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RFP Book (2009)

Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council - Request for Proposals 2009

Vision Statement

We envision a Commonwealth comprised of inclusive communities where all people with disabilities are valued and thrive.

Mission Statement

The Council engages in advocacy, systems change and capacity building for people with disabilities and their families in order to:

  • Support people with disabilities in taking control of their own lives
  • Ensure access to goods, services and supports
  • Build inclusive communities
  • Pursue a cross disability agenda
  • Change negative societal attitudes toward people with disabilities

In so doing we will bring about benefits to individuals with disabilities other than developmental disabilities and, indeed, to all people.

Table of Contents

1. The Council/Introduction

2. Grant Application Instructions

  • Who Should Apply?
  • How To Prepare Your Proposal.
  • A Few Thoughts on the Preferences of the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council....
  • Executive Summary.
  • Part One - What do you propose to do?
  • Part Two - What outcomes do you expect for the project?
  • Part Three - Who will do the work?
  • Part Four - The Budget Form & Narrative.
  • What is the definition of Developmental Disabilities?
  • How do I submit my proposal?
  • What are the mandatory requirements?
  • How do I learn more? Preproposal Conferences
  • What happens to my proposal once it is submitted?
  • How is my proposal evaluated?
  • What if my proposal is chosen for funding?

This Document is available in alternative formats upon request.

Please contact us:

Voice: (717) 787-6057

TTY:  (717) 705-0819

Toll Free:  1-877-685-4452

RSS Feed
Every Day Kids Survey - Please Participate!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Smoky Mountain Research Institute (SMRI) is currently working with the PADDC to develop a scale for measuring outcomes for children in the 10 domains included in Every Day Kids,...
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Winter Slice of Pie

Tuesday, 03 March 2009

The Winter, 2009 Slice of Pie Newsletter is online here.
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Request for Proposals

Tuesday, 03 February 2009

The Council has issued its 2009 Request for Proposals.    
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Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
Harrisburg Office
Room 561 Forum Building
605 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Voice: 717-787-6057
TTY: 717-705-0819
Toll Free: 1-877-685-4452
Pittsburgh Office
8500 Brooktree Road
Suite 100
Wexford, PA 15090
Voice: 724-933-1655
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