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Mailing Lists and Feeds

Subscribe to a mailing list

The National Cyber Alert System was created to ensure that you have access to timely information about security topics and threats. To make it easier for you to receive the information, US-CERT offers four mailing lists that you can you can subscribe to. You may choose one or more of the following types of documents:

  • Technical Cyber Security Alerts
  • Cyber Security Bulletins
  • Cyber Security Alerts
  • Cyber Security Tips

We also have a mailing list for users who want to receive Current Activity updates.

To learn more or subscribe, visit the subscription system. If you're having trouble subscribing, read the FAQ.

Feeds for some of our security documents

You can view US-CERT security documents on our web site or use our RSS and Atom feeds. Some of these feeds can also be added to your My Yahoo! page if you have one.

Document TypeFeedMy Yahoo
Technical Cyber Security Alerts

rss feed
Add to 
My Yahoo!
Cyber Security Alerts (non technical)

rss feed
Add to 
My Yahoo!
Cyber Security Bulletins

rss feed
Add to 
My Yahoo!
Cyber Security Tips

rss feed
Add to 
My Yahoo!
Current Activity

rss feed atom feed
Add to
My Yahoo!
Vulnerability Notes

atom feed

Unsubscribe from a mailing list or change your email address

Note: If you are trying to unsubscribe from the cert-advisory mailing list (check the email header), there are different instructions.

To change your email address, you must follow the instructions for unsubscribing your old email address and then subscribe with your new address. To unsubscribe, you need to be able to read messages sent to the address you are unsubscribing, although you do not need to send the email from that address.

  1. Open your email client and choose the option to compose a new email message
  2. In the To: field, type
  3. Leave the Subject: field blank
  4. In the Body of the message, type one of the following options, substituting the email address you are unsubscribing for the example text:

    unsubscribe technical-alerts

    unsubscribe alerts

    unsubscribe security-tips

    unsubscribe security-bulletins

    unsubscribe current-activity

    Note: You do not need to send the email from the account you are unsubscribing.

  5. Remove any additional text from the body of the message, including a signature line (if your email client automatically adds a signature when you send the message, disable this feature or type end at the bottom of your message)
  6. Send the email (this does not complete the process)
  7. Check your email at the address you are unsubscribing for a message from US-CERT asking you to confirm the change
  8. Reply to the message (make sure the confirmation number appears in the Subject: of the message), adding one of the following words to the beginning of the Body of the email:



    Note: If you cannot send email from the address you are unsubscribing, you can copy the information into a message sent from your active email account. Make sure the correct confirmation number appears in the Subject: and either accept or reject appears in the Body.