefings and hearings here in Washington or traveling in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere around the world, I think each Member makes a contribution, and each Member tries to put the country’s interest first.

“Like you Mr. Chairman, I appreciate very much the capable staff who works with us and for us in meeting our responsibilities. 

“I want to take a moment just to acknowledge, as well, that this is the last markup for the person I consider the father of this subcommittee, the gentleman from New Jersey, Mr. Saxton.  His leadership, foresight and commitment in pushing to create this subcommittee to begin with, as well as leading it for the first four years of its existence, blazed a trail that the rest of us can only hope to follow. And, we in this subcommittee and in this Congress are certainly going to miss him. 

“I also appreciate you and the staff in the hearings that we had.  Recognizing that we cannot defeat terrorists with bullets alone, we’ve explored strategic communications as a tool to help fight the war of ideas.  Acknowledging that we must be prepared for a wide variety of security challenges, we focused on science and technology for irregular warfare.  Knowing that we confront new domains on warfare, we pushed forward on cyber security.  Wanting to give our troops every tool and advantage, we learned more about human terrain activities that could have an impact, as you mentioned.

“We had a number of classified briefings as well, but I think the substance of the information we had gathered one way or another has been tremendously helpful to this subcommittee.

“Coming to the mark, I support this mark for what it does for our troops and our country.  As you mentioned, it enables the Special Operations Command Forces to remain on the cutting edge of our fight against terrorists with the equipment, resources and authorities they need.  It supports the research activities of DARPA and the services, which are the foundation for our future military, and thus the foundation of our future security.  It makes decisions in a host of other areas from information technology, chem-bio defense, force protection and homeland defense that I think are good and responsible decisions. 

“All in all Mr. Chairman, I think you and the staff have done an excellent job, and all members, have done an excellent job in putting this mark together.  I think it deserves our support.”