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2009 RFP - The Council/Introduction

By federal law, Councils on Developmental Disabilities are established in the 55 States and Territories to engage in Systems Change, Advocacy and Capacity Building.  The Pennsylvania Council, established by Governor's Executive Order, consists of 20 members, the majority of whom are people with disabilities and their family members.  The Council's Mission and Vision, outlined on the preceding page, has guided our work for many years and continues to drive the initiatives outlined in this book of Requests for Proposals (RFPs). 

This book covers the federal fiscal years from 2007 through 2011.  It is the third Request for Proposals book issued under this planning cycle and covers those Objectives scheduled to start in the latter years of this State Plan.  Through the grants that will be awarded as a result of these efforts, we hope to continue our work in establishing access to goods and services, furthering the empowerment of people with disabilities, in creating communities in which all members can be valued participants, in pursuing a cross-disability agenda and in changing negative societal attitudes toward people with disabilities.  

If you are interested in responding to a particular RFP, this book will provide all the instructions and materials needed to make an application to us.  Some of the content and requirements have changed, so please be sure to read the instructions carefully.

Council has, for a number of years, provided opportunities for funding through our Collective and Local Advocacy Grants Programs.  Over the past few years we have expanded this work through our Grassroots Advocacy Grants Program.  We will also continue efforts in the area of multi-cultural outreach through our Minority Community Grants Program.  These smaller grant programs have streamlined application processes and are intended to reach grass roots groups who might not otherwise access Commonwealth funding.  Details of how to apply for these smaller grant programs can be obtained directly by contacting the Council's offices.

The Council enjoys its partnerships with its grantees in carrying out its Vision and Mission, and is excited by the initiatives outlined in this book.  We look forward to reading your proposals.


Spring 2009
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Every Day Kids Survey - Please Participate!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Smoky Mountain Research Institute (SMRI) is currently working with the PADDC to develop a scale for measuring outcomes for children in the 10 domains included in Every Day Kids,...
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Winter Slice of Pie

Tuesday, 03 March 2009

The Winter, 2009 Slice of Pie Newsletter is online here.
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Request for Proposals

Tuesday, 03 February 2009

The Council has issued its 2009 Request for Proposals.    
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Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
Harrisburg Office
Room 561 Forum Building
605 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Voice: 717-787-6057
TTY: 717-705-0819
Toll Free: 1-877-685-4452
Pittsburgh Office
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Suite 100
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Voice: 724-933-1655
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