NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Planets Form in the Eye of the Storm

    Astronomers have found that turbulence may play a critical role in creating optimal conditions for the birth of new planets. The study could have implications for theories of planetary formation. Understanding how planets form is essential for scientists trying to identify stars that might host habitable planets.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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    1. Dec 21, 2008
      Elisabeta Qoku said:

      I am baffled as to why anything worth exploring in science that relies on simple observation and common sense is reported as “have found” “discovered” etc., Scientist have known, for a very long time, in any discipline that turbulence over a period of time does create environments favorable to the subject of their interest. That is a fact even here on earth, actually especially here on earth; destructive forces; storms, tornadoes, volcanoes, earth quakes, and more shake up the environment by first devastating everything, just to have plethora of new and better ecological systems in a very short period of time afterward.
      So, they should rely more often on things they know and not try to find out the given, just a simple observation…

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