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Michael Bowman
Michael Cotta
Bruce Dien
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Loren Iten
Douglas Jordan
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Nasib Qureshi
Badal Saha
Cheryl Spence
Terence Whitehead

Nancy N Nichols
Fermentation Biotechnology Research

Phone: (309) 681-6271
Fax: (309) 681-6427
Room 3304
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Industrially Robust Enzymes and Microorganisms for Production of Sugars and Ethanol from Agricultural Biomass
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 408893

Evaluating low lignin mutants of forage sorghum for increased conversion efficiency to sugars and ethanol - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Sarath, G., Pedersen, J.F., Funnell-Harris, D.L., Sattler, S.E., Nichols, N.N. 2008. Evaluating low lignin mutants of forage sorghum for increased conversion efficiency to sugars and ethanol. Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. p. 267.
Identification and transcriptional profiling of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in furoic acid metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, N.N., Mertens, J.A. 2008. Identification and transcriptional profiling of Pseudomonas putida genes involved in furoic acid metabolism. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 284:52-57.
Fungal metabolism of fermentation inhibitors present in corn stover dilute acid hydrolysate - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, N.N., Sharma, L.N., Mowery, R.A., Chambliss, C.K., Van Walsum, G.P., Dien, B.S., Iten, L.B. 2008. Fungal metabolism of fermentation inhibitors present in corn stover dilute acid hydrolysate. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 42(7):624-630.
Production of Ethanol from Corn and Sugarcane - (Book/Chapter)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Monceaux, D.A., Bothast, R.J. 2008. Production of ethanol from corn and sugarcane. In: Wall, J., Harwood, C.S., Demain, A.L., editors. Bioenergy. Chapter 1. Washington, DC: ASM Press. p. 3-15.
Production of Ethanol from Grain - (Book/Chapter)
Nichols, N.N., Bothast, R.J. 2008. Production of ethanol from grain. In: Vermerris, W., editor. Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops. New York, NY: Springer. p. 75-88.
Coexpression of pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase genes in Lactobacillus brevis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Bischoff, K.M., Hughes, S.R., Cotta, M.A. 2007. Coexpression of pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase genes in Lactobacillus brevis. FEMS Microbiolology Letters. 274(2):291-297.
Removal of Inhibitors from Biomass Sugars Using a Biological Process - (Abstract) - (02-May-07)
Biological Abatement for Removal of Inhibitors from Biomass Sugars - (Abstract) - (29-Mar-07)
Biofilm Formation by Bacterial Contaminants of Fuel Ethanol Production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Skinner-Nemec, K.A., Nichols, N.N., Leathers, T.D. 2007. Biofilm formation by bacterial contaminants of fuel ethanol production. Biotechnology Letters. 29:379-383.
Culture Containing Biomass Acid Hydrolysate and Coniochaeta Ligniaria Fungus - (Patent Application)
Nichols, N.N., Lopez, M.J., Dien, B.S., Bothast, R.J. 2006. Culture containing biomass acid hydrolysate and Coniochaeta ligniaria fungus. U.S. Patent 7,067,303.
Lignocellulose-Degrading Enzymes Produced by the Ascomycete Coniochaeta Ligniaria and Related Species: Application for a Lignocellulosic Substrate Treatment - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lopez, M.J., Vargas-Garcia, M., Suarez-Estrella, F., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Moreno, J. 2007. Lignocellulose-degrading enzymes produced by the ascomycete Coniochaeta ligniaria and related species: application for a lignocellulosic substrate treatment. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 40:794-800.
Identification and Transcriptional Profiling of Furoic Acid Metabolism Genes in Pseudomonas Putida - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Mertens, J.A., Dien, B.S. 2006. Identification and transcriptional profiling of furoic acid metabolism genes in Pseudomonas putida [abstract]. American Society for Microbiology. Paper No. Q-449.
An Overview of Recent Advancements in Lignocellulose to Ethanol Conversion Technology - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Li, X., Cotta, M.A. 2006. An overview of recent advancements in lignocellulose to ethanol conversion technology [abstract]. International Conference on Bioenergy. p. 8.
Enzymatic Saccharification of Hot-Water Pretreated Corn Fiber for Production of Monosaccharides - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dien, B.S., Li, X., Iten, L.B., Jordan, D.B., Nichols, N.N., O Bryan, P.J., Cotta, M.A. 2006. Enzymatic saccharification of hot-water pretreated corn fiber for production of monosaccharides. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 39:1137-1144.
Continuous Production of Ethanol in High Productivity Bioreactors Using Escherichia Coli Fbr5: Membrane and Fixed Cell Reactors - (Abstract)
Qureshi, N., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Liu, S., Iten, L.B., Saha, B.C., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Continuous production of ethanol in high productivity bioreactors using Escherichia coli FBR5: membrane and fixed cell reactors [abstract]. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Paper No. 589g.
Continuous Production of Ethanol in High Productivity Bioreactors Using Genetically Engineered Escherichia Coli Fbr5: Membrane and Fixed Cell Reactors - (Abstract)
Qureshi, N., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Liu, S., Hughes, S.R., Iten, L.B., Saha, B.C., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Continuous production of ethanol in high productivity bioreactors using genetically engineered Escherichia coli FBR5: membrane and fixed cell reactors [extended abstract]. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Paper No. 589g.
Ethanol Fermentation of Sugars in Corn Stover Dilute Acid Hydrolysates - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Ethanol fermentation of sugars in corn stover dilute acid hydrolysates [abstract]. Society of Industrial Microbiology. p. 85.
Genetically Engineered Escherichia Coli for Ethanol Production from Xylose: Substrate and Product Inhibition and Kinetic Parameters - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Qureshi, N., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Saha, B.C., Cotta, M.A. 2006. Genetically engineered Escherichia coli for ethanol production from xylose: substrate and product inhibition and kinetic parameters. Institution of Chemical Engineers Transactions. 84(2):114-122.
Tolerance to Furfural-Induced Stress Is Associated with Pentose Phosphate Pathway Genes Zwf1, Gnd1, Rpe1,and Tkl1 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gorsich, S.W., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Slininger, P.J., Liu, Z., Skory, C.D. 2005. Tolerance to furfural-induced stress is associated with pentose phosphate pathway genes ZWF1, GND1, RPEL, and TKL1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 71(3):339-349.
Use of Field Pea Starch As a Feedstock for Ethanol Fermentation - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Wu, V., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Use of field pea starch as a feedstock for ethanol fermentation [abstract]. International Starch Technology. p. 96.
Enzymatic Saccharification of Pretreated Corn Fiber for Production of Sugars - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Li, X., Jordan, D.B., Nichols, N.N., Iten, L.B., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Enzymatic saccharification of pretreated corn fiber for production of sugars [abstract]. International Starch Technology. p. 90.
The Corn Ethanol Industry - (Book/Chapter)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Bothast, R.J., Cotta, M.A. 2006. The corn ethanol industry. In: Minteer, S., editor. Alcoholic Fuels. Boca Raton, FL: CRS Press. p. 59-78.
Metabolic Engineering of a Lactobacillus Plantarum Double Ldh Knockout Strain for Enhanced Ethanol Production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Cotta, M.A. 2006. Metabolic engineering of a Lactobacillus plantarum double LDH knockout strain for enhanced ethanol production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 33(1):1-7.
Ethanol Fermentation of Starch from Field Peas - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Wu, Y., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Ethanol fermentation of starch from field peas. Cereal Chemistry. 82(5):554-558.
Ethanol Fermentation by Overexpressing a Gram-Positive Pdc Gene in Lactobacillus Plantarum Strain Tf103 - (Abstract)
Liu, S., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Cotta, M.A. 2005. Ethanol fermentation by overexpressing a Gram-positive PDC gene in Lactobacillus plantarum strain TF103 [abstract]. Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Symposium Proceedings, May 1-4, 2005, Denver, Colorado. p. 158.
Fine Grinding and Air Classification of Field Pea - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wu, Y.V., Nichols, N.N. 2005. Fine grinding and air classification of field pea. Cereal Chemistry. 82(3):341-344.
Review of Process for Producing Corn Fiber Oil and Ethanol from "quick Fiber" - (Review Article)
Dien, B.S., Nagle, N., Singh, V., Moreau, R.A., Tucker, M.P., Nichols, N.N., Johnston, D., Cotta, M.A., Hicks, K.B., Nguyen, Q., Bothast, R.J. 2005. Review of process for producing corn fiber oil and ethanol from "Quick Fiber." International Sugar Journal. 107(1275):187-191.
Bioabatement to Remove Inhibitors from Biomass-Derived Sugar Hydrolysates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Guisado, G.M., Lopez, M.J. 2005. Bioabatement to remove inhibitors from biomass-derived sugar hydrolysates. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 121-124:379-390.
A Biological Approach to Removing Inhibitory Compounds from Biomass Sugars to Be Used for Fermentation. - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Lopez, M.J. 2004. A biological approach to removing inhibitory compounds from biomass sugars to be used for fermentation [abstract]. Great Lakes Regional American Chemical Society Symposium. Paper No. 36.
Recombinant Biocatalysts for Converting Sugar Mixtures to Lactic Acid - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Whitehead, T.R., Nichols, N.N., Skory, C.D., Cotta, M.A. 2004. Recombinant biocatalysts for converting sugar mixtures to lactic acid [abstract]. Great Lakes Regional American Chemical Society Symposium. Paper No. 40.
Adsorbed Cell Dynamic Biofilm Reactor for Ethanol Production from Xylose and Corn Fiber Hydrolysate - (Abstract)
Qureshi, N., Brining, H.R., Iten, L.B., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Saha, B.C., Cotta, M.A. 2004. Adsorbed cell dynamic biofilm reactor for ethanol production from xylose and corn fiber hydrolysate [abstract]. Great Lakes Regional American Chemical Society Symposium. p. 179.
The Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Pentose Phosphate Pathway Gene, Rpe1, functions in Furfural Tolerance During Fermentation - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Gorsich, S.W., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Slininger, P.J., Liu, Z. 2004. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae pentose phosphate pathway gene, rpe1, functions in furfural tolerance during fermentation [abstract]. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Yeasts in Science and Biotechnology. Paper No. PM24.
Identification of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Genes Involved in Furfural Tolerance During Fermentation. - (Abstract)
Gorsich, S.W., Slininger, P.J., Liu, Z., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S. 2004. Identification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes involved in furfural tolerance during fermentation [abstract]. Proceedings of the Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Abstract No. 166A, p. 104.
Expression Analysis of Pyruvate Decarboxylase Genes from Zymobacter Palmae and Sarcina Ventriculi in Gram-Positive Lactic Acid Bacteria - (Abstract)
Liu, S., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Cotta, M.A. 2004. Expression analysis of pyruvate decarboxylase genes from Zymobacter palmae and Sarcina ventriculi in Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria [abstract]. American Society for Microbiology. Paper No. O-099.
Use of the Ascomycete Coniochaeta Ligniaria to Remove Inhibitors from Biomass-Derived Sugars - (Abstract)
Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Guisado, G.M., Lopez, M.J. 2004. Use of the ascomycete coniochaeta ligniaria to remove inhibitors from biomass-derived sugars [abstract]. Biotechnology For Fuels And Chemicals Symposium. Paper No. 2-10.
Genetically Engineered Escherichia Coli for Ethanol Production from Pentose Sugars: Substrate and Product Inhibition and Kinetic Parameters - (Abstract)
Qureshi, N., Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Cotta, M.A. 2004. Genetically engineered Escherichia coli for ethanol production from pentose sugars: substrate and product inhibition and kinetic parameters [abstract]. Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Paper No. 5-23.
Engineering Klebsiella Oxytoca for Production of Lactic Acid from Hexose and Pentose - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Whitehead, T.R., Nichols, N.N., Cotta, M.A. 2004. Engineering klebsiella oxytoca for production of lactic acid from hexose and pentose [abstract]. Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Paper No. 2-08.
Fermentation of Hexose and Pentose Sugar Mixtures to Lactic Acid by Recombinant Bacteria - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Cotta, M.A. 2003. Fermentation of hexose and pentose sugar mixtures to lactic acid by recombinant bacteria [abstract]. American Institute Of Chemical Engineers. Paper No. 161D.
Development of Microbial Biocatalysts to Produce Fuels from Agricultural Biomass - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Cotta, M.A., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Li, X. 2003. Development of microbial biocatalysts to produce fuels from agricultural biomass. Proceedings 32nd annual United States Japan Natural Resources Protein Panel. p. 387-393.
Fermentation of "quick Fiber" Produced from a Modified Corn Milling Process into Ethanol and Recovery of Corn Fiber Oil - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dien, B.S., Nagle, N., Singh, V., Moreau, R.A., Nichols, N.N., Johnston, D., Cotta, M.A., Hicks, K.B., Nguyen, Q., Bothast, R.J. 2004. Fermentation of "quick fiber" produced from a modified corn milling process into ethanol and recovery of corn fiber oil. Journal of Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 115:937-950.
Conversion of Lignocellulose to Ethanol Using a Recombinant E. Coli Strain - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Iten, L.B., Nichols, N.N., Cotta, M.A. 2003. Conversion of lignocellulose to ethanol using a recombinant E. coli strain [abstract]. Society of Industrial Microbiology. p. 102.
Isolation of Microorganisms for Biological Detoxification of Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lopez, M.J., Nichols, N.N., Dien, B.S., Moreno, J., Bothast, R.J. 2004. Isolation of microorganisms for biological detoxification of lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology. 64:125-131.
Increasing the Ethanol Yield from a Bushel of Corn; Prospects for Biomass Conversion - (Abstract)
Dien, B.S., Bothast, R.J., Nichols, N.N., Cotta, M.A. 2003. Increasing the ethanol yield from a bushel of corn; prospects for biomass conversion [abstract]. International Starch Technology. Paper No. 2.
Conversion of Corn Fibrous Material into Ethanol - (Abstract)
Enhancement of Ethanol Yield from the Corn Dry Grind Process by Fermentation of the Kernel Fiber Fraction - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dien, B.S., Nichols, N.N., Iten, L.B., Bothast, R.J. 2004. Enhancement of ethanol yield from the corn dry grind process by fermentation of the kernel fiber fraction. In: Nelson, W.M., editor. Agricultural Applications in Green Chemistry. Chap. 6. Washington, DC:American Chemical Society. p. 63-77.
The U.S. Corn Ethanol Industry: An Overview of Current Technology and Future Prospects - (Review Article)

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