NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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  1. Question

    I am of eleven and want to joint nasa. Which field i should choose.

    It is difficult to get a job directly with NASA, but there are many other ways to work with NASA or other space agencies. If you like science or engineering, the best plan is to get an undergraduate degree (cycle 1 in the post-secondary schooling) in physics, or astronomy, or any engineering field, or even biology. Each of these fields will lead you to a different path. But in each of them you will probably want pursue a graduate degree, meaning a post-secondary Cycle 2 and 3 degrees. If you like working with instruments and building them, an engineering degree would be more appropriate. However if you like working on data analysis and scientific research, the other fields would be better suited. It is also important, when you are in university, to cultivate a relationship with your professors and try to work with them on projects during the summer holidays. This will give you background information on the different research each professor is working on and ultimately help you in deciding which path to take.

    Doris Daou, Lunar Science Director of Education and Outreach
    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    April 29, 2009