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FEMA’s Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment, and Planning) Strategy

FEMA has entered the final year of congressionally appropriated funding of the Flood Map Modernization Program. Upon completion, Map Modernization will provide reliable digital flood hazard data and maps for 92 percent of the Nation's population and easy access and sharing of that information.

In order to leverage the successes of Map Modernization and further enhance the usability and value of flood hazard mapping, FEMA has developed the Risk MAP Strategy. Risk MAP combines flood hazard mapping, risk assessment tools and Mitigation Planning into one seamless program.  The intent of this integrated program is to encourage beneficial partnerships and innovative uses of flood hazard and risk assessment data in order to maximize flood loss reduction.

Risk MAP Multi Year Plan

FEMA is initiating Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) and has developed a multi year plan spanning FY10-FY14. The vision for Risk MAP is to deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property. The plan was approved on March 16, 2009.

This plan provides details on how Risk MAP is building on the successes of Map Mod and includes the goals and objectives for the five year effort. Questions regarding the plan should be directed to

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Draft Risk MAP Strategy

Building upon the Draft Concept Paper "FEMA's Flood Map Modernization - Preparing for FY09 and Beyond:  Integrated Flood Data Update, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning" released in June 2007, FEMA has put together a Draft Risk MAP Strategy "FEMA's Risk MAP Strategy - Integrating Mapping, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning", dated February 20, 2008.  This Risk MAP Strategy provides a bridge between previously described concepts and future implementation.

The Strategy supports FEMA's mission and lays out the roadmap to the future by describing cross-cutting themes and goals for Risk MAP.  The Risk MAP vision is:

Comments are welcome on "FEMA's Risk MAP Strategy - Integrating Mapping, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning" Draft Strategy. Comments may be provided to the following e-mail address:

As with the Draft Concept Paper, specific replies to comments received will not be provided.  However, feedback provided on these concepts will be fully considered as FEMA's Risk MAP Strategy moves forward.

FEMA's Risk MAP Strategy - Integrating Mapping, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning; Draft Strategic Plan; February 20, 2008 (PDF 313KB, TXT 13KB)

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Draft Statement of Objectives

In November of 2007, FEMA issued a Sources Sought Notice (SSN) in FedBizOpps that described a proposed acquisition approach to support the Risk MAP Strategy.  This approach described three envisioned contracts: 1) Program Management and Support, 2) Customer Services and 3) Production and Technical Services.  The SSN also described the tasks that each contract would be responsible for in the current vision.

FEMA has collected and reviewed the responses received from the SSN.  Additionally, FEMA has continued to develop the vision for the Risk MAP Strategy since the publication of the Draft Concept Paper.  Based upon the responses received from the Sources Sought Notice and the ongoing development of Risk MAP, FEMA has prepared Draft Statement of Objectives (SOO) for each contract currently envisioned:

  1. Program Management
  2. Customer and Data Services
  3. Production and Technical Services

FEMA has published a notice in FedBizOpps requesting comment on the Draft SOOs.  The Draft SOOs can be located at:

Draft Statement of Objectives (Program Management); February 20, 2008 (PDF 287KB, TXT 25KB)
Draft Statement of Objectives (Customer and Data Services); February 20, 2008 (PDF 285KB, TXT 24KB)
Draft Statement of Objectives (Production and Technical Services); February 20, 2008 (PDF 286KB, TXT 26KB)

Comments are welcome on the Draft SOOs and may be provided to the following e-mail address:  Specific replies to comments received will not be provided; however, comments will be fully considered as FEMA plans for Risk MAP and future acquisitions.

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Draft Concept Paper

The Draft Concept Paper "FEMA's Flood Map Modernization – Preparing for FY09 and Beyond:  Integrated Flood Data Update, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning" is being provided so that flood mapping stakeholders who utilize and are impacted by FEMA flood hazard data and maps can better understand FEMA's concept. The Concept Paper is FEMA's initial vision of the Risk MAP Strategy.

The participation of flood hazard mapping partners and stakeholders in planning and executing flood hazard data and map updates enables the success of Map Modernization.  The continued involvement of stakeholders is critical to FEMA’s efforts to sustain and expand the benefits to public safety and flood loss reduction achieved in Map Modernization.

FEMA is developing a vision for flood hazard mapping efforts that will start in FY09.  Concepts considered will enable FEMA to improve, maintain, and expand the flood hazard identification accomplished in Map Modernization and leverage more benefits and community action from updated NFIP maps.  These concepts include:

FEMA's Flood Map Modernization - Preparing for FY09 and Beyond: Integrated Flood Data Update, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Planning; Draft Concept Paper; June 1, 2007 (PDF174KB, TXT 42KB)

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Last Modified: Friday, 17-Apr-2009 14:50:02 EDT
