Surface Transportation Authorization High Priority Project Requests | Print |




Dear Friend:


The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is crafting a new surface transportation authorization to replace the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:  A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which expires on September 30, 2009.  I chair the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, which has principal responsibility for drafting the new legislation.


            This legislation is a six-year bill that authorizes our nation's surface transportation programs.  The majority of the Federal funds in the bill will be allocated by formula with the state departments of transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and local transit agencies determining which projects will be funded.  Although the current Federal-state-local partnership has served highway and transit systems well, not all communities are treated equally in the decision making process.


To compliment the work done by these agencies, and to ensure communities are full partners in these important programs, a small percentage of the overall investment of the authorization bill will be available for Member-designated High Priority Projects.  To ensure the transportation needs of Oregon's 4th Congressional District are addressed with the investment provided in the authorization legislation, my office is accepting requests for High Priority Projects.


I caution that it is not certain High Priority Projects will be included in the final bill as there are many unknown factors as to what funding level we may be able to provide for the overall bill.  We are currently faced with a very low budget number for surface transportation programs and while the Committee is planning to include Member-designated High Priority Projects in the final authorization legislation, that could very well change if we cannot find ways to generate sufficient revenue to invest in our country's critical surface transportation infrastructure needs.


Please understand that resources are limited and I may be unable to secure the same level of funding for High Priority Projects as I did in SAFETEA-LU.  Additionally, the needs of our communities in Oregon far outstrip what funding might be available for projects in the bill so I will be unable to ask for funding for all project requests made of my office.  Because resources are so limited, if you request more than one High Priority Project you must rank them in priority order.


            The deadline for High Priority Project requests to my congressional office is no later than Friday, April 24th.  Please fill out the attached project request form and e-mail it - along with at least one local or state letter of support for the project - to Allison Dane Camden of my staff at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   by April 24thYou can download a copy of the request form by clicking on this sentence. Please note, as required by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, all requests must be made public on my congressional website.  If you have questions please contact Allison Dane Camden in my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-9989 or Karmen Fore in my Eugene office at (541) 465-6732.


Once again, you can obtain a copy of the project request form here:

Surface Transportation Authorization High Priority Project Request Form




Member of Congress