Indiana Partnerships Center - Family Activities and Resources

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Early Childhood

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Family Activities

Parents who are actively involved with their children’s learning at home help their children become more successful learners in and out of school.

3 to 4 Years - How Your Child Develops. Your Child:

  1. Can build more detailed building with large blocks.
  2. Loves to play with toy trucks, fire engines, and airplanes.
  3. Can walk up and down stairs.
  4. Can jump off bottom step.
  5. Can do easy cut out puzzles.
  6. Enjoys swinging, climbing, and sliding.
  7. Can use large crayons and enjoys finger painting.
  8. Can talk very well.
  9. Can tell you his/her full name.
  10. Can sing songs and recite some rhymes.
  11. Is forever asking questions.
  12. Enjoys playing with other boys and girls.
  13. Can help set the table.
  14. Can dress and undress self but needs help with the buttons.
  15. Enjoys taking turns in play.
  16. Is usually cooperative.
  17. Can help to bathe self.
  18. Can wash hands and face.


3 to 4 Years - Suggested Activities

  1. Help child to draw circles, squares, and triangles.
  2. Allow child to use water paints.
  3. Show child how to paste paper and/or cloth on a sheet of paper.
  4. Help child to cut paper with blunt-end children’s scissors.
  5. Show child how to lace a shoe.
  6. Sing with child and help recite nursery rhymes.
  7. Take child to playgrounds to play on slides and swings.
  8. Help child to ride a tricycle.
  9. Use large and small balls to play kickball and catch.
  10. Ask questions about child’s activities.
  11. Let child play with simple puzzles.
  12. Teach child to count to 10 using objects.
  13. Sing counting songs to child.
  14. Teach child his/her age
  15. Start teaching your child the colors, one at a time.
  16. Teach child to speak in complete sentences.
  17. Teach child to be considerate of other people.
  18. Teach child opposites in play activities: boy-girl, up-down, cry-laugh, full-empty, hot-cold, hard-soft.

(From the Indiana State Teachers Association/ Indianapolis Education Association/ National Education Association)

Copyright 2008 The Indiana Partnerships Center